
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Tomorrow Never Knows: Part 2



"What choice are you going to make?"

A haunting question Violet never thought she would have to answer in this context. Never did she predict someone like her would be forced to make a choice that would determine another person's fate, especially with how ridiculous this whole situation was. Take a bath with one of her captors and follow their rules, or don't follow their rules and someone gets severely hurt or killed while still being forced to take a fucking bath with them. Talk about a lose-lose situation.

Her heart was beating out of her chest, breathing on the verge of hyperventilating, and nearly every inch of her body hurt beyond imagining. Her eyes remained shut, but her lips were no longer curled in. Natasha took advantage of that, surprisingly soft fingers playing with her bottom lip, soft laughter emanating from her exposed chest. She was in Violet's lap, naked as the day she was born. The warmth from her lithe body seeping into Violet's bound one, placing Violet's bound hands on her exposed thigh. Her arm wrapped around Violet's shoulders, bare breasts undoubtedly inches from Violet's face.

"What's it going to be, sweetheart? You going to fight me on this, and risk Darcy's safety? Or are you going to do as I say?"

Violet sighed, her choice already made. What kind of person would she be if she allowed someone else to get hurt when she had the chance to stop it, to spare them from a pain they didn't have to suffer through? Darcy had her faults, and certainly deserved a swift kick in the ass from Violet, but she didn't deserve what Bucky and Natasha would undoubtedly put her through. The image of Kilgrave crossed her mind, and no matter how scared Violet was, she wouldn't let Darcy suffer his fate.

"Do you promise?" Violet whispered, voice breaking with her fear.

"Promise what, exactly?" Natasha asked, shifting slightly Violet's lap.

"If I do this, you promise to leave Darcy alone? You promise not to hurt her?"

Natasha didn't answer right away. Her thumb moved down to brush Violet's chin before gripping it tightly. Violet winced slightly, the pain in her jaw escalating as Natasha tilted her face up a few inches.

"Look at me," she commanded in her sultry voice, a lust burning behind her words.

Violet took a deep breath, terror spreading throughout her entire being before she bravely opened her eyes and stared deep into the burnt sienna of the Alpha who had Violet trapped in her licentious grasp. Natasha's expression boasted pride. A wanton smile, seemingly flushed cheeks but Violet attributed that to the candlelight, trails of dried blood that flowed from her forehead to her chin that made her seem positively haunting. Her eyes were a different story. Beneath the obvious lust, there was disbelief, an awe that confused Violet to no end.

"Why would you help someone that hurt you?"

Violet blinked. "Why would you hurt someone who didn't hurt you?"

Natasha's lips quirked, "you first."

For a long moment they gaped at each other. Neither blinking nor flinching as they gazed into one another eyes, trying to figure the other out. Violet spoke first, reluctantly acquiescing the Alpha.

"I don't care that she drugged me. I don't care if she's Jack the Ripper. I don't care if she turns out to be as manipulative and fucked up as you are because that's not who I am." Violet took a breath, pushing through the weight of Natasha's increasingly heavy stare, "I'm the idiot who runs into a burning building to save a woman who'd rather burn alive with her stuff than live without it. The idiot who stops running in the middle of an escape because she realized her brother was in heat and needed medical attention. The idiot who risked her life to find out why a bunch of assholes were invading the tower so she can use the information to better protect the Omegas on this floor while you assholes were away." She stopped, taking another deep and calming breath before bravely continuing, "to sum it all up. I'm an idiot who won't let anyone get hurt if I can do something about it."

"But why?" Natasha asked, awe and confusion clouding her once pleased expression. "Why do that at all?"

"Because I'm going to do what I believe is right, no matter the cost."

"Even if the cost is your own life?"

Violet scoffed, shocked to see concern shadowing the Alpha's eyes, "we all die at some point. If the way I meet the reaper is through doing the right thing, then so be it. I'll go in peace and call it a life." Her lips quirked slightly as she took another breath, "besides, some deeds are worth dying for."

Natasha stared at her, not speaking or moving, just staring. What could she be thinking? Did Violet reveal too much, give something away that she'll later regret? Did she just screw up her chances of escaping this woman, this whole fucked up team with Peter for good? She couldn't worry about that now. It was only going to give her nightmares and drive her insane. Right now, she needed to focus on surviving the night.

Violet took another calming breath, and then bravely state, "your turn."

She did not expect Natasha's face to morph into a grin and was thrown when it did. She couldn't stop her eyes from widening in surprise at Natasha's sudden happiness, or was it amusement? Violet didn't know anymore. She felt her body instinctually move back, but Natasha held onto her, and did something that rendered Violet speechless.

When Natasha originally sat in Violet's lap, both legs were crossed and draped over one side. Now, Natasha stood up, showing off her naked form without letting go of Violet's chin, she spread her legs and one by one she stepped forward before slowly sinking back down in Violet's lap, straddling her. Both hands went to cup Violet's face, a face that showed pure terror as she desperately tried to lean away from the Alpha. Breaths coming fast, panting and deep.

Natasha gently shushed her, resting her forehead against the Omega's. Violet could hear her breathing in Violet's scent, breathing in her fear. She tried closing her eyes, not wanting to see anymore, but something else grabbed her attention.

An angry growl sounded from the right of them, and Violet flinched away from the sight of it, gasping as she did. She completely forgot about Bucky, her attention on surviving Natasha and what she had planned for her tonight. During their conversation, Bucky must have slunk off to the shady corner near the doorway, and now he wasn't Bucky anymore. The crimson red he was able to regain was gone once again, leaving the dagger-like eyes staring intently at the women.

Violet somehow felt a new surge of panic run through her system, but Natasha remained steadfast. She hummed contently, caressing Violet's cheek with the back of one hand while moving the other to cover Violet's mouth. Bucky growled at that, but it wasn't angry. It sounded more annoyed. He likes your voice went through her mind, and suddenly Natasha's action didn't seem all that terrifying. Still scary because how could she possibly know that, but ultimately it didn't hold the same level of fear as it could.

"Soldat," Natasha spoke firmly, like a commander facing his troops.

The reaction was instantaneous. Violet watched as the man went from a seemingly wild and untamed animal-like creature to immediately straightening up and standing at attention at Natasha's command. Violet's eyes went impossibly wider. What the fuck?

"Soldat, eto Vayolet. Ona nasha izbrannitsa, nashe sokrovishche i lyubov' vsey vashey zhizni. Vy zashchitite yeye, vy umrete za neye, kak Baki Barns sdelal by dlya neye." Natasha spoke quickly, her sultriness only growing in its passion as her voice went smoother with each word that escaped her lips. "Vy ne podvedete, i vy ne budete trebovat' yeye dlya sebya. Ona nasha, i ya prikazyvayu tebe zapomnit' eto. Vsegda."

"Da, lyubov' moya," Bucky, or whoever that was, answered fervently, those dagger eyes straying ever so slightly to gaze at Violet.

"Khorosho. Teper' primite dush i dayte serzhantu Barnsu vernut'sya." Natasha replied, voice retaining her commanding tone while somehow seeming gentle. Violet didn't know what to think, this was all so messed up. Maybe this was a delayed nightmare? The awful delusion type that appeared when one was wide awake and suddenly started hallucinating? Was that even a thing? Violet hoped it was, otherwise, this made no sense to her.

Bucky bowed his head, and with one last lingering glance at both women, he walked past them and headed towards the showers. Natasha forced Violet to follow where he went, guiding her head as he headed towards the shower. Oh no, Violet knew where this was going, particularly when Natasha whispered, "look at him," in her ear. Violet didn't want to for more reasons than one, primarily because he didn't say they could ogle his naked body. Natasha clearly did with her show and tell session and straddling a very uncomfortable Violet, but Bucky didn't.

Yet Violet understood that Natasha could misconstrue her reluctance as fighting back, and Violet didn't want to give her any excuse to use it against her and hurt Darcy. So, with guilt already weighing her heart down, she unwillingly watched as Bucky ripped, literally ripped, his black briefs off his body and stepped into the running shower. An overhead light appeared the moment the water started washing the blood off his skin, showing off far more than what Violet was prepared for. She's seen men's asses on tv before so she was about 70% sure she could handle it once he showed off his backside. If that was all she was shown, then she would have been fine.

She was not prepared for the front though.

She couldn't help it. When she saw his front, and how hard the man truly was, she reared back and went through the same reaction as she did when Natasha took her bra off. If her mouth hadn't been covered, a stream of colorful expletives would have spilled out of her. No shame, just honesty. Fucking hell, she was not prepared for this, she doubted she could do any more of this, but she had too. Darcy's fate was in her bound hands, she couldn't fail her, not over this!

Thankfully, Natasha allowed Violet to look away, and pulled her attention back to her once more.

"Sorry," she smiled, "I couldn't help myself. James is so delectable to look at, and I really wanted to see your first reaction to him." She giggled softly, brushing Violet's sweaty hair out of her face. "You never fail to disappoint."

Violet grunted angrily, but made no other response, inwardly knowing the sound alone could be used against her. Natasha giggled even more, staring down at Violet with those burnt sienna eyes, warmth filling them to the brim. One hand still covered Violet's mouth while the other continued caressing Violet's cheek. Violet made another sound, an insistent one that said she wanted to talk. Natasha smirked at that, and slowly leaned forward.

"I think we've drawn this out long enough," she whispered, leaning forward slightly more until she was whispering in Violet's ear, "now what's your answer?"

Violet responded with the same insistent noise, and with a wistful sigh, Natasha finally removed her hand.

"You didn't answer," Violet spoke quickly and quietly, suspiciously eyeing Bucky while he stood in the shower.

Natasha grunted softly, "what didn't I answer?"

"My question. I answered yours, now answer mine." Violet maintained, waiting for Natasha's response while glaring up at the shadowy ceiling.

Natasha leaned back to stare deeply into Violet's eyes. The burnt sienna unquestionably providing Violet with plenty of nightmare fuel for all the nights to come. There was no amusement, no lust, just an inquisitive look about her. Studiously studying Violet before deciding. The hand that caressed Violet's cheek reached up and behind Violet, grabbing hold of something Violet knew she would hate to see.

She was right.

In less than second, Natasha's hand returned to Violet's line a vision gripping a roll a duct tape. Fucking hell her life couldn't get any worse. Of course, there was fucking duct tape on their bathroom counter. What next? A ball gag? Violet really hoped her morbid sense of humor wasn't on point.

"The reason why I hurt those who don't hurt me is because it's what I was trained to do," Natasha stated, pulling back once more and using both hands to unroll a single length of tape, just enough to place over Violet's mouth. "You see, Violet, I didn't have the same upbringing as you. I didn't have a supportive father who taught me that good deeds were meant to be achieved in this world. My father sold me off to an organization who trained me to be the assassin I am today. I wasn't raised to do the right thing; I was raised to be the reaper you so callously mentioned. To bring death to those whose name unfortunately came to my work pile," she stopped, ripping off the piece of tape before looking Violet dead in the eyes. "You think of me as manipulative and fucked up, and you're absolutely right. For so long that's what I've had to be if I was going to survive in the business I was raised in. I was resigned to . . . exist in that life, to do the job and do what I needed to do . . . and then I saw him."

Natasha turned to face Bucky, his back thankfully facing the two women. Most of the blood was now gone, but his metal arm was mostly out of sight and doing strange, small movements, and his human hand was pressed against the dark marble wall. Violet hoped he was simply focusing on getting the blood out of the crevices. She figured Natasha, on this point alone, would know better. Not that she would ask.

"I saw how hard he fought; how powerful he was amid the submission he forced to commit. I watched him fight day after day, watched the soldier emerge as James fought the good fight. I watched HYDRA's creation be born while the man fought to subdue them both. It was inspiring, it made me want to be better, and I knew I had to save him." Natasha turned back to Violet, those eyes filled to the brim was resignation, "just like I need to save you."

Violet flinched, unsure of what to say when Natasha finally brought the tape down on Violet's lips, silencing her incoming response. She stared up at Natasha in fright, too afraid to feel embarrassed at her blatant show of fear to the Alpha slowly verbally torturing her. She pleaded wordlessly through the tape, trying to reach Natasha after she finally revealed something to Violet after all this time.

Natasha responded by shushing her once more, gentle yet harsh at the same time.

"Violet," she started, resting a hand on Violet's throat, "if you keep your word and do as I say, then I will keep my word and will not harm Darcy. That goes for both for me and James. Okay? Yes, you will, or no you won't?"

Violet breathed deeply through her nose, pondering the decision before her. Do it or don't do it? So different yet so similar to Natasha's original offer. Different because now there were different implications at hand. Same because it was still the same deal, right? At the end, it didn't matter. Just like in the beginning, her choice was already made. The difference is she didn't have a voice to ensure Natasha's word, which meant no more stalling.

So, with a heart filled with dread and tears threatening to prickle her eyes, Violet finally nodded.

The grin on Natasha's face couldn't have grown wider at Violet's apparent submission. Immediately, she pulled Violet to her feet, leaving the Omega both shocked and surprised to find her feet unbound. She could have sworn Bucky was tying her to the chair. Then again, maybe he was loosening the knots because . . . whatever was affecting him could potentially affect her too? Maybe he really was trying to help her? Perhaps she'd never know?

Then Natasha reached behind Violet once more and brandished a new weapon to use against Violet. Not a ball gag, thank God, but unfortunately something much worse. Scissors. Scissors that Natasha quickly utilized by snipping the straps that held Violet's sports bra in place. To make matters worse, she quickly maneuvered Violet in the same second and cut through the last sports bra. Natasha grabbed the offending fabric and ripped it off, leaving Violet a blushing chosen, covering her exposed chest with all her might as Natasha continued her terrible tirade.

Natasha quickly, roughly pulled off the sweat-soaked biker shorts and stand white cotton underwear, coaxing/tricking Violet to lift her legs in order to steal the "offending" garment. Now Violet was as naked as Natasha, and her heart could not beat faster if it tried.

Violet tried her best to breathe steadily, to not let her panic overwhelm her. Natasha wasn't helping at all, the lustful look returned to her eyes and smile, looking at Violet like she was something good to eat. Violet begged to differ. Still, when Natasha reached to grabbed Violet's shoulders, the brash Omega didn't resist. Her feet might be free, but Violet had all of not just Natasha's attention, but Bucky's as well. Or whoever he was now. Both were staring at her naked, standing form while Violet just wanted to run away screaming.

If she had a breaking point, she would be reaching it right about now.

"Sweetie," Natasha whispered in her ear, "we're taking a bath. No clothes are allowed in a bath. If you behave, then I'll let you wash yourself, okay?"

Violet rolled her eyes, nodding in stunned defeat. What else could she do?! Run out the door? Sit down and cry? Stay standing there like a frozen idiot?

She focused on breathing and only breathing as Natasha kissed her cheek and took hold of the stray rope hanging loosely from the bindings on her wrists. Violet glared at it. How had she not noticed that? Bucky must have left it there after he released her from the bed. Natasha wrapped her around her hand and used it as a leash to pull Violet towards the bath, a mischievous look in those sienna eyes.

Can this be over already? Violet was at the brink and didn't know how much longer she could take this. Just keep breathing. Focus on that, tune everything else out, and remain steady. It's going to be okay she chanted to herself, a weak attempt to remain calm amid the situation.

Deep grunts could be heard from the shower, and not the type that Violet wanted to hear. Natasha smiled at Violet, stopping at the edge of tub and maneuvering the Omega to stand in front of her. The grunts grew in volume as Natasha kissed Violet's temple, flicking her tongue out to lick the sweat on her skin. Violet flinched at that but retained her focus. Just breathe. Keep breathing.

"Hop in," Natasha ordered in her sultry voice, running a hand down Violet's exposed spine.

With a steady breath, Violet lifted her legs one by one and stepped into the tub.

The water was hot, not scalding but surprisingly pleasant in its temperature. A strong smell wafted up to Violet as she sank into the warm water. It reminded her of the essential oils Wanda uses to help her relax when she's particularly stressed out. Eucalyptus maybe? Violet couldn't tell. The only thing that mattered was she was once again fully covered, curling into a tight ball until the water reached just above her shoulders.

Violet sighed in relief. Coverage. Thank God. She basked in the moment as long as she could, and then inwardly groaned with dread.

Not even five seconds later, Natasha settled in the water right behind Violet. One leg settled on each side of Violet, meaning she was stuck in between them. She closed her eyes, hoping this would end soon, and flinched when Natasha's hands strolled up her back, brushed her shoulders, and tangled her fingers in her sweaty blue hair.

"I think I'll start here," her sultry voice stated as she gently tugged Violet backwards, "go ahead and start washing up. There's soap and a loofah to the left of you."

Violet did as she was told, keeping her eyes closed and her breathing as steady as she could. The water moved as Natasha scooted forward, her thighs squeezing gently at Violet's side, further trapping the Omega in her sensual embrace. Violet felt lips pressing against her shoulder quickly follow by a particularly pleased hum. "Leave your back, I'll get that for you."

This was going to suck.

Natasha took her time washing Violet's hair while Violet quickly and awkwardly scrubbed down her body like she was exposed to a deadly disease. It was awkward because her wrists were still bound together, Natasha undoubtedly leaving it like that on purpose. Why? Violet had a few options floating through her mind, all of them tied to some aspect of control. Throughout each experience she's had with the Alpha, the one thing Violet could see was that Natasha liked to be in control. Taking the lead in the conversations with Violet, having the last word when she didn't, the orders she gives to Bucky and . . . other Bucky? All indicators for Violet's rough conclusion. A conclusion she never realized could be so on point yet so far off the mark.

Natasha has been holding back, and that scared the shit out of Violet. If she was holding back with this, what else was she holding back? Considering she was an assassin and super spy, probably everything else. It left the Omega feeling severely outmatched, more so than she was already aware of, but not defeated. Even in her panic, Violet refused to be defeated. She had to keep fighting.

She was finished in less than a minute, wanting this to be done and over with, but Natasha was in no hurry. Slowly and thoroughly, Natasha made good use of her time and washed Violet's blue curls. Wetting her hair with a pitcher set on the rim of the tub, picking out rose petals that managed to get stuck in the strands, and lathering up the wonderful locks with shampoo. Violet strongly suspected the shampoo was Natasha's. It was well in her realm of deplorable choices since she stripped in front of Violet and forced her into this situation. Once her fingers started massaging Violet's scalp, Violet realized something.

She didn't feel as scared as she thought she should be.

Maybe her constant panic had left her in a state where she was still panicked, but totally numb to it at the same time. Perhaps the confusion and ludicrousness throughout this whole ordeal was so powerful it overwhelmed all other emotions. Maybe her mind finally snapped, and she was awake yet dead to the world, like a vegetable? A combination of all three? Violet could see any of them as an acceptable reason, but she feared it was something worse.

What if there was a small, small part of her that . . . liked it?

The bound hands, the fear catapulting through her system, the forced bathing, none of that was what she was thinking of. It was the fingers in her hair. The nails just barely scratching her scalp as she was gently petted by someone she trusted. Jessica used to do it when the pair were drinking, and Violet's head somehow ended up in her lap. Wanda does it sometimes too, Pietro even more so, but that was normally after waking up from nightmares or simply when she needed to calm down. Even Peter's done it once or twice, and it's always worked like a charm.

The difference here is that by no means did Violet trust Natasha. She doubted she could ever learn to trust someone who joked about assaulting her and giggled like a schoolgirl while Violet was tied to a chair and scared out of her mind. Violet didn't want to trust someone like that, and yet she had to if she wanted to ensure Darcy's safety.

And yet she was relaxing beneath her touch. Violet was shocked to realize that her body instinctually started leaning into Natasha's naked embrace as her fingers expertly kneaded Violet's scalp and spread through her lathered curls. She needed to keep her head, keep her wits and sense for as long as she can. The only way she could was to fight, and the only way she could fight without "breaking her word" was to do something she didn't want to do.

At long last, Violet opened her eyes.

On the Brightside, the action did exactly what she hoped for. It stopped her from giving into Natasha's relaxing touch and woke her the fuck up. On the bad side of it, Violet saw Bucky kneeling directly next to her, his face only inches away from her. The silver dagger-like eyes shifting back and forth with the crimson.

Apart from her eyes going impossibly wider, Violet didn't dare move. Natasha chuckled slightly from behind her, lips pressing firmly against the back of Violet's stiff neck. Bucky studied her, more crimson fighting it's way through as he cocked his head. He was impossibly still, like a statue in a museum or something. It was unsettling, though not as much it should be. Everything about tonight completely surpassed unsettling and went straight into what Violet now predicted hell to be like.

"Don't worry," Natasha interrupted Violet's mental tirade, "he's watching over you."

Violet did not feel reassured by that comment.

For the duration of their time in the bath, Bucky stared at Violet while Natasha hummed contentedly, and Violet endured their forced attention. She passed the time by thinking about the hand drawn map Jarvis gave to her and Peter when searching for the control room. She thought about the different pathways she took that led her to the storage room on the acquisitions floor, and the gateless food place on the cafeteria floor. She thought about the service stairwell that could lead her to the ground level. The level where both the entrance and exit of the building await.

She avoided thinking about Peter as much as she could for one reason only. If Bucky and Natasha were doing this to her, what could Tony be doing to Peter? A terrible question that would only lead her brain down even more terrible avenues that would not help her or Peter right now. In fact, it would only make things worse with the undivided attention she was receiving from her captors. Bucky would surely see any change in expression, and Natasha would feel it thanks to her crude positioning with her body.

When she wasn't thinking about potential escapes, she focused on breathing and looking anywhere that wasn't at Bucky. Eventually she settled her gaze on the soap set directly in front of her. Was that lavender? No that looks like Winter Berry. The packaging was brand new, and yet half the bottle of bodywash was gone. How often do they take baths? Violet was lucky to sneak a shower at a random gym once a week. Sometimes she'd take one at a friend's place if she were going out for the night.

Maybe they were clean freaks . . . or just used to washing off blood? Unfortunately, either way fits their character.

At long last, with a final pour from the pitcher, Natasha rinsed Violet's hair clean. It wouldn't be long now. Violet was ecstatic, relieved that this was finally over . . . or was it?

Natasha squeezed Violet's hair, drops of water plopping into the tub or trailing down her exposed skin. A glimmer of hope kept her breathing in line as Bucky reached out to take the pitcher from Natasha and set it on the floor out of sight, eyes never leaving Violet. Natasha moved behind her, the water and rose petals rushing past her as she did.

This was it, it's finally over.

"Now you smell like you," Natasha's chest touched Violet's back, hands sliding to Violet's shoulders and massaging the tense muscles there, "your scent was muddled by metal, grease, and the intruders scents, and I simply couldn't have that."

Violet rolled her eyes, unable to help herself. No, she couldn't have that all. Psycho.

Natasha kissed the back of her neck, "I used to do this with my sister when we were children. We'd take turns, switching back and forth to wash the other's hair. Hiding flower petals within the strands, we'd be picking them out one by one until our next bath. She always favored water lilies, something about the way they floated. I prefer mountain Arnica, but we could never find any. They were too far away, and we were not allowed to stray far from our home. So, I used rose petals from my mother's garden." She paused, a content sound escaping her, "sometimes when James runs his hands through my hair, I swear I still feel a stray petal fall."

Violet didn't move when Natasha circled her arms around Violet's chest, didn't resist as she pulled her closer, barely breathed when the Alpha's chin hooked over her shoulder and pressed her cheek against her own. Violet felt too stunned to do anything. What is going on here?

Natasha held her tight, teeth gently nipping Violet's earlobe, "if I could, I'd bury myself inside of you and stay there for the rest of my days."

Violet flinched, shivers running up and down her spine at Natasha's statement. When was this going to end? When Violet broke and tried fighting back, giving Natasha the excuse to hurt Darcy? She couldn't let that happen, but Violet was at her breaking point. She wasn't going to last much longer without doing something, anything to stop this.

Her expression must have revealed that, because not even two seconds later, Bucky finally spoke. Not the dagger eye Bucky, but the Bucky with crimson eyes. The Bucky that Violet kind of knew, or at least was familiar with. Sadly, his words did not help her in the slightest.

"Let's get her in the shower," he spoke gruffly, causing Violet's head to droop forward in defeat while Natasha made a disappointed sound next to her.

From the corner of Violet's eye, Bucky sent a muted glare to Natasha, one that displayed his anger without holding any real heat behind it. As a result, Natasha sighed and lessened her hold on Violet's body. With one last kiss, Natasha whispered, "take his hands, and go with him."

How about let me the FUCK go!

Violet gingerly stood up, wincing at the effort. Her body was really starting to hurt, particularly with all the tension she was holding onto. It was at the point where she doubted she could lift her leg without falling over for the effort. Bucky must have sensed this too. His hands tentatively reached out and grasped her elbows, acting more as a guide than taking her by force. This action surprised her, but none more so than the absolutely intense way he continued to watch her face. She watched his face in return because he was still very much naked and very hard. She really hoped she would bump into it, that might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. He kept her steady as he helped her out of the tub and continued to stare intensely at her face as he guided her to the still running shower.

It was when he stopped her at the edge of the shower that she realized why his stare was so intense. Why his gaze was pointed at her face. Why he seemed just as tense as her.

He was trying not to look at her body, just as she was trying not to look at his.

Even when his hands slid down the rope still binding her wrists together, his eyes refused to leave hers. It was disturbing, the stark difference between him and the other version of him. How he seemed uncomfortable with her nakedness while the other would have eaten her alive if he could have. She didn't know what to feel, didn't know to trust. Should she trust Bucky? Could she trust him?

So lost in her realization, she almost missed what he was doing with her hands. He was messing with the ropes, undoing the knots and pulling them apart. Holy shit, he was untying her!

"Natasha or I will come back in a few minutes to get you. Rinse off in here, dry off over there," his head gestured towards a pile of plushy white towels on the spacious countertop, "and wait for one of us to fetch you. Understand?"

Violet nodded, wanting so desperately to have her hands free again.

"Good," Bucky responded, voice soft with relief, "and one last thing."

What now? What more could they possibly want from her? Violet didn't want to know the answer to that.

Bucky pointed to tape over her mouth, "leave that there, no matter what." A flash of silver zoomed through his eyes, and he flinched, lips curling back slightly into what Violet thought was snarl, but no noise came out of his mouth. "I don't want him coming back tonight."

He like your voice, whirled through her mind, and suddenly she understood.

Bucky couldn't push the other guy away because of her, because he latched onto her voice or something. Maybe he wanted to shut her up? She wasn't particularly nice with her choice of words when she spoke with him earlier and it wouldn't be the first time she's been hunted down over something she said. Then again, he could have seen her as a challenge. It would explain why he responded with, you're wrong about that, before the real Bucky finally came back.

Violet nodded at Bucky's request, and within a second her hands were free. Finally. Bucky leaned forward, eyes staring intensely into hers. "Thank you," he whispered, and then kissed her forehead before abruptly turning away and heading towards the bath. Natasha was standing there staring at the pair, smiling a devilish smirk as her finger caressed her collar bones, a seductive gaze aimed at Violet, who immediately turned away and entered the shower and left the Alphas to do whatever they were planning.

The door shut instantaneously, and Violet sank to the shower floor and started silently sobbing, not caring if they were gone or not.

(Soldier, this is Violet. She is our chosen, our treasure, and the love of your life. You will protect her, you will die for her, just as Bucky Barnes would do for her.)

(You will not fail, and you will not claim her for yourself. She is ours, and I command you to remember that. Always.)

(Yes, my love)

(Good. Now take a shower, and allow Sergeant Barnes to return