
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Omega Night: Part 5


Avengers Floor

James and Natasha were having an incredibly hard time dealing with the situation at hand. Violet, fierce and wonderfully defiant Violet, was not going to stand down or give up no matter how far gone she was. Her heat had taken a considerable toll on her body, but the spirit dwelling within would not dim. In fact, it only burned brighter. It made taking her down and binding her flailing limbs, a rather enjoyable pastime for the two tainted Alphas, severely unsatisfying.

The lucky shot Violet got on Natasha left the Alpha momentarily stunned, but she recovered just in time to sweep her darling's legs when James advanced forward and swiftly knocked the stun batons aside. Even in a sober state of mind, Violet wouldn't have stood a chance against the two Alphas. With Steve backing the pair, it was a pipedream. Natasha could tell Violet knew that with the brief submission she showed. The intention behind it could have meant nothing more than a ploy to distract the Alpha, but Natasha could see resignation behind it.

Even in the midst of her heat, Violet still had her sense, and that in itself was troublesome. Was she always this aware? Heats were notoriously trying and even painful experiences for the average Omega, but for one of Violet's caliber they'd be far more intense and excruciating. To think that she was completely aware throughout the entire ordeal was a terrifying thought. Just how much has their darling gone through?

Violet struggled beneath them as Natasha bound her hands and wrists together in front of her while James tied her ankles together. Steve watched from above with a somber expression, barely tearing his eyes away to check the area for anything suspicious. This too was a trying task. The sweat Violet was soaked in made keeping a firm hold on her arms particularly tricky, but not impossible. More than once she was able to slip from Natasha's grasp, but the Alpha was quick to resume her hold.

Because of this James finished first, quickly maneuvering to sit behind Violet and pull her into his inescapable yet warm embrace. Their darling started screaming a creative string of expletives at the top of her lungs, putting a smile on Natasha's face while deepening the angry line between James' brows. Were this any other situation James wouldn't be so angry. HYDRA infiltrating the tower was bad enough, but their wild, untamed chosen putting herself in their crosshairs while suffering from her heat was quite possibly James' new nightmare. A nightmare he would never escape until death finally took him.

Though angry beyond imagining, James treated their defiant darling with as much care and gentleness as he could given the circumstances. He clapped his hand over her mouth to stop her tirade of curses but stroked her cheek and brushed those sweat soaked strands of blue hair away from her face with his metal hand. A hand that was created to be used as nothing more than a weapon was now attempting to calm their Omega with its cold touch.

Though she was aware, the effects of her heat were wearing her down. She physically relaxed at the cool touch of his metallic fingers brushing her red face, but those starry eyes were wide with urgency and fear. Natasha felt the urge to comfort her, to assure her that everything would be fine. That this was all okay. They didn't blame her for her misguided choice of venturing down here when it was safer to stay with Peter and the rest of the Omegas. If the pair hadn't been brave and foolish enough to leave the safety of their floor, it would have taken The Avengers a lot longer to reach them.

If this whole experience has taught them anything, its that Violet was not going to be like the rest. In enough time Peter would be involved with The Avengers work in similar ways as Betty, close enough to feel part of the regime but far enough that his name wouldn't be dredged up among a list of others involved in the terrible plots and decisions made by the center team. Soon enough Wanda would be part of that as well thanks to Jarvis. Darcy and Laura, Clint and Phil's chosen, were as far from the business as possible and living their own lives, accomplishing their own goals while following the rules placed before them.

Violet was a different case.

Even now, limbs restrained and completely surrounded by three Alphas, she didn't stop fighting. Even with the soothing comfort from the coolness of James' hand, she continued to resist. Even though the game was up, and the cards had been dealt, Violet didn't give up. It was there in those eyes, shooting away amid the wonderful streaks of gold. It made Natasha think of the Robert Frost poem, one she read from his collected works so many years ago. A singular line crossed her mind, icing her already cold heart with an extra dose of fear.

Nothing gold can stay.

She thought back to the thing's children believed in. People are generally good. Love is the best feeling you'll ever experience. Family is all you need. Fairness is guaranteed. You should always do the right thing. Everyone speaks the truth. Childish notions that quickly fade once adolescence is reached. For the most part that was the case with Violet, apart from a few small things. Though she's only known her briefly, Natasha could see that Violet would always do the right thing, no matter how hard it seemed. And though Peter was truthfully her best friend, he was also the only family she had, and she would defend it to her last breath. Childish notions that shined like gold, and so quickly faded away to nothing.

Natasha wasn't having that.

She'd willfully bite the bullet before those gold streaks faded for good in those beautiful eyes. The most beautiful aspect about her darling. She couldn't stop herself from following James' lead and brushing her soft cheek, wanting to get closer and closer until she was deep inside of her. Not just physically, though Natasha would certainly find it the most pleasurable experience in her entire life, but emotionally and mentally as well. For both her and James to find a place inside of their darling's fiery heart and worm their way into her thoughts. Thoughts that possessed no fear or hatred, but pleasure and warm comfort.


Violet groaned in pain and frustration as she was lifted into the air. Natasha holding her legs and James readjusting his grip on her torso so he could hold her firmly yet comfortably. Quickly and carefully they maneuvered her through the service stairwell, Steve following close by and keeping a watchful eye on everything as they climbed the steps and passed floor after floor until they reached the roof.

The decision was made to take her there because she was positively burning up. Neither James nor Natasha needed a thermometer to tell them how hot she was (figuratively and literally). It was the right call. The moment the freezing air touched her skin, Violet instinctively calmed down. The attempted screams of help quickly shifting into relieved moans. Her body went dead in their grip as it went completely slack, dead weight in their arms.

James and Natasha eyed one another, understanding what the other intended. They gently set her down on the paved roof and were consumed with lust at the sound Violet made. The instant she was released and placed on the snow, her lips opened in a delicate O and released what had to be the most beautiful moan Natasha and James had ever heard, Steve included. So much relief and suppressed arousal was released in the wonderful sound, and Natasha had to force herself to stay back.

She and James were on opposite sides when it came to mating Violet. James, understandably, wanted to wait until she truthfully gave her wholehearted consent to mate with them. Natasha understood and her heart felt for him. He was raped and experimented on while he was captured by HYDRA, of course he would feel that way. He saw rape as a power struggle, a means to keep a slave in line at all times. Natasha saw it a different way.

In her training, it was never used in such a way. It wasn't a power struggle or a means of control. It was a character builder. To toughen up and prepare the trainees for all the pain and loneliness that line of work comes with. Prepare them for the secrets they would keep and live with until their conscience or death got the better of them. That pain was a terrible, yet useful tool provided to them shortly after they healed from their sterilization. Natasha being a female Alpha didn't need to worry about such formalities because female Alphas biologically could not bear children themselves. They could impregnate female Omegas, especially ones like Violet, but even then, it was a much harder process because of certain "mechanics" and timing.

James is terrified it could cripple and diminish their Omega while Natasha was sure it would only build her up. The only thing Natasha was truly worried about was Violet becoming stronger than they are. Still, since the two were at a standstill, James would get what he wanted until Natasha or someone else could convince him otherwise.

That unsatisfying decision weighed heavily on Natasha as she watched Violet writhe beneath her in the snow. Those starry eyes rolling into the back of her head. It appears the awareness has officially subsided.

Natasha and James sat next to her writhing body, keeping a firm grip on her at all times. Steve watched from afar, desperately focusing on other things so he didn't risk a hard on. Violet let out another delicate, innocent moan. Natasha smiled, fingers trailing down her cheek to her chin.

"You like the cold, sweetie?" Natasha asked gently, thumb brushing Violet's jawline.

Violet seemed at a loss for words. She meekly nodded, her hips softly gyrating as he legs desperately tried to open. ". . . feels . . . good."

Natasha smiled, "if you're going to react like this during all of your heats, I hope it storms all the time."

Violet wobbled her head back and forth, the blue hair suddenly coated with quickly melting snow, "where's Peter?"

"He's inside, safe and sound," James answered, placing his metal hand on her forehead to help keep her still.

The moan that escape her was just as beautiful as the first. Natasha felt a warm heat begin to pool between her legs as arousal hit her like a freight train. James wasn't much better off. A clear and distinct hard on threatened to break the zipper in his black jeans. Natasha smirked at that, imagining all the ways he would get his dick down properly. Most of them involved her and some toy, others involved a lot of blood and screams from the HYDRA invaders who previously handled, and still breathing tied up to various pillars on the Acquisitions floor where Violet made her brief appearance.

She tried shaking the cool hand off her face, "No, I need to talk to him. Need to see him."

"You can do all of those things once you go through your heat," Natasha insisted, scooting forward on the pavement slightly to rest a calming hand on Violet's chest, "until then you are going to stay with us so we can take care of you."

It was the wrong thing to say. Violet started struggling once more. Her eyes didn't open, but the meager attempts of defiance were answer enough.

"I don't want to have sex. I don't want to be mated. I just want to tell Peter was I found out."

"Violet-" James tried consoling her, undoubtedly aiming to reassure her, but Natasha interrupted him.

"What did you find out?"

Violet shook her head violently, "no . . . only Peter. I'll only . . . tell Peter."

"What if I make you a deal?" Natasha proposed, earning a sharp glare from James.

"No," James and Violet replied at the same time, causing both Alphas to look at the Omega in shock.


"Never make a deal without knowing all aspects of the deal." Violet replied in a surprisingly sober tone. "Dad taught me that."

Natasha smirked at that, "your Dad taught you a lot of things. Didn't he?"

Violet nodded, leaning into James' cold, metal touch once more.

"What else did he teach you?" Natasha mused, fingertips tracing the slightly protruding collarbone in her darling's chest area.

"A lot of stuff, almost everything I know," Violet mumbled, continuing her meek struggles.

"What didn't he teach you?"

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely," Violet started, her wonderful getting deeper and softer as she relaxed into the pavement, "people take advantage of those they deem weak and worthless, weaklings they believe won't stand up for themselves."

Natasha smiled, "How many times have you proved people like that wrong?"

"Lost count, most of them were Alphas sniffing around for a good time. I either sent them to the hospital or jail when I could."

Natasha lost her smirk, "and when you couldn't?"

"I ran off or ended up in the hospital with a bloody nose and something broken. Sam or Matt always took care of it within the week." Violet took a deep breath, a slight whimper bursting through her lips as her hips gyrated more, attempting to find a pleasurable friction to alleviate the pent-up tension inside of her. Natasha found it incredibly hard not to give in, opting to focus on James' glare to eb those tempting urges.

The pissed look was back, and with a more distinct hard on than before. He was going to need to take care of that soon. If not, it was only going to get worse. Natasha scooted in closer, so she still had a grip on Violet and able to sit next to her lover as well. James immediately rested his weary head on her shoulder, groaning slightly as Natasha continued caressing Violet's body.

"May I tell you something I've learned throughout my years? It's something I think you would understand."

Violet moaned, leaning into the two Alphas slightly. Both James and Natasha's scents were growing incredibly powerful due to their arousal, just like Violet's was for them. It affected the pair of them intensely, so it only made sense for their combined Alpha scents to have such a strong effect on Violet. It also helps that James decided to tangle his metal hand in her hair as well. She seemed to get off on the cold far more than she originally let on. Natasha made a note to try ice-play with her once they were discovering their darling's wonderful hidden kinks.

"I've learned that the only way to truly gain a person's trust is by allowing them the chance to prove they are worthy of it. Is that something your father might have taught you?"

Violet didn't respond for a good moment, too lost in the pleasure of the cold and soft caresses her Alphas provided. "Don't mate with me, and don't have sex with me."

James lifted his head, maneuvering his body and turning Violet's head slightly so he could look her dead on. "Violet, look at me."

She reluctantly did so. Natasha felt a surge of pity for her. She looked so tired, worn out and fatigued like everything she's been through in the last five or more years was suddenly weighing her down in cruel attempts to drag her to Hell.

Never going to fucking happen.

"I made you a promise. We're not going to hurt you, and we are not going to mate you are ready. Do you understand me?" James vowed once more to her, holding her precious face tightly, yet carefully in his mismatched grasp.

Violet stared at him, fighting the way her eyes consistently tried to droop on her. James waited patiently, as did Natasha, for their darling's answer. Violet bit her lip, finally giving in to those tired eyes. "Does that include sex?"

"Yes baby," James responded quickly, cutting off Natasha's impending question, "that includes sex."

Violet took a few breaths, using the last of her concentration to make a decision. Thankfully, she made the right one. With a deep breath, and a shaky exhale, Violet whimpered, "The invaders weren't HYDRA. They were SHIELD."

And with that, Violet was finally lost to the haze of her heat, leaving her Alphas rambling and scrambling to deal with the bombshell she just dropped on them.