
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs


Med Bay


Violet didn't care about rules. Rules were guidelines that gave goody two shoes an excuse to chastise others, and bad people to work to their advantage. More importantly, Violet did not like to be told what to do, especially with the state of mind she was in. To be told by possessive and dangerous Alphas that having two scent glands meant amazing things was terrible. To be told by her best friend that having two scent glands could mean an early grave was even worse. Adding onto her already shaky emotional state with almost dying, held captive, treated like a plaything, and now being told to follow a bunch of stupid rules was almost more than she could take.

She didn't know what she's done to deserve this, or if there even was a way to get out of this without a bullet or cyanide or a knife. She wasn't the type to opt out, she might run from stuff but that's because she's smart enough to realize when she's out matched and running was the best option. She's reckless, not stupid. After their poor attempt at resolving their situation and coming up with some type of plan ending absolutely terribly, Violet was at a crossroads.

She could either keep pushing forward and refuse to let this news affect her so deeply that the Alphas would inevitably capitalize on it, or allow it to cripple her and turn her into a crying mess while holding Peter like a human sized teddy bear. Though her eyes were watery, Violet doesn't just quit. Her dad never did, Billy never did, and she wouldn't either. The day she gave up is the day she'd stop opt out of life for good, flipping off the sky and cursing up a storm as she did so.

Violet and Peter were still on the floor when the Alphas returned, this time without Frank. Natasha strutted in with a smirk on her face, James stalked in with a worried look in his eyes. Violet tried to remain unfazed, but the sight of them made her flinch. To think she was stuck, almost completely at their mercy with her injured state, pissed her off and scared her beyond imagining.

Peter's hand rubbed her shoulder soothingly, his breathing faster than it should be. She patted his knee encouragingly in response. Together, they faced the alphas, unknowing of what was to come, and whether they would get to see each other once more. They hoped they would.

Natasha stepped forward, her gently grasping James' metal shoulder as she did. "I thought I told you not to move?"

"I thought I told you to fuck off, but here we are." Violet shrugged, glaring up at the redheaded Alpha.

Natasha blinked, turning her attention to Peter. "Tony's asking for you. Wants to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine," Peter mumbled, barely glancing up at the terrifying Alpha.

"I'm sure he'd like to hear that from you. Why don't you go find him? He's down in the lab tinkering with some old toys, testing out one of your formulas I believe." Natasha smiled at him, but her eyes grew colder by the second.

Violet knew where this was going, and even though she didn't think Natasha would try to hurt Peter under Tony's roof (if the bullshit chosen thing was to be believed), she didn't want to risk Peter's safety. With that, she squeezed Peter's leg once more, and nodded bravely to him.

"Go ahead, you've done all you can here."

Wide, chocolate doe eyes focused on her sky blues. "Are you sure?" He gestured towards the Alphas with his chin.

Violet jerked her head in response, "I'll make it though."

Bottom lip quivering, Peter leaned in and carefully pulled Violet in for one last hug,

"Don't get raped," Violet whispered in his ear.

"Don't get killed," Peter returned in an equally soft tone.

With gentle pats on each other's back, and tears falling down Peter's cheeks, Peter stood from the ground, leaving Violet on the cold floor by herself. Peter took a breath, backing away slowly without taking his eyes off Violet. The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, a poor attempt at encouragement. It just made Peter cry harder. Before long, Peter was out of the Med Bay, and James closed the door behind him. The sharp locking sound reverberating through the metal, expansive room.

Then it was just the three of them.

For a long moment, there was silence. Deafening, heart wrenching silence that filled her senses and encapsulated every part of her being. Her heart bounced against her chest a little harder, air scraped her throat with every breath she took. The pain in her side felt sharper, more defined. Her whole body felt cold, like ice covered every inch of exposed skin and sunk deeper and deeper until it threatened to reach her core.

Sharp clicks from Natasha's heels pinged throughout the room, each step pinging louder and louder until her black leather high heeled boots were right in front of Violet's hunched over form. The angry omega glared up at the arrogant, smug Alpha as Natasha sank to her feet in front of her. She smiled once more; the coldness melted away as she stared at Violet. James slipped in behind Natasha, kneeling to the floor next to the other Alpha.

In sync, both reached out a hand to Violet, staring at her expectantly.

"Come on out," Natasha smiled, "we have a lot to talk about."

"Unless it involves the pair of you knocking yourselves out by bashing your heads through the metal wall and singing the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack, I don't give a shit what you have to say."

"Since it pertains to your friends, and whether you'll see them again, I think you should give a shit," Natasha winked at Violet. Fingers bending in the universal "come hither" gesture.

Violet gritted her teeth, "if it's that important, why can't you just talk to me now?"

Natasha cocked her head, "that might be the most civil thing you've said to me."

Violet shrugged, "it's the table. It suppresses the urge to claw your eyes out and kick your teeth down your throat for kidnapping and assaulting me."

"And there's my Violet," Natasha smirked, leaning in closer.

Violet flinched away from her advance, "let me make this perfectly clear. I'm not your Omega. I'm not your toy. I'm not your slave. I'm not your pet. I'll never be any of those things because I'm a goddamn human being that doesn't deserve to be locked or chained up by fucking psychos who want to use me for their own benefit." Violet leaned forward, ignoring the pain in her side and glaring at Natasha with all her might, "hear this and remember it well. I am not yours to use as you please."

"That's unfair of you," Natasha pouted, delicately sinking to a sitting position in front of Violet and crossing her legs in front of her.

Violet couldn't stop the way her face morphed disbelief at Natasha's response. "How the hell is that not fair?!"

"Because then this whole thing would be one sided, leaving James and I very unhappy doing everything for you while you refuse to return the favor." Natasha traced the floor with her finger, glancing up at Violet through her eyelashes. A shy yet coy gesture.

Violet's mouth dropped; mind blown in complete confusion.

"What kind of crazy are you?"

"The kind that inspires artists, fuels plot points in movies and television shows, littered throughout songs of all musical genres. The kind that people laugh and joke about until they experience it firsthand. The kind that builds a person to be tall as mountains or breaks them until they're nothing but ashes from the fire."

Natasha moved forward once more, and this time Violet didn't back away, too shocked and confused to realize what Natasha was doing. Shifting from her sitting position to kneeling on her hands and knees in front of Violet who was not prepared for this whatsoever. Especially when Natasha winked at her, wiggled her ass in a flirtatious manner, and then stretched her body like a cat before laying down on her side, placing her head in Violet's open lap.

Aside from raising her hands slightly, Violet was frozen. She was prepared for all sorts of scenarios when the Alphas came back into the room. Verbal beatdowns, punches thrown, manhandling, toxic gas, random projectiles. She was prepared for just about anything the two could do to her and was foolishly convinced that she wouldn't be surprised.

Natasha acting like a coy, shifty cat proved her wrong in the worst possible way and revealed something about Violet she'd rather have not known. Even though she had plenty of opportunity to start beating Natasha senseless due to her positioning, she couldn't do it. In the span of two seconds, Violet reached two conclusions.

First, Natasha was testing her. Whether it was to determine how long it would take to get her safely out from the table or find out if Violet could walk the talk she was spouting, she didn't know. All she knew was Natasha was indeed testing her. Based on the way her lips curled, Natasha liked the answer she was getting.

Secondly, Violet didn't want to hurt her. The woman in her lap has done terrible, awful things to so many people. More than just Billy and her friends, but to countless people throughout the entire world. How many hired guns would kill to have the Black Widow like this in their laps, vulnerable and exposed? It was the perfect opportunity, and Violet couldn't bear to do it.

She didn't want to hurt her.

It made her think back to the dream with her dad. She felt so terrible about hurting Kilgrave, feeling like it changed her somehow. It hadn't though. What she did highlighted a part of herself she really wished she hadn't discovered. Even though Natasha was a murderer, a terrible person who terrified and angered Violet to no end, she lay defenseless in Violet's lap. Seemingly unaware of the conversation was Violet was having with herself, but Violet saw the curl of her lips grow slightly with each silent second.

Violet couldn't hurt a defenseless person, and Natasha knew that.

"Figure it out yet?" Natasha murmured, shifting her body once more so that she was on her back, scooting in slightly so that her head rest comfortably in Violet's lap, burnt sienna staring up.

Violet gritted her teeth, pissed and embarrassed beyond belief that Natasha was already using Violet's weaknesses against her. "Get off of me."

Natasha smirked below her, "did you and Peter come up with an escape plan yet?"

"If we did, I wouldn't be finding refuge under a table, now get off of me."

"But why? You're so comfortable."

"I'm not comfortable, I'm bony as fuck because I don't eat, and I run all the time." The annoyance Violet felt helped her hands unfreeze. Immediately she grabbed Natasha's shoulders and started pushing her away, "And you're an assassin testing my boundaries and wondering how long it'll take to get me out from under the table which is not going to happen. The only way you assholes are getting me out from under this table is by dragging my dead carcass out away from it."

Natasha grunted in amusement, burnt sienna leaving Violet and landing on the Crimson eyes of James. She nodded to him, and he moved in a flash. His intense gaze never leaving Violet's, both hands reached up to grasp the edge of the table hanging directly above Violet's head and flipped it.

The added strength of his metal arm sent the surprisingly flimsy table flying, crashing into the opposite wall with a loud clang before it fell to the ground like a bent and broken toy. Violet stared at the table's fallen form with wide eyes, hands frozen midair once more. Eyes blinking away the sudden onslaught of lighting hitting her gaze.

"That's one way to prove me wrong," Violet mumbled to herself, "I could have sworn the table was bolted down."

"It was," Natasha giggled from Violet's lap, "James is very strong; the metal arm only enhances it."

Violet glanced up at him after her eyes adjusted to the light. He quickly retreated to his original position of kneeling in front of her, those crimson eyes somehow even more intense. Violet didn't know what to say to him, opting to stare at him in frightened amazement. He looked at her similarly, but there was no fear in that gaze.

After a moment of staring at him in silence, Violet couldn't take it anymore. This was all too much. Natasha's games, the feats of strength, the lack of plans to save Peter and herself from horrible fates, it was too much. In a breath, Violet pushed Natasha off her lap once and for all, then shot up to a standing position. Immediately she nearly fell back to the ground with strangled scream, a ripping pain in her side that quadrupled in its intensity due to her sudden movement. Just as quick, hands were on her, catching her as she started to fall back to the ground.

Then she was back up in the air, her body now carried by thick, muscular arms that moved so quickly it felt like the beginnings of a roller coaster ride. The pain continued to escalate. It was all Violet could focus on, along with the pool warmth the quickly spread throughout her side. James set her down carefully, the cushioning beneath her helped her recognize that he placed back in the hospital bed. She groaned internally. They won, again.

Just when he let her go, he grabbed the hem of the sweatshirt and quickly pulled it up to inspect the wound. She could tell he was mumbling something, but whenever he spoke it sounded like listening from inside of a bubble. Natasha appeared on the other side of the bed, nodding to whatever he said, grabbing Violet's wrist.

The pain started to dissipate just as she started tying Violet to the bed once more. There was another sharp clang, this time much smaller and harder to hear. Violet looked past James and groaned in annoyance at the sight of the mysterious object.

It was a syringe, one that had just been emptied.

"Oh, come on," Violet complained, hating how quickly her body started to relax once more.

"That table really did curb your urges, didn't they?" Natasha joked, tying the last knot on her wrist before moving down to her ankle, "just be thankful I didn't use my Alpha voice on you again. James didn't approve so we needed to resort to different methods of calming you down."

Violet rolled her eyes, "jokes on you. The fact that you need to resort to anything other than words means I have the upper hand and you have to cheat to get your way. That in itself is a victory I'll gladly take any day." She closed her eyes, shaking her head slightly, "the joke will also be on you if I turn out like my mom."

"Your mom," Natasha asked, tone dry and sarcastic, "how would that be a bad thing?"

"She was a drug addict. Particularly heroin or anything she could shoot up with a needle." Violet peaked through her eyelids to glance at Natasha, who had no expression, before closing them once more, "the more you drug me up the more likely I'll end up like her, misbehaving just to get a dose of it. Might happen sooner rather than later with how it'll help me escape you two for a few more hours. It might be worth disappointing my dad if it means getting away form the pair of you."

Silence. Violet smirked to herself, allowing the sedatives to take hold and relax her injured body. The Alphas finished tying Violet back to the bed. She foolishly thought they were done, that she would get some more sleep, hopefully see her Dad again and apologize for making such a horrible comment and then asking him for help figuring a out a way to escape the Alphas. For a brief, wonderful second, Violet thought she had won. Violet believed she might be safe.

Then she felt the sweatpants nearly ripped down her legs, exposing them and freezing her pale skin to the one. Her eyes popped open in fright, body attempting to jump from the invasion. A cold metal hand on her sternum forced her down the to the bed once more, a big and brawny hand slapped over her mouth, holding in her screams. Then the worst part happened.

Natasha crawled onto the hospital bed like the slinky cat she pretended to be on the floor only minutes beforehand, and settled in between Violet's spread legs, forced apart by the bindings the Alphas placed on her. She started breathing really fast, all her limbs fighting her bindings with every inch of her might. James held her down with a steadfast expression, refusing to give her an inch. Natasha smiled down at her, demure hands settling on the tops of Violet's vulnerable thighs.

"Look at me," James deep timbre pulled Violet's attention towards him. She's never been more terrified of those crimson eyes than right now. Every part of her shook with fear. Her breaths fast and rampant. The lack of oxygen made her head hurt. Skin prickling from the air and shivers rolling up and down her spine in a furious state.

"I don't care what people say about me. I don't care what they say about the Avengers. I don't care what people say. Period. I care about my brother. I care about Natasha. I care about you. Steve's been facing criticism and insults all his life, so I let him handle his business the way he chooses. Same with Natasha. She evens the score so to speak, and it's always fun to watch."

"Thank you, James," Natasha winked, hands grazing up and down Violet's thighs in a soft, slow motion.

"I will not, however, hear anything derogatory or negative against you, especially from you." James intensity grew in his eyes, his face leaning in closer to Violet's petrified form. "You're not some junkie looking for a fix, fucking some random shithead next to a dumpster to earn enough cash for her dealer. You're an angel in rebel clothes helping those who want and need it the most. You one of the few lights in this world, and I won't listen to you belittle yourself anymore."

"Let's count that as rule number one," Natasha smirked, her hands continuing the same motion.

James leaned back, keeping his restraining hold on Violet as she peered up at the Alpha settled between her legs.

"Due to the storm, and your ailing wound, the three of us will be staying at the tower longer than we originally intended. We wanted to wait until we were well and truly alone to start going over the rules with you, but I'm afraid we'll have to give you a rough summary of what you'll come to expect in due time." Natasha started explaining, hands moving past her thighs and not so subtly pushing up the hem of the sweatshirt as she did.

"I won't go too far into details, that can wait until we're well and truly alone," Natasha continued, "the first rule is simple. No more derogatory comments about yourself, it upsets James as you can see."

James intense stare was more than enough proof of that.

"Second rule is just as simple. Complete honesty. We'll be honest with you if you are completely honest with us. No lies. No secrets. No judgements. Just honest truths."

Violet found that incredibly hard to believe.

"The third rule is a bit more complicated. If you want something from us, one that doesn't involve the breaking of the first two rules or allow you and/or Peter to escape, then all you have to do is ask nicely, and we'll do it for you if it is within our power. Obviously, for grander gestures, we or you can ask for something in return. For example, if I asked you to do a striptease for me, you can say yes but only if I did something of an equal favor for you in return. Pretty simple for the most part. Do you understand?"

Violet nodded eagerly.

Natasha smiled down at Violet, fingers caressing the hem of Violet's white, cotton underwear.

"So, is there anything you want? Anything we can give you right now?"

Violet was suddenly at war with herself. Her heart just wanted to be out of this situation and escape into the bliss of sleep, even if a nightmare was imminent. Meanwhile, her mind suddenly saw an opportunity, and this time her mind won out. She grunted from beneath James hand, signaling that she wanted to talk. Natasha smirked, jerking her chin towards James, who immediately removed his hand from her mouth. She tested out her jaw, grumbling out sounds of soreness and fear, before taking as deep of a breath as she could and staring Natasha down.

"If I tell you, will you stop touching me?"

Natasha chuckled at the, her index fingers slowly hook beneath the hem at the top of her underwear. "Yes, for the time being."

Better than nothing. "Okay," Violet responded in a shaky voice before turning to look at James, "and what about you?"

"I'll release you from my hold, but if you want me to release you from your bindings, I only ask you to do one thing in return."

Violet's chin shook, "and what's that?"

The intensity in those crimson eyes changed, changing from menacing to fervent in the blink of an eye. "Call me Bucky."

Violet blinked, "what?"

"Call me Bucky from now on. Not James, not Barnes, not Soldier or Winter Soldier, not anything else. Just Bucky."

After staring at him with a look of disbelief, Violet nodded, "Okay . . . Bucky."

In a blink and you'll miss it moment, Bucky smiled a real, honest smile.

She took another moment or two to take deep calming breaths, steadying her nerves and bracing herself for their response. Bucky and Natasha watched her patiently, ardent expression warming their naturally cold, intimidating demeanors.

"Will you," Violet started, taking one last calming breath before starting over. "Will you teach me how to fight?"

Never has Violet been happier to see the look of surprised astonishment on anyone's face.