
Solo trip, After exile!!

"where's Aerin ?!" asked the Duke impatiently to the man sitting in front him who was once his father in law. enjoying his tea like no one could disturb him, he answered calmly " that should be young lady Avalon to you, Duke Edwin Lorraine. " "Grand Duke." he said gritting his teeth. that was all he could do , after all it was his mistake that made his 'then' wife banish from the kingdom. it was too late when he realised it. although now she was cleared of all charges, he hadn't heard from her. "my daughter is enjoying her life travelling around the world as we speak, she did describe it in a unique way. what was it again Richard?" he asked his butler grinning from ear to ear. "solo trip, your excellency." -- Nèém

Neem20 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

The Letter

The light of dawn seeped into the office. Luke rubbed his bleary eyes and walked to the window.

even the rays of sunlight couldn't eradicate the gloomy atmosphere of the office room.

"your grace" ,

Richard walked in with a tray, after several failed attempts to make his presence known.

the grand Duke has been in the state of unawareness ever since the lady's exile. he's been spending his night here in the office. never has he seen the grand Duke like this and even more afraid of how long this will last.

"Luke." he called not with disrespect. his tone carried the deep love for his childhood friend.

awake from his trance the grand Duke looked at Richard.

"I have prepared a light break fast."

"I do not have much appetite, Richard."

"Then why not have this specially brewed tea? it's quite good for fatigue." he urged.

"alright!" replied luke after a while of pondering.

Richard lead luke to the ash colored sofa which was placed at the centre of the room and poured a cup of tea. he also made sure to move a plate of cookies. maybe... just maybe the grand Duke will take a bite of it unknowingly.

Richard had a satisfied grin when he saw luke taking a cookie. but it didn't last long as he saw the cookie was halted just before his lips by a knock on the door.

whoever it was they would ought to have a good enough reason to subside the rising fury in Richard.

"your grace!" came in a hurried voice.


"yes your grace!"

"come in."

Mary was the personal maid of lady Aerin. she was also the only one that went with the lady to the duchy of Lorraine after her marriage .

she even went missing right after the lady's trail. which is four days till now.

what made Richard worried was that she might have found a way to sneak in to get to her lady.

but that very person was now standing in front of him.

"where were you Mary?!" asked Richard impatiently .

"I can explain everything but before that,

here your grace."

she stretched out a navy blue letter with silver lining and a golden peirced leaf sealing.

luke took the Letter and sought for the address but couldn't find any. he gestured for Richard to hand over the knife and unsealed the letter with it.

he read..

to my dearest father,

how are you doing

I'm asking even though I know you'll be over ridden with sadness. please look after your health so that I don't have to write a personal letter to Richard.

I'm going to be fine father. I had asked Mary to give you this letter four days after my predicament. I won't be coming back anytime soon. but there is something only you can do father..... Mary will be of great help...

.....remember he's the key to all.

wishing you a healthy life

your lovely daughter ♡

tears ran down his cheek, raining on the letter.

reminding him of the day when his daughter stood on the podium when all the accusations where thrown at her. how many people could remain calm when wrong accusations where made against them. but she stood there knowing very well what was coming at her.

"your grace why did the lady ask now...? if she had done it before the trail we could..."

"it was for us!!" luke answered cutting off Richard.

Mary was filled with tears only she understood what the grand Duke meant.

the information her lady had would have turned the case 180 degrees and her lady would escape with a light punishment. but if something were to go wrong the grand duchy and the grand Duke would be at stake.

"now explain."