
Chapter 1 Story Of Gods

Mount Olympus, home of all the gods. But more importantly, it is Zeus' kingdom; where he rules. I'm sorry, I gave you wrong information just now. Olympus is the home to MOST gods. I say most because there is one god who has been banished, he is blamed and hated for plunging the world into chaos. This man had a child with the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Seeing how this would infuriate Zeus, Aphrodite decided that it would be safer for the child to live amongst the mortal world instead of staying in Zeus' kingdom.

When Zeus found out about what Aphrodite did, he was infuriated. He locked her up, saying that she was a traitor to the gods for fucking the man who almost succeeded in killing him.

That's right, I never told you the name of the man who almost destroyed life as we know it. His name is Kratos, The God Of War. If you do not know the legend of Kratos then let me enlighten you.

Kratos used to be an ordinary mortal, that's what he thought at least. In actuality he was the son of Zeus. Apparantly Zeus one day decided to go to the mortal world and fuck one of the woman. Vualá, Kratos was born.

Kratos grew up to become a great Spartan general. He had a family, and a daughter named Calliope. One day they found out that Calliope had a horrible skin disease that was killing her. So like any reasonable father, Kratos went to find a cure.

He ended up fighting the barbarian king Alrick for the cure. It turns out Alrick also needed the cure for his father. Kratos and Alrick fought with their armys, but Kratos lost. As his last desperate act, Kratos asked for the help of Aries. Aries as the God Of War liked Kratos and decided to make him as his warrior.

As Kratos accepted to become Aries servant, Aries gifted Kratos with The Blades Of Chaos. Kratos with his new weapon went on and defeated The Barbarion king and his army, and took the cure back to Sparta.

After curing his daughter, Kratos began to do the bidding of Aries. He wrecked havic across Sparta by destroying villages and winning wars.

One day an Oracle warned Kratos of the future troubles that were to come if he destroyed the village that Aries told him to destroy. Of course, he did not listen.

When he was done destroying the village, he realised what he has done. In his blind rage, he killed his wife and daughter that were in that village. Realizing what he has done, he began to mourn for his family, then cremated them. The Oracle decided to curse him for his sins. She imbuded the ashes of his family onto his skin, making him ghost white.

Now Kratos, also known as The Ghost Of Sparta kept working for Aries. But he later finds out that Aries used trickery so that Kratos kills his family and in return making Kratos the ultimate warrior.

Kratos later goes on to kill Aries and becoming the new god of war. Oh, he also goes on to kill a lot more gods on his quest to kill his father Zeus, who was trying to kill him. Somewhere along the journey, he met Aphrodite and a few hundred years later the child was born . I say a few hundred years because Gods take longer being pregnant.

That child that was born was me.

When I was born, my father has completed in killing most of the gods in Olympus. This however plunged Greece into chaos, causing all sorts of natural disasters. To save Greece Kratos impaled himself in the chest in order to gift the power of hope to the mortals.

However, a few years later the gods were reborn. I dont know if my father knew, but when a god dies they get reborn, albeit they lose a lot of their power. This is why gods hate dying, they are born as children again which is a huge humiliation to them. But in order for a god to be reborn, they need mortals who believe and pray to them. Without mortals, gods are able to die permanently.

Luckily for the Gods not all of the mortals died, so they were able to be reborn.

Now enough about my father, where ever he is and back to me.


In the land of the mortals, a shooting star can be seen in the sky. It was falling towards a garden filled with stone statues. When the star landed it created a crater on the floor, and in the middle of the crater you can see a beautiful baby boy with a medallion and a note on him.

It was dark and cold in the night, and all you can here was the crying of a baby that would make your heart hurt if you heard it.

Not too far away from where the baby landed, a woman can be seen. The woman was extremely beautiful. She had beautiful full red lips, white smooth skin, a body with all the right curves, and eyes so green that they glowed. Only her hair and lower half were different, she had snakes for hair and the lower body of a snake. One can only imagine the womans beauty before she was cursed.

The woman walked toward the baby and picked him up. Her eyes were so cold when staring at the baby, devoid of any emotion.

"And what do we have here, a new statue to keep me company?"

When the woman picked up the baby, he immediately stopped crying. He stared at the woman straight into her eyes. This caught the woman off guard.

"Why aren't you turning to stone?!"

The baby obviously did not respond since he was a baby, he only stared into her eyes. He then started to smile and laugh as he reached his hands to one of the snakes.

"He isn't...he isn't scared of me?"

The baby laughed as he played with the snake. The woman looked at the baby again and noticed his beautiful features. She had a glimmer of light flash through her eyes.

"Well since you can't turn to stone, might as well just live here with me. Now what should I call you?"

The woman thought for a while and then looked towards the baby.

"Lucian Amarie, Lucian meaning light and Amarie meaning strength. I hope you will be the light I'm my current darkness, as well as the strength to my weakness."

She carried the baby away and the night returned to its previous quiet after this.


Currently I am 10 years old, and I have been living with Mother Medusa. Although she hates it when I call her mother. Of course I know that she is not my real mother, but she raised me so to me she is no different than my mother.

I really love Mother Medusa, she sings and plays with me all the time. Sometimes she tells me legends of the gods or heroes of Greece, but there is a particular story that I really hate to listen to. It was her story, the story of Medusa.

Mother Medusa told me that the reason she looked the way she does now is because she was cursed by the goddess Athena. Before, she used to be a beautiful maiden who was a priestess at a temple. Poseidon, the God of the sea caught a glimpse of her and was filled with lust. He raped her in the temple then left like it was natural. When Athena heard of this she was filled with jealousy and cursed her to look like this.

It truly angers me when I hear of the shameless and hateful actions of these so called Gods. Some of you may be wondering why Mother Medusa would tell such stories to a 10 year old boy, but Mother Medusa likes to tell me the truth all the time even if it is not suited for a child.

Medusa also told me who my mother and father are. She said she found a medallion with Aphrodites Crest on it and a letter, which explained that my father was Kratos. She did tell me the story of both of them, so I knew who they were.

She told me that I was a demigod, but much stronger than the average demigod since I was 3/4 god and the rest was mortal. When I heard this I did not really know how to act or respond. I'm a demigod but more on the god side? Through the stories I heard gods are really selfish and vain. Almost like children who were granted a bunch of power.

I promised myself not to become like this. If it were up to me I would not even want to be a God, but sadly its not.

I also found out that the reason I look so incredibly handsome is because of my mother. I also had a lot of good luck, which is also thanks to my mother. The only thing is that I tend to get angry easily, and I mean really angry. This unspeakable rage that comes out of nowhere, burns to the core of my soul, and threatens to consume my being gives me a sort of thrill. Medusa says that I probably inherited this from my father.

I asked Mother Medusa to train me in how to be a proper god. She was a little hesitant at first but she started to train me. She taught me to strengthen my body, and while we were training to our surprise we found out that I have incredible strength. Strength that gets amplified when I'm angry. Medusa also thought that my anger can be very dangerous so she tried to help me with that too. Although she could not help me with any combat since she herself did not know how to fight, so I had to teach myself.

*7 years later*

This is my second story that I literally wrote while eating breakfast ?. It takes place in the Percy Jackson universe, which I will adjust some of the events to fit with my story. Since this is my second story, my first one takes priority. I don't know how much I will be updating this story, maybe whenever I have ideas or something.

bamjrrcreators' thoughts