
Son of A Witch

Kingdom of Alchmeezear - Unknown World

The Kingdom of Alchmeezear is a peaceful kingdom and beautiful. at least for humans that is so, for people like him -it couldn't be anything less than a nightmare, living through even a single day was struggle in order to survive for him

**Child of a Witch**

He was son of a witch. A witch, who believed to be a worshiper of evil god. " Believed To be "..

He was just an 8 year old child, who had inherited power of a witch ( His Mother ) his father is unknown.

If he had chose path of an evil like everyone around him believed, his life might have been much more easier for him but he instead chose to walk on path... That Child was a kind person

In The Village, He was born in small village ( Unknown Village ). In His Village everyone looked at him with nothing but hate. the gaze of those humans, villagers.. Even though it pained him, he endured it -he had endured it since he was born

Since his mother was burnt alive... when he was just born

His Mother was burned alive before his own eyes by so called humans " Pretending To Be Childminder of True God " Those who now surrounded with stare of that hate he endure

Those Villagers wanted to kill this child too but he had never done anything that caused harm " To Do Their Good Deeds " They left him alive.. they had no reason harm that child... At least of it was true

But, That child indeed never harmed other but harm was done to him by others

It was fate or just luck.

He lived at the outskirts of village, and he spent 8 year there... but one day

He encounter a girl, she was same age as him.. she seemed lost

That child helped the girl, whom he just met and fed her with little food he had from hunting wild animals.

That Child, later he told her the way to the village to go back..

When the girl reached her home, she hid that she was lost and someone who lives at the outskirts had helped her.. it was stupid

Few Days later

That Girl came back, with some food.

She told the boy her name " Michel " and they both became friends

Thus Happiness, That boy, Son of Witch who had always endured tragedy and the hate finally experienced some happiness in his life

And fell in love with Michel..

She started to come and often visit this abnormal child never questioning his ability to survive in this dangerous forest

But How long this could have lasted ? The day came

Michel, She came to realized that whom see was meeting with was actually son of a witch.. She was disgusted.. Believing Stories That Surrounded That Son of Witch.. not a single question was asked to.. if the stories are true or not

She came to him the last time and said with same hates as villagers... This time she came as a villager not a friend

" You Lied, You betrayed My Trust.. Son of Witch ! May The World Hate You More ! And Burn in Hell As You Mother Burnt ! "

What Trust ?

That Boy, He smiled and Replied to her hatred

" I, Thank you my dear friend. Your wish is mine wish... For Happiness that you have granted me.. I will disappear.. "

Michel, She Left.. Little She knew about truth and Son of Witch

As well as Son of Witch... He Left The Village

Few Years Later, Son of Witch was 18 Year old

It was fate or not.. But for some reason he came to the same village that he had left

Son of Witch, He hadn't changed.. He was same as he had always been and same for his life.. filled with hate from others.. he realized that it was not just the village.. the whole world has same eyes as those villagers

Those People looked at with same hate..

He came back to the village, where he was born

This Day, It would be last day of his life..

That night bandits attacked village,

Son of Witch, He fought against those bandits in order to protect villagers... why ?.. it is the question that everyone asks but there is not a single answer that could explain his action...

That child fought against those bandits in order to save people who had hated him, so much and burned his mother Alice before his eye....

Why would you save these people ?

When The Last Bandit Fell, Son of Witch.. He was exhausted, he had used every single ounce of power that his mother gifted him.. in order to save same people who had killed and burned his mother alive

He fell on ground..

When he thought it was over... but his fate had something stored for him

He heard a cry.. a cry of a mother, begging for help.. from anyone.. her child was trapped inside a burning house..

" Somebody Help !!! My child ! she will burn alive ! please... anyone.. help me.. i be.. "

Son of witch, he gathered little strength he had..

That boy, heard her cry and responded with little strength had left

When he reached that burning house with his weak body, and saw that mother who was crying...

That mother turned out to be Michel, The same girl who had...

Michel was married now and had a child, it was a girl.. she loved her daughter as any mother would

" As any mother would, even if that mother is a witch "

She beg, She beg Son of Witch to help her to save her child.. even though there was no need for it

Son of witch would have helped her even if.... even if she would have been a stranger to him

Son of witch, he used his magic... Teleportation and teleported inside that burning house

In the that burning he found the girl... the girl was just few years old, but he found her beautiful as her mother michel..

" You will be beautiful as your mother one day, your beauty couldn't be wasted.. be safe in that world of hatred "

That Son of Witch, he had was already exhausted and little magic he had left inside body he could only teleport a single person

There was no hesitation in his mind nor in his action.. He teleported that girl back to her mother michel

and fell on ground... with no strength nor magic left.. now only a miracle could save him...

A Miracle huh ? they don't even exists

Son of Witch had a smile on his face.. when mumbled something, which reached ear of michel.. The Last Word of That Boy, Who was burning alive as his mother did

" Do not worry michel, you child is safe in your hands.. i endured hate in whole life, i got used it. sadness never held any meaning to me, it was just happiness that i had lacked in my life, i had never experienced it but it was you who gave it to me.. it not lasted for long but at the end i had finally experienced it, finally known what was happiness "

" I Thank you, Michel, For That I Saved your child. so, you wouldn't experience something like sadness and feel hate.. May you live you life in same happiness that you had granted me, it may last as you.. Good Bye Michel "

Thus Son of Witch Faced Same Fate as his mother... He burned for helping someone with strange powers he had

Later, Michel Learned The Truth About Son of Witch's Mother

This Village never held much value in eyes of kingdom.. there was no protection from kingdom.. it was that the witch who had protected them.. protected the village from anyone who wished harm it with power she had..

There was nothing about worshiping evil god..

The Kingdom of was peaceful kingdom because such things as witches, witches were the one who had protected it... But when a opposing kingdom rose up and wanted to take over the Alchmeezear, tried to attack Alchmeezear they were quickly defeated by help of witches

Opposing kingdom had something stored to defeat Alchmeezear, they quickly spared words about witches and how they worship evil god..

**Witches were hidden among humans to not stand out but they were nothing different than normal humans, it was just the gift from the gods that they had**

Thus Witch Hunt started in villages and cities

Son of Witch's was target of this... But his mother Alice had never done anything that would cause harm to humans instead she protected them.. but villagers, no one knows if they knew about it or not

Witch Alice, She was burned alive in front of her son

Alice's Son face same fate.. maybe even worse

Alchmeezear responded and told citizens that witches are not someone who worship evil gods.. but they were late, for That boy and his mother...?

Michel finally learned everything about witches with this news that Alchmeezear made..

Kingdom of Alchmeezear never had opportunity to protect any villages because there were witch to protect those villages

Son of Witch, He had never told his name to anyone.. its remains unknown

The End

Thank you for reading

End of Story

Author - Emodie

Note - if you some question, feel free to comment.. i will answer it

EDIT - Author might continue this story...

Author - Emodie

RoughHero76creators' thoughts