
Solo trip, After exile!!

"where's Aerin ?!" asked the Duke impatiently to the man sitting in front him who was once his father in law. enjoying his tea like no one could disturb him, he answered calmly " that should be young lady Avalon to you, Duke Edwin Lorraine. " "Grand Duke." he said gritting his teeth. that was all he could do , after all it was his mistake that made his 'then' wife banish from the kingdom. it was too late when he realised it. although now she was cleared of all charges, he hadn't heard from her. "my daughter is enjoying her life travelling around the world as we speak, she did describe it in a unique way. what was it again Richard?" he asked his butler grinning from ear to ear. "solo trip, your excellency." -- Nèém

Neem20 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


"my lady please keep calm the Duke will come around it." Mary reassured her lady whose pacing back and forth.

she is to go on trail later this week for attempted murder of Elise Drummond. they claim she poisoned the medicinal tea that the mistress took every morning.

she of all people knew that her lady was falsely accused. her lady hasn't step out of her room these past few months, and she isn't someone who would harbour such evil thoughts. the only crime her lady did was to deeply love the Duke, who didn't even give his lawfully wedded wife the benefit of doubt.

she wanted go out there and slap some senses into the Duke who failed to see the truth.

"knock, knock"

the duchess turned her attention on to the door and gestured Mary to open it.

soon after Mary opened the door she was pushed aside by the person who welcomed herself in.

"Milady has called for you." she said with a smug.

her lovely lady elise was called a mistress despite being the Duke's 2nd wife. she was enraged that her lady was treated like air. even though she received all the dukes love, the authority still lied with the duchess.

how could she not to do anything when her lady was treated like that.

she had to do something. whatever punishment was to befall the duchess it won't be that harsh since she came from a house that contributed a lot to the founding of the empire.

without wasting anytime she paced towards the duchess and hauled her out of the room. she didn't contain a slightest remorse in doing so.

"let go, I can walk on my own", Aerin twisted her wrist and released herself.

as she descended down the staircase, a force came upon her from behind. she felt her mind fluttering and flourish into something miserable. with her it fell, every memory , every moment she spent in her life. her life of not of this world.

whisked away by the wind , a fatal landing. her vision sank to the colour of dark and nothingness.


"The duchess fell down the staircase?, why have you only notified me of this now. Is this one of her schemes to get away from trial." the Duke scoffed

furious would be an understatement of what he was feeling right now. the love of his life was almost murdered. yet his 1st wife had the audacity to delay the trial. because of her family she would get away with it easily but he will make sure that it won't be that lenient.

"Notify me immediately when she regain her consciousness."

"yes, your grace." Oliver bowed respectfully and left.

it's been three days since her lady fell down the stairs yet no one came to visit her. occasionally the doctor would come to check if she had woken up.

"Hang in there milady everything will be fine." unsure of who she was calming, herself or the lady. Mary wiped down the beads of sweat that trickled down from Aerin's forehead.



"Ha!!.." Mary gasped at the lifeless eyes that stared at her. devoid of any emotions.


snapped out of her trance she grabbed a glass of water and helped Aerin drink it.

"I'll bring you something light to eat and notify the butler."

"wait..." Aerin grasped Mary's hand and said ,

"before that ,there's something you must do."
