
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

You’re Not Alone

Upstate New York

Rochester was a vibrant town filled with many exciting and awe-inspiring features. Healthy forests maintained and expanded upon by the best workers provided. Great schools that focused on the wellbeing of their students as well as encouraging their need to learn, broadening their horizons in all areas not limited to arts and science, but in practical skills to prepare them for the future. Good natured citizens who looked out for one another and kept those who caused mischief in line. It held the home base of the most secret organization in the world, one that not even the almighty Avengers had no knowledge of.

Sitting in a clean, ornate office filled with books, decorative cream-colored walls and warm colored filigrees ranging from red, browns, and golds decorating the room, a dark mahogany wood flooring matching the large, expansive mahogany desk was a bald man in his mid-40's, wearing a blue casual suit with a cream shirt and matching blue tie that was slightly undone in a wheelchair. He sorted through a plethora of papers, sorting them into two separate piles. One pile he marked through with his trusty red ink pen with a kind smile on his face, murmuring under his breath as he sorted through the pages, "she's getting better, those studying sessions with Dr. Grey are certainly making a difference," "Another A, Scott will be pleased," "Oh dear, he's falling behind, I'll need to make time to talk to Mr. Allerdyce and see what's going on."

The papers with red ink markings, the ones that earned the proud and concerned murmurs from the man, were graded papers from his students. The man was a professor, and he took his job most seriously. He worked at the Xavier's School: Home for Gifted Youngsters. He not only was a proud and prominent professor at the school, he also had the pleasure of running it as it's headmaster. Day in and day out, with the help of his wonderful, loyal staff, Professor Charles Xavier ran the school with studious intellect, and warm greetings. He taught Psychology and History, and he could be happier.

But teaching was not all he did.

Charles Xavier was a smart, persuasive man who has made it his mission to bring peace to this world, or at the very least to his own world. To enact his vision, he created a team that eventually became a secret organization that has miraculously stayed under the radar for many, many years. A team that has stopped wars before they started, ended coups in their infancy, brought about change in ways the prodigious Professor only ever dreamed of. The team used to be only few, but now there were many.

Originally, they were simply soldiers, but now they were the X-Men.

The X-Men were made up of a multitude of talents that Charles lovingly, carefully put into teams of 5. His most trusted and busiest team were made up of Scott Summers, Ororo Monroe, Dr. Jean Grey, Raven Darkholme, and Yuriko Oyama.

Scott was Charles eyes and ears when it came to missions of great importance. His fighting was proficient, great under pressure, and possessed good judgement in and out of a crisis. His leadership qualities and honest nature is what possessed Charles to place the terrible burden of leading the prestigious team of the best Charles had to offer. The true heart of the operation. Ororo was the guts, the brawn. She knew how to fight, and she never backed down from a challenge. Dr. Grey was the brains. Observation and critical thinking were where her talents truly lied. If Scott was out, she was next in command because everyone knew they could trust her to get them out relatively safely. Raven was the master of disguise, a chameleon among humankind. She could play any role, charm a toaster, intimidate an onion, anything and everything and no one would know a thing. Even Charles wasn't completely sure of her true appearance. Yuriko was the newest addition to the team, recently graduated from the school and eager to move forward with the X-Men. She was the best, most unique fighter to ever grace the school, and a proficient hacker to boot. She truly was essential, and Charles was more than happy to have her at their side.

Scott and Dr. Grey, apart from unique situations, were nearly always heading one team or another. A few graduates have joined the X-Men over the years and proudly serve their former Professor to enact his vision of peace in the world. Aside from them, the X-Men also involved some lesser known, more unsavory characters that Charles knew he needed many years ago. So far, apart from certain events that should have been avoided, it's roughly worked out in everyone's favor.

Even with moments like today.

Charles had just finished the stack of graded papers and moved onto the left pile. Reports from Scott and his fellow X-Men during their most recent mission into the recent protests against Alpha superiority. Raven had disguised herself as a prominent official and stood onstage with Carol Danvers and Marie Rambeau. Charles called Dr. Wendy Lawson himself informing her of the event and persuaded her to take an extended vacation until everything was complete, thus allowing Raven to continue the charade as long as needed. Yuriko planted multiple phone calls to different officials to the two protesters, deeming the two more important than they originally seemed.

Most of the devils in the world were depleting or gone. A multitude of Governments have already been infiltrated, along with the underground thanks to Charles unsavory friends, and a few of the last functioning Mafia syndicates still in operation. All but one.

The Avengers.

Charles was unhappy to think of the lengths they would need to reach in order to stop and dismantle the giant that is the Avengers. Tony Stark alone would be quite the feat, particularly in the last 10 years as he slowly descended to all depths of depravity due to his loneliness and isolation.

The team was another thing entirely.

Natasha Romanoff was a deadly force Charles didn't want any of his team around, his students in particular. The Black Widow was a well-earned moniker. Sgt. James Barnes was a tragic figure who Charles once had hope for, but then the Black Widow dug her pincers into him and caught him in her web. That hope was long gone now. Captain Steve Rogers was another tragic figure, one Charles once believed to be the pinnacle of what was good in the world. Then James was captured, tortured, mutilated, and experimented on by cruel, depraved men. Steve Rogers changed just as much as Sgt. Barnes did. Dr. Banner's self-experimentation left him completely unreliable thanks to the emergence of his second, more violent nature in the Hulk, the terrible personality that changed Bruce for the worst. Hawkeye was simply dangerous, and firmly loyal to the Black Widow.

Separate, they each were formidable foes. Together, with all their access and all-knowing A.I., it was a daunting task to say the least. One that Charles did not take lightly. The same could not be said for some of his team, of course.

With a loud boom, the doors to his tidy, cozy, warm office were forced open and nearly broken off their hinges. Charles sighed, knowing the intruder without bothering to look up. The boisterous entrance was symbolic enough.

"McAvoy! Looking good! Loving the hair. It's so shiny! Like a crystal ball, or the top of a snow globe. Really brings out the eyes." A loud, joyful, sardonic voice spoke, the rubber of his suit creating a crude, rubbing sound that caused Charles to almost roll his eyes.


He carefully placed the reports into a manilla folder, placed them back in the left pile, then gently placed his hands in front of him on the table, fingers interlocking.

"Hello Mr. Wilson," Charles started, offering the intruder a kind smile. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company today?"

Wade Wilson, otherwise known as Deadpool, was a merc for hire. Experimented on when he was younger as he attempted to cure his cancer and continue living the rest of his life with his lover, Vanessa. Sadly, she was murdered by a gang of thugs shortly after his cancer was astonishingly cured by his own mutilation, one that resulted in the mercenary extremely hard to kill. No on has succeeded yet. Even Logan, a rogue who didn't like people and helped Xavier from time to time when it was absolutely necessary.

Wade always wore the same Kevlar black and red suit, no matter how damage it received and patching he needed to do to it. He refused to wear anything else when working. Charles had the sinking suspicion that Wade went days without taking it off. It would explain the terrible smell that the mercenary emitted from time to time.

Wade marched right up to Charles desk, dropping a wallet in front of his interlocked hands.

"Merry Christmas! I got you a present! You're going to love it!"

Charles sighed, gingerly picking up the brown wallet, "if you give me another man's finger, Mr. Wilson, I will have to reconsider your position here amongst my company."

"Only because you love it! It's only the best friends that you body parts as gifts. Shows how much one really cares." Deadpool shrugged, then began to skip happily around the office.

Charles took a breath, glancing through the door and seeing two men standing nervously outside the entrance. A tall black man with a look of agitation and confusion on his face. He wore a casual suit with an officer's badge adorned on the outside of his pockets, the name Wilson engraved in the gold plating. The other man was shorter, Caucasian, also wore a casual suit. He had glasses with red lenses and a white and red walking stick. Blind.

"Are they with you, Mr. Wilson?" Charles asked cautiously.

"Not exactly. Daredevil over there tracked me down with Wings and convinced me that it was of the utmost importance I take them to someone who can help them rescue their friends."

"And you automatically thought of me?"

"Check the wallet and you'll see why." Wade abruptly patted Charles on the back before resuming his joyful skipping, humming along to "Gaston" from the Beauty and the Beast movie.

Charles glanced at the two strangers once more, studying them briefly. Then he opened the wallet and was surprised by what he saw inside. There were no cards. No identifications. No money to speak of.

Just pictures.

Two kids, about 16 or 17. The boy had chocolate, wavy brown hair with warm matching doe eyes, healthy white skin and a happy smile that could light up a room. Handsome a soft, demure way. He had an honest face. He was thin, gangly, but well taken care of. Charles could tell he was an Omega just by looking at him.

The girl had short curly blue hair cut in a messy bob style. The sky-blue eyes were surprisingly warm as well, though Charles expected they were often deemed an untrusting. Her smirk was amused. She looked malnourished, like she was often stressed and doesn't eat nearly as much as she should. Minor scars were on her face, particularly the nose area which Charles suspected must have been broken from time to time. She was slightly taller than the boy, but it didn't make a difference. She was an Omega too, and not a normal one.

She took care of him. She was dirty and run down where he was clean and happy. They hugged one another without disgust or romantic inclination. Charles could tell based on their facial symmetry that they were not related, but from the bond in the pictures he could only surmise that they were brother and sister. Throughout the entire stack, it was the same. She looked out for him, and he thrived while she allowed herself to deplete.

Charles looked at the girl once more, studying every inch of her. What was so different about her. Charles knew there was something, but he couldn't see it, couldn't tell.

"Can you see it yet?"

Charles looked up at Wade, surprised by the sudden seriousness in his tone. He didn't answer him. Wade leaned forward, pointing at the picture Charles was currently holding.

"She's got two, just like you. Right teach?"

That was it. He looked closer at the picture, and his mind completely blew. An Omega with two scent glands. Just like him.

"I thought I was the only one." Charles whispered to himself, completely in awe.

"If we don't act soon, you will be." The blind man spoke up, capturing Charles attention. "The Black Widow and the Winter Soldier have her. Tony Stark has the boy."

"What are their names?" Charles asked, desperate to know.

"Violet Mason and Peter Parker," the policeman spoke up, chest puffing out slightly. "My name is Sam Wilson, and I work for the NYPD Manhattan. He's Matthew Murdock, attorney at law for Nelson and Murdock. Can you help up get our friends back?"

Charles looked down at the photo again, analyzing the two Omegas with precision and hope. He reached over to grab his phone, refusing to take his eyes off their faces, and pressed the single number 1. The phone started ringing. Not even 5 seconds in, a brash, German accented voice answered, "Charles? Is it time already?"

"Not yet, old friend, but I do need to have a chat with you. How quickly can you get here?"

"A few hours if my pilot remains steady. Is something wrong?"

"No, if I'm right, I believe it's something right. Quite possibly one of the best things to ever happen."

"I'm intrigued. I'll see you soon. Ready the table, if you please?"

"I will, my Alpha. Thank you, Erik