
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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Too Young to Run: Part 6


Sam Wilson officially had the best timing EVER!

Violet thought she was done for. Done! Capoot! Dead as Jacob Marley from the Christmas Carol. Trapped beneath the Winter Soldier while the Black Widow intended to pump her full of drugs, Violet saw no way out of this one. Then Sam came barging in with Matt and Jessica at his side looking like pissed off guardian angels. Maybe life didn't hate her after all.

Both Sam and Jessica aimed guns at the Avengers. Both Glocks, both black, and both most certainly lethal. Sam was cool and steady as can be, despite the blatant anger in his eyes. Jessica was shaking, more than a little drunk still, but determination rifled through her, steadying her stance. Matt had his walking stick, unmoving like a statue.

Violet glanced at The Widow and The Soldier; they too were unmoving. Violet struggled beneath the Soldier's grip once more, not giving up without a fight. She couldn't break the grip; the metal was too strong. His human hand remained on her mouth, silencing her pleas to her friends.

"Get off her!" Jessica shouted, taking two steps towards the bed the Soldier trapped Violet.

Sam aimed his gun towards the Widow, moving slowly and with precision. The Widow smirked, holding out her hands to her side, the syringe still in hand.

"Drop it," Sam ordered, finger on the trigger.

"It's a small room detective, are you sure your aim is that good?"

"I'm not a fucking stormtrooper, bitch. I always hit my target."

"How about targets?" Natasha stepped forward, smirking slightly as she emphasized the pluralization. "Matt over there had to sneak you in, right? Because you can't take all of us, even with your drunken help shaking like a leaf in the corner." She gestured to Jessica, who was moving closer to Violet, aiming the gun at the Winter Soldier's head who remained unmoved. "One shot from either of you, the rest will be on you both like flies while we take our chosen home."

Violet cringed, disbelief filling her mind. What the hell did that woman just call her?! Chosen? That bullshit term they're using for their enslaved Omegas while inconceivably believing it was a term of endearment.

Is that why she was still alive? Is that why they wanted Peter? To throw them in their modern harem and use them for own despicable means? She wanted to puke. No way. No way was her or Peter going through that. She'd die first.

"She's not yours to take and she's not going anywhere with you, assholes!" Jessica shouted, voice breaking in random areas. "Now let her go before I blow your goddamn brains out!"

Fuck yeah! You tell them Jessica!

The Winter Soldier turned his crimson gaze back to Violet, terrifying her with its sudden intensity. Something changed. A decision was made. She could see it. It wasn't driven by fear, but by something Violet couldn't fathom. Something she instantly realized she didn't want to know.

He removed his hand from her mouth, his course thumb brushing her cheek.

"I didn't want it to be like this," he murmured, his gaze moving to her lips.

He couldn't mean . . .

She had no time to process that thought when suddenly his lips were on hers, knocking the air right out of her.

In that moment, so many things happened. Jessica screamed. A gun went off. The Black Widow shot out of Violet's peripheral vision. Sam's pained cry followed by a loud crack of splintering wood. Sounds of fighting, grunts and fast breaths galore. The Soldiers lips shifted on Violet's. She was too stunned to move.

This was her first kiss.

She's given and received forehead kisses, cheek kisses, even the back of the hand kisses as a joke. This though, this she's never had. Why would she? The only people who have ever shown interest in her were horny alphas on the verge of a rut, drunk alphas who couldn't hold their liquor, and asshole Alphas who didn't understand the meaning of the word no. Alphas, Alphas, Alphas. That was it. And since she hated Alphas on principle that left her with a part of her life that would never be fulfilled, and she was perfectly happy with that even if it meant terrible, painful heats.

Life really was a bitch, what did Violet ever do to deserve this shit? The one part of her life that hasn't been messed up or violated by Alphas is suddenly now up for grabs? Did Life forget about this little slice of happiness Violet has been hiding away and keeping safe from the fucked-up deity? Or did she not know about it until now and is all like oh I need to fuck this up.

The soldier flicked his tongue on her lips, asking for passage. She wasn't giving it to him! Fuck that!

She turned her head to the side, his lips tracing her cheek before moving down her neck. Her eyes widening at the sight to the right of her. Jessica was on the floor, a knife in shoulder and tears staining her pale face as she tried to pull it out. Sam was on the floor next to her, groaning his way to his feet. The back of his head was bleeding. The sounds of fighting continued to the left of her.

Who the Hell was fighting? The only person Violet knew who could fight in their haphazard Agency was Sam, and he was struggling to get up off the floor. Pietro and Wanda, Karen and Foggy were all with the rest of the Avengers either being detained (she hoped) or brutally murdered (she half expected) while Tony stole Peter away. He probably succeeded in drugging her best friend while she was detained by the assassin and super soldier.

Hot breath tickled the skin of her neck just as The Black Widow's grunt turned into a pained cry.

"I'm sorry for this," The Winter Soldier whispered in her ear, kissing her temple before pulling back slightly.

She saw the needle before he stuck it into her neck, right above her scent glands.

She screamed as he emptied the contents of the syringe, fighting even more than ever before. It was no use; she couldn't break his metal hold if she was the strongest woman in the world. So, she did what little she could do.

She spit in his face.

He cocked his head, pulling out the syringe and throwing it aside, then he smiled, his course thumb brushing her bottom lip. She tried biting it. He chuckled at that.

"God, I love you," he whispered.

She didn't have time to process that when The Soldier's hand flew away from her face and caught something white before it smacked the back of his head.

Matt's walking stick.

Not even a second later Violet was finally released from the Winter Soldier's hold when his metal hand caught a man's foot before it could kick his face in. Matt then used his other foot to jump and kick the soldier away from him and off Violet.

Matt reached out and grabbed Violet's arm, pulling her off the bed and shoving towards the window.

"Run! Now!"

"Since when did you become Chuck Norris?!" Violet shouted while opening the window.

"No time! Just go!" Matt grunted, expertly dodging the Widow's flying kick by catching her and throwing her into the Soldier. "Find the silver Lexus, a guy named Melvin will be driving it. He'll get you somewhere safe."

"What about you?!" Violet shouted, one leg out the window.

"I'll be fine," he jumped on the bed and catapulted towards the soldier, sending them both to the wall.

"Run Violet!" Jessica shouted, standing to her feet and grabbing the Widow by her hair, pulling her away from Matt as he punched the soldier.

Guilt gnawing in her heart, Violet slid through the window and onto the cold, wet grass. Then she jumped, grabbing the pointy edge of the wooden fence leading to neighbor's backyard and vaulted over. She cut through the backyard, ignoring the lights suddenly coming from inside the house as she repeated the process on the other side of the yard.

Within a few minutes she was back on Wanda's street, and her eyes bulged at the sight ahead of her.

Fucking FBI agents surrounded the house, the skinny blonde Beta and The Captain standing at the entrance of Wanda's home. The heavier set beta and the blonde woman stood next to a fucking limo sitting idly on the street, the woman leaning into the man for support. Then the worst thing. Tony fucking Stark walked out of the house carrying an unconscious Peter in his arms. Even from here, she could see his wrists were zip tied in front of him, but his face was relaxed. She hoped he wasn't awake to see Tony do that. The thought hurt more than getting stabbed with a needle.

Behind Tony was Dr. Banner, who was followed by more agents . . . and her friends. Karen Foggy were carted out together, hands zip-tied behind their backs, expressions terrified and confused. Pietro and Wanda were next, Wanda putting a brave face while Pietro gnashed and snarled at anyone who looked at him.

The instinct to run to them, to free them from their captors was overwhelming, but the sight of The Captain turning, his eyes scanning the area in front of him had her running the other direction. She can't help her friends if she's a captive too. Didn't make feel any better about leaving them.

As she ran, she searched for the silver Lexus, eyes pouring over every grey or silver like car she passed while she cut through people's yards and stayed close to the ground. It took her awhile to find it, her mind kept getting distracted and her body oddly sweaty and tingly in all sorts of places. Goosebumps covering every inch of her skin, shivers down her spine. She contributed most of it to the cold temperatures and the fear pounding through her body, but there were some things that just couldn't be ignored.

The dampness between her legs, her thoughts concentrating on the feel of The Winter Soldier's lips on hers, and the fact that she could smell. She smelled the cold night air, the garbage cans she was gingerly running past, the steam coming the vents of houses, and rain. Rain was more powerful than the scents that surrounded her. Not just rain, but a warm smoky smell that could only come from a fireplace. A fireplace littered with cinnamon, red apples, and whisky. All mixed together in one of the best things Violet has ever smelled in her life.

Her body suddenly felt fatigued, a spring of arousal went through her, making her weak at the knees. She stayed standing, forcing herself to keep focus. She had to find Melvin, she had to find some semblance of safety.

Thankfully she didn't have to wander much longer. After cutting through two more yards, precisely 4 streets away from the Omega house, she found the silver Lexus. A tall bald white man was leaning against the driver's door, lean and fit body shivering against the cold wind. She trudged over to him, subconsciously holding her abdomen with gentle care.

His eyes went wide at the sight of her, body straightening and instantly moving as she came closer.

"Violet?" He questioned, eyes roaming the area with suspicion.

"Melvin?" She responded with equal suspicion.

"Did Matt send you?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "by the way did you know he was secretly Chuck Norris?"

He relaxed slightly, gloved hands reaching out to take her bare ones. "Yeah, he saved my Betsy a couple years ago when some guys tried roughing her up. Been helping him out ever since."

"Were they Alphas?" She took his hand. He led her around the car to the passenger side.

"Doesn't matter. There's bad and good in everyone, that includes Betas like me and Omegas like you."

He had a point. "It's hard to remember that when all the bad things I've seen happen are because Alphas think they can get away with it, and Omegas like me are the ones getting hurt."

Melvin nodded, recognizing Violet's side too. "I get that, but not all Alphas are bad. Just like not all Omegas are innocent, especially the ones that know what it's like to be a victim."

"I promise I'll to remember that if you can tell me one Alpha who isn't a bad like the rest."

Melvin snorted, opening the passenger side door, "that's easy. The one we're going to."

Violet flinched, "and who the Hell is that?"

Melvin shrugged, "Some guy Matt helped out of a bad spot a few months ago. Got him out of town and everything." He sniffed the air suddenly, stepping back when his eyes widened at Violet. "You need to get in."

She looked at him like three screws fell out of his ears but complied due to the urgency of the situation. Once she was safely in the vehicle and out of the cold wind, he slammed the door shut and raced to the driver's side. He slammed the door and started the car in the same breath. Within seconds they were speeding away down the street.

Just as quickly Violet started getting very hot.

"Can you turn down the heater, it's boiling in here."

Melvin had the look of a very distressed man when he answered, "the heater ain't on kid."

"Then why is it-" she started asking when it suddenly hit her.

The smells, the sweat, goosebumps, shivering, the dampness between her legs, the arousal, the image of the Winter Soldier's lips touching hers, his tongue begging for entrance. The arousal was worse. Then she froze. The drugs weren't the same ones they gave Peter. They gave her drugs to start a premature heat.

Those fucking bastards!

"Whoever this Alpha is, I'm not safe with them."

"Matt trusts this guy, and I'll be there to make sure nothing happens."

"Why should I trust you?" She cried, trying to control her breathing.

"Because Matt does," Melvin responded determinedly, "and you trust Matt, right?"

She took deep, deep breaths, "I wouldn't be here if I didn't."

Melvin nodded, taking sharp turn after sharp through the neighborhood.

"At least tell me his name, this good Alpha we're going to?"

Melvin glanced at Violet, sighing in defeat, "Matt said his name was Frank. Frank Castle I think."


It happened again.

They had her. They fucking had her in their grasp, and like a puff of smoke she was gone once again. The hope he held in his chest, the dreams and fantasies he allowed to take center stage in his mind, all shattered when Matt Fucking Murdock got in the way. Then he too escaped, along with an injured Sam Wilson and Jessica Jones. James didn't even get the relief of killing the man before he disappeared soon after his Violet went out the window.

That Alpha in disguise proved who the blind really were tonight. He had them so distracted that the other two in the room slipped past unnoticed. It was a total shit show, so much so that James wasn't just pissed at the situation, he was embarrassed. Natasha with him. How can they call themselves Avengers when they couldn't handle one man two on one? To be fair to them, Matt Murdock has far superior skill and technique in his fighting style than most trained professionals could ever possess in their lives. He was gifted and very talented. Any other night James would be impressed.

Not tonight.

Where he and Natasha failed, the rest of the Avengers succeeded. The rest of the party members were now detained and on their way to Avengers tower for holding. The battered, ailing Omegas and Betas on the second floor were taken to a nearby hospital where they could get the proper care, all expenses paid by Stark Industries. Not their typical style, but James and Natasha knew it was somewhere in line with what Violet would have preferred them to do, though she'd also think the action to be a ploy of some sort.

It wasn't, they just didn't want her to think any worse of them than she already did. They could also see how much care she gave to the victims, how much time she spent helping them. It would be a slap in her face were they to hurt them in some way or scare them unnecessarily.

Thanks to Tony, they would get the care they need.

Speaking of Tony, he was currently with Peter back at Stark industries. Before everything hit the fan with Violet, Bruce slipped a sedative into Peter's juice while he was talking to Tony about some web formula he was compounding or something. A few minutes later Happy was zip tying his wrists together as a precaution should the Omega wake up prematurely. They proved to be unnecessary as the boy was still very much asleep, resting comfortably in a guest bedroom on the team floor of the tower. The next room down was supposed to be Violet's until the temporary home away from the Tower was fully set up.

The one they wanted her so desperately sleeping in right now.

James was currently scouring the streets, following her scent through multiple backyards, short cuts, and open streets. Natasha stayed with him, falling back to survey the area for anything he could have missed. He didn't blame his lover over what happened, and he knew she didn't blame him either. They blamed themselves. Plain and simple. Violet could be sleeping right now, hopefully having dreams of beaches and campfires, making smores by the open fire, and just feeling good and relaxed. Instead she was probably passed out in a ditch somewhere after the sedative they gave her.

But the longer James followed the scent, the more worried he became. The scent was becoming stronger and stronger as he followed it. Not because he was getting closer to her or because it was fresher. It was something else. Something he didn't want to fathom but could avoid. She was going into heat. Their Omega was going into heat and they weren't there to take care of her.

His heart caved in when the scent finally cut off at the edge of a street. Meaning she got into a car and drove away. He looked around wildly, searching for any surveillance cameras they could use to track her down. Nothing. He clenched his fists, swinging wildly, and cracking one of the wooden electric poles with his metal hand.

Natasha grabbed his human hand, tugging hard, forcing him to face her.

"We're going to find her. This won't be like last time, baby. We're not going to wait another five years to take her. She'll be ours soon-"

"But will she be whole?" James whispered. "Will she be okay?"


"She's in heat, Nat. She's in heat without us, without her Alphas to protect her," he raised his voice, biting his lips and moaning at the taste of her, "how did this even happen? The sedative was supposed to do just that. Sedate her."

"I don't know. Bruce used the same drug on Peter, and it worked perfectly on him."

"But Violet's not like Peter," James remembered, "she has two scent glands, two mating spots. She more evolved than Peter is."

"And if she's been taking suppressants instead of going through heats, then maybe the sedative triggered the heat instead of doing what it's supposed to do."

James shook his head, "it doesn't matter how it happened. What matters is that we find her before someone else finds her first."

"Tony has FRIDAY checking cameras all throughout the city. Even the fucked-up neighborhoods like Peter's old building." Natasha cupped his face, "we'll take another sweep here, see if we missed anything, but then we need to head back to the tower. Maybe question her friends, see if they know where she would hide?" She stepped close, concern wrinkling her forehead, "how does that sound?"

"Sounds like we need to keep moving." His forehead touched hers, his now gloved metal hand holding hers to her face for a moment before pulling away, maintaining his hold her hands as he pulled it behind him.

"I hate to ask," Natasha started, "but how was that kiss? I've been dying to do that since I first saw her in that leather jacket.

For the first time in hours, James smirked. Glancing back at Natasha, his crimson eyes went warm and melty, "Heaven" he responded, "it felt like heaven."

Then he turned away and resumed his search.

Meanwhile, on the far side of the city, Melvin pulled into a dingy parking garage in a Black Ford Explorer after changing cars beneath a bridge. Violet was too focused on breathing and not making an absolute fool of herself, so she didn't notice their new destination, or the fact that they stopped at all. Far too lost in the roaring heat that was starting to consume her. Melvin turned off the car and stepped out to greet a very gruff, very sinister looking man in all black clothes, bulging weapons all along the inside of his pant legs, a blatant knife tucked into his military grade boots, his face bruised and nose purple and bleeding slightly from a cut on the bridge of it.

He stepped close to Melvin, the look he gave him was all business, no nonsense, and pure menace all wrapped up in a busted-up candy wrapper.

"Frank Castle?" Melvin asked suspiciously.

"Where's my kid?"

Melvin pointed towards the car, "I wouldn't go in there. The Avengers drugged her and sent her into an early heat."

Frank nodded, rage tightening his jaw. He pulled something out of his back pocket, a modified gas mask.

"That's what this is for. I also have scent blockers in my clothes so that I won't make it worse." He paused, appraising Melvin, "where's Murdock?"

"I don't know. She said he was fighting the Black Widow and The Winter Soldier when he told her to go."

"Must have been a scary sight. She wouldn't have left otherwise." He started pulling the gas mask over his face. "Get out of here, Stark's A.I. will find us soon enough."

Melvin nodded, moving away as Frank walked towards the passenger side door. He practically ripped it open to get to Violet. She would have fallen to the floor with how fatigued she was if Frank hadn't caught her. Carefully lifting her into his arms, he kicked the door shut, and took her the red mustang he stole about an hour ago.

". . . Frank . . ." Violet mumbled, head lolling all around. He took her to the passenger seat, opening the door and tucking her in before buckling the seat belt over her arms.

"Don't worry, you're going to be okay. No one's going to touch you on my watch, including me."

He closed the door, testing the gas mask to ensure it was good, then got into the driver's side, turned on the ignition, and drove away.

Melvin sighed, not sure how any of this was going to turn out. He hoped for the best, and looked forward to going back to Betsy and their warm bed