
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Omega Night: Part 6

Avengers Tower


Peter was bawling like a baby. Gasping in desperate breaths while sobbing uncontrollably. They got her. They got Violet, and Peter didn't know what to do. He was trapped with no way of escaping and stuck under the watchful, scrutinous eyes of an Alpha he helped tie up only an hour or so prior. He could feel the cameras trained on him, feel Tony's burning gaze pouring over his body though Peter tried desperately to hide his face.

It was no use. Jarvis came over more than once to lift Peter's chin up and stare down at the Omega's trapped form. He didn't look angry or smug, more concerned and desperately trying to convey something with expression alone. He never said anything other than, "there's no need for tears, Mr. Parker. All will be well soon enough."

His words never appeased Peter, instead intensifying his distraught emotions and making him cry harder. Why was this happening? What has Peter ever done to deserve this? More importantly what has Violet ever done to deserve this? The worst thing Violet has ever done is break an Alpha's face for abusing and verbally assaulting her boyfriend on a near constant basis. Other than that, all Peter could think of was petty theft, leaving behind some street art, and loitering on private property. Added all up, none of those things came to deserve Kilgrave's fate.

Is that where they were taking Violet? Is that why they tied her up? Leaving her unable to stop them before it was too late? Peter's sobbing escalated even more, uselessly fighting the metal restraints on his wrists once more.

Darcy was no help. Currently she was drunkenly waltzing around the room making retching sounds after every sip of her newest glass of wine. She held a half empty bottle of the wine she was retching at in her other hand. Recklessly twirling around in circles and shouting what Peter thought to be "Omega Night" and following up the drunkenly stated phrases with kissing sounds. Peter glared at her for that.

Peter didn't really like Darcy. She was fun to party and have a good time with, but otherwise she seemed like a mess. A selfish, lustful mess that didn't care what was happening as long as it didn't kill her buzz. A fact she proved callously to Peter when he was carted onto the Avengers floor and he begged her to help him, to help Violet. She didn't even look sympathetic. Her only response was to flip him off and mumble, "I'm busy forgetting any of this ever happened, go find some other pansy to listen to your plea," and then walked off to the stock of wine bottles taking up space on the counter tops.

Peter didn't try pleading to anyone else. The only one who might help him was Wanda, and since the on-sight Doctor was indisposed or unable to make it, her focus was firmly on Dr. Betty and the baby. Peter wasn't going to disrupt that no matter how terrified and hopeless he felt.

During the brief moments where he wasn't consumed by his grief, Peter took in the state of the Avengers who had arrived on the floor.

Mr. Barton, or Clint as the brash Alpha reminded Peter while eating a stack of waffles, was sitting on the black leather couches with his splinted leg on what was left of the glass table. Violet broke it with her baseball bat shortly after they locked Wanda and Jarvis in her room. His expression was pained, but he still made the same shrewd comments he was so well known for. He didn't talk to Peter, barely even looked at him, and Peter really appreciated that.

Dr. Banner was in a similar state as Peter. He avoided everyone the moment he entered the floor. Taking a seat on the piano bench, he put his head in his hands, and hasn't moved since. Apart from the deep, steadying breaths emanating from him, he made no noise. Like a graveyard after the wind has died down. Peter was tempted to reach out to him, hoping his mentor can help him one last time, but something about the way Dr. Banner shrank in on his form and isolated himself from the rest ebbed Peter's temptation. If Dr. Banner was going through something bad, he didn't want to make it worse, especially if it was because of Peter and-

Oh God, what if it's because he and Violet saw Kilgrave?! What if Dr. Banner was trying to defend them, lost the argument, and is now starting his premature grief for the pair?! Were Tony and the Avengers really going to kill him and Violet?!

Peter looked away from his mentor, on the verge of hyperventilating. He glued his gaze to his shoes, forcing himself to calm down before Jarvis was signaled to his new sense of distress. He couldn't stop the tears, but since he was already crying beforehand it didn't matter in the slightest. He took slow, deep breaths to ward off the panic threatening to consume him, thinking through multiple situations where he and Violet could escape. None of them ended well, but it gave him something else to focus on instead of the panic shooting through his veins.

For the next few minutes, nothing changed. Darcy continued to drink while Clint made his quips and comments as he watched footage of the invaders getting their asses kicked over and over again by James, Natasha, and Steve. Dr. Banner stayed in his isolated spot on the piano bench and Jarvis continued to keep an eye on Peter, expression turning more and more concerned by the minute. Peter continued running different scenarios in his head and focused on his breathing.

Then the sound of the elevator doors opening alerted everyone in the room.

Peter stopped running through scenarios, eyes transfixed on the hallway where he knew the elevator to be. His heart pounded away in his chest, its anxious pulse throbbing away in his mind, bottom lip trembling as he watched the hall for any sign of movement.

He didn't have to wait long.

The sight that appeared before his eyes both relieved and horrified him. Relieved because Violet was still very much alive and kicking. Terrified because she was still tied up and cradled against the Winter Soldier's chest like a baby. Her bound arms circled Mr. Barnes neck, her lolling head resting comfortably against his shoulder. His metal arm held most of her weight, circling around her back and holding her body up at her thighs while his human hand was hooked beneath her knees.

His eyes were the dark crimson of an angry and protective Alpha, along with Ms. Romanoff's standing next to the pair, gingerly petting Violet's sweaty blue hair as they enter the main living area. Peter was frozen in his spot, panicked concern consuming him as he tried to catch his sister's gaze, desperately ignoring the absolute fear the prevalent anger and rage in the alphas eyes gave him. Violet wasn't looking at him. Based on her behavior, Peter didn't think she was looking at anything. He barely saw Steve out of the corner of his eye when Ms. Romanoff's petrifying gaze landed on him.

His heart pounded in time with her sharp, purposeful steps as she walked towards him. Stopping in front of him, she stared with those haunting eyes, looking down her nose at him. He wished he had the courage to stare defiantly up at her in the way Violet would, but instead he looked at his shoes once more, shame filling his chest.

She hummed at him, a pleased sound.

"Tony!" She abruptly called, forcing Peter's attention back up to her angry expression.

It took a moment or two before Tony finally responded through the speakers, "yeah, what's up?"

"Is everyone accounted for?"

"Yes," Tony grunted, "all 36 HYDRA goons have been neutralized and contained on the public floors. The Iron Legion are standing guard until it's time for transport and interrogation. Which will be sometime tonight, or would tomorrow work better?"

"Tonight, but we'll need a favor first," Mr. Barnes spoke up, his grip on Violet tightening slightly.

She whimpered softly, burying her face in the crook of his neck. Peter was positively bamboozled. Why wasn't she fighting?! Giving them Hell and then giving them more?! What did they do to her?

"What is it? What's going on?" Tony asked quickly before brashly adding, "holy shit, is that Violet?"

"She's in heat," Ms. Romanoff answered in a blunt voice, eyes staring down at Peter, "and we need your Omega to take care of her while we handle our latest problem."

Peter's eyes popped out of his skull, leaving the horribly angry expression of the Alpha in front of him and taking in the state of his pseudo sister instead. No wonder she wasn't fighting. She probably gave every ounce of energy she had left when she stunned Ms. Romanoff with the weapon she had. She was probably exhausted. Shame made his eyes water. How could he not have sensed this? He should have been able to feel it or smell it earlier when they were hanging out, drinking and breaking stuff. They were within 5 feet of each other all night.

How hadn't he sensed this?

Just then, a new figure emerged from the opposite hallway. Wanda charged into the living area with wild crystal-like eyes and tense demeanor. Her scarlet was tied back in a rather messy ponytail, mouth set in a firm grimace. The clothes she wore were frumpy and totally unlike her. Ones she wouldn't care if they were ruined during the birthing process. She marched over to Peter and Ms. Romanoff, appearing as though she were going to rip the pair a new one for briefest of moments.

Until she saw Violet in Mr. Barnes arms.

She completely froze, gasping in shock at the sight of Violet before running towards her. Mr. Barnes surprisingly didn't object to Wanda's intrusion. In fact, he leaned down slightly so Wanda could get a better look at Violet's trembling form.

"What happened?" Wanda questioned urgently, steady hands taking Violet's face and studying her closely.

"She's in heat," Mr. Barnes responded bluntly.

Ms. Romanoff turned to face the three and slowly began moving towards them. "When we found her, she was a mess. Sweating bullets, pupils wide, scent 3 times stronger than normal, and hyper aware of everything. We took her up to the roof to lay her in the snow in order to counteract the heat. The minute the cold air touched her she calmed down, and since then she's been in a daze."

Wanda nodded along as Ms. Romanoff filled in the pieces, cataloguing the new information while checking over Violet's body. Peter fought his restraints even more, wanting to help more than anything. Tony started speaking once more from above them.

"Jarvis, go ahead and release Peter. Make sure he stays with Violet, and make sure neither of them leaves this floor without you."

"Understood sir," Jarvis responded, quickly moving over to Peter to release him from his metal bindings. With a click of a switch, they shinked out of sight and left Peter to move as he pleased. The first thing he did was jump out of the chair and ran over to Violet. Mr. Barnes was equally amenable to Peter, leaning down a hair more as Peter rushed to Violet's side.

Wanda glanced at Peter before turning her worried gaze to the Alpha, "Mr. Barnes, would lay her out on the table? There's a few more things I need to check."

Aside from an angry grunt, he gave no response. He gestured with his chin towards a secluded table partially hidden behind the grand piano. Wanda nodded eagerly, immediately moving towards the area. They all followed at an urgent pace.

"Hey, what's going on? Shouldn't Manchurian Candidate and Nat here be getting it on and fucking her brains out right now?" Clint called from the couch.

Peter didn't even have time to glare at the injured Alpha when Natasha grabbed a stray glass plate that somehow wasn't broken from their earlier "baseball practice" and threw it directly at his face. Clint dodged just in time before it connected with his eyeball, nearly falling to the floor for the effort. Incensed and shocked at the action, he held up his hands in a nonthreatening gesture from his position on the leather cushions, mumbling "sorry" just loud enough for everyone to hear. Ms. Romanoff turned away with a nod.

In the next moment, Mr. Barnes leaned forward and laid Violet on the dark mahogany table, his fingers trailing down her body until it reached her bound feet. Then he rested his flesh on her leg right above the rope she was bound with. Ms. Romanoff did the same thing, caressing her tibia before grasping her leg in an equally gentle grip. Peter didn't know how to feel about that. He settled on the worry he felt for Violet's less then able physical state.

He's never seen her like this before. So tired, worn out, vulnerable. He's never been with her through her heats. He always offered, insisting it was only fair because she was there for him throughout every one of his, but she never ceased to decline. "That's what hospitals are for, dude. Claire takes care of me, knows exactly what I need when I need it, and there's nothing more I can ask for." She always thanked him for his generosity, and that would be it. Even when she was in the med bay just yesterday, or perhaps two days depending on what time it was, she wasn't anywhere near this terrible state.

Peter felt the strong urge to start praying.

Everyone was silent as Wanda spent the next few moments checking Violet over, anxious to hear Wanda's medical opinion. When they weren't watching Violet's tired face meekly flinch every now and again, they were measuring all the changes in Wanda's mostly steady expression. As time went by, she only grew more concerned.

Suddenly, she turned to the Alphas.

"Pick her up and carry her to the sink," she ordered, immediately grabbing at Violet's torso and sitting her up.

Mr. Barnes didn't need to be told twice. Just as Wanda was sitting Violet up, he immediately pulled his pseudo sister back into his embrace and moved her to the kitchen.

"What's going on? Wanda, what's wrong with Violet?" Peter peppered questions to his friend. Questions that either went unheard or completely ignored.

Violet was set on the counter between the sink and the stove, the same stove that had bits of melted chocolate chips stuck to them because she forgot to clean after making them pancakes. Mr. Barnes and Ms. Romanoff surrounded Violet, blocking Peter access to her in their worry. Wanda looked at them positively distraught, leaning Violet towards the sink.

"We need to make her purge, now!"

"Whoa! Wait! Why?!" Peter forced out, brow furrowing in confusion. "Why do we need to do that?"

Wanda looked fearfully at Peter, "Violet's not in heat Peter. She's been drugged."

Silence. Shocked, confused, and utterly harrowing silence followed her harsh, blunt statement. Peter felt like his brain exploded. Drugged? How? Who could have drugged her? How could they have drugged her?

"What the hell makes you say that?" Ms. Romanoff growled, those scary Alpha eyes burning brightly.

Wanda didn't back down, "Violet's heats are very distinctive, as is the case with most Omegas. Though it looks and smells like a heat, it isn't for four reasons." She took a deep breath, then raised her and started counting off her fingers. "One, there's no slick. The sweat makes it look like there could be, but there's a distinct difference in scent between the two. Slick is sweeter and helps induce slight euphoria for anyone who encounters it. Sweat is a more pungent form of her own scent. Two, there's no blood. Violet's heats are always accompanied with blood because of the sheer intensity of the event. Three, her eyes haven't changed to her natural Omega state-"

"Indigo with gold streaks," Mr. Barnes interrupted, his scratchy voice deep and menacing.

Wanda reared back slightly, "you've seen them without her heat? Without any overwhelming emotion?"

"Her eyes are always in that state with us," Ms. Romanoff cut in, "and vice versa."

Now it was Wanda's turn to be shocked, "that shouldn't be possible. I've only heard of such an event occurring in the old stories they tell us as children."

"Looks like it's happening now, which you will certainly keep to yourself. Right?" Ms. Romanoff stepped forward slightly, "now what's the fourth reason?"

Wanda took a deep breath, steadying her nerves, "She's not screaming. Every heat she's endured is the equivalent to childbirth due to how painful it is. It's the reason she doesn't want to have sex. If her heats are that painful, she can only imagine how bad sex could be for her. That and how it's always used as a tool for control, a way to both abuse and tame an Omega until they're no more than obedient pets." Wanda gasped, covering her mouth in shock, "shit I didn't mean to say any of that."

"That's not important right now," Mr. Barnes waved it off, "you believe she's drugged and forcing her to purge is the best way to help her right now?"

"Yes, and it's the only thing we can do right now since we don't have a Doctor yet."

Mr. Barnes nodded, and with Ms. Romanoff's help, they leaned Violet over the sink started the process. Peter barely saw Mr. Barnes put his metal fingers in Violet's mouth when Wanda abruptly pulled him aside and out of direct eye of what they were doing to Violet.

"Peter, I know you've been drinking tonight, but I need you to think back to when Darcy and Betty showed up. When did you start drinking?"

Peter struggled to comprehend her question, his ears homing in on the retches and struggles occurring behind him. "Um, 7-7:30? Maybe?"

"Did you notice any changes in Violet afterwards, or was it before?"

Peter bit his lip, thinking back to when the three of them started partying. It seemed like days ago instead of a few hours.

"She started getting really hot after we started drinking. It got so bad she ended up stripping off her clothes until she was basically in her underwear."

Wanda nodded urgently, "okay now I need you to really focus on this next question. It's important we figure this out as quickly as we can."

Peter nodded in return, eager to help his sister in any way he can.

"Who made the first round of drinks?"

Peter froze, the answer arriving just as she finished the question. There was no way. She couldn't have done this. Could she?

"Darcy," Peter mumbled in disbelief, looking over to the drunken Omega who was still twirling around in circles. Steve watched her with disappointed grimace.

Wanda sighed, shutting her eyes for the briefest of moments before turning towards the twirling Omega.

"Darcy!" Wanda shouted, rage and unbridled fury brewing beneath her normally soft timbre.

The twirling Omega paused in her drunken dance, looking at Wanda like she was crazy. "Yes?"

"Did you drug Violet tonight?" Wanda bravely asked, straightening her spine as every pair of eyes turned to stare at Wanda in shock.

Strings of "What?!" "Huh?" and "Seriously?" filled the air after her shocking question, but nothing was more shocking than Darcy's answer.

"Yeah, why?" The Omega answered in a callous tone, taking another sip of her wine and retching once more at the taste.

Peter's mouth dropped open, eyes popping out like a Looney Tune cartoon. Steve turned to stare at her like he didn't recognize her, Clint actually looked angry instead sardonically amused for once, Wanda looked ready to bitch slap her, but nothing could compare to Mr. Barnes and Ms. Romanoff. If Peter thought Wanda's voice was filled with unbridled fury, he was sorely wrong when he saw the absolute rage in their terrifying gazes. Like a cute little mouse compared to the dragon Smaug from the Hobbit series.

Peter might have peed himself just by looking at them.

Darcy didn't notice the stares and unspoken death glares, just continued retching and drinking her horrible glass of wine. Peter wanted to knock it out of her hands, but a surprising addition to the event did. Peter completely forgot about Jarvis and quite possibly wouldn't have thought of him for the rest of the night if he hadn't walked forward and done what Peter wanted him to do. He grabbed the wine bottle from her hand and swiftly smack the glass out of her other, standing tall and proud in front of her.

"What the Hell Pennyworth? Wake on the wrong side of Wayne Manor today?"

"Do you have any idea on what you've just done?" Jarvis demanded, smashing the wine bottle at their feet, the glass shattering on impact.

Darcy was unfazed, daring to roll her eyes at him, "Fuck off Jarvis, I helped her relax. The girl was tensed up like a spring waiting to uncoil. She needed a break-"

"Does this look like a break!" Jarvis pointed towards the kitchen where Violet was emptying the contents of her stomach into the sink. The terrible look in the Alpha's remained, somehow intensifying with each passing second. "Does she look relaxed to you?"

"She was perfectly fine until Dr. Prego showed up needing assistance and FRIDAY went haywire." She shot back, getting angry, "she was having a good time and not thinking about her shitty situation, just like the last few times we hung out."

"You've done this to her more than once?!"

"Yeah," Darcy shrugged, "and she knows about it. More importantly, she doesn't care that I do it either because it helps her relax and gets out of her head for a little while, and other than the predictable hangover, she's perfectly fine the next morning."

"Has she ever experienced symptoms of heat when you've drugged her?" Wanda cut in, clearing trying to stay well away from the drunken Omega.

"Yes actually, the first time we hung out and sometime last year as well. Both times she got through the night and woke up in perfect condition. And before you say anything, she was drinking both of those nights as well and it was a Hell of a lot more than what she was drinking here tonight."

"Did you take her to the hospital to prove your assumption?" Wanda growled, clenching her fists into tight little balls.

Darcy snorted, "no, she said she didn't need to, so we didn't go."

Wanda turned away abruptly, forcing herself to take deep breaths to calm herself down. Jarvis wasn't inclined to such an action, getting back in Darcy's amused face to chastise her even more, but was stopped by the sharp tone of Tony's voice from over the speakers. Once again Peter was shocked to hear it, completely forgetting about Tony listening in until he suddenly spoke once more.

"Sorry Jarvis. As much as I would love to see you pull out your underrated karate skills, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to back off."

Peter looked into the nearest camera, betrayed beyond imagining, "why? Because Violet isn't worth defending? Because Darcy's just like the rest of you, taking advantage of someone for their own needs and desires?!"

"No Peter," Tony interrupted Peter's tirade with a significantly softer tone, "it's because Jarvis isn't her Alpha. Steve is."

Peter glanced at Steve, who looked almost a scarily angry as Mr. Barnes and Ms. Romanoff.

"And a Chosen can only be punished by their Alpha, except in times where more severe circumstances occur, then the rest of the team will help their Alpha decide the punishment of the Omega. Fortunately for Darcy, this isn't one of those extreme circumstances." Tony finished explaining.

Peter didn't feel any better about it. His sister could have died because of Darcy's selfish callousness and might still be in danger of dying. How could this not be classified as severe?

Peter watched Steve saunter over to Darcy, who was now grinning like a maniac at the towering Alpha.

"C'mon Stevie? You going to punish me? Make me regret all the naughty things I've done tonight?" Darcy taunted him, unfazed once more by the horrible anger in his eyes.

Steve stepped forward, gently reaching out to grab her by then, and leaned in. Darcy smiled, teeth biting her bottom lip as she allowed him to pull her closer. He stopped when their faces were almost touching, so close yet so far from the other.

Then he spoke in a tone that sent terrible, horrible shivers down Peter's spine. A tone that caused both him and Wanda to bristle and back away in a mad rush to get away from him.

"Go back to your room, sit on the bed, and wait until I come to fetch you."

Peter watched, fear freezing his veins at how quickly Darcy went pliant and soft at his words. The way she looked at him was astonishing. So much love, so much trust. It was totally at odds with how angry, how disgusted he looked at her in return. She smiled at him, hands caressing his clean-shaven face before clumsily turning and walking away down the hall towards the bedrooms.

Peter stood like a fool staring after her in disbelief. Was he going to end up like that? A mindless puppet waiting to do as his master bid? Would Violet? Peter looked at the sink area where Mr. Barnes and Ms. Romanoff were helping Violet purge the last bit of alcohol, and hopefully drugs, from her system, holding her closely all the while.


The blizzard that consumed Manhattan left it's cold, blistering feel all across the state of New York. The roads were a mess, accidents at nearly every icy turn, red and blue lights flickered away amid the dusky night sky. Travelers of all types, from tourists and sightseers to truck drivers and journalists, were in absolute hell. Unheard insults and threats of death uttered on countless lips and unspoken.

All except from him.

He was quite possibly the only person insane enough to drive through the raging blizzard on a damn motorcycle. Without a helmet no less. He had his leather jacket and gloves, his glasses to protect his eyes from the bright lights on people's cars, and his duffel strapped to his back. He packed light, requiring only the essentials and nothing more. He wasn't the type to stay in one place for long. No place ever wanted him longer than a brief drink and an average lay.

Except for Xavier and his damn school, the exact place he was headed now.

He hoped whatever he was needed for was as urgent as the call he received from Anna Marie, one of the students there who he saved a few years back from a terrible car accident. She was one of the few people he kept in contact with longer than a few months. He unwillingly became a pseudo father to the kid, and she happily excepted the role of daughter.

When she calls, Logan answers. It couldn't be simpler than that.

Just another couple of hours, and he'd be there to find out what exactly is going on. And smoke that cigar he's been dying to light since he started the damn trek to icy hell. Neither could happen soon enough.