
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Omega Night: Part 5

Peter Parker

Control Room

Peter did not like this at all.

Violet was going rogue and doing all kinds of shit, Dr. Betty was having a baby, Darcy was on her third bottle of wine in the last hour, and the Avengers were officially back; hell bent on finding both Peter and Violet. He wanted to believe that they wouldn't hurt Violet or himself, but it was hard when he remembered the sight of the man who took him and Violet and then shot her, leaving her for dead after calling him out on his bullshit. The image of him was still on the screen to the right of Peter.

He desperately tried to ignore it, thinking about the way Violet pulled him into her embrace and shielded him from the horror it brought him. He could tell how effected she was by it, how scared it made them, but she remained strong for him. The pillar of courage and defiance he wished he could live up to. She really was his big sister, even though she was technically a few months younger than him. Him being born in July and her on New Year's Morning. She would always protect him, no matter.

This time he hoped to protect her.

It was a foolish gamble, but he hoped the odds were in his favor. At least Tony wouldn't be coming here. He had no idea where Floor C was, unable to find the time to memorize the building like he'd hoped too. Perhaps one of the floors closer to the ground level? Sadly, that meant nearly zero chance of escaping, but if Violet wasn't hurt and the baby was born without any complications, then Peter thought it would be okay.

Only it wasn't meant to be.

Approximately 8 to 10 minutes later, Peter heard a loud clanking sound from the floor behind him. He turned to face it in both curiosity and fright, unable to discern which feeling was stronger. Didn't matter, both warring emotions escalated astronomically when a large square sized portion of the floor lowered and disappeared in the middle of the room. Peter sat frozen, finding it incredibly hard to move as he waited to see what would happen.

Less than thirty seconds later, Tony's head popped through the opening and was quickly followed by the rest of his body as the square raised him until it was back into its original place. Everything was at it was, only now with both Peter and Tony in the same room together. Peter's heart slammed against his chest.

Tony smiled sadly at Peter, sighing slightly at Peter's terrified form.

"Hello sweetheart," Tony barely got out when Peter catapulted from his chair and quickly rolled it in front of him, ready to roll it at Tony should the Alpha try anything Peter deemed threatening.

"What are you doing here? I told you I didn't want to talk to you."

"And I told you I needed to be in the control room to fix FRIDAY," Tony nodded towards the computer systems, "and in the process I intend to get you and Violet somewhere safe and away from the HYDRA operatives who have infiltrated the tower."

"No," Peter responded with a jerk of his head, "Violet and I are not going anywhere with you or your Avengers. We are getting out of here and we're going home."

"I know you're scared," Tony stepped forward, hands held at his side with his palms out in a non-threatening gesture. "You have every right to be after what you've seen, but now is not the time to focus on that. We need to get FRIDAY back in order so we can protect all of you and get a Doctor here to take care of Betty and her child."

"How can I believe you?" Peter countered, reciprocating Tony's movements and inching towards the vents, "how can I believe someone who could do something like that to a person?"

"Because that person had it coming," Tony growled softly, "that person kidnapped you at your most vulnerable moments and almost killed Violet. Your sister for all intents and purposes, right? Someone you genuinely care about and look up to, right?"

Peter didn't answer Tony's questions, but he knew his silence was answer enough for the Alpha. Peter backed away a little bit more, hoping against hope that the vent was closer than he thought it was. Tony matched his movements with equal fervor.

"Peter, you don't need to be afraid of me, and Violet has nothing to fear from any of us."

"You turned Frank against her," Peter shot back, suddenly remembering Violet telling him about the note Frank left behind, "you convinced him to leave her in the hands of killers. You kidnapped us both, you drugged us both, and now you're saying we're in no danger of you? Why would I believe your words when your actions scream otherwise?"

Tony sighed, eyes slowly turning the warm brown that made Peter feel comforted and loved to the blood red that scared and aroused Peter. Peter backed up even further, a zing of terror rocking his body and the warm feeling of arousal fluttering in his pants. He desperately tried to ignore it. He couldn't afford to lose even a spec of focus while Tony was in this state of mind. A possessive growl escaped the Alpha in front of him, sniffing the air and taking in Peter's scent, lustful smile emerging with a quirk of his lips.

That was enough for Peter.

With a good shove, Peter practically threw the rolling chair at Tony and quickly turned towards the vents. He climbed the table and jumped to grasp the metal opening in the same move. He smiled in relief as metal cut into his skin. Peter attempted to utilize his momentum and help shove him into the vents, but that was not to be. A terribly strong hand grabbed the waistband of his jeans and pulled sharply, forcing Peter to let go of the cold metal and back to the floor. He barely had time to orient himself when the hand pulled him once more. Only instead of falling towards the floor, he was forced into the dark embrace of the Alpha in the room.

Before Peter could fight his embrace, Tony wrapped his free hand around Peter's throat, gently caging it in his dangerous grasp and pulling Peter against his rock-hard chest. He tilted Peter's head to the side, revealing his scent gland. He dove his face in and breathed deeply. A moan escaped from Peter without his consent, leaving him full of shame and self-loathing. Being into BDSM was one thing, but this was straight out of the movie Fifty Shades, a controlling man who used the culture to get away with straight up abuse. This isn't what Peter wanted. He didn't want to be used like this.

"Tony, please stop," Peter whimpered, tears filling his eyes, "please don't do this."

Tony growled, but it was different this time. The other growls were possessive, coveting. This growl was oddly submissive, relenting to Peter's request. Sure enough, Peter felt Tony's hands slowly melt away, apart from the one holding him captured at the waistband of his pants. Soon enough that hand too released him, if only in favor of taking Peter's hand and gently turning the Omega to face him.

Tears fell down Peter's cheeks, the bold red color didn't appear so menacing as it faded back to Tony's brown.

"I'm sorry," Tony whispered, "I didn't mean to scare you. I just want to protect you, Peter."

Tony's free hand caressed Peter's face, leaving him trembling for a multitude of reasons,

"Then let me go. Please Tony, let us go home. Let us leave. We won't tell anybody what we saw here. Please." Peter pleaded with the Alpha, begging him to see reason.

Tony sighed, those brown eyes growing despondent as he shushed Peter gently, pulling him away from the vents and towards the chair Peter previously attempted to use as a deterrent. Peter continued pleading, hoping and praying that he'll get through to Tony. Praying he'll see reason. Tony coaxed him into the chair, his thumb brushing Peter's bottom lip as the Omega sat down and the Alpha leaned over him.

"You're going back upstairs, and you will stay up there to help Wanda with Betty until our resident Doctor arrives. I will fix FRIDAY and together we will help the others find and protect Violet." Peter tried to protest, but Tony placed two gentle fingers over his lips. "Once HYDRA is handled and everything else is handled, we are going to have a special talk with the two of you about how wrong you are when it comes to what we expect from a chosen."

With that he kissed Peter's cheek, brushing away the tears as he did. Both of his hands caged Peter's against the arm rests of the rolling chair, and it didn't take long for Peter to figure out why. Just as Tony kissed Peter's other cheek, he heard a sudden shink sound that was quickly followed by a stark coldness on his wrists. Peter tried to move them, and immediately started panicking when he realized he couldn't. He pulled his head away from Tony's kisses and looked down at his wrists, gasping in terror.

Thick, metal manacles encased his wrists and bound him to the chair.

He looked back up to shock, on the verge of a full-blown panic attack as he fought his bindings. Tony cupped Peter's face in a gentle gasp, shushing him once more as Peter begged and pleaded Tony even more.

"No, don't do this! Please don't do this! I want to go home! Let us go home! Please!"

"Oh Peter," Tony smiled forlornly, "you are home."

Just then, the floor started lowering.

Peter was borderline hyperventilating, freaking out beyond all beliefs. He struggled against his bindings, pleading and screaming to Tony who continued to gently shush him while murmuring calming remarks Peter didn't catch. In the corner of his eye, Peter saw Jarvis standing off to the side, moving towards them once the floor finally settled.

"Everything will be okay, Peter. I promise." Tony swore, leaning in and kissing Peter quickly and passionately on the lips, and adding one more to his Chesnutt curls before facing Jarvis. "Take him upstairs and don't let him out of your sight."

Peter screamed at Tony. Hurting himself as he tried to pull his hands free and make run for it. Jarvis put a firm hand on his shoulder and pushed him to remain still in the chair. Then he carted struggling Peter away from Tony and towards the elevator. He was so consumed with his anguish and worry for Violet that he didn't catch tears falling down Tony's eyes as he watched his darling scream and fight while being taken away from him.


Acquisitions Floor

Violet had no idea how exactly she ended up hiding in somebody's cubicle instead of being ripped to pieces or worse, but she wasn't complaining about it. Even with the terrible rotten food smell coming from the un-emptied waste basket in the corner of the mystery person's desk. She breathed as slowly and as quietly as she could, making the tiniest of movements to make no noise should the ever-present goons spot her. She also breathed through her mouth as much as she could because the Alpha smells emanating from the bad guys overwhelmed her.

If she needed more proof to validate her incoming heat, she certainly got it now. The jacket helped tremendously, the wonderful and comforting primary smells of snow and red wine drowned out the smells of rotten garbage, roadkill, and overly ripe bananas with incredible precision. She purposefully avoided thinking about who this jacket belonged too, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that she would most certainly not like the answer.

The goons continued to speak in Russian, but Violet kept listening in. Just because they speak primarily Russian doesn't mean they don't speak English as well. Just like her first language was English but she can speak Spanish too, not as well but enough to get her point across. She hoped and waited for a slip up while calculating her chances of getting off this floor without being caught. At this point they were slim to none, odds leaning towards none with her heat coming into play.

How the fuck was this even happening? A little over an hour ago Violet, Darcy, and Peter were breaking glasses and plates with a baseball bat and playing two truths and a lie. Oh, and Violet owed Darcy a five-minute kiss and grope session while Violet wore a blindfold. Unlikely Darcy was going to let her forget that. Now Violet was hiding from potential mercenaries looking for something she couldn't discern and in the midst of their crosshairs at the beginning stages of her next heat.

What a shit show. She felted compelled to think, "Just another Tuesday," considering the absolute ridiculousness of the situation. Funnily enough, she didn't even know if it was a Tuesday or not. That's how bad her days are.

A phone started ringing. It happened right next to Violet. For a brief second she thought she was completely doomed, believing it to be a phone at the desk above her. Those fears were shot down in an instant when a goon she hadn't previously spotted answered the phone from merely a foot away from her.

He answered in his Russian accent, but the caller who spoke quite loudly through the speaker did not possess the same accent. The accent was New York, and he spoke in English with a purposefully brash tone.

"What is taking so long?"

The goon next to her shifted slightly, straightening his back before responding softly, "the backup security system is far more up to date than we gave Stark credit for. Even with the A.I. temporarily out of commission, the upper and lower floors are still impenetrable. None of us can get through." The Russian accent was gone, replaced by a similar New York accent of his own.

Violet's eyebrows shot into her hair.

"Reports have stated that the Avengers are dead thank to our missile team at home base, but I'll believe that once I see it. It's too risky to continue like this. Gather the team and have them search every inch of the public floors until you find a way to their weapons vault. That's where the informant is being held and being experimented on. Kilgrave is the top priority, the Omegas will have to wait until we have more information to exonerate them."

"Understood," the goon responded, turning abruptly to face the cubicle. "What about the Omega we saw on the floor?"

"If you're able to catch them then do it, but if doing so gets in the way of the mission then leave them. Pending on the success of tonight, I might send you back sooner than expected to retrieve the lot of them. The newbies will be easier because they haven't been mated and conditioned yet, but the older ones like Dr. Ross and Ms. Lewis will be a problem. Which Omega was sighted?"

"Couldn't tell, but we're sure it's one of the new ones."

"Good, they haven't been contained just yet. Stay vigilant, and don't lose sight of the mission."

Though the symbol of HYDRA was on his sleeve, Violet saw something on his chest that made her believe this guy was part of something else. The tattoo was in the shape of wings, eagle type wings drawn in a sharp, rectangular style. Violet's mouth dropped. This guy wasn't HYDRA.

He was SHIELD.

Which means the guy on the phone must be . . .?

"Don't worry Director Fury, we'll find Kilgrave and be out of here in no time." With that, he hung up the phone, and returned to his Russian accent, calling his comrades over towards the cubicle.

Was this for real? Were all these guys pretending to be HYDRA or was it only this dude? Was he infiltrating the group for different, less nefarious means or were they all here for the same reason? What was going on?

Violet didn't have time to ponder it when the rest of the team started gathering around. She held her breath, hoping desperately that their noses were plugged. The man spoke in Russian, the tone of his voice suggesting he was hyping them up for something. They reciprocated his vigorous tone, starting up a minor chant before he cut them off and directed them where to go next. They started leaving one by one, the leader staying behind to watch them go before he too marched off.

Not once did Violet catch his face, deeming it too risky thanks to her current state, but she could smell his scent. It didn't smell as bad as the others, but it wasn't particularly great either. Suntan lotion and rubbing alcohol. She willed herself to remember that should it come down to it. She waited another solid minute before daring to move, and another minute after that before moving out from under the desk and poking her head into the mini hallway.

In the distance she saw the team gathering near the service doors, the ones that led downstairs instead of up. She made slight movements with the intentions of following them, but something stopped her.

When all of this started, not a single one of them upstairs could receive or dial out a call to anyone, including to each other. Now this random dude, a stranger being ordered to find what's left of Kilgrave and kidnap the Omegas upstairs, is getting calls from who Violet assumed to be Nick Fucking Fury? Did Peter fix FRIDAY?

Violet gnawed on her lip, retreating to the cubicle to rifle through the jacket pockets in search of the ear buds. Mentally cursing to herself upon realizing she left them in the storage room, believing that she wouldn't need them. It wouldn't be too much of a hassle to go back and get them, but she might miss her chance of following them and potentially finding out more information.

Of course, none of that fucking mattered when the door to the service stairwell, the one they were trying and failing to open when she happened upon them earlier, burst open and nearly fell off it's hinges with the sheer amount of force behind the kick the practically broke it open. A kick that belonged to one Bucky Barnes, who looked absolutely terrifying.

He charged through the doorway and took down the first three guys he saw with a swift kick and well-placed punches, sending them all flying to the ground. Natasha appeared next, running fast and connecting a flying knee to one of the goons, pulling off his helmet as he fell to the ground and smacking into another goon's head with near perfect precision. Steve entered next, grasping the arm of a brave soul who tried delivering a right hook and swiftly breaking it over his shoulder. He too then pulled off the helmet, grabbed the goon by his exposed face and slammed the back of his head into the ground.

One of the men on the ground started yelling, calling for help. Violet barely had the chance to see the communicator in his grasp when Bucky stomped on it. Based on the dude's scream, he probably also crushed his hand with it as well. There were approximately twelve to fifteen goons when this started, and in the span of 15 seconds half of their forces were gone. Violet didn't stand a chance against them. If she had any hope of dodging their incoming fates or the fate of Kilgrave, she needed to book it now.

Fuck stealth, time to run.

And she did. She jumped from her hiding spot and sprinted towards the storage room where the vent was screaming her name like Shorty from the first Scary Movie, "Run bitch! Run!!" She had just grabbed the doorknob when her name was suddenly called.

"Violet!" Bucky shouted, angry beyond imagining.

Violet flinched, but she didn't stop. She pulled open the door and quickly closed it behind her, desperately tuning out Bucky shouting, "Violet, no!" as she did so. Once inside she locked the door, fully knowing it was pointless but doing it anyway, and made a quick and frantic jump towards the open hole and crawled like her life depended, to which it very well could.

From there she alternated between crawling and climbing, primarily climbing since she was heading to the cafeteria floor. How the hell did they find her? Surely Peter wouldn't have ratted her out . . . but Tony would. He was the one who got FRIDAY back up, or at the very least in the process of doing so. Of course, it was Tony. He was probably using the surveillance to track her down as she climbed.

Or he was tracking something else.

Violet patted the jacket, groaning in annoyance when she remembered the trackers she shoved in the pocket. She dug them out and threw them in random directions, cursing herself for having such terrible ideas. Where has her head gone? Did captivity make lose a few I.Q. points are something? Granted the alcohol from earlier was certainly not helping either. She continued her escape, praying that she won't run into any Alphas on the cafeteria floor.

With another few minutes of frantic scrambling through the vents, breathing in the fresh air as deeply and quietly as she could before gingerly maneuvering her trembling, aching body out of the vents and onto the cold, marble floor. Despite the overwhelming smell of grease and vermin, it took all her willpower to not sink to the floor and press her boiling body into the cold. Her sweat soaked through the jacket, the shoes felt like she was walking through a lake, and the area between her legs pulsed with agonizing need.

The room felt off center, but she steadied herself as best as she could. She's not giving up, no way in hell. She's not letting those assholes get a hold of her. She's going to find another way upstairs because the vents were not working for her anymore. Her grip was non-existent due to the sweat. It wasn't feasible for her to continue using it, so she had to find another way.

The service stairwell, the one that Bucky, Natasha, and Steve are currently using. Fucking perfect.

Deep breaths, she thought to herself, repeating the mantra over and over again as she carefully climbed over what looked like a buffet countertop and into the wide-open area of the cafeteria. It was big, bigger and bolder than any cafeteria she had ever seen. The lights were off, leaving only faint glows from the windows allowing the lights from the buildings across the street to shine though. Most of the stores had their gates pulled down apart from the one or two that didn't appear to have any. Other than those, the only places that could provide cover were the plethora of tables and chairs littered throughout the entire space.

She took a deep breath, steadying her nerves before crouching over the nearest table, and searching intently for the service door. She remained low, attempting to make it as hard as possible for Tony and the rest of them to find her. Up and down the empty space she looked, passing by multiple tables and warily maneuvering around the screeching chairs with gritted teeth. If this were yesterday, or even earlier today, this would be a piece of cake, but thanks to her heat, this was the most she's had to focus on not toppling to the floor exhausted or puking her guts out with how much she was using the muscles in her abdomen.

Where the fuck is that door?

Violet had just resigned herself to search for a freezer or at least a towel so she can go back through the vents when she finally found the door in the worst possible way. She was into the minefield of tables and chairs when she finally saw it directly to the left of her. Unfortunately, she only found it because it was kicked up. Unlike the other one, this door was broken off it's hinges and went flying. Literally flying. One moment it was a good 20 or so yards from her, the next it was approximately 10 yards away from her . . . in the other direction. Sailing over her and crashing into another set of tables a good distance from her.

Violet instinctively jumped under a table and curled up in a ball. She risked a glance in that direction and inwardly groaned at the sight of Bucky and Natasha, with Steve quickly following them. All three scanned the room, sniffing the air and growling slightly. Bucky looked like he was on the verge of losing his shit.

"Violet," he called, voice dark and menacing.

The pulse between her legs became more pronounced, she shook her head in shame. What the hell was happening? This wasn't right!

"Sweetie, we can smell you," Natasha's smooth voice came next, giving Violet the same reaction.

Violet looked around desperately, itching for something she can use against them, or at the very least distract them so she could make a run for it. The tables were cleared above her, providing no help at this time. She had the stun batons, but it was foolish and pointless to get into a one on one fight with them. Apart from deterring them with chairs and possibly a table, none of that would matter thanks to Bucky's super strength. He'd just swat them away like bugs as he charged her down.

She should have stay in the vents.

She looked to the shop she exited from, and back to the incoming Alphas. If she ran for it right now, she might have a chance of evading them once more. Maybe. She readied herself, intending on doing just that and hoping for the best when everything changed in a second.

The lights came on, blinding Violet and stunning her to the floor.

"Hello Ms. Violet, thank you for your help in putting me back in order. Now please return to your floor where it is safe," FRIDAY's computerized voice reverberated throughout the room.

"You've got to be kidding me," Violet spoke without thinking, frustrated beyond belief.

Then, to make matters worse, Tony's voice quickly followed the A.I.'s, "Violet, I can see you. Please don't make this harder for yourself."

Violet did the only thing she could think to do, and that was run towards the vents. No stealth at all, just throwing caution to wind and booking it. She surprised herself with how quickly she moved considering the how far along into her heat she must be, and even more surprised she didn't run into anything along the way.

Unfortunately, the Alphas were right on her tail.

"Violet!" Natasha shouted amid the incoming footsteps of the three.

Growls sounded through the room as Violet jumped over the barricade with the intentions of going back through the vents, but something else caught her eyes. Something she previously missed when searching aimlessly through the dark. It was a door that led to the employee access hallway, which could very well lead her somewhere else, somewhere safer and Alpha-less.

In a moment of desperation, Violet impulsively changed direction. Once she landed, she sunk to a crouching position, so she was out of sight and headed towards the door. She carefully opened it and then ran through in the nick of time. The sounds of the Alphas jumping over the barricade occurred behind her, sending her back into her frenzied escape.

The hallways were thin and mazelike, not meant for people to be carrying large parcels and allow anyone to pass freely. The lights flickered, bulletin boards hung crooked, random flyers of all different colors strewn about on the floor, cardboard boxes discarded among them. Violet almost tripped over plenty of the debris in her escape, cursing the unknown janitorial staff for not doing their job. All the while the heavy pursuit of the Alphas continue behind her.

"Violet!" Bucky shouted repeatedly, like saying her name would somehow force her to stop and answer his call. Bullshit, not happening. She overheard Steve calling her as well, adding on false assurances that she was safe, that they only wanted to get her some place safe. She didn't listen. She could never be safe with them; she's seen too much to ever be safe with a band of murderers and sadists.

The game of cat and mouse continued for a good while. Growls and sniffs from the Alphas accompanied Violet's heavy pants and squeaking shoes. She listened for their advances while simultaneously searching for another way out. She assumed they were near the end of the employee hallways when she found another set of doors that led to the open area of the cafeteria. She quickly took the opportunity, opening and shutting the door as carefully and quietly as she could, before steadfastly locking it and turning around.

Fucking perfect.

It was one of the stores alright, but sadly it was one of the many that had the gate shut and hooked to the front counter. She cursed under her breath. It was too dangerous to venture back into the maze where the Captain and the Winter Soldier were lurking. She had to figure out a way to open it. She started searching desperately through the desk drawers for a key or something to pry it open. There had to be a way. There just had to be.

She had just pulled out a mini screwdriver and headed towards the lock when a heavy banging started on the door.

"Shit, shit, shit," Violet started cursing, picking up speed on breaking the lock.

"Violet, open the door," Bucky growled, his shadow blocking the light from the hallways.

She did not open the door, she kept working on the damn lock.

Another bang, much louder this time.

"Open the fucking door, I won't ask again."

If that's his version of asking, she didn't want to know what he considered demanding to be. She took deep breaths, settling her jumpy nerves and focused on the lock. She almost had it, just another few twists and the gate would open. She was almost home free . . . in theory anyway.

Another twist. One last one. Yes!

The gate opened just in time. Bucky had waited long enough. He kicked the door off it's hinges just as Violet undid the lock and raised the metal grating. He reached out towards her, eyes crimson and terrifying to look at. Violet tumbled over the barricade, landing harshly on the cold ground. Fuck it felt just as good as much as it hurt from the impact. She rolled to her feet, grabbing the nearest chair and knocking it down behind her, repeating the process with the next three chairs in front of her.

Bucky kicked them away in his stride. Steve jumped from table to table right next to him. Fuck! New plan. Violet slid to the ground and ducked under the table directly to the left of her. Pushing aside chairs vaulting in random directions to throw them off her course. It worked out pretty well based on the frustrated grunts of the two Alphas following her. Downside of this plan, she was almost out of tables to duck under.

Also, she forgot about Natasha.

She had just used her momentum to stand after emerging from the last table, running towards the broken debris of the service stairwell that would potentially lead her elsewhere. She was so focused on it and the incoming advances of Bucky and Steve, that she completely missed Natasha emerging from the stairwell opening until it was too late. In one swift movement, Natasha's hand shot out of nowhere and caged Violet's neck, slamming her back into the nearest wall.

Violet let out a pained grunt, fighting the Black Widow's grip as Bucky and Steve emerged behind her, expressions colored with equal volumes of anger and concern. Natasha's eyes were burnt sienna, just like they always changed too when she looked into Violet's starry eyes. This time was different. Violet couldn't understand it was different, she just knew it was. Same with Bucky's. She could practically feel the anger emanating off him as he stared her down.

"No more running," Natasha spoke, calling Violet's attention back to her. Her expression was unamused, which seemed odd with her consistently smirking demeanor. "Stand down, now."

Violet kept struggling, refusing to give up. Natasha sighed, leaning in close, her body pressing against Violet's. If this were yesterday, Violet would have only felt fear and general uncomfortableness. Now, she felt what she thought to be arousal, and she didn't know how to handle that. Instead, she did the only thing she could do.

"You're right," Violet grated, shocked at how husky and worn out her voice sounded, "no more running."

Natasha barely had time to look shocked at Violet's apparent submission when Violet finally took hold of the stun baton hanging loosely at her side and jammed it into the side of Natasha's neck. She kneed her right in the groin at the same time, sending the Black Widow toppling backwards into Steve's waiting arms. She grabbed the other stun baton hanging at her other side and waved them at the other two Alphas.

"I'm not going down without a fight, so go ahead. Do your worst."

While this is all happening, everyone on the Avengers floor, along with Tony in the control room, are watching everything going down. Peter was a worried mess but whooping and cheering for his sister all the while still strapped to his chair. Jarvis watched with concern in his eyes, willing the brash Omega to do as they bid and stand down. Darcy was drunkenly dancing around in a circle and cheering Violet alongside Peter. Both Wanda and Betty were far too distracted to notice the commotion thanks to the incoming baby.

Dr. Banner outwardly showed disappointed, but inwardly cheered her on as well. Same with the other guys. They had mutual respect for the young Omega and didn't want to see her be taken down either. Clint was having the time of his life and made no bones about cheering Violet on, even when she shoved a stun baton into his best friend's neck. His only regret was that Thor and Loki weren't here to see the show. Rhodey had no idea what was going on and elected to ignore it. Tony shook his head slightly, whispering to himself, "kid's got nerve, I'll give her that."

Bucky and Natasha fell even more in love with their Violet, both feeling strong waves of arousal and worry as they took in her haggard state. So many plans floating through their minds of what they needed to do and what they wanted to do with her. Plans that would terrify and delight their lovely Violet.

Steve's reaction was perhaps the most surprising of all. A reaction he knew he could never admit to anyone, not even Bucky. Especially not Bucky.

In that moment, Steve suddenly wished Violet was his Omega.