
Solo Leveling: Monarch of Space-Time

Leonardo the Sage of Elements the Strongest Magnus, dies at the hand of those he once looked down on in a ploy to destroy the world. Then in a fit of madness he does so himself, but before his soul is obliterated as well, it is blown to a distant world in which Leo has to find out how to save this world now as it is on the brink of destruction despite the people living there lives with magic and power, the world is still blissfully unaware, Of beings called Rulers and Monarchs capable of destroying worlds easily, can he grow back to the power he had in the past, or even surpass it with his new found Affinity for Space and time magic? #No Harem (I do not own Solo Leveling or any of it characters only my OC's) ( I do not own cover photo if it is yours let me know and i will take it down)

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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Growths and Lily's Magic Problem

(4 Years Later)

 As the years passed by Leo started to gain more and more of his power back, and also found out he could now use space magic a very little, but this is wonderful news for Leo as in his past life he was never able to use space magic as he did not have a affinity for it, of course, he was able to open portals once he became a Magnus, but that was more of a strength thing than an being able to use space magic. 

 He has also become excellent friends with Lily, she has become like a little sister to him despite the fact she is a month older, ever since it has come to light that Lily can use healing magic she has not been allowed to leave her house until she is 12 and can go to the National Academy For Hunters otherwise known as Legends Academy, as it has for the past 100 years forged many legends. It was made by the collective effort of all the nations in the world and has one branch worldwide. The main School is stationed in the United States. Only the best can enter those with a B-rank potential and higher, that is unless you are a genius in smarts and show potential in academics, then you will be able to enter the school as well, this world values those with smarts as well as those with strength, unlike Leo's last world where it only values strength above all else. 

 Leo himself has been gathering magic power from the air to increase his mana reserves, he also has the affinities of his last life, water, fire, wind, earth, and all those related elements except for light and dark magic, time magic, order magic, and chaos magic, Leo does not have these affinities. (As far as he knows :). )

 There is something known as gates in this world, and his father and mother are hunters, his father being the guild leader of the Moonlit Guild a guild under the affiliation of the scavenger guild, they take on these gates to collect resources, and close the gates before an outbreak happens. Thankfully nothing above A-rank has appeared yet.

 At this time Lily came to the study room to ask Leo to play with her as she was bored, and all the animals ran away because her dad scared them off, "He's a Jerk!!" said Lily, with puffed-out cheeks.

 "Lily, Uncle didn't do it to upset you he just wants to make sure you are safe," said Leo, trying to make her see her dad's side of the story.

 "Jeez Leo, you sound like my mommy all about safety this safety that, I just want to go outside and play," Lily said as she started to cry. "How come all the other kids get to have friends and play outside while I'm stuck on the property, and can't leave it's not fair I didn't do anything wrong, did Lily do something bad Leo?" she asked in between sobs.

 Leo put the book he was reading and came over to comfort Lily "Lily, your Dad, and Mom are not doing this to punish you, they are doing this because you are special you are not like the rest of the children you magic..." 

 Before Leo could finish Lily started yelling "IF IT IS BECAUSE OF MAGIC I CAN'T HAVE FRIENDS AND LEAVE THE HOUSE THEN I DON'T WANT IT!!" screamed Lily as she passed out.

 "LILY NO!!" yelled Leo as he went to catch Lily's falling body, as the nanny ran over from the side calling for help.

 Hearing the commotion Lily's and Leo's parents rushed in to see what was going on, "LILY!!" yelled everyone as they entered the study room, "Leo, what happened why did Lily pass out?" asked John, as he was concerned he wanted to know what happened while Nina and Kaleb tended to Lily.

 "Lily she-she..." Leo struggled to get the words out, as he was in profound disbelief at what just happened.

 "She what Leo?" asked Sarah this time as she had come over once Lily stabilized.

 "She... rejected her magic," said Leo still in disbelief 

 "She did what!?" this time it was everyone else's turn to be stunned, as they had never heard of anyone rejecting their magic and what this could mean.

 "It means she will now not be able to use magic and all her memories related to it will be sealed...she will be an ordinary human, and might never awaken her magic again, also if you mention her magic in front of her she will have a very painful headache, and forget what you just said about her magic," said Kaleb, from the side, the good thing is that pain is only caused if you directly mention it to her as if she has magic.

 "How do you know this Kaleb, I've never heard of someone rejecting their magic?" asked Nina, and everyone looked at him.

 "That's because I rejected my magic when I was younger after my parents called me a monster and wished I had never been born, my dark magic made me an object of hate, and the control magic didn't exactly help either to make my image better, I just wished that I didn't have magic and could be a normal kid so I rejected my magic and fell into the same state as Lily," Kaleb said, with a tired and defeated look on his face.

 "Wait are you saying that you knew this could happen and didn't warn me?" Nina asked in a rage.

 "I didn't know Lily would do this as we have been nothing but kind and caring for her, and even made sure to let her know that magic is a good thing, not something to hate and not want so I have no idea what caused this." Said Kaleb with clear doubt in his voice on how this situation happened. 

 This time everyone turned to the nanny and asked what happened. "The miss was crying because she had no friends besides Leo, and when Leo was comforting her she lashed out and yelled, that since she didn't have any friends because of her magic then she didn't need it." said the nanny, whos name is Jenny she has a sad look on her face as she sees Lily as a daughter and to do this to herself is hard to watch.

 "Is there a way to fix this?" asked John, who was comforting Leo he was just five this could make him hate his magic too, so John was trying to prevent that from happening.

 "I had to accept that my magic was not evil to awaken mine again, but Lily's was rejected for not having friends and thinking that is what caused, said problem so if she does want to awaken it again she will need to believe that if she has magic it will not drive away her friends or something like that anyway," said Kaleb with increasing guilt in his heart if only he hadn't stopped her from leaving the grounds of the mansion and to play with other kids her age.

 Nina had just come back from putting Lily on her bed after making sure she was alright, heard her husband say this and said "It's not your fault honey we both did although it was to protect her she is still a child, we should have guessed this would happen when she complained about these last few years, but we couldn't take that chance." 

 Everyone but Jenny and Leo knew what they meant and were puzzled, "Dad what do you mean this is for her protection, who is after Lily?" asked Leo although he naturally knew, Leo was around Peak C-rank in strength and could feel the people who are around the mansion.

 "I'll tell you in the future Leo, for now, you are not allowed to mention Lily's magic in front of her ok?" said John in a stern tone of voice showing the seriousness of the matter. 

 Leo nodded his head in acknowledgment before he looked off into the direction of Lily's room and let out a quiet sigh.