
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Won’t Stop Until It’s Over

Hideout 3 Days Later


10:32 a.m.

This was not the painful heat Violet has been through countless times, but it was by far the strangest. Strange because this was what many Omegas described their heats being like. An uncontrollable need waiting to be fulfilled, the unbearable aching feeling from the absence of an Alpha, and the agonizing arousal affected her body in ways it's never done before. The worst of all though were the hallucinations.

More than once she wholeheartedly believed the Winter Soldier was in the bathroom holding a loofah and rubbing it up and down all over her skin when really it was her own hand. Imagining the crimson eyes staring at her, watching over from the mirror over the sink. Remembered his voice, the smile he wore when he said "God, I love you." Over and over the words repeated, driving Violet into a frantic state of mind she'd never thought she'd achieve, especially after all the times she's stayed for more than 3 days straight just to avoid a nightmare, or because she had nowhere safe to sleep.

One dream in particular really drove home how far gone she was.

During one of the rare times Violet was able to find sleep in the haze caused by her heat, she dreamt that she floated in a pool. A pool filled to the brim with berries, orange slices, red apples, and red wine with hints of whiskey. None of it burned or hurt her, she just felt warm, comforted in ways she's never felt before. Around the pool was freshly fallen snow, white flakes still falling from cloudy sky.

Violet was perfectly content to stay in her pool and bask in the warmth while watching the snow fall, but her brain had other ideas. Rising from fruit and alcohol mixture, right in front of Violet, The Black Widow emerged with a smile on her face. Auburn hair slightly wet and discolored from the mixture, her dark eye glistening as she stared at Violet.

"There you are," the Black Widow smiled, moving towards Violet.

In the real world, Violet would have backed away and looked for something to smack her face with. Here, in this heat induced world where nothing made sense, Violet reached berry covered hands towards her. She felt her smiling in welcome.

"You found me," her dream self whispered, cupping the Widows face with both hands.

The woman smiled at Violet, "you're our chosen, baby. We always will."

The Widow's hands gently gripped Violet's wrists, pulling them away from her face and tugging Violet closer, coaxing her to wrap her arms around the Widow's neck. It wasn't until their bodies touched that Violet realized they were naked. Instinctually she pulled away only to be stopped by firm hands suddenly descending on her shoulders.

"Don't be afraid," a man's voice rumbled in her ear, "we'd never hurt you."

Violet turned abruptly and came face to face the Winter Soldier. The Black Widow wrapped her arms around Violet's torso, one hand resting on her sternum while the other pressed gently against the top of her belly, slowly moving down. The crimson eyes filled her view. His lips were parted in what could only be ecstasy. A flash of tongue made Violet quiver. The Widow's fingers continued their path the gentle area between Violet's legs.

"Let us in," The Soldier whispered, his course hands grabbing her hips, gently pulling her towards him, "let us love you."

"You've fought for so long," The Widow added. Violet gasped when fingers reached their destination, gently rubbing that oh so sensitive area. "run just as far."

"You deserve rest, the moon and the stars on a silver platter." The Soldier continued, pressing his face into her neck.

She moaned at their touch, her body losing all inhibitions as she leaned into them.

"That's it, Violet. Just relax." The Black Widow whispered, her fingers sliding deep inside of her.

"We'll take care of you, just let go," The Soldier pleaded, kissing her neck, hands hold her like she was the most precious thing in the world.

Each time she had that dream she felt like she was melting through the tub when she woke up. Each time when she left the cruel fantasy and return to reality, everything felt so wrong and empty. It was hard leaving a dream to live with what you had, but Violet never ceased to smile when she returned to her hellish heat and left the red pool and snowy landscape behind. To the cruel pain life bestowed her with nearly every day and leave the impossible dream behind.

Violet would never have something like that, though her heart wished for it, ached for it now she had a sense of what she was missing. It just wasn't in the cards for her. Dealing with shithead Alphas and stealing her far too innocent best friend away from manipulative mafia bosses was the hand she'd been dealt.

The dream kept coming back, getting stronger, bolder with each iteration until finally it stopped. Her heat ended in what felt like 2 months. In reality, it was only 3 days, with its merciful end occurring on the 3 morning.

For the first time in 3 days, Violet stood to her feet without the world tilting on its axis. Legs shaking under her weight, an unfortunate side effect of living in a bathtub nonstop during that time. It was quite the experience Violet never wanted to endure again. She'd take the pain over the pleasure any day. She looked at her reflection, taking in the haggard appearance with a sardonic.

She's looked worse.

Her naturally pale skin was flushed and sickly, blue eyes tired from lack of sleep, red lips chapped and bloody from dehydration, collarbone protruding slightly from the sweaty green t-shirt that stuck to her skin like a swimsuit. There was a pile of clothes on the toilet seat next to the sink. A woman named Sarah brought them sometime around day two. She also brought food and water that went untouched because couldn't hold anything down to save her life. Hence the chapped lips and dehydrated state.

Now that it was all said and done, Violet stripped off the sweaty clothes, threw them in the wastebasket with the other clothes, then shakily stepped back in the tub to take a much-needed shower. The burning, hot water felt amazing on her skin after spending so much time finding every cold bit of floor to attach herself too. She felt it rinse away all the grime and grossness she's been covered with, felt it wash away all the bad things that happened before the heat started, felt it comfort her with the bad things she was bound to face.

About ten minutes later Violet finally emerged from the bathroom. Clean, alert, and ready as she can be. She was wearing one of Frank's shirts based on the size of it, but either he didn't wear it often or just bought it because it didn't smell like him at all. Violet appreciated that. The shirt was black and long sleeved, and the sweatpants were grey and much closer to her size. She also wore blue fuzzy socks and was too worn out to feel indifferent about them.

The first thing she smelled was gunpowder and smoke, the biggest hints of Frank's scent. There was also something that Violet attributed to hot sand, but it wasn't prominent enough for her to know for sure. Next, she smelled was eggs and bacon, typical breakfast when you live with Frank Castle. She smiled at the memory of trying and failing to convince him to make pancakes, only for him to take her out to breakfast two mornings later. The last was coffee, which Violet knew would be black, like Frank's soul, with one packet of sugar and a dash of milk. Violet hated the taste of coffee, but she appreciated the smell though.

With another turn she was in the kitchen, and standing at the stove was Frank Castle, The Punisher in his surprisingly non-bloody glory. Sure enough, he was making scrambled eggs and bacon in the same pan, always starting with the bacon so the eggs could soak up the grease when he threw them in. The toaster popped next to him. Violet smiled when he turned to pull out Eggos chocolate chip toaster waffles. Just crispy enough on the outside to give it a nice satisfying crunch while remaining soft on the inside, and just hot enough to make the chips inside all nice and melty.

It's been almost 3 years since they last shared breakfast together, yet Violet remembered it like it was yesterday.

"You just going to keep standing over there?" His deep, gruff voice spoke out of nowhere, "or are you going to grab us some plates?"

Violet moved towards him, smirking to herself, "eyes still in the back of your head, I see."

"Always kid," he turned over the eggs, "hurry up with those plates, will you?"

"Aye, aye captain," she headed towards the sink where the freshly washed plates standing up in the tray. She grabbed two, quickly walking back and standing at Frank's side. He scooped up the bacon and egg mixture and placed unequal portions on each plate. The bigger portion clearly Frank's. He took his plate from Violet, then placed the toaster waffles on hers. Immediately, she grabbed the eggo, but Frank stopped her with a flick of her wrist.

She peered up at him in question, her expression saying dude, what the hell?

"Eggs and bacon first," gently slapping the side of her head with a roll of his eyes, "go sit down."

She complied with a shrug, heading towards the small table in the middle of the grimy kitchen, taking a seat on the foldable, outdoorsy chair.

The pair ate in silence, the only sounds in the room were Frank's random grunts, the scraping of forks, and Violet's fidgeting in the surprisingly loud chair. The fabric was the rough type that makes noise each time someone moves a muscle. Since Violet couldn't sit still to save her life, the chair made a lot of noise. Frank didn't seem to mind so Violet made no move to correct it. It felt good to have food in her belly again, even if it hurts her teeth as she chewed. It felt better to drink some water. She guzzled the first glass in one go, tuning Frank out when he told her to slow down.

"Like the hair," Frank muttered as he scraped up the last of his eggs, shoveling them into his mouth.

"Thanks," Violet garbled around a bite of Eggo.

"Karen do it?"

Violet shook her head, "Some hairdresser did it for free after I scared some douchebag Alpha off with firecrackers."

Frank grunted, "sounds like something you would do."

Violet took another bite of her Eggo, "how do you know Matt?"

"He helped get me out of the city once," Frank sipped his coffee, "looked out for me when I didn't deserve it."

"You mean when you became The Punisher?" Violet questioned, watching him carefully.

He nodded, unfazed by her accusation. "Yeah, tried to talk me out of what I was doing at first. Diplomatic bullshit fueled by hope that throwing them in prison will stop bad people from doing bad things."

"You don't believe that," Violet stated, finishing off her Eggo and ignoring the pain in her back teeth.

"Nah. The only thing that keeps a man down is a bullet in his head."

"How about a woman?" Violet asked slyly behind her third glass of water.

"The same," he responded before looking at her, "but you, kid? Fuck, it would take an army of me to take you down."

"Twelve more to take both of us," Violet smiled.

"Damn straight," he grunted. He reached out his mug, and clinking glasses with Violet.

There were a few more moments of silence before Violet asked, "Where have you been, Frank?"

He sipped his coffee, not answering at first, "I've been around. Going from place to place." He eyes locked onto hers, "same as you."

She stiffened, "you've been in the city the whole time?"

He shook his head, "no, just got back yesterday morning."

"Why then?"

"Murdock called a few nights ago, said you and Peter were in trouble."

"You remember Peter?"

"Can't forget that kid. You swung a golf club at my head because you thought I made him cry."

Violet smiled at the memory. "To be fair, you kind of did though."

"Didn't mean I deserved a fucking 5 iron to my head." His tone was menacing, but he at Violet. She winked back, starting on the other toaster waffle.

She met Peter for the first time about two days before that fun little incident. He ran away from the clinic after he found out his second gender. Ended up in the park where Violet was pretending to play on the swing set. He collapsed in front of her, crying his eyes out and saying all kinds of stuff like "now I'll never be like my Dad" or "they'd be so disappointed in me". Since he literally collapsed in front of her, Violet got him to sit up and tell her what was going on. When she found out that he was an Omega too and that the Doctor made him feel bad about it, she grabbed his hand and together they marched back to the clinic.

His aunt and uncle were happy to see their baby boy, but Violet didn't pay attention to them. She walked straight up to the Doctor Peter pointed to as the one who told him those things and punched him in the groin.

"We might be Omegas, but we can still kick your ass." Then she slapped him, spit in his hair since he was on the ground whimpering, and turned back to face Peter, "no one hurts Omegas like us when I'm around." She quickly ran off after that.

Peter found her at the park two days later holding two sandwiches and a two liter of Dr. Pepper. "Want to be friends?" And they have been ever since.

Thinking about Peter hurt. What were the Avengers doing to him? Was he already wearing a collar? Can Violet still save him?

"I got to save Peter." Violet mumbled, moving to stand.

Frank's hand shot out and grabbed her shoulder, forcing back into her seat with a loud plop. "The only thing you have to do right now is tell me what's been going on. Why are the Avengers after you and Peter, and how long has it been going on?"

"Wouldn't Matt have told you?"

"He did, but I need your side of it since you and Peter seem to be at the center of this whole thing." He sipped his coffee, gesturing towards her with his pinky finger, "now start talking."

Once again, she complied. Starting off with Peter asking her to meet Tony Stark, all the gruesome details in the middle, until finally she ended it with all the events that happened on Halloween night. Frank didn't interrupt her once, and kept the same pissed off, inquisitive expression as he mulled over all the things she told him. When she finally finished, his placed his now empty mug on the table, hand rubbing the top of his hair in frustration before he took a breath and stared at her.

"They called you their chosen?"

Violet nodded, neck stiff as a board. The urge to throw up her breakfast suddenly overtook her with how tightly her stomach squeezed under Frank's scrutinous gaze.

"This ain't good, kid."

"Would you mind putting that on a scale for me? I'm more of a visual person-"

"We're fucked, Vi. -12 on a scale of 1 to 10."

"How fucked is fucked?"

"You don't want to know." Frank stood abruptly, grabbing both of their plate and balancing his empty mug on top of the stack. "Take a seat on the couch. I'm going to need to make some calls."

"Who are you calling?"

"Back-up, reinforcements, people who deal with contingency plans, those people. Now grab a pillow and snag some sleep. You're going to need it for later."

"What's happening later?" Violet asked, pulling a blanket off the back of the couch.

"War meeting. If we're going up against the Avengers, we're going to need all the help we can get, including the delinquent Omega who can't stop standing up to Alphas to save her own skin. Now get some sleep."

Violet nodded, smiling slightly that Frank was willing to let her join the meeting. At the same time, she was terrified. If he was letting her join, then it was only because he really needed her for something. Something big.

Now wasn't the time to think about it. With a loud yawn, Violet barely covered herself with the blanket when she collapsed on the living room couch and fell asleep instantly. Hoping and preying that she wouldn't have that heat induced romance session dream again.

Stark Industries

Peter Parker


If there was anyone in this world Peter Parker could trust without a shadow of doubt, it was Violet. If Violet wasn't her real name, then she had her reasons for changing it and keeping it from him. If she got into a fist fight with one of Tony's friends at the party, then the bastard had it coming and completely deserved it. If she was hiding out somewhere because of some illegal happenings, then Peter sure as Hell wasn't telling anyone where she might be because she would do the same for him. Including smacking him upside the head for being an idiot. No mater what anyone said Violet, Peter will always trust his opinion of her first.

Even with Mr. Stark putting on a very convincing show.

He liked Mr. Stark. Maybe if circumstances were a bit different, he would grow to love the older man someday. There was certainly a spark between the pair, a shared love for technology and satisfaction mostly coming from engineering and creating new things. Mr. Stark treated him like a treasured friend and equal though they only met early last week thanks to Peter accidentally opening his top-secret suitcase and finding a whole bunch of money in it. He didn't take any of it. He just called the business card he found inside and gave it to Ms. Potts at a fancy restaurant when he literally bumped into the Tony Stark himself. They kept bumping into one another afterwards and eventually set up a date in Mr. Stark's lab that very Friday.

At the end of the night the pair kissed, and Peter felt like he was walking on air. Felt so good in fact that he found the courage to confront Violet and ask her to meet Mr. Stark the very next morning after he finished studying. Since he asked her, he could tell something was wrong. Much more than just typical dread of meeting someone. It was underdeveloped hatred brewing beneath her eyes, and she didn't have that for anyone she's never met.

It should have been his first clue.

At the Halloween Party, he thought everything would be okay because she made the effort to look clean, presentable, and show Mr. Stark and his friends that she meant to make a good impression.

Then she made dinner and just disappeared, only making a brief appearance to bribe Wanda for a shot, then nothing. Peter fell asleep shortly after she disappeared back in the kitchen, but she did remember really loud banging sounds. And screams.

He hasn't told Mr. Stark any of this, somehow knowing he would just explain it away. Just like his reasoning of keeping Peter at the tower after his building was set on fire. He knew the place was a pig sty, but the residents took care of the best as best they could. It was one of the cheapest places in New York and none of them could afford better. Now, most of them wouldn't have a home.

Peter could feel that something was up, but the only person he could trust to tell him the truth was Violet. She was currently AWOL for whatever reason, and Mr. Stark or even FRIDAY might decide to monitor his calls or have him follow if he tries to leave the tower for anything other than school. Still, he could feel in his bones that his best friend needed him, so he was going to try to find her even if it got him killed.

He hoped for both of their sakes it didn't end up like that.

Control Bay

Meanwhile, in another room two floors down, The Black Widow and The Winter Soldier watched back surveillance cameras around Wanda's neighborhood, on the lookout for a silver Lexus to follow. Tied together on the floor a few feet away from the assassin and soldier, Karen and Foggy struggled in silence, while Pietro and Wanda meditated to help level out Pietro's nerves and calm her spirit. All of them were physically unharmed, but severely scared of the two pouring over surveillance.

All of them hoped and prayed to God that Violet was okay, hiding in a safe spot far, far away from where the Avengers could find her.

It didn't matter though. James and Natasha would hunt their Omega to the ends of earth just to have her back in their arms once more. They wouldn't give up this time. Not for anything in the world.

She couldn't run forever. Eventually she would tire, and that is when they take her home. At long last.