
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Tremble For My Beloved

Avengers Tower

7:30 p.m.


James wasn't sure how the idea came to him or why it suddenly dawned on him, all he knew was that the moment he thought of the Omegas in the hospital he was consumed with the need to know more about them. Over the course of three days James stood outside their hospital rooms, peering through the windows and open doorways in order to grasp a better understanding of them, familiarizing himself with their pain and trauma, willing his heart to empathize with their wordless plea. He tried and he tried, sleepless hours straining his mind to imagine their suffering, pulling at his own heartstrings to feel for them. But for all he did, he couldn't feel for them. Not for their pain and suffering, not for the cruel acts of abuse against them, not for anything.

Except for what Violet did for them.

He could see the care she put into their recovery. The healing scars, the rebandaged wounds he saw when they were taken to the hospital, the way their eyes softened when Violet was mentioned. Human emotions rolling through them at the mention of her, along with Wanda and Pietro, body language both protective of their reliable friend and scared for her too.

He never went into their rooms, even when Pepper and Natasha questioned them together. Choosing to listen through the earpiece and watch through the windows. Hearing talk about their experiences made him feel nothing, but talking about what Violet did for them, the advice and comfort she blessed them with, made his heart soar and weep at the same time. She was a guardian angel to those in need by completely ignoring her own.

While he was listening in on the interviews Pepper and Natasha were conducting with the Omegas, James asked FRIDAY to search through hospital records for Violet, and anyone who matched Violet's description and age group in case she went by a different pseudonym. FRIDAY came up with a Violet Mason and all her records from the past five years.

Countless files on unstoppable nosebleeds which would explain why she wasn't affected by his and Natasha's Alpha scents (she couldn't smell), fractured knuckles, bruised ribs, 2 concussions, and a consistent visit every three months starting 2 years 4 months and 3 days ago to deal with issues concerning her heat. Issues being chronic pain in her abdominal region, vomiting blood, nightmares and hallucinations, and mild seizures. There were multiple notes about her being underweight for someone her age, and the most recent visit was from 36 days ago when she checked in for tooth pain. Turns out her back teeth were cracked in multiple places and on top of it her wisdom teeth were growing in.

In the beginning she was brought in by an unnamed party, though there were a few notes written about the party in question from those at the front desk. Tall, broad man, rough and tough, intense and angry as can be, always in black. It was a repeated description for the first two years until suddenly Violet either came in on her own, or with one of her friends. Most often with Miss Karen Page.

Seeing her name so often on the hospital list convinced James of his need to speak to her, hoping he wouldn't have to resort to violence while getting the information he needed. Violet hated his race with plenty of reason and was starting to hate him and Natasha even more so for their actions towards her and her friends in the previous week. He needed this to go right, which explains his reason for being here.

Currently, he waited outside one of the meeting rooms where Karen was waiting. James felt oddly hesitant, unsure if it was a good idea or just another thing for Violet to hate him for. He was glad Natasha wanted to join this little excursion. The pair have been so restless these past few days, neither knew what to do with themselves, hence why James has been pouring over these medical files and prying into his Omega's life without permission. Perhaps together they can learn what they need to help win her over, or at least convince her they're not as bad as the Alphas that hurt all the Omegas she helped care for at the Omega House.

"If you stare at that wall any longer, you're going to burn through it," a smooth voice caught James' attention.

Instead of Natasha walking towards him with the sexy lilt in her step that he loved to watch, it was Steve with hands in his pockets wearing his naturally austere expression. A small smile lit up his eyes slightly, removing on hand from his pant pocket to clap his brother on the shoulder.

"How you are doing, Buck?" Steve asked gently, his hand staying on his shoulder.

James didn't answer at first, his thoughts focusing on the hospital, "Have you talked to any of those Omegas? The ones Tony had bussed to the hospital he donates to?"

Steve shook his head, "No. I was told to stay on sight and help you find your Violet. Why do you ask?"

"Because I listened in on Pepper and Natasha's interviews today. Learned a lot."

"What did you learn?"

James took a breath, "Violet's a fucking angel. Those Omegas wouldn't have survived without her. Betas too."

"I thought you already knew that," Steve smirked, chuckling to himself when James rolled his eyes.

"Of course, but it's different when I see her as a sweet, sexy angel wearing all white with a halo hovering over her head versus the type of angel she really is. Covered in blood while patching up wounds, smiling with tired eyes while encouraging those around her that they are survivors and deserve to live like Queens and Kings. All the while depriving herself of what she needs because, in her mind, someone else needs it more."

James stopped, shaking his head in what thought was shame. "I heard all of their stories, Steve. Their voices break, the tears falling down their faces, the pain they didn't bother to hide. I saw it all . . . and I didn't care." He turned to face Steve full on, "I didn't care, Stevie. How can I, we be with someone like Violet? Someone so selfless and good, who looks out for those who need it most while standing up to those who push the needy down." James took a breath, "how do I get her, Steve?"

Steve took a breath, "it's hard to care about a world that turned us into what we are today." He clapped James on the shoulder again, "but for those we do care about, we'd give them the world if they asked."

Steve paused once more, looking through James as he considered what he was going to say. "You said you didn't feel anything when the Omegas were talking about their experiences?"

James nodded, not responding.

"But you did when they talked about her, right?"

Again, James nodded.

"We're not good, Buck. With the shit that we do, the terrible things we're responsible for, we can't have a good heart. If we allow ourselves to care about people we'll never meet, care for their wellbeing and state of mind, our focus will diverge, and we'll lose ourselves trying to take care of everyone else. Just like with Violet." Steve sighed, taking a step closer to his brother, "she won't like it, but the best thing right now is for her to realize that she's important too. That she too is deserving of love and comfort, more so than everybody in this tower, minus our Chosens of course. That's how you get her, Buck. Treat her the way she treats those in her care."

"What if she doesn't let me?"

"If that happens, just be there when you can. Protect her from afar if you must but be there. No matter what."

James looked at his brother for a long and felt strangely felt the strong urge to smile at the man.

"Are you two planning a secret outing?" Natasha's voice cut through to them.

James turned to see that wonderful smirk on her beautiful face. She headed straight for Steve and pulled him in for a brief hug as the Captain chuckled. "Sorry Nat, didn't think you'd catch us."

"For shame," Natasha teased, pulling away to grab James' hand, "you of all people should know better than to underestimate me."

James allowed himself a brief smile, squeezing Natasha's hand slightly. "You ready to go in?"

Natasha shook her head, "Not yet, there's something I want to discuss with you first."

They glanced at Steve in unison. He held up his hands in defeat, looking at the pair speculatively as departed with chipper "good luck" as he turned away and walked down the hall.

"What is it?"

"Kilgrave. He knows we have Jessica Jones and refuses to give us intel unless we hand her over now."

"We're not doing that. Violet would be devastated." James started, an Alpha growl beginning in the back of his throat, but Natasha immediately calmed him.

"I know that, and that is not what I was going to say." She moved both hands to rest on his shoulders, gently massaging the muscles with her nimble fingers. "He's hiding right now, and with our resources split up to find Violet, I think we should pretend to play along."

"What? Make him think we're handing over Jessica?"

"While keeping her safe and sound here at the tower. This way it'll bring him out of hiding and we'll be able to corner him."

"Then we'll have the intel we need to shut HYDRA down for good." James finished, eyes slowly closing as Natasha continued the now pleasurable massage.

"That's right, one last trafficking ring to destroy and they'll be history. The last of our Rivals gone for good." Natasha wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling his head down for a kiss.

He reciprocated, but not with his usual fervor. His mind was too distracted, focus prominently on their chosen, on Violet. Natasha quickly noticed, stopping the kiss, eyes full of understanding.

"I'm sorry," she responded quickly, thumb wiping away the lipstick on his lips, "I'm not good at dealing with my emotions. I tend to work or fuck the pain away."

"I tend to brood and ruminate over everything I've done wrong and why I deserve to feel this way, so I think you win on that front." James responded in glum, sardonic tone.

Natasha snorted delicately, gently caressing his jaw.

"We'll find her soon," Natasha promised.

James nodded, "I know, I just wish she wanted us like we want her."

"Soon," She cupped his face, forehead pressing against his, "given enough time and patience, she will too."

"I know," he whispered, leaning down to kiss her again, just a quick peck. "And we'll work together every step of the way."

"Except for cooking, not my thing."

"Or ballet, should she want to join you."

Natasha smiled, "sounds good to me."

With that, he gave her one last kiss, more passionate and lustful than the previous two, before heading back to the waiting room door where Karen Page was still. They checked themselves over, ensuring they looked presentable before marching in and closing the door behind them.

Safe House


7:30 p.m.

Lewis Wilson was a weird dude.

Violet felt terrible for thinking that, knowing full well that most of his behavior had to do with his time served in the marines, but she couldn't keep the thought away no matter how hard she tried. The dude was weird. The way he kept staring at her, all shy and permissive, until he had to talk to Frank and the other guys, then he changed into the war-torn veteran with balls of steel. He wasn't much older than she was, only 22 he not so subtly pointed out to her like three different times, making sure she knew it was only a 3 and half year age difference between them. She wasn't sure how to respond to that and settled for just nodding along and focusing on Frank.

David Lieberman was a weird guy too, but it was good kind of weird. Lewis was creepy where David was just nerdy. David was a hacker, really knew his way around computers and technology. The guy to go up against FRIDAY and hopefully take her down long enough to get into contact with Peter without getting traced back here.

Curtis Hoyle, an Alpha like Frank, always made a very blatant point to stay away at least five feet from Violet. Going as far as plugging his nose so he wouldn't be affected by Violet's post heat scent. When he talked to her he was kind and courteous, which made Violet very, very uneasy. Why was he being so nice to her? Was it wrong of her to expect some alternate motivation to his actions? What was he doing? He didn't push her, just spoke calm words to her when he needed to. Violet just didn't get it.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She couldn't stop herself from asking.

It was a few minutes before the meeting was supposed to start. David was finishing setting up his computer stuff, Lewis was cleaning his guns and overtly staring at Violet, the same thing he'd been doing for the past few hours. One more person was supposed to show up, but they were running a little late. Whoever it was called Frank about ten minutes ago to let him know.

Curtis smiled slightly, "because I'm human first and a whole list of things before being an Alpha. Being human means helping your fellow man and showing kindness to those who need it most. From what Frank's told me about you, it sounds like you really need it."

"I don't need your pity," Violet replied in a scathing tone.

"It's not pity I'm offering, just a bit of advice if you're willing to hear me out."

Violet didn't respond, but her glare eased slightly. Curtis took that as his cue.

"Not all Alphas are tyrants, Violet, just as not all Omegas are fighters like you. Not all Alphas demean those around them, just as not all Omegas submit. There's good in everyone, and there is bad in everyone-"

"What matters is what we choose to act on?" Violet interrupted, giving Curtis the most sarcastic glare, she could muster, "you're really going to reference Harry Potter to me?"

"J.K.'s got a point; you can't deny that." Curtis shrugged, and Violet laughed. "Just remember this, Alphas can be good, Omegas can be manipulative, and Betas can be monsters in disguise." He looked pointedly to something behind Violet. When she turned, she briefly locked eyes with Lewis before she gingerly smiled and quickly looked away.

Violet looked back at Curtis warily. "Are you serious?"

Curtis nodded slightly, "he's not a bad guy, his time over there just messed him up. He's not dealing with it like he's supposed to, and I don't want you to get involved with that."

"But what if-"

"He needs to deal with it on his own." Curtis responded fiercely while still gentle with his tine. "You can't fight for those who won't fight for themselves. It'll get you killed, Violet, and probably the whole world with you if Frank had any say."

"And the Avengers," Violet grumbled.

Curtis smirked, "We'll figure it out. It won't be a cake walk, that's for sure."

"More like a walk through a mine field."

"It's been done, and without casualties too. We'll get you and your friends out."

"What then though? Where can we go where they won't get us?"

Curtis shrugged, "Frank mentioned Mexico when you were sleeping."

Violet turned her nose up at that, "Only if I get to live on a beach. If not, then I'd rather go to Canada."

"Not a fan of the heat?" Curtis asked with a smile.

"At all," Violet shook her head, lips turned down in disgust.

"Well, whatever happens, you'll figure something out."

Violet took a deep breath, "I hope so," she replied as she looked out the window.

Is that all she could do now? Runaway and hide? She thought back to last week when she and all the members of the Omega Protection Agency gathered to discuss how to save Peter from Tony Stark and the Avengers. The only options they could come up with were the same. Run and hide. Then Wanda's suggestion about allowing Tony Stark into their personal lives predictably turned into a real shit show. Violet still couldn't figure out why Wanda thought it was a good idea. Allowing a bunch of Alphas into a home filled with battered Omegas could only lead to problems, so why let it happen in the first place?

"Thank you," Curtis spoke suddenly, bringing Violet's attention back to him.

"For what?"

"For listening. Hearing me out. Thank you."

Violet shrugged, "thank you for giving me the option not to."

"You're welcome." He looked behind her once more, "I'm not going to tell you what to do. All I ask is remember what I said. You can't save someone who won't help themselves. Okay?"

She followed his gaze, eyes landing on Lewis once more, "I'll keep it in mind."

Just then there was a knock on the door, and soon enough the meeting began.

The newest and final addition was FBI Agent Dinah Madani. She worked under Phil Coulson who was not only in the Avengers pocket, but an important member of their inner circle as well. She was running late because she feared there might be a tail on her and didn't want to risk it following her here. Everyone appreciated the sentiment.

From there the battle plans began. There wasn't much discussion on the whys and the causes of the situation. Frank and Dinah kept it strictly to the facts, going back and forth about the best option for what to do about The Avengers, getting Peter away from them safely, and sending both Violet and Peter to where The Avengers can't reach them.

That made Violet join the conversation.

"Where can we go that The Avengers can't reach us?"

"I have a contact in Africa that will grant you safe passage to a safe haven for Omegas. He's a citizen of a powerful nation ruled by an Omega King who's allowing you and Peter to stay on the condition that no Alpha comes with you."

"There's a nation ruled by an Omega King and I'm just now hearing about it?"

"It's top secret, even I'm not supposed to know about it."

"That shit is ridiculous," Violet grated, shaking her head, "all the Omegas in the world who need their help and they're just sitting on their asses doing what?"

"Ruling a nation, infiltrating multiple Governments to ensure the safety of Omegas, and attempting to overthrow the Avengers" Dinah responded in a deadpan tone, "I suggest you let Peter do the talking when you both meet the King."

"They're doing all that stuff?" Violet responded in an astounded tone.

Dinah nodded, "which is why it's top secret. The Avengers, as far as I know, are completely unaware of the nation and we need to keep it that way for as long as possible. If they find out before the time is right, then everything they've achieved so far will be undone within 24 hours."

"Wouldn't sending us there put them at risk?"

"Yes, but it's necessary. With the Avengers attention diverted from the bigger scopes and focused on getting you back, it's the best time for them to enact some of their more time sensitive plans."

"Which means what exactly?"

"We're going to use you as bait to lure out the Avengers and keep them distracted while my contact and his team infiltrate their tower."

Violet looked at her incredulously, "and what about Peter? What about my friends being held at the tower?"

"I have a team in place preparing to grab Peter when he's leaving classes tomorrow. They'll make a big show of it, forcing the Avengers into action while Peter is taken to you and Mr. Hoyle over there." Dinah nodded to Curtis, who gave Violet a little wave, "and Mr. Lewis." Violet looked to Lewis, who unsurprisingly appeared very excited about this mission.

Violet was not.

"What are you going to do, Frank?" Violet asked.

"I'm going into the tower and getting your friends out," he responded gruffly, glaring at Dinah.

"Killing countless people along the way?"

"Only if they get in my way." Frank turned his glare at Violet. She glared back defiantly.

This is not what she signed up for. Secret nations, hidden havens, shady FBI agents, incoming bloodshed and carnage? Her only goal was to save Peter from becoming the Avengers pet and fuck toy for the rest of his life and save her friends too if she could. Not this bullshit. They could infiltrate as many mafia owned towers as they wanted. Violet wouldn't be apart of it.

She stayed quiet after that, not bothering to listen in as they made their plans and set up the arrangements. In those moments she decided there and then that she would go her own way to get Peter out. It's like the old saying, if you want something done right you got to do it yourself. All she needed now was her old clothes, her duffel bag, a disposable phone, and a bucketload of courage.

Oh, and a motorcycle.

Avengers Tower

Peter Parker

9:00 p.m.

Peter was watching Avatar with Tony when he realized something fairly obvious, something he overlooked due to the chaotic events from the past week, something that sent him into a minor panic that had Tony pausing the movie and giving him his full attention.

Peter's heat was due to start soon.

He'd been so stressed out that he didn't think about it until the two Na'vi started having sex with one another in the jungle. It didn't occur to him and now suddenly it was all he could think about. He'd never done it with anyone before, heat or otherwise, and he didn't know if he was to ready to do it with anyone just yet. He was mortified at the thought of divulging that information to Tony, even more so the things Peter's had to do to help him reach completion and feel any sense of satisfaction during his heats.

It was too embarrassing.

Instead of just opening up to Tony right then and there, Peter jumped to his feet, throwing over his shoulder, "I need to use the restroom!" before running from the tv room to his guest bedroom.

He barricaded himself in his bathroom, moving to the sink to wash his face in an attempt to erase his panic. He needed to calm down. He trusted that Tony wouldn't insist on joining him through his first heat here in the tower, but he wasn't so sure Tony would be as cool with the things Peter needed during his heat. The knotted dildo toy wasn't a surprise, nearly all Omegas are given something like that when first presented. That wasn't what Peter was worried about.

It was the other stuff, particularly what he liked to do with it.

There was a knock on the door. "Yeah?"

"Peter? Are you okay?" Tony's voice called through.

Peter cringed, "I'm fine, just needed a moment."

"Is it okay if I wait out here? I'd like to talk to you about something."

Oh god, Peter's heart jumped to his throat. "Okay, that's fine."

What was he going to do? What did Tony want to talk about? Why were his hands trembling?

He needed Violet. He needed his best friend with him. This is the longest he's gone without talking to her and vice versa. Longest he's gone without seeing her, without making jokes with her, laughing together, talking about the most random things they can come up with just to pass the time. The longest he's ever felt alone. He wondered if this was what she felt like too. Just lonely.

Violet would know what to do. She always knew or would figure it out if she didn't. She was his hero. He'd never admit that because she wouldn't believe him, but it was true. She was his hero through and through. And right now he really, really needed her guidance.

"Peter?" Tony called through the doorway again.

Peter took a deep, calming before willing himself to straighten up, dry off his face, and bravely march to the door.

His bravery nearly crumpled to the floor when he saw Tony sitting on the bed. He wasn't wearing the normal suit and pants combo Peter had grown accustomed too. Tonight, he wore an upscale version of jogger pants with a long sleeve black sabbath cotton shirt. Peter felt a shameful burst of arousal in his groin at the sight of him, fighting the urge to go hiding back in the bathroom.

His heat must be closer than he thought.

"Come sit down," Tony smiled gently, patting the spot on the edge of Peter's bed next to him.

Peter shuffled over to the bed, hoping desperately his face wasn't tomato red, and sat next to the older man.

Immediately, Tony grasped Peter's hand and placed on his thigh, thumb brushing against the back of his hand.

"If you don't want to talk about this, I completely understand." Tony started, not putting Peter at ease whatsoever, "but I know that, eventually, you're going to go through your heat."

Oh God, Peter hung his head in shame.

"Can you smell it?" Peter asked shyly, eyes glued to his shoes.

"Yes, Peter. If we're lucky it won't happen for another couple of days. But I would like for you to start preparing in case it happens sooner than we'd like."

"What do you mean by preparing?" Peter whispered, too afraid and ashamed to speak now.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be needing certain items, toys to help throughout the process. I can get you anything you need, it's no bother to me. Just tell me and I'll get it for you."

Peter shrunk in on himself, "I can't."

Tony didn't speak for a moment. Peter didn't speak either. Tony shifted on the bed, turning to face Peter.

"Look at me," Tony's voice took on a darker, deeper tone, compelling Peter to heed his command.

His dark eyes were tinted with a dark shade of red. He grasped Peter's other hand, tugging on them gently and bringing him closer.

"Darling, you can always confide in me. There's nothing I will ever judge you for, especially where your heat is concerned." He squeezed Peter's hands slightly, the smile remaining. "Now tell me what it is that you're hiding."

Peter sighed, looking down at their joined hands. "Well, I'll need a new . . . um . . ." it was hard for Peter to get the words out, his face felt so hot. "I'll need . . . I'll need a new . . . knotted dildo." He finally forced it out, refusing to look at the man.

"That's it," Tony responded. Peter risked a glance up and saw the older man giving him an encouraging smile. "Is there anything else?"

Peter's lower trip trembled slightly, shoulders hunching painfully, ". . . um . . . rope."

Tony hummed at that. The only thing that kept Peter from jumping away from the bed and running back to the bathroom was Tony whispering, "you like the way it feels?"

Peter braved another look at Tony, finding nothing but the encouraging smile once more.

Peter discovered this kink after getting suckered into watching 50 Shades of Grey with Wanda during a fun weekend while Violet, Jessica, and Karen were out for a beer and ice cream run (Peter and Violet were only 15 at the time). The movie's depiction of what he later discovered to be BDSM culture was creepy and chauvinistic. During his next heat, however, he kept thinking about how it would feel to be in that submissive position and opted to try it out. After doing a bit of research through incognito mode, he found and practiced some maneuvers of self-bondage and has never looked back.

". . . yeah," Peter found himself mumbling.

An alluring heat crossed Tony's face just then. "Do you use any vibrating toys?"

Peter coughed, "sometimes."

"Is there anything else you use?"

"Tape, but only when I can't find the rope."

Tony nodded, his breath getting heavy. Peter could smell Tony's arousal. It both terrified him and made his groin twitch.

"Has anyone ever joined you?"

"No!" Peter almost shouted, his earlier panic setting in once more. "No. I'm- uh, I'm not um, ready for that. I'm sorry, sir. I'm just-"

"It's okay," Tony spoke softly, moving his hands from Peter's and resting them on the tops of his shoulders, "that's fine, Peter. That's perfectly fine. If you're not ready for someone to join your heat, then I'll make sure FRIDAY has the door barricaded and you're by yourself." Tony assured him, but Peter was left very unsure by his words.

"Well . . . I'm not ready for anyone to . . . join me just yet, but I don't want to be alone either." He took a deep breath, forcing himself to stare into Tony's eyes, "Violet was always in the apartment with me. She gave me a walkie talkie and told me to buzz her if I needed anything. She checked in every few hours, always put a glass of water and a plate of unwrapped granola bars for me to eat on the tray next to my door. Three times a day like clockwork until the heat ended. She took care of me." His body was shaking now, "and if we can't find her then this is the first heat I'll go through without her, and I don't know if I can handle that."

"Oh Peter," Tony pulled him in for a hug, "it'll be okay. We'll find Violet soon. In the meantime, I'll make sure someone is always available to be here for you during your heat. I would happily volunteer, but I understand if you would prefer a beta, like Pepper or one of your other friends?"

"No, not my other friends, or Pepper. I don't want them looking at me differently."

Tony squeezed Peter's shoulders gently, "is Violet the only one that knows about your preferences?"

Peter nodded shamefully.

Tony smiled, "would you be okay if I stayed here on the floor with you? Took care of you in Violet's place?"

Peter trembled beneath Tony's intense gaze, "only if you promise not to, you know, take advantage."

Tony frowned at that. "FRIDAY, start an audio recording."

"Yes boss," the AI replied from the overhead speakers.

"I, Tony Stark, swear to not take advantage of Peter Parker during his upcoming heat. Should I break my promise, I will accept any punishment decreed by both Peter and his dearest friend, Violet, upon her return. End recording."

"Yes boss" FRIDAY replied once more.

"Have that printed and notarized by a discreet and trustworthy source, then send it to Pepper so she, as my witness, can sign with me."

"Already underway boss," FRIDAY's voice bleeped as the speakers shut off.

Peter didn't know what to say. He pulled Tony back in for another hug. This one more fervent than the last.

"I take it you're allowing me to stay on the floor with you during your heat?"

Peter nodded, "Thank you Mr. Stark."

"Peter, its about time you started calling me Tony. Even Violet calls me Tony."

"It's only because she doesn't like authority." Peter chuckled.

"I definitely believe that," Tony laughed, his hands moving up and down Peter's back.

A cell phone started chirping. Tony groaned and reached into his back pocket. "I'm so sorry, I need to take this or Pepper's going to have my head."

"It's okay," Peter smiled until he suddenly felt a buzz in his pocket too.

Tony moved to stand up, then leaned back down to kiss the top of Peter's head. "Meet you back in the tv room?"

Peter nodded, feeling both relieved that the conversation was over, and somehow floaty. Mr. Stark didn't judge him for his preferences. Peter stood from the bed, intending to head straight back to the movie when his phone buzzed. He quickly pulled it out, wondering who could be texting him this time at night.

It was an unknown number, making Peter slightly uneasy, but when he saw the texts, his heart soared.

12:30 tomorrow. Meet at School sign. Bring backpack with supplies.

The second text was of Violet wearing a biker helmet, sticking her tongue out like a weirdo, and sitting on . . . is that a motorcycle?

His phone bleeped with another text message.

Also, read up on how to fly planes. I'm a bit rusty.

. . . Huh?