
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Too Young to Run: Part 1


10:30 a.m.

Omega Protection Agency

Wanda might have the smarts and skills of a smooth criminal, but she could not cook. Or bake. If her life depended on her ability to boil water or bake a frozen pizza, she'd walk the plank without even trying. Pietro was not much better, but he could make a mean chicken noodle soup. Nothing else, just the soup. Jessica didn't have the patience to cook (and refused to be there until the party started), Peter was too frantic about their dinner party to pay attention, Karen was busy with Matt and Foggy in helping them prepare for a hearing in a couple days, and Sam was unavailable until tonight because he was working. That left Violet.

Ironically, she was the best cook of the lot. Ironic because she was the thinnest of the bunch. Ironic because she ate the least. Ironic because she despised cooking . . . and eating (cracked back teeth, hurts to chew).

But Peter was really excited, and Wanda begged her to help out.

On the bright side, Violet didn't have to clean, but everyone else had to.

Wanda and Pietro's house (The Omega House) was a two-story duplex, plus an attic and a basement. The bottom floor was where Pietro and Wanda lived. The far-left side were the bedrooms and the bathroom. A room that was now the guest bedroom but used to be Pietro's room who now lived in Wanda's room (the bathroom lay between them). They didn't share a bed; he just moved his into her room. She had a lot of trouble sleeping by herself after she was freed from her Alpha, to the point where she can't sleep without someone she trusted in the room with her. And there was no one she trusted more than her brother, except maybe Violet and Peter. Since she woke up screaming every time he left and fell asleep elsewhere, Pietro decided the best thing to do was to move his bed into her room until she knew she was safe.

A day that will never come.

The far right of the duplex was the living room area with a mini garage Pietro used for storage. The middle was the dining room and kitchen. Dining room on the right, Kitchen on the left. Doors to the exit and entrance hallway that curved around the rectangular setup to the entrance door lay on opposites sides of each other directly in the middle of the house. The second floor was the same layout, except each room contained a hospital bed for an omega in need.

There were 24 beds, 20 of them were currently in use by battered Omegas. All of them in need. All of them couldn't afford a regular hospital. All of them desperate for anything and anyone to help them. All of them terrified of any Alpha scent that walked through the door. With that fact, Wanda's decision to allow an Alpha, and the potential for more, to enter her home was rather strange, and worrying. The kitchen area was surgery for the unfortunate times they needed it for an Omega who was badly injured.

It happened more often than they'd care to admit.

Currently, Violet was preparing the meals for tonight's festivities while everyone else in the house cleaned their hearts out, with Wanda and Peter leading the charge which meant Pietro was stuck dealing with them. Violet took pity on him and told him that since Wanda decided a five-course meal was the best thing to serve a bunch of rich people, then he needed to make chicken noodle soup for the first course. The second course, appetizers, were Spicy Thai deviled eggs with siracha, mayonnaise (not miracle whip, too sweet), honey Dijon mustard, Kosher salt, Red pepper flakes for garnish, and eggs (obviously).

Third course was salads, which Violet settled for Caesar salad once she released that Wanda had all the ingredients which meant less to buy later (Wanda and Pietro were trust fund kids, but they only dipped into it when they absolutely had too, like tonight). Fourth course, Entree, Chicken Parmesan with fettucine noodles that Violet planned on making from scratch which meant getting her out of cleaning, but she planned on buying premade noodles in case her homemade ones flopped. Dessert was cannoli's; they used to be a favorite of Violet's until she realized they were supposedly Tony's favorite too. Now they were a treat she liked eating.

Violet kept checking with Peter on the food selection, who in turn checked with Tony (he got a new phone thanks to his Aunt and Uncle) and everything was good with him. The only request Tony had was to go easy on the chocolate chips. Vi made a note to overload the cream and toppings with chocolate chips. She knew it was petty, but she didn't care. She was guilt tripped into making a meal for Tony fucking Stark, and with everything he'd done to Billy she had every right to be petty towards him and his guests.

Before she had the chance to leave the apartment with Pietro and get the ingredients they needed, Wanda stopped her.

"Before you get groceries for dinner, go here and get a nice shirt to wear tonight. I already have the rest of your outfit planned."

"Housing Works?" Violet asked petulantly.

"It's a thrift store with fashionable brands now go and get something. Pietro, help her."

Help her he tried, but ultimate failed. Sort of. Eventually she ended up with a navy-blue Henley shirt Violet picked out from the men's department that was 3 sizes too big. Pietro was able to trade it with the woman's navy blue that was the appropriate size (perhaps a little too tight) and grabbed another shirt in her size in case Wanda didn't approve of the Henley right before they reached the checkout counter. Violet didn't notice, nor did she care. She just wanted this day over and done with, and Peter hating The Avengers just as much as she did but that went without saying.

If he hated them, she wouldn't be cooking a five-course dinner for them. She'd be sitting in Paraguay sipping Cana's with Peter on a sunny beach after surfing all day. Or in Hong Kong making horrible and terrible attempts to disguise themselves amongst the people and understand their language. Or Australia cuddling Koala bears and hanging out with Kangaroos and trying not to die in the desert. Or getting lost in Cairo as they try to find a ride to see the pyramids.

Anything is better than this.

After Housing Works, the Omegas went to the grocery store and found all the seasonings, meats, vegetables, and supplies they would need for the night's festivities, along with some wines, mixers, and liquors Violet insisted they get. She was going to need a lot of booze to make it through the night. Jessica too but for a different reason. Pietro wasn't particularly happy about it, reminding her that Peter would be very upset if she got wasted in front of Tony. Violet assured him she wouldn't get to that point but couldn't promise anything about Jessica though.

With Kilgrave on the loose, booze was the only thing getting Jessica through the days. Everyone was getting worried about her, but not Violet. Violet knew where she was coming from and knew that she could stop when she felt safe again. And that would be soon.

Pietro called a cab since they had bags of stuff to carry back. While he and the driver put them into the trunk one by one, Violet pulled out Kilgrave's phone from the inside pocket of her leather jacket (she still hasn't gotten her hoody and other jacket back). She opened it (who doesn't have a pass code), quickly uploaded a picture she discreetly took of Peter when he was very drunk and not wearing a shirt the other night (god she was going to Hell) and sent it Tony (she memorized the number in Peter's phone) with a terrible message.

I know who you are, and I don't care. Keep your dirty paws off my Omega, or you'll see firsthand what I can do to you, and to him.

With that, she shoved the phone into a plastic baggy, zipped it tight, then dropped it through the grates of the drainage panel in an alley and into the running sewer line.

"God, I hope this works," Violet mumbled before carefully racing back to the cab where Pietro waited with bated breath. At her nod, he relaxed slightly. It was done, their plan was in motion.

Now all they had to do was clean a house, mow the yards, cook a five-course meal, take a shower, get dressed, pick up Jessica, serve the meals, and hang out with Tony and some of the Avengers. Totally not hard at all. Just another day in the Omega House.

Violet wanted to puke.


2:23 p.m.

Natasha surveyed the activity on the streets below her with disinterest. Such disinterest that it was a good thing Clint, Hawkeye, decided to join her before going to his perch for the duration of the night. She didn't care about this part of the mission. She cared about protecting Peter from this godawful place. Cared about Tony finding happiness with his sweet Omega and bonding with him after this is all over.

Most of all she cared about Brea, or Violet as she goes by nowadays. She wanted to pull her into her arms and never let go, never again. All these years of pain, the loss and suffering she went through was because Natasha let her get away. How many times has her chosen had to fight to survive, to save someone in need, to live for herself? How many times has she dreamed and woke up screaming because of Natasha and the Avengers?

How many times will Natasha's focus stray from the mission and to the newest picture of her chosen in her hand?

Violet's hair was partially pulled back in a messy bun, allowing Natasha to look deep into her eyes. Even from the crude angle of the hallway cameras, the blue in those eyes glowed with her Omega's fury. She looked tired, worn out, yet so strong in her frailty it baffled Natasha. Her hair was too dark of a shade, made her Violet look emaciated and sicker than she was. She did approve of the leather jacket, and the ripped jeans. They accentuated her body in a far more flattering way than the hoody and denim jacket combination she seems to favor.

Natasha had so many plans for her and getting rid of that hoody was the first item on her list. The denim jacket was negotiable, along with the baseball cap. The leather jacket she's wearing in the picture was most definitely staying. Her hair was going to be lightened up too but that could wait until after she's settled in and properly situated, which wouldn't be for a month at least, maybe longer. Depends on how resistant Violet is, and how patient Natasha and James would be with their chosen.

Natasha started cataloguing wardrobe choices for her, buying a few selections in different sizes. Nothing too extravagant, it would overwhelm her Omega and shut Natasha out if she went too far. The Henley shirt she was wearing in the picture looked good on her, so she got her fill of them in all sorts of colors. Leggings, no jeans. Where James and Natasha were taking Violet, she wouldn't need anything such as that, nor did she get shoes for the same reason. She did get her socks though; the hardwood floors of their temporary home were much to cold for bare feet.

Natasha did splurge a little with one extravagant item. She didn't mean to, but the moment she saw the dress, all she could imagine was Violet wearing it. It was red and covered in black lace, no sleeves, from her shoulders to her knees. The black lace and red silk of the dress sent wild ideas into Natasha's mind, ideas she could not allow herself to be distracted by. Not right now.

But all these things paled in comparison for what James and Natasha already planned on doing for their Omega. They needed to make sure their chosen was healthy and stays that way. They needed to care for her. Love her, help her through the troubling times the three are bound to face together.

Her phone suddenly started ringing, shaking Natasha out of her reverie. She quickly grabbed it from the table, brows furrowing in confusion. It was Tony. Was there another change of plans due to their chosens insistence? He wouldn't be calling unless it was something important. She answered.


"I need you to handle somebody," Tony growled, his Alpha tone in full effect.

Natasha's eyes widened suddenly, surprised by Tony's sudden change. "What happened? Who is it I'm handling?"

"Zebediah Kilgrave. He had the balls to send me a picture of my chosen in a state that only his friends and those he trusts should see him in. Including me."

"May I see the picture, that way I know which Tony I'm working with right now."

"Already sent it," Tony growled.

Natasha's laptop bleeped on the table. She quickly opened it and her eyebrows flew up her face. It wasn't a nude or overtly sexual, but it wasn't much better. Peter was clearly very drunk, and his shirt was off. Natasha felt a surge of sympathy for the boy before something in the background of the picture caught her gaze. It was the woman from the surveillance cameras at the college, Wanda Maximoff. She was sitting on the edge of the bed almost completely out of frame, but not enough that Natasha couldn't distinguish her. The bedside table showed a picture of who Natasha thought to be a younger Jessica Jones, but she'll have FRIDAY run a scan analysis first.

And there on the bed next to Peter was Violet's baseball cap.

Something didn't sit right with Natasha.

"Tony, do you have information on this man?"

Tony scoffed, "what don't I have is the better question." He paused as Natasha's computer screen filled up with all sorts reports and statistics on him. "He's a piece of work. Just got out prison after being convicted of stalking but was acquitted for the counts of assault and attempted kidnapping. Apparently, he knows how to talk his way out almost anything-"

"What's his second gender?" Natasha interrupted.

"Alpha," Tony answered gruffly, "I swear if ever puts a hand on my darling-"

"Have FRIDAY track where he's been over the past couple days, starting Tuesday morning to now."

"Go ahead FRIDAY," Tony brusquely. "Natasha, where are you going with this?"

"FRIDAY, does Kilgrave ever stop at Jessica Jones residence?"

"Yes. Late Tuesday night and didn't move until approximately 10:34 the next morning."

"Where did he go?"

"To Hargrove University."

Natasha smirked, "Did he meet up with Tony?"

"What are you talking about? I think I'd know if I met up with this freak! Have you seen his medical files?"

"But you did sir," FRIDAY cut Tony off.

"Wait, what?"

"You were walking with Dr. Banner outside of his office when he arrived. The three you stayed in roughly the same position until the phones of Wanda and Pietro Maximoff arrived as well."

Silence. Natasha was grinning, waiting for Tony to respond.

"That devious little minx!" Tony laughed, "I can't believe I fell for that."

"I can. If someone sent a picture of Darcy like that to Steve and threatened him, he would have reacted the same way as you."

Tony laughed a bit more, "I suppose we all go blind where are darlings are concerned."

"You have no idea," Natasha laughed. "FRIDAY, who was Kilgrave stalking?"

"Jessica Jones, Ms. Romanov" FRIDAY answered promptly.

"And when we he released from jail?"

"Tuesday morning."

"The same Tuesday he went to Jessica Jones place?"

"Yes ma'am."

Natasha made a sound of amusement, "Here's what I think happened. Violet was spooked and whisked Peter away from his apartment after she saw Steve and potentially James on the fire escape. They went to Jessica's, had a party to get away from everything, and then an unwelcome visitor shows up in the form of Kilgrave. Based on his former past, he probably came back for Jessica and attempted to kidnap her. Violet, still spooked from earlier and possibly drunk, concocted a plan."

"Use us to get rid of him," Tony assumed.

"There's more to it than that. Violet might be hurt but she's not the vengeful type. Something else is in play here."

"Whatever it is, I expect you and Soldier boy to take care of it. I'm glad it was her, someone with Peter's best interests at heart, but I don't want this happening-"

Natasha's eyes widened once more, "Peter."

"Yes, I'm talking about Peter-"

"No, she did it for Peter. Peter and Jessica." Natasha smiled to herself, realization dawning on her.

"What do you mean?"

"FRIDAY where's Peter's phone? The one that he lost?"

"A Penthouse in the Midtown district. Would you like me to send you the coordinates?"

"Yes, and let James know where I'm going." Natasha stood from the table, gathering her stuff. "Tony, I'll meet you at the Maximoff house at 6:30. Let Sharon know she'll be on her own until Scott's crew arrives. I'm going to talk to this Kilgrave character."

"Understood. I already have Lee on call for body clean up on the off chance there are more casualties than anticipated tonight, just in case you needed it with this sicko."

"It all depends on what he did or did not do to our chosens. I'll let you know how it turned out when I see you."

"Okay, best of luck." Tony ended the phone call.

Natasha grabbed the flashlight from her bag, turning it on and off in Clint's direction. Once she had his attention, she signed, "I'm leaving. Turn on your hearing aids. Tony will fill you in." Then she winked and left the apartment.

Omega Protection Agency

5:45 p.m.

Violet was at her wits end with her friends, and Pietro was right there with her. Wanda and Peter's combined franticness was an absolute nightmare. Both wanted to impress Tony and his Alpha brigade while Pietro just wanted Peter and Violet to survive the night without getting mated or killed, and Violet wanted to get drunk and stargaze on the roof until all her problems just faded away.

Not going to happen.

Wanda and Peter were whirlwinds anxiety and unease throughout the entire day as they cleaned every nook and cranny they could fine. Pietro escaped upstairs when he could to check on the Omegas in need, but when he couldn't he was forced to do all sorts of hard tasks that included moving furniture, organizing the DVDs and CDs, dusting, setting up the table for the multitude of guests that will be joining them, cleaning up Violet's mess in the kitchen as she was preparing their dinners, and then tend to the chicken noodle soup that's been on simmer for most of the day.

Now that time was getting close for their guests to arrive, Wanda and Peter had dressed to impress. Wanda wore a black flowy dress adorned with cream colored flowers that Violet didn't know the name of with gray high heels. Peter wore his best suit, a simple combination with a dark grey jacket, matching slacks, a burgundy tie over a white shirt that hasn't been pressed but looked good all the same, and black converse (Violet and Pietro approved, Wanda did not). Pietro wore a simple light blue button-down shirt tucked into black jeans and matching boots. Violet hadn't changed yet, so she was still wearing black sweatpants and Pietro's Harry Potter T-Shirt (red with the glasses and the lightning bolt).

Wanda hadn't noticed until she came swirling into the kitchen asking Violet to go get Jessica. At the sight of Violet popping the chicken into the over, she almost died of shock.

"Why are you still wearing that!" She screeched before recovering herself with a quick shake of her head, "Never mind, just leave that, Peter will take care of it. Go get Jessica and hurry back!" Then she whirled off to bother Pietro with something else.

Violet really couldn't be mad at her. Baron used to make Wanda host parties and such when she was his Omega. If anything went wrong, then she would be severely punished. In Baron's mind, rarely anything went right. Hosting this party was tapping into her old frantic habits, which was not going to be good for Wanda in the long run.

That's why Violet didn't yell back at her, and why she honestly tried to move as quickly as possible after getting her shoes and jacket back on, along with Pietro's beanie because the cap wouldn't keep her ears warm in the cold weather outside. Right before she stepped out the back exit, Peter stopped her, eyes filled with guilt.

"Vi, would you do me a big favor?"

Violet resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Of course, what's up?"

"Would you swing by my apartment really quick? Since Wanda's pretty adamant about honoring our dead and blessing the living, I want to have the photos of my parents, and my Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Would you mind getting them. They're in the top of my closet to the far left, it's in a metal box. It's all that's left of them."

Violet nodded, pulling Peter in for a hug. "No problem."

"And you might want to take a shower, there's pasta in your hair."

"Well yeah, that's what happens when you put the burner on too high."

"And I love Harry Potter as much as the next person-"

"I'll change my clothes but only if you admit that you're a Hufflepuff at heart."

Peter looked appalled, "I am a Gryffindor, Ms. Slytherin."

"Then how the Hell are we such good friends?" Violet laughed, grabbing the doorknob.

"Because we don't let our differences break the unbreakable bond that is our friendship."

"A friendship so strong it's borderline familial?"

"Well, if that's the case," Peter winked, slightly bowing to her, "farewell dear sister."

"See you in a minute, brother." Violet grinned before walking out the door.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in a blocked off street, a party was in full swing, and James was on his way to ruin it. Drastically.