
Solo Leveling In MHA

The day Izuku tried saved Katsuki changed his life. Even after All Might told him he couldn't be a hero, Izuku rushed into a villain fight to save Katsuki. Just before the sludge villain could get a hit in Izuku gets a message. !ALARM! [You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak'] Follow Izuku as he levels himself up to become a stronger person and a better hero than All Might

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 30: Talks between Friends and Enemies

Back at UA

Izuku sits down, on the common room couch once he was back from the trip. Most of the class was back as well. Shoto was revisiting his mother, and Katsuki was visiting his parent. Izuku himself was thinking about his talk with Yagi on the plane ride back to Japan. 


Yagi and Izuku sitting across from each other in his jet. 

"Who's All for One?" 

"What shadows hang over my shoulder?" 

They start at the same time before chuckling to themselves. "I guess I'll go first." Izuku leans back into his seat. "You already know about my army of shadows, but you don't know where they come from." Izuku plays with his thumbs. "You can't tell anyone about this. It's dangerous and if it gets out. I seriously think the public would crucify me." 

Yagi sits straighter as Izuku's tone was strained while he continues. 

"My quirk lets me level up by defeating monsters in dungeons, the first nine months before UA. That's all I did. Trained to get stronger and to get higher levels." Izuku makes sure Yagi was following. "When I hit a certain level, I got a quest for a job change." 

"A job change?" Yagi tilts his head. 

"Yeah, It's complicated to go fully into it. Anyway, this quest made me go through a dungeon by the end of the quest I got a job. Shadow Monarch." Izuku leans forward, resting his elbows on the table.

"Ah, that's where your hero name comes from. Makes sense." Yagi smiles as Izuku rolls his eyes. 

"Yes, but that was a promotion from the base job. See, in RPG games. When you select a class or job like Knight, Warrior, Magicians, and so on… I did well enough to get a promotion quickly after." Izuku continues his explanation. 

"What was your class? A warrior or a Magician?" Yagi sips his water slowly. 'Both fit Young Midoriya well. He is a warrior in battle but has his soldiers. That would explain the magic around them.' 

"I'll get to that in a second, Yagi." Izuku smiles, but behind it, he was freaking out slightly. 'I'm about to tell All Might I'm a Necromancer. What has my life come to?' Izuku breaths in deeply. "Anyway, these promotions go from Knight to Swordmaster, Warrior to Berserker, Magician to Grand Magician… Then me, Necromancer to Shadow Monarch."

Yagi stops halfway through his sip, letting those words sink in, then the events that have happened over the past few months. The UA exams, The USJ, Sports festival, Final exams. Yagi chokes, before turning his head, spitting the water on the floor. "You control an army of the undead!?" 

"Yes, but not like zombies… trust me that would suck." Izuku smiles sheepishly, remembering the 75th-floor boss's army. "Shadows of the dead. So that's why I asked Wolfram about the shadow over his shoulder. Why you have seven of them" Izuku looks above Yagi as he turns around, seeing nothing but an empty jet. 

"You said seven…" Yagi's faint smile was not missed by his student. "It's because of the conditions of my quirk. As you said earlier, this can not ever get out, or people would be in danger." Izuku quickly nods in agreement. "My quirk is named One for All, It's a quirk that has been passed down for generations. I am the eight holder, and Mirio is the ninth. He is my successor." 

"A quirk that can be passed down… that's insane. So Senpai is as strong as you?" Izuku asks quickly. 

"He will be stronger, every generation gains strength. Our only goal is to end the evil that is All for One." 

"One for All, All for one? What are you two? Two-thirds of the three musketeers?" Izuku yelps while holding his head as Yagi hits him with a head chop. "Sorry," Izuku mutters lowly as Yagi rolls his eyes. 

"Anyway, his quirk lets him steal other quirks as well as grant quirks to others." Yagi clasps his hands together. "His over 200 years old and a master at manipulation." 

"So All For One, it literally means this guy was able to take everything for himself?" Izuku crosses his leg playing with the fabric while thinking a plan to kill the bastard. 

"This was back at the advent of exceptional. A time when society still hadn't managed to adapt to the changes, back then, the norms of what it meant to be human suddenly collapsed. With that, Laws became meaningless. Societal progress halted. It was catastrophic." Yagi informs as Izuku just nods along. 

"Some people say we would be enjoying space travel right now if it wasn't for the advent of extraordinary." Izuku drags up some quote he heard before. 

"Yes, and in that age of confusion and disorder, he took the initiative and brought people together. You may have heard about this. He would steal quirks from other people, and with his overwhelming power, spread the influence of his organization. He is responsible for so much death due to his wicked acts. He once was the evil lord of Japan." Yagi looks up at Izuku, who was flipping through a notebook that appeared from thin air. 

"I read about rumors, but I guess they are not rumors, are they?" Izuku turns his notebook around, showing a single name. 


"I found rumors about this name, all talking about him as if he was the boogeyman himself." Izuku closes his notebook. 

"He always enjoyed that name. Thinking himself as a teacher to mold the future generation." Yagi spits out distastefully. "He's a mass murder, and I thought I killed him the last time we fought, but the Nomu's and Wolfram are proof he is apparently alive." Yagi's hand goes to his injured side. 

"Well, the next time you face him, All Might. You have me and my army backing you." Izuku smiles, "No need for you to die so easily to such a grumpy old man. You still have a successor to teach." 

"Did you really mean you have a way that might heal my injuries?" Yagi sits forward. "We have tried every medical and healing quirk around today. None were able to heal me." 

"Like I said before, we won't know until I get it for you." Izuku runs his fingers through his hair. Yagi nods in understanding. "So, who else knows about your quirk?" 

"The detective you met, Sir NightEye, Nezu, my old mentor, Mirio, and you now." Yagi counts off on his fingers. 

"Okay, I will not tell anyone else as long as you do the same." Izuku holds out his hand for Yagi. 

"Of course, does anyone else know about the creation of your army?" Yagi reaches over as Izuku shakes his head. 

"No, you are the first person I've told." The two shake hands before sitting back and falling into a comfortable silence. "We will take out All for One down together. Right?" Izuku brings up quickly and looks at Yagi, making sure he won't go down a sacrificial path. 

"Right." Yagi smiles. 

*End of flashback* 

Izuku feels something brush against his cheek, making him crack his open eyes open. 

"Hi, Izuku." Ochako smiles while leaving over top of him. 

"Hello, Ochako. How are you?" Izuku closes his eyes again as he decompresses. 

"I'm good. How are you?" Ochako's bangs still brushing against his cheek while they continue to talk. 

"I'm good, Ochako. Do you need something?" Izuku feels the pads of Ochako's fingers dust against his cheek. 

"We were going to go to the mall to buy stuff for the camp. Wanna come?" She grins while poking his cheek. Izuku turns his head, seeing the girls were already ready, with most of the class getting ready to go. 

"You're not going to let me say no, will you?" Izuku turns his eyes back to Ochako, who was grinning more. 

"Nope. Get your shoes on, we are going shopping!" Ochako uses her quirk, pulling him right off the couch before dragging him to the door like a balloon. 

"Okay, okay." Izuku smiles. "You can put me down now unless you like dragging me around like a floating balloon." 

 "Release," Ochako smiles, and Izuku spins his body, making sure he lands on his feet instead of his face. Izuku glares playfully as Ochako smiles. "Sorry." 

"No, you're not." Izuku slips on his shoes as she giggles. 

"Nope!" Ochako bounces outside following the class. Izuku rolls his eyes and follows. 

The Kiyashi Ward Shopping mall

"This place has more shops than anywhere else in the prefecture. It's got the coolest and trendiest stuff!" Mina giggles as they walk through the entrance of the mall. It was filled with civilians going about their everyday life. It was peaceful, and Izuku smiles as the class was already splitting up into groups. 

"You, with the six arms! Or even you, with the big, swollen calves!" A store owner yelled out at Iida and Shoji, causing them to chuckle under their breath. 

"Oh! Aren't they those UA First-Years!?" A crowd of boys was mostly looking at the girls. "Good going at the sports festival!" They cheer. 

"Whoa. People still remember that?" Ochako blushes and moves closer to the girls. 

"I've gotta find myself a giant duffel bag." Jiro moves her hands while talking with Momo. 

"Let's look together, then." 

"Oh, can I come. I need new hiking boots." Ochako joins them as they start to break up. 

"Oh, I almost forgot about boots." Kaminari snaps his fingers.

"Our manual recommends well-worn footwear or, should we focus on utility instead?" Iida mutters quickly. 

"Looks like we all need different stuff. Let's split up and meet back at a designated time!" Kirishima offers his idea. Everyone quickly left after agreeing, and Izuku just stands where his class once was. 

"They just left." Izuku facepalms. "Whatever, maybe I can get a new suit." Izuku strolls through the mall looking for the suit shop. He smiles as he opens the door to the suit shop, hearing it open again once he was looking around. 

"Ah, Midoriya." The women that owned the store walks out of the back, smiling. "How are you doing?" 

"I'm doing well, Ayako. Just looking for a new suit. My vacation was interrupted by pesky rats." Izuku pulls off his jacket as she nods. "Sorry about your suit. It was wonderful for fighting in." 

"No, problem… Get up there." She points to the center platform, and Izuku does so. She snaps, and suddenly Izuku was surrounded in soft fabric. "What color?" 

"Your choice. Something for everyday wear this time. Also, I am sorry for bringing this to your shop." Izuku looks at Ayako, who just rolls her eyes. "Shigaraki, why are you following me during the summer? Schools out. Give it a break." Izuku calls out as the crusty shit lord walks from one of the racks before standing in front of Izuku as Akyako's quirk goes to work, creating a spiral of fabric. 

"Necromancer…" Shigaraki glares and tries to walk up the platform. 

"I wouldn't do that," Ayako speaks from the side while moving her fingers. 

"It will cut you to shreds," Izuku explains as the women's quirk was beautiful yet very dangerous. "Just talk, Shigaraki, and don't go after Ayako. I'll kill you before you could." Igris stands tall near her with his sword planted in front of him. Shigaraki looks at the knight then back to Izuku. 

"You took down the hero killer, Wolfram, and my Nomu." Shigaraki glares. "Are we destined to fight, or maybe I'm destined to bring you to my side." 

"Fat chance," Izuku lifts his arms as Ayako works around his stomach. "Look, Shigaraki, I don't know your life, so I can't talk you out of whatever your planning. Just leave my class out of it. We are learning to be heroes. If you are just trying to break our spirits to get us to quit, It won't work." 

"Okay, Arms down, Midoriya." Izuku nods to Ayako, who starts working on his pants. 

"Anyway, why are you here, anyway?" 

"I wanted to talk… Actually, about the Hero Killer." Shigaraki growls. 

"I thought he was working with you," Izuku touches the material of his jacket. 'Always so soft.' Izuku smiles. 

"I never really agreed to that, even if society seems to think so, and that's my problem. Everyone's got their eye on the damned hero killer. Our attack on UA. The Nomu I unleased in Hosu. It's all overshadowed by him. But it did get us new players", Shigaraki growls lowly. 

"Oh, the attack on UA was covered up because of my actions." Izuku yelps. "Easy around the crotch Ayako." She just smirks off to the side. 

"Covered up? Who decided that?" Shigaraki looks up at Izuku, who just smiles. 

"Ask your Sensei." Izuku watches Shigaraki's eyes widen at the name. 

"How do you know of Sensei?" The villain's hands curl into fists. 

"Not the point of our conversation Shiggy." Izuku feels the fabric tighten around his thighs. "What's your real question? Why track me down?" 

"What makes us so different!?" Shiggy yells while stomping his feet. 

'What a child.' Ayako and Izuku think while sparing each other a passing glance. 

"Well, if you want an answer. I don't understand you. I understand him, he wanted to cure the world of Fake heroes. Which is absurd in its own right, The worlds a balance." Izuku raises his hands. "Every good person has a little bit of bad in themselves, and every bad person has a little bit of good in them." Izuku drops his hands. "It's our job to balance everything." Izuku chuckles. "Sorry back to you. He's destructive but for a reason. Why do you wanna kill All Might? Do you even want to kill him, or are you just a puppet for your Sensei?" Shigaraki growls and moves up only to have his cheek sliced by a piece of fabric. "I told you, her quirk will shred you apart." 

"Next time we meet, Midoriya." Shigaraki growls. "I'll kill you." 

"Come after my class again, and I will steamroll you or anyone else that gets in my way till I reach your puppet master then rip his soul out." Ayako's quirk finishes, and Izuku was standing in a new black suit. He looks down at Shigaraki. "What do you think?" He turns around some. "Fitting for a Monarch, don't you agree, Shiggy?" Izuku grins as the hooded figure leaves the store growling. The door shuts, and Izuku sighs. "Thank you, Ayako. Lovely work as always." 

"Will you be wearing it out or want me to change you?" The woman smirks while holding up a shopping bag with his street clothes. 

"I will be wearing it out." Izuku walks off the platform calling Igris back. "How much?" 

"Well, for destroying my other suit and bringing that man child into my shop." Ayako walks behind the counter. "Let's say 140,000 yen, and we will call it even." 

"You're an evil woman sometimes." Izuku hands over his card. 

"I know, sweety. Yet this is your third suit from me." She winks and rings up the purchase. 

"Have a good day, Ayako." Izuku grabs the bag of his old clothes. 

"You too, Izuku." She smiles and watches him leave. "Oh, that lucky girl that jumps him first." She giggles before going back to her job. 

Izuku rolls his eyes while taking off his tie, leaving the top button undone. "Izuku?" He looks up, seeing Jiro looking at him. "Damn, greenie. I know I saw it at I-Island, but damn, you clean up well." 

"Thanks, Jiro." Izuku smiles. "I didn't say it at I-Island, but you looked beautiful in your dress." Jiro's face turns red before she turns away. "Anyway, does everyone have everything?" 

"yeah, we were looking for you. Didn't know you were suit shopping." She deadpans, trying to calm herself. 

"I didn't need anything else." Izuku chuckles. "Shall we?" Izuku motions. Jiro nods, and they start walking back to their classmates who were waiting. 

"Izuku!" Tenya chops. "It's past the time we agreed to meet up!" 

"Sorry, Tenya. Got caught up with an old acquaintance of mine." Izuku smiles as he rolls his shoulders. "So, are we going to get some lunch or just stand around?" 

"LET'S EAT!" Kirishima yells, and the students walk towards a restaurant. Izuku falls back as he pulls out his phone and calls Detective Tsukauchi. 

"Hello, this is Detective Tsukauchi." 

"Hello, Detective. It's Izuku Midoriya. I just wanted to inform you Shigaraki was at the Kiyashi Word Shopping Mall a few minutes ago. He's long gone by now, so no need to worry. We were talking about the Hero Killer and his Sensei. Yagi informed me about him." Izuku explains as he hears the silence on the other side of the receiver. "The Hero Killer wasn't with the League but since the media fucked that up. They got new players." 

"I will let UA know. Thank you for the information Midoriya." The detective states. 

"Thank you, detective. If you need anything else, you can reach me at this number or come, pay me a visit at UA." Izuku looks up, seeing the class chose a noodle shop. "Well, I have to go. Have a good day" Izuku hangs up just as the class splits up and to eat. 

"Who were you calling?" Momo sits across from Izuku and Ochako. Jiro was by her side. 

"Detective Tsukauchi." Izuku flips through the choices. 

"Why?" Ochako was about to order the cheapest thing on the menu when Izuku orders for her. She glares at him, but he just smiles. 

"No reason. If anything comes from it, we will know back at UA." Izuku closes the menu. "no need to worry for now." Izuku leans back while unbuttoning his suit. "Just enjoy the day." 

Back at the dorms

The class was called down to the standard room of the dorms towards the end of the night. 

"So, given what happened at the Mall." Aizawa starts, and Izuku facepalms as most of the class look confused. "You didn't tell them?" Aizawa looks at Izuku. 

"I did not," Izuku groans before sitting down. "Thanks for that, Sensei." 

"What happened?" Momo looks at Izuku, and so did everyone else. 

"Shigaraki, the leader of the villains that attacked the USJ and set Nomu's on Hosu city, came to have a chat with me when I was getting my new suit. We only had a chat, no fighting." Izuku calms the class before they freak out. "He left, and I called the detective to inform him of the information I collected while we talked. There was no reason to cause a panic at the mall." 

"Izuku!" Ochako yells along side Jiro. 

"You could have told us afterward, man." Kirishima states with his arms crossed. 

"Why?" Izuku looks around. "He wasn't there for a fight. He was asking stupid questions and acting like a child. We enjoyed our day; I wouldn't ruin that with his childish ass," Izuku sits up. "Anyway, Aizawa, please continue." 

"Okay then, our usual accommodations were canceled. We will not be revealing our actual destination until the day we depart." Aizawa crosses his arms while leaning against the wall. 


"But, I already told my parents." Sero leans over the couch. 

"That's precisely the point," Momo breaths out while looking at Izuku. "The school can't control who learns what or how." 

"You." Katsuki turned towards Izuku. "You should have killed him." 

"I was getting a suit done Katsuki, trust me. Ayako would have killed me if I dirtied her shop." Izuku pulls at his pants some. "Or done something worse." 

"Whatever." Katsuki glares at Izuku. 

"Just be ready to leave in a few days. Have a good night." Aizawa walks upstairs, and Izuku rolls his eyes. 

"When will you open up?" Ochako asks coldly. Most of the class falls silent. 

"What are you talking about?" Izuku stands up, ready to leave. 

"The final exam." She states. "Your fight against All Might." 

"What do you want to know? I had a fucked up childhood, I got bulled, I got beaten up because I was different from everyone else." Izuku shrugs. "I'm not the only one." Izuku watches Mina, Kirishima, Asui, and Kaminari look down at the floor. "We each go through different things in life that make us who we are, Ochako." 

"How are you okay with it?" She curled her hands up. 

"I'm not," Izuku states calmly. "I'm pissed off at my past, I'm mad at the teachers that turned a blind eye, I hate the girls that would trick me into waiting around a restaurant because I thought maybe I wasn't a complete loser. Oh, how about the boys Kacchan hung out with." The class looks confused, but Katsuki flinches at his nickname. "They would wait around until he left and then beat the living piss out of me. So Ochako, when you say I'm okay with it. That's wrong. I'm not okay with it, and those who wronged me will burn." Izuku turns around. "It's just not the right time. Some of my classmates will be politicians, cops, or businessmen. And one day, I will show up on their doorstep…" Izuku breaths out. "Well, we will just have to wait and see, won't we." Izuku looks right at Katsuki. "Have a good night, and get some sleep." Izuku leaves the class on the lower floor, just wanting to escape the talk. His past always makes his skin itch.