
An Untold Story

The Time When Son of Witch was burning alive, stuck in michel's burning house..

he had no power to even stand still on his two feet.. nor he had any magic power to save himself after saving michel's child

But he also had no regrets in his life.. somehow the ending of his life satisfied him in a way.. that's why there was smile on his face...

At least he had saved somebody at his last moment.. but,

He was still alive and breathing, it was painful -burning alive is. even though he had some strange power, he still could feel the pain.. every second was like an hour, he could feel his skin burning every single inch of it.. as that burning sensation reached the bones

When everything about to end... when he was about rest in peace...

A figured emerged from thin air.. the boy saw the figure as it took a form of an lady

he moved his lips and spoke with little strength had left, it was even hard for him to speak a single word..

" Grand...Mother... ? "

The figure he saw was an old lady.. she was wearing cloths that represented a witch, when she saw the son of witch... it brought tears in her eyes, the son of witch's skin was burnt, turned into black.. with tears in her eyes, she reached her grandson with her hands...

" Grandson, Vulcan.. i ca. i.. i'm s... "

Valcan's grandmother was a witch... she had always tried to protect her grandson from distance but the protection from her was limited....

Vulcan knew that she was his grandmother.. it was because of the blood they had, it was same as his..

As she reached her grandson, the fire surrounding both of them vanished, was blown away.. but from outside of house, it looked as if the fire was still burning the house down

she lay Vulcan's head on her lap..

"( Heal ) I'm sorry, ( Heal ) i am sorry my dear ( Heal ) grandson.. i.. am.. ( Pure Light, Heal ) i should've kept you under my protection.. it's all my fault.. all my fault, only if i had came earlier "

She cried as she blamed everything on herself, she was not able save her daughter nor she was able to save her grandson... and now it was too late.. not even highest healing magic could save Vulcan.. the blood of witch was thin inside him.. so, it healing magic's effect were same on him as it would have been in any human but there was also something else that was stopping any magic power to come in contact with Vuclan's body...

Vulcan, even though he was in pain.. he didn't show it.. he was happy that not only he life was worth something in the world but he was also able to see his grandmother.. her grandmother was an old lady but she looked as if she was in late 20's.. she looked really young for her age but it was common on witch

Vulcan showed a small smile to her grandmother, it was not much but in his final he could at least show his grandmother the smile that he had. his eyes were looked of someone who had accomplished everything in life but yet his life was filled with nothing but tragedy. seeing his grandmother gave him some strength to speak. he said to his grandmother with that little smile on his face

" it, it's not true.. grandmother, you gave me love of my mother.. "

when Vulcan's grandmother heard him say this, she felt as if she had deep hole in her heart..

when Vulcan lived at outskirt's of village, in cold night, when he slept without anything to cover himself and protect himself from the cold.. there was always somebody who covered him with a rug.. he had always wondered who could have gave him this warmth at those cold nights..

that person was his grandmother, she had always kept distance between her and him.. she was afraid that coming in contacting with her grandson could cause harm to him.. and she also couldn't take him with her, the world she lived in was more dangerous... world,

" My dear grandsom, you have a power that destined to save all the living from a certain disaster that will soon fall upon everyone.. would you allow me take the power you hold within you.. "

She asked this stranger question to her dying grandson, vulcan was already dying.. he had no use power that he had nor he is a kind of person who would refuse. he had no desire.. thus he replied with his last breath to his grandmother

" ple.. if my power.. co..uld sav.. ta..k t. "

Her grandson gave her permission to take the power that he held...

With still tears in her eyes she cast the spell to extract his power, an red glowing org in shape of ball formed.. that ball contented the power that Vulcan had, with...

When his power were extracted, he face, muscles and that burned body... relaxed, at least he was freed from the pain and this merciless life

Vulcan died. but....

Her Grandmother mumbled something... and there was this thought in her mind

" how could i let you just die like this ? my dear grandson, your... please be... "

* In Far West From The Village

Demon's Domain

All the demons started feeling pain and strange sensation near their fallen heart, as if there was hand, near the heart, sequencing it.. It caused a chaos between demons...

Demon King -

" What is thi... it can't b.. The Son of Witch Died ? "

*In Far North From The Village

Forest of Pure Dragons

A Certain Highest Level Dragon...

" Vulcan..... So, The end is near.."

It was same in every direction, dragons, demons , beasts every known... they all had realized that Son of Witch was gone.. at that same time they also felt.. it was feeling, a feeling that couldn't be described but filled with deep fear which was left on their heart, it was more like a weight. a bomb with ticking countdown.. indeed an strange feeling

In Kingdom of Alchmeezear, Mansion of a Certain Mage

The Mage was siting on his chair, near one of balcony.. watching over the capital of Alchmeezear..

he suddenly stood up and left his chair..

" pheffff, the prophecy? i have to inform the king... God, please watch ov.."

Aulcan's grandmother was holding that ball like orb which was extracted from her grandson,

for her, death of her grandson was something that she will never able forget nor she will be able to forgive those who...

" Dear God, It is time for your wise decision.. i leave my grandson in your hands, please lead him to the path that you had chosen for him.. and forgive my foolishness for going against your wishes, "

As she said That glowing orb left her hands, traveled to a women.. the women was unconsciousness lying on ground in front of the house with a small child beside her where Vulcan had lost his life.. and the orb approached women's belly and disappeared

Vulcan's grandmother, she seemed a little confused, to just make sure.. she cast a spell on that women who was lying in front of the house.. and Vulcan's grandmother found out that the women who lying there was actually pregnant with a child..

She thought it was because of the power of the orb which caused humans around 1 kilometer to lose the consciousness.. and she left the village.. without saying anything to anyone

Next Day -In One of Villager's House.. Which somehow survived from fire

Michel was waking up, from the an deep sleep. she lost her consciousness while waiting for the Son of Witch.. when she woke up she was surrounded by her daughter and husband.. when she saw her daughter, and there was no injury on her she felt relieved, but it only lasted for a minute..

she quickly stood up, and ran towards her burned house.. her husband and daughter followed her

Her Husband while recovering his breath asked

" *cough *cough, What's wrong Mic....? "

Her Husband saw what michel was looking at, he quickly covered eyes of her daughter

Michel, she was in deep shock. she asked her husband with broken word...

" wh...er wher, is he ? "

She was holding her tears back... she knew the truth but it was not what she wanted to believe..

An old lady came near Michel, looked at Michel's face and than looked at...

"Young Lady, Are you perhaps searching for Fredie ? "

Michel looked at that old lady, confused.. she had never heard name Fredie befo...

" Fred..ie.. "

Her past memories came to her as if a breeze had just scratched her brain, she remembered the name that Son of Witch had told him, it was name of Son of Witch

Old lady, she walked inside that burned house, and pointed towards a corpse while saying

" Fredie, He was my grandson... and if you are looking for him, the person whom is lying here in this house, burned to the bones, that's fredie.. "

She said that with nothing but an poker face.. as if her grandson death had no meaning.. as if she has no emotions to show on her face...

When Michel heard that, she fell on her knees.. the person whom she had rejected, the person who had suffered because of her... whom she believed to be evil, it was the same person who saved her daughter from unspeakable fate, and instead thrown himself in that fate... Son of Witch of saved her daughter from burning alive.. and he himself was burned to his death in her daughter's place.. even imagine his last moments and how much he must have suffered in that fire.. when she was about fall in despairs she heard old lady's voice

" Do not worry.. it was his own wish, you don't have to blame yourself alone, nor you should carry burden of his death ( I am the whom should blamed for his death )and if you are concerned about fredie please raise your child with love.. that fredie had never felt.. i am sure that in heaven he will be happy.."

While Saying that, the old lady walked away..

Michel's Family buried Son of Witch's, Fredie's Body and put a stone on it

The words which were written on stone

" Son of Witch, An Falling Leaf "

Later, That old lady often visited Michel and told her the stories about witches and the truth which was hidden from common people..

It was this moment when michel learned everything.. How Witches were the one who saved kingdom and also protected the villagers where kingdom's hands couldn't reach..

;End of Chapter