
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Too Young to Run: Part 3

Omega House


7:13 p.m.

This was not the worst Halloween Violet has ever had, but boy did it come to a close second.

Sam drove like he was in the Indy 500, all gas no breaks. They made it back to Wanda and Pietro's neighborhood in record time and stopped 3 blocks from the Omega house. Jessica held onto Violet like a scared child holding her teddy bear. Sam's knuckles threatened to tear through his skin from gripping the steering wheel to tight. Violet looked out the window, watching the steam billow out from the tops of the houses nearby.

Did that really just happen?

"I think I might be in shock." Violet mumbled, feeling wired and numb at the same time.

"We can't go back there," Jessica spoke, voice shaking. Her hold on Violet's waist tightened.

"Peter's there. Our friends are there." Violet turned to look at Jessica, hating how scared she was. "They would do the same for us."

"I can't go in there. Not yet." Sam growled, his grip on the steering wheel tightening impossibly.

"What are we going to tell Peter?" Violet asked.

This was going to destroy him.

"Whatever we tell him, he can't see you like that." Sam grated, his chin gesturing to Violet.

She flinched, "what do you mean?"

"Kid, you look like you just freed yourself from roasting over a fire." Sam retorted, shaking his head. "You're going to have to clean up before you see him."

"Which means breaking into another friend's apartment tonight. Yippee!" Violet grabbed the door handle, "will you call Pietro and tell him to unlock the window to the guest bedroom?"

Sam nodded, "be careful."

"Will do," Violet responded.

Then she opened the door and stepped out into the cold, Halloween night. Jessica quickly followed, grabbing Violet's left hand, and together they walked through the barren streets to the Omega house, with Peter's metal box filled with his parent's memories jingling away in Violet's right hand.

When they arrived, they went through the side entrance that led to the back of the house, only guests and those unfamiliar with the layout of the house go through the front. As they walked past, Violet peered through the windows, and gnashed her teeth at the what she saw.

In the living room Tony, Dr. Banner, a blonde lady and a heavier gentleman wearing a suit surrounded Peter on the couch. Peter was blushing away, his tie loosened, exposing his neck slightly to the hungry eyes of the alpha who had his arm draped across his shoulders. She couldn't hear what they were talking about, but everyone had what appeared to be genuine smiles on their faces. Violet wasn't surprised. Peter had the ability to make everyone in the room coo and smile at him. He just didn't know he could do it.

The dining room had Matt and Foggy sitting across The Black Widow and The Captain, and a blonde dude standing near the entrance hallway. Foggy looked rather uncomfortable, looking anywhere but the people sitting directly in front of him, but Matt was cool as a cucumber. He and the Black Widow faced off like the Cold War reimagined. Steve stared at Matt curiously, unthreatened nor aggressive towards the blind lawyer. The Black Widow smirked at him.

Violet did not want to know what that conversation was about.

In the kitchen Wanda was pacing back and forth, taking deep breaths with a hand placed over her chest. Karen was trying to calm her down, but Wanda kept waving her off. The soup was still on the burner which means dinner hasn't been served yet. Which means Wanda or Peter insisted on waiting for Violet since she was technically the cook tonight which meant a very stressed, very panicked Wanda.

Violet hurried around to the far side of the house and smiled at the sight of Pietro sticking his bleached head out the window.

"Thank god! Are you two alright?"

"We're alive! Does that count?" Violet retorted, handing him the metal box before climbing the wooden fence attached to the side of the house, and sliding through the opening into the room.

"For now," Pietro pulled Violet into his arms, "fuck you smell like furnace."

"To be fair, I was technically stuck in one for a few minutes."

"Oh my God," Pietro released her, rearing back to appraise her, looking for any injuries beneath the black splotches on her clothes.

Violet grabbed his hands, "Pietro, I'm okay, but you might want to check Jessica though, she's pretty freaked out."

"Remind me not to call on you as my lawyer," Jessica grumbled as she fell through the opening of the doorway.

"Nonsense, that's what Matt's for."

Pietro handed Violet a stack of clothes, then pointed towards the door that led to the bathroom. "No one's in there, I double checked after Sam called. Jessica will take the smoky clothes and throw them in the washer while you take a shower."

"Aye, aye Captain," Violet saluted, turning away from the pair.

"I'll guard the door while you're in there," Jessica promised, nodding to Violet as she looked back.

"No peeking, wouldn't want you to find out I'm secretly a dude."

"That would explain the boobs," Jessica pointed out, winking at Violet, who let out of mangled laugh in return.

It wasn't until she stepped in under the warm spray of water that everything finally hit Violet all at once.

Peter's apartment was gone. The Winter Soldier had something to do with it, if not completely responsible for it. This happened the day after she straight up threatened to kill Tony Stark. The Avengers not only tried to kill her but burn her alive in her best friends' apartment.

And she was about to serve them food she'd been cooking all day for the sake of her best friend.

This was officially the worst Halloween ever.


7:13 p.m.

Natasha could see why Tony was so smitten with Peter. Intelligent, quick as a whip, adorably sarcastic, essentially a mini version of the Mob boss without the hard edges and black hole in his heart. He also saw the good in the world, believed in things that the Avengers lost sight of so many years ago. Believed in the childish notions where good triumphs over evil, that good deeds and honest actions will be rewarded. She had no doubt he believed in true love, especially with the way he shyly looked into Tony's eyes and blushed furiously.

She could also see in Tony's expression how blatantly hungry he was with the young Omega, even loosening the sweet thing's tie when he complained about being hot. The Alpha was pushing but it was only to be expected. What better way to find out if an Omega was interested? When they push, they'll either get the blushing bride, such as Peter. The scared puppy far too frightened to say anything all the while releasing pheromones that plead for the Alpha to protect them, to care for them. The lustful kitten, which was most certainly Loki, which meant sex bomb and a long night. Then the proud lion, or lioness in Darcy's case, who would stand tall in midst of the pushing, refusing to kneel or submit for just anyone. The lion was hardest to please, they were the type an Alpha needed patience for. The ones an Alpha needed to earn.

Natasha knew her Violet would be a lioness. She knew her submission, her love and trust needed to be earned, especially with the life she's been forced to lead. Since she and James both planned to mate and bond with her, there needed to be trust. Natasha had no qualms about this being easy. The poor Omega watched them murder her brother, and quite possibly saw more of what they did to him before The Hulk arrived. She'd be a fool if she believed Violet would fall to her knees and be their Omega guilt free.

But Natasha would worry about that when the time came. Since James called and informed her that their darling was safe and on her way here, Natasha's focus fell to one Matthew Murdock. Avocados at law his partner joked, but Natasha didn't care. She cared about something far more pressing.

The fact that he was an Alpha pretending to be a Beta.

He did a good job playing the lie, part of it relying on his blindness along with certain physical modifications like a slight hunch to his shoulders, lowering his head, scuffing his shoes as he walked. Even with the state-of-the-art scent blockers sown into his clothes, Natasha can spot an Alpha from anywhere. She can smell past the scent blockers, feel the bourbon, chalk, and polyester from boxing gloves on her skin when she decided to confront him.

"How long have you been lying to her?"

His partner, Foggy, giving him away with the widening of his eyes was just icing on the cake.

Matthew smirked, cocking his head slightly, "You live up to your reputation, Ms. Romanov. That was quick."

"How long," she reiterated, smirking in return as she stared him down.

"Since we've met, but the scent blockers were originally for Karen. My scent overwhelmed her when she was close to her heat."

"How admirable," Natasha taunted.

"Why lie?" Steve asked, eyes curious and inquisitive.

"I'm sure you know enough about Violet to know the answer to your question."

"But why bother?" Steve pressed.

Matt took a breath, losing the smirk. "Omegas need an Alpha in their life, one that provides a steady presence for them to latch onto when things get hard. Once I realized how damaged she was, how her life was affected because of those who share my second gender, I knew two things. The first was that she would never seek an Alpha out on her own. The second is that if she knew my second gender, I'd never see her again. I decided to keep it a secret so I could be there for her. I did it because she's a good person who deserves better than what life has given her."

"And how exactly have you been there for her?" Natasha inquired, squashing the fit jealousy threatening to rise and consume her.

"Purely platonic. A shoulder to cry on, offering a couch to sleep on, lending her spare clothes when hers are dirty or destroyed. A brother to a younger sister. That's all."

"And you'll know better than to interfere with us where she's concerned?" Natasha leaned forward slightly, gauging his reaction.

His lips flinched, repressed anger. Only a trained observer could catch it. He's quite good.

"Only if her safety and wellbeing are not compromised by your . . . actions."

"And with any potential interferences, your relationship with her will remain platonic." Natasha stated, making sure he knows where he will stand.

"Of course, it'll always be like that between us."

"Good," Natasha smirked, happy with how the conversation ended.

"May I ask you something?" Matt cocked his head slightly.

"Please do." Natasha responded, leaning back in her chair.

"Why her?"

It was a personal question; one she wouldn't have answered to most. There was something different about Matthew Murdock, something that compelled her to answer. She took a breath.

"I smelled her scent for the first time 5 years ago today, and then a second time two days ago. Both times her scent sent me into a rut that left me quite unsatisfied, leaving me wanting and needing an Omega I've never met but knew I had to claim. But it's more than that. I've never felt anything for a person I've never truly met the way I do for her. When I look at her picture, I feel hope, I feel loss, I feel my heart in a way I haven't felt since I was a child. I feel." Natasha paused, not really looking at Matt anymore, "I feel human."

She stopped, her nails scraping the battered wooden table beneath her, "and I won't let anyone take her from me."

Matt smirked, shaking his head slightly, "and if she doesn't want you?"

"She will."

"How are you so sure of that?" Matt grated, a slight growl in his timbre.

Natasha almost smiled at him, "there are some things Alphas and Omegas alike can't fight, no matter how hard they try."

"And what is that?"

"An unbreakable connection that can't be explained and won't be ignored."

Matt started laughing, attempting to respond, but was interrupted by the shy, worried expression of Peter Parker.

"Hey guys," he waved to Matt and Foggy, then turned and straightened, "Ms. Romanov, Mr. Rogers" he stated, even slightly bowing out of nervousness.

How cute.

"Have any of you seen, or heard from Violet? I know I said she might be late, but I'm getting kind of worried."

"If she's not back soon then Foggy and I will go searching for her." Matt turned his head slightly to smile and nod at Peter.

"I'd offer our services, but given what Tony told us, it might be for the best if we stay behind." Steve offered, smiling briefly to Peter as well.

"That's really nice of you." Peter grinned at them, "I swear she's amazing though. The best person I've met. No offence to any of you of course."

"No offense taken, Peter." Natasha smiled at the boy, "and I'm more than happy to meet her."

Peter laughed nervously, "I hope you say the same after you do." Then he walked away.

Tony loosely followed him, stopping next to Natasha for a brief look.

She winked, which meant all is well.

He nodded and followed Peter to the kitchen.

Or he would have if Peter hadn't fallen to the floor screaming after a werewolf came crashing through the back-door yelling "Roar!"


7:40 p.m.

James was not a very forgiving man to those who hurt the ones he loved. Or in this case, kept him from those that he loved.

Based on the badge he found in the man's back pocket, the man's name was Sam Wilson. Well, Sam was going to find out what a terrible mistake it is to keep him from his chosen. He found the car quickly enough after he escaped with his Violet, surprised to find him still in the front seat.

That was another mistake.

James opened his door and quickly neutralized him as a threat by wrapping his robotic fingers around the neck and squeezed. The man tried to fight him, but there was no use. The metal was unbreakable except to a metal similar of its making. Nothing the man could have easily had on him. He wasn't going to kill him, he just needed him out of the way. Once his struggles ceased, James released him, checking his pulse to ensure his vitality.

Violet's seen far too much death, suffered too much loss. James won't add another to the list of traumas she had to throw against him. So, the man lives another day.

He bound the man with the handcuffs and zip ties he found on his person and made a makeshift gag by tearing off pieces of Sam's t-shirt. Then he gathered up the bound man and locked him in the trunk of his own car. Taking the keys, he returned to his own vehicle. He jumped in the backseat and quickly changed into nicer, civilian clothes. A clean set of dark jeans, plain gray t-shirt beneath a red thermal and his spare leather jacket. The jacket was still functional to his tastes, but the style was more suited to Natasha's, so he wore it for special occasions.

And this might be the most important special occasion he'd ever attend.

With that, he threw his dirty clothes into the trunk of his car, locking it as he walked away. He locked Mr. Sam Wilson's car when he past by as a precaution. Then he pocketed both keys headed the few blocks to where his chosen was waiting.


7:40 p.m.

The look on Peter's face when Violet came barreling through the back door was priceless. Violet hadn't intended to make an entrance like this. Her plan was to simply walk in and yell "Hey Party Peeps" before escaping to the kitchen and check on Wanda and Karen. But when she and Jessica slipped back out the guest room window she saw the werewolf mask on his bedside table, the one he wears to scare kids when they ignore the candy bucket outside with a sign that says "Take two" which always means the bucket and candy is gone in two minutes (apart from tonight because they had guests coming). Once she saw the mask the idea kind of snowballed and she decided to roll with it.

Hence, she was now scaring sweet innocent Peter who just unknowingly became homeless. Not a great idea, but she was terrified, jumpy, and more than likely still in shock. Bad ideas came naturally in that state of mind.

Violet quickly took off the mask when he landed on the ground screaming, laughing hysterically as she threw the mask next to his face. He looked at in shock, then looked up at her.

"Boo!" She laughed, smiling wickedly at him.

"Violet!" He shouted, shooting up from the ground and pulling into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." She chuckled in his ear as he picked her up and twirled them into a circle.

"I'm just glad you're here," he grinned at her, releasing and appraising her. "You look nice!"

"Blame Wanda and Pietro, they practically stole my clothes and forced me into these ones for the night." She grumbled as she handed over the metal box.

Violet had just finished taking her shower a few minutes beforehand, and with no time to do anything except get dressed she and Jessica tag teamed and fought to get each strand braided into a half ponytail, the bottoms of her hair a complete lost cause so they hung loose and free as always. She wore the navy-blue Henley shirt Pietro switched out earlier in the day (which she would yell at him about later) over her black sports bra (she forgot the undershirt until now) and beneath the black leather Jessica was proud to see her in. The grey pants she wore were of jean material that met up to Wanda's standards of fashion, same with black boots that were much like Jessica's, much to Violet's relief.

All in all, she looked very clean, and healthier than she has in months.

She ignored the stares from the strangers in the room, wanting desperately to put off the meeting for as long as she can. By doing this, she missed the way Natasha's mouth dropped slightly, and her eyes briefly shift colors from green to burnt sienna. She missed Tony's nod of approval, confirming that there was a swan beneath the grime and dust she covered herself in. Steve was surprised as well, wondering what James' reaction would be to the Omega.

He wouldn't have to wait long.

"Well, I'm glad they did." Peter laughed, setting the box down on the dining room table before pulling her into another hug.

"She really got you good, huh?" Jessica walked in, messing up Peter's hair, grabbing Violet by the arm and heading for the kitchen, aiming straight for the booze.

"What took you guys so long?" Peter questioned, following the two, grabbing a bar stool as Jessica grabbed glasses and Violet took a seat on the counter, crossing her legs.

"Block Party," Jessica responded curtly, glaring at the alphas who ventured into the kitchen after them. Tony, Steve, and Natasha huddled Peter and countertop where Violet was sitting with her back to them, making a point of not speaking to them. Unaware that Natasha was studying her like lab specimen, smiling as she slowly took in every inch of Violet's body.

"You went to-" Peter started, sounding almost betrayed when Violet interrupted.

"No, there was a block party in front of your building. We had to sneak past the cops so we could get inside, then we had to fight through the crowd just to get inside. The fight back was worse because the partiers kept trying to take that."

Peter's eyes went wide, "are you serious?"

"As a heart attack," Jessica slammed three shot glasses down next to Violet. She the Mickey Mouse one and handed it to Peter, she took the Jack Skellington one, and which left Jessica with poison. "Fireball?"

"Hell yeah," Violet confirmed.

"Wait, I don't think that's the best idea-" Peter was saying when Wanda's voice came shrieking into the kitchen,

"Where have you been!?" Her eyes locked on the shot glass in her hand, "and why are you drinking? You promised you would cook tonight." Her voice softened until it was its normal calm tone.

"Sorry, we got held up. I'll tell you about it later."

Doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it," Violet heard Steve offer, but she didn't care to look.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" Wanda insisted, placing a hand on Violet's arm.

"Like I said, we just got held up. We're fine. And Sam should be here soonish too."

"I hope so, he works too hard."

"Sounds like another person I know," Violet gestured to Wanda, who smiled at her.

"I'm really glad you're here." She abruptly took the shot glass from Violet's, "now keep your promise. We have a lot of hungry people here."

"You could have started without me," Violet complained.

"Mr. Stark didn't want too, especially after I told him how hard you worked on the meals and everything."

Violet flinched in annoyance, "how thoughtful." She grated out, hoping it wasn't too noticeable.

For Peter, nope. For the Avengers, yep.

The front door opened and shut. Heavy footsteps quickly followed it.

"Alright, everyone out so we can get to work." Jessica ordered, taking a shot of Fireball.

Violet made a pouty face while Peter stood and pushed in the bar stool. Jessica rolled her eyes, "once Wanda is out of eyeline I'll give you one."

"Thank you," Violet mouthed, jumping down from the countertop.

Where she came face to face with The Black Widow.

The burnt sienna from her nightmares glowed in The Widow's eyes, only this time they remained in the iris.

Violet naturally took a step back, but the Widow reached out and grabbed her wrist, stopping her. A weird feeling came over Violet, one she didn't understand and terrified her just as much as it pissed her off. At her touch, it felt like this cord was attached to her chest and desperately tried to reel her in, like she was prized fish in the water fighting against the hook in her mouth, just like she fought the pull in her chest. She felt her pulse beat in time with the Widows, like they were connected somehow.

She pulled her wrist out of the murderer's grasp, glaring at her all the while.

The Widow smiled at the action, "Hello Violet. My name is Natasha-"

"I don't care who you are," Violet responded bluntly.

Natasha chuckled at that, "then perhaps you'd like to meet my mate, James." She gestured behind her.

Violet was about to make another rude retort until Jessica said, "Oh fuck." Eyes widening in fear.

Violet turned in confusion, then froze.

The Winter Soldier and his crimson eyes stood at the edge of the kitchen, hands in his pockets, and gazing at Violet like she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

Amid the panic suddenly filling her head, Violet had a strange thought.

If he was here, then where was Sam?