
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Too Young to Run: Part 4


8:00 p.m.

After a minor freak out in the guest bedroom with Jessica ready and willing to throw Violet out the window and run to New Orleans, both women swallowed three shots worth of fireball and 1 shot of vodka to wash it down to deal with the fact that they were about to cook and serve food to the men and women responsible for not only burning Peter's home to the ground, but ruining Violet's entire outlook on life too. Fuck did Violet want to run just as much as she wanted to call them out on their bullshit and rip them apart. She couldn't do either though because both options had the potential of hurting Peter, and Violet can't have that on her conscience.

Also, they had no idea where Sam was, and were convinced sneaking out and looking for him would end up with them both buried alive in a cemetery somewhere. As much as they hated to give in, soon enough they emerged from the bedroom, extremely happy to find the kitchen empty, and checked on the status of the soup. It was good enough, not five-star quality but they certainly weren't five-star cooks to begin with. Karen and Wanda came in and served the dishes. When everyone finished Wanda looked slightly nervous because no one commented on the soup.

Next were the Thai deviled eggs, there were enough for everyone to have at least two, and apparently these were an upgrade because the dish got a few compliments from the alphas, which made Wanda beam. Violet thought about spitting in the food, but she didn't want her friends to get the wrong dish by mistake. Next was the Caesar salad that Jessica overly drenched in dressing, grinning all the while. Violet laughed with her.

What was supposed to be Chicken Parmesan ended up being Spicy Shrimp pasta with fettucine noodles because everyone forgot the chicken was in the oven until it was too late to save it, and because Wanda always bought too much shrimp than she could handle and there were left over fettucine noodles Violet could use. It was finished in record time, through a feverish pace because Violet didn't want to give Wanda a reason to stress anymore than she already was.

Apparently, it was a success because the woman was absolutely beaming when she and Karen brought the dishes in, claiming everyone loved it. All that were left the overly chocolate chipped cannoli's and kitchen clean up for Violet and Jessica. Once they finished their kitchen cleaning duties, they hid behind the counter eating leftover shrimp and drinking another swig of vodka. The taste combination was horrible, but the warm thrum in their bellies was worth it.

Pietro finally appeared to find shrimp hanging from their mouths and busted up laughing at the sight of them. Jessica rolled her eyes, but Violet gave him a toothy grin around the shrimp, definitely feeling the booze at this point.

"You two are going to be in big trouble if you don't go out there right now."

Violet spat the shrimp out. It landed next to her with a thud.

"I just cooked a half-assed five-course dinner for the assholes that tried to kill me by burning me alive, I think I earned the right to not spend the rest of Halloween with them!" She whispered furiously to Pietro, glancing nervously at the swinging kitchen door.

"Wanda doesn't know that yet, and more importantly neither does Peter. He's been asking for you, and I don't think the Stark dude is going to let him come back here by himself to check on you."

"What makes you think that?" Jessica slurred, the shots of vodka she drank while Violet cook was starting to get to her.

"Because Peter mentioned coming back here and grabbing you. The Stark dude convinced him not to and asked me to do it."

"He doesn't want you two alone together," Jessica surmised, and Violet nodded in agreement.

"Does he think you'll tell him about the fire?" Pietro asked, crossing his arms.

"Maybe, but I think it's more of making sure I don't sway Peter against him or something."

"I can see that," Jessica slurred, taking another drink of vodka. "But right now, I'm more concerned with Sam."

"Yeah, have you seen him?" Violet added on.

Pietro shook his head, "sorry."

Jessica and Violet glanced at each other, their earlier suspicions and fears rising once more now that dinner was done and dealt with. What did the Winter Soldier do to Sam? Violet took a breath, forcing her thoughts away from that path of thinking. It won't lead anywhere good, and right now she needed to focus on surviving the night and saving Peter from getting mated by a mafia boss.

Pietro reached out, "C'mon, we can't keep Peter waiting."

"You mean the Alphas waiting?" Violet grumbled but took his and stood up. Jessica quickly followed, grasping her tightly with her own.


8:00 p.m.

James was not in the mood for dinner. All he wanted to do was stare into those blue eyes, watch as they change from the sky blue the world saw, to the night blue with gold flashes like shooting stars they changed to the moment she turned and stared at him. It didn't matter if she were yards away or millimeters, he could see every facet of those amazing blues, and knew that Natasha could too.

She was theirs.

The only thing that distracted James and stopped him simply taking his Omega there and then was Natasha gently moving past Violet, grabbing his shoulder and whispering in his ear, "She has two."

The look on her face was of barely suppressed joy.

Most Omegas only have a single area on their necks where an Alpha can bite to bond and eventually mate with an Omega. It was rare, rare feat for an Omega to have more than one. And Violet had two. It meant their Omega was truly exceptional, but they already knew that. It meant she could be bonded and mate two Alphas, to both James and Natasha without each other's scent warning the other off.

It also meant she was in far more danger than other Omegas. Her sweet scent was more powerful to both unmated and mated Alphas, more pleasurable. It would take an Alpha of great restraint to be able to resist the temptation that was their Violet. A patience he himself needed to exercise should he ever want to get into her good graces.

With the news, he allowed Natasha to take him to the dining room where he sat between Steve and Natasha. Steve patted him on the back, a rare smiled stayed on his face as he congratulated his brother ("I'm happy for you, Buck"). Natasha quickly fixed James hair so that he didn't appear as menacing as normal, not wanting him to scare Peter. James looked at Tony's chosen, and knew she needn't worry, he was too far off in Tony Stark's aura to notice the danger that was him.

Once everyone was situated, the first course quickly followed. He wasn't a fan, too long on the stove and far too crowded with random bits that weren't needed for a decent chicken noodle soup. Tasted like goop instead of soup. He was relieved that wasn't his darling's dish but finished it in silence. The Thai deviled eggs were significantly better, both he and Natasha voicing their compliments for the dish. The salad was a disgrace, or should he say dressing with some lettuce and a piece of chicken. Clearly prepared by someone else if the intricate details of the second dish was anything to go by. The fourth dish took longer to prepare because of unforeseen problems in the kitchen, but eventually the shrimp pasta made it out. It was a strange combination of flavors, but they worked. It was cooked beautifully, and James wished he could have a second portion, making a note to ask her to make it for him once she's properly settled and happy.

Then dessert arrived, and this time he knew Violet had something to do with the utter overload of chocolate chips. Tony preferred the cream and found the chocolate chip to be a tad distracting at times. The apologetic looks on Peter's face mixed with Tony's clever poker face as he ate confirmed his suspicions. His Violet had a mischievous streak in her, one that he knew he would love as much as he would hate it.

Then they all moved to the living room to wait for Violet to arrive and complete the next part of the plan.

The take.

Steve and Phil remained at the entry way to the room, the last safeguard in case Violet sees what's coming and tries to run for it. She was wily, resourceful, and quick on her feet if earlier tonight was any example. She was not one to be underestimated, something James had to keep in mind. Happy and Tony were on either side of Peter on one of the couches in the room, while he and Natasha took residence on the other. A space between then for their Omega to sit at. Not that she would take it, but they wanted it there for her. Pepper and Dr. Banner each had a chair near Peter, watching with smiling faces and inquisitive eyes.

Peter would be good for Tony. Not for their enemies and those who threaten Tony's chosen, but for Tony as a person. Hell, the kid was smart enough that he would be good for the company too. That is if Tony can convince him to actually come work for him. The kid seemed pretty adamant about staying in school, wanting to earn his way instead of things being handed to him. It was one of the only things Peter stood up to Tony about. School, and Violet of course.

James will always appreciate Peter for standing up for Violet, defending her to the end even when he knew she was wrong. It reminded him of when he and Steve served together. He always backed Steve, forever his right-hand man until the day he dies for good.

When was she going to be here? Surely, she would join them, if only for Peter's sake. He could smell her scent all throughout the rooms he's ventured in. Smell her distress souring her scent ever so slightly. He wanted to put her at ease so badly. Wanted to lull her to sleep in his embrace. Get lost in those nighttime eyes.

She was theirs, and in time she would accept it. She had too, he and Natasha wouldn't give her much choice. It was too dangerous in the world for her, too cold and heartless for someone as amazing and kind as she is. He needed her, they needed her. And she needed them. She needed them to care for her, to keep from harm and making drastic choices. To provide her warmth on cold nights like this, comfort in the dark, someone to hold on to when things went both wrong and right.

They needed her to be human.

James knew he was a monster, that he was so far gone that he couldn't be saved, none of them can. But Violet gave him hope that he was wrong, that he did have a chance. A chance for her to save him.

Natasha stroked his shoulder, no doubt sensing his distress. He felt Steve's big, brawny hand on his other one, squeezing gently. He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. No time to dwell. They needed to get this done and take their Violet home.

He heard the kitchen door open from behind him. His head turned in sync with the rest of the people in the room. The young man, Pietro led the way, his face tense with disapproval. James didn't have time to wonder why. Out came his darling with a bottle of fireball in hand, with her Beta friend Jessica, carrying a half drank bottle of vodka. The same Beta who helped Violet escape from him earlier in the night.

She too would need to be dealt with. There was room in Mr. Wilson's trunk. Perhaps they could huddle together for warmth over the night.

The Beta swayed as she walked, and Violet was not much better off.

Violet's drunkenness was either going to make the rest of this night very easy, or very difficult. Unease settled in his chest, knowing it without a shadow of a doubt that it was the latter. Fuck, he loved her for it.

They stopped at the dining room table where the other Betas and Omegas were staying since there was no more space to comfortably sit in the living room. James mentally cursed himself for not thinking of Violet seeing this as an out, a way to avoid her alphas even more, even with Peter physically yet unobtrusively surrounded by them. He moved to stand up, intending on marching towards her and putting an end to this now, but Natasha did so first, the pad of her thumb brushing the stubble on his chin.

"Don't worry, I've got this." She leaned in to kiss his cheek, "just enjoy the show."

Natasha stood from the couch, winking at Peter who suddenly looked terrified as he watched Natasha move away from the couch and head straight towards his best friend.

"I think I should-" Peter was moving to follow her, but Tony put a gentle hand on his knee, stopping him completely.

"Natasha can handle herself, just as Violet can. You have nothing to worry about."

"They're not what I'm worried about." Peter mumbled.

James wondered who the boy could have been referring to when the hostess's, Wanda's, voice sounded from the dining room.

"Really, Violet? Jessica?" James turned back to watch the show.

"C'mon! We cooked like you wanted us too, even made a whole new meal for your snooty rich alpha guests because you guys forgot to pull the chicken out-"

"and I apologized for that." Wanda interrupted; her tone less sharp than before.

"And I graciously accept it over a shot of fireball." Violet grinned, twisting off the cap and pouring the amber liquid into a shot glass with a cartoon skeleton on it.

Wanda sighed, shaking her head as Jessica took another drink of vodka next to Violet. Natasha snuck into the Dining room just as she raised the bottle in question, quickly passing by her without being noticed by any in the room. James smirked, falling for that woman just a bit more as she turned back with a smirk, and winked in his direction.

She gestured to him before she disappeared behind the kitchen door. A signal. She was igniting Plan B.

Looks like he wouldn't have to handle Jessica Jones after all.

"C'mon, do one shot with me." Violet pleaded to Wanda, who looked very tired after tonight's festivities.

"I don't like fireball."

"Neither do I," Violet shrugged, still holding out the bottle.

James flinched, why drink it if she didn't like it?

Wanda rolled her eyes, "How I about we drink a nice glass of wine instead?"

"You got it, which one?" Violet set down the fireball. The unease in James chest eased slightly.

"The Zinfandel for me, thank you."

"The new one? On top of the shelf?"

Wanda nodded, and Violet turned away and moved towards the kitchen.

His phone buzzed, he quickly pulled it out.

Wait 10 minutes, then join us. Make sure to lock the door behind you. Pepper will distract Wanda in the meantime.

James heart beat faster with anticipation, already counting the seconds.

Natasha and Violet

9:33 p.m.

Violet just wanted to get drunk and pretend none of this was happening. She was drained, confused, scared beyond belief, and so at a loss of what to do. She wanted to protect Peter, but how can she when she could barely save a woman who'd rather burn than live without her stuff. What if Peter gets sucked in, loses himself to the Avengers that he wouldn't want to be saved either? What if it had already happened?

The nightmare from the other morning jolted through her mind when she entered the kitchen, causing her to nearly punch the door she just walked through. She rubbed her face, taking in a shaky breath. She needed to keep her cool, she can't lose her shit. No matter how ridiculous and overwhelming this situation is. If she freaks out, then Peter and all their friends could get hurt. Just breathe.

Natasha stood next to the swinging kitchen door, watching her Omega as she finally allowed some real emotion to come through, if only for a brief second. She stomped on the urge to comfort her, knowing it would have the opposite effect right now. So, she remained silent, out of her darling's eye line as Violet straightened up, breathing deeply before climbing the kitchen island and reaching up for the hooked in wine bottles.

"If you're looking for a decent wine, I'd suggest something other than Zinfandel." Natasha spoke, smirking at the way Violet froze with her hand on the wine in question. She admired Violet's assets and appreciated the way she held herself on her knees, letting the images flow before continuing. "I'd recommend Petit Verdot, it comes from the Bordeaux region of France. Bold flavors that can only be handled by those of equally bold natures, such as yours." Violet looked down at her from the bar island. "Then again, if you're looking for something to just get you drunk, you can never go wrong with a bit of rum and coke." Natasha cocked her head, revealing a bottle of Bacardi Superior Rum from behind her back, smirking at Violet. "What do you say?"

Violet was both incensed and terrified that The Black Widow snuck by her. She sunk down to sit on the island, crossing her legs beneath her, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees, and facing the assassin from the bar island. "Why the fuck would I do that?"

"Because my friends are out there with your friends, and based on the way you're tensing up, I'm going to guess you know what that could mean for them." Natasha stepped away from the wall, eyes smoldering as she set the rum on the island, and leaned against it, getting as close as she can to the wonderful Omega in front of her. Truly intoxicating.

Violet froze at the fact. Fear suddenly fueling her body, but her anger remained. "If you're going to kill me, just fucking do it. That'll be the only way I'll stop protecting Peter." She uncrossed her legs, jumping down from the counter in seconds. Natasha grabbed her wrists and shoved her back against the counter, trapping her there.

"This isn't about Peter," Natasha growled, eyes turning the burnt sienna that haunted the Omega, while Violet's eyes turned into the dark blue with gold flashes that gave Natasha a strong, steady pulse of arousal between her legs. "And we are not here to kill you."

"Oh yeah, explain the building then." Violet fought Natasha's grasp, but Natasha held on firmly, pressing her body closer to the struggling Omega's.

"I will," Natasha breathed in her scent. So much better than a disused beanie after 5 years of preservation, "over a drink."

"Sounds like you're the one who wants to get drunk," Violet grated, jaw clenched painfully.

Natasha smiled, "I'd do anything you want to do."

"How about letting me go? I know I definitely want that."

Natasha laughed at that, ignoring the flinch from Violet as Natasha leaned in to nuzzle her neck. It was a step too far, but that's what Alphas did with their Omegas. Push them to their limits, see how durable they can be. A lioness indeed, but perhaps something more. Her Violet is far too sly and resourceful to simply be a lioness. Perhaps the fox in the wild? Tony did compare her to a feral animal more than once.

Natasha pulled back, smiling at an idea.

"I'll let you go, but only if you promise me two things-"

"Not going to happen," Violet growled, giving a good push. Natasha pushed back harder, sending a wince across her beautiful face. Natasha winced too but didn't show it.

"Yes, it will." Natasha released Violet's left hand in favor of grabbing her jaw, gently yet firmly. Violet reciprocated by attempting to pull Natasha's hand away but failed when Natasha leaned her back so far that her feet came off the ground. "Because the only people guaranteed to survive tonight are you and Peter, everyone else including our own people are fair game should any surprises happen. If you want to avoid that, you will do as I say, and play along."

Violet tried to keep her breathing under control, "you won't get away with this."

Natasha brought her face close to her Omega's, "will you play along?"

It was like the nightmare was coming to life, only it was the parts that were referred to in the dream, not the parts she was forced to endure. Only in this case she would have to endure to protect her friends, or else they're dead or worse. But amid the fear, the confusion was just as palpable. Why is she one of the two guaranteed to survive when she's the most logical choice to die? Did Natasha not know who she was, or was this some trick to get answers? If so, what could the questions be about? What was the game here?

"What do you want?"

Natasha's nose bumped hers. "First, you have to promise me you'll take a seat on that stool, have a drink or two or more with me, and allow me to explain a few things to you." Then she smiled, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "and second, you promise not to fight when I unbutton your shirt. I've been dying to see what's underneath since the moment you walked in the house tonight."

Then Natasha's other hand finally released her wrist and pressed Violet's belly with such gentleness it quivered beneath her touch.

Violet momentarily regretted leaving the burning building. Death makes more sense than whatever the Hell was happening right now. This wasn't just nonsense, it was madness.

The Winter Soldier suddenly stepped through the kitchen doorway and locked it behind him, leaving Violet completely and utterly trapped.