
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Omega Night: Part 4


Plane Rescue

Surveillance has never been a better friend to the Avengers than on this cold, dangerous night. The only time Natasha and James could think of surveillance potentially beating out the amazing work it was doing for them tonight was the day it caught a picture of their wonderful Violet after five years of searching. The only downside was the inability to communicate through it.

After the Avengers commandeered the absent couple's truck from the farmhouse and braved the snowy storm, the Avengers made it to the rendezvous point just in time for the plane to arrive. They quickly boarded the Quinjet. Both Steve and James carrying Clint while Natasha coaxed Bruce into the plane and flew back into the storm in record time. Now, nearly everyone was watching the surveillance camera courtesy of the laptop given to them by the pilot, Colonel James Rhodes. An old friend of Tony's and current military liaison for Stark Industries.

For the most part they were keeping track of Jarvis and Darcy. Apart from brief appearances from Wanda, the other Omegas were nowhere to be seen on the Avengers floor, leaving James and Natasha extremely concerned and Tony a panicking mess. Bruce was hiding off in a corner, reeling from the aftermath of what he had just done. Normally Tony or Natasha would have tried calming him down by now, but with Bruce's fragile emotional state and their agitation it was best to leave him be until he sees Betty.

Jarvis looked extremely stressed, pacing back and forth near an open ventilation shaft. Wanda was seen exiting Violet's room, always quick to close the door shut behind her so the camera couldn't see inside. Darcy was in the kitchen chugging a full glass of wine one right after another. Steve frowned at that. Betty hadn't been seen since they accessed the cameras, and neither has Peter or Violet. The laptop wasn't advanced enough to do anything other than watch the videos of the floor in real time. No rewinding or switching floors, they were stuck with what they got.

Hence why so many of them were crowded around the tiny laptop screening and scanning the images like Sherlock Holmes searching for clues to end Moriarty's plan to take over the world. Ironic how they were the hero in the metaphor while the missing status of their chosens was the villain. Didn't matter though. What mattered was getting home as fast as they could and protecting their darlings from HYDRA before it was too late.

"How much longer until we get there?" Tony questioned his friend, poorly attempting to keep his tone level.

"Less than an hour if we're lucky, but only if we land on the helicopter deck of the tower. If we land anywhere else in this storm you may as well double that time."

"What if we can't get inside?" Steve asked brusquely, gritting his teeth as Darcy filled yet another glass of wine. Wine he could clearly see she didn't like. Petit Verdot was not meant for someone with her taste buds. Rieslings, Rose's, and Zinfandel's are where she primarily leans.

Darcy started retching at the taste when Tony spoke up, "there's a service door we can go through. It'll take some manual labor to get it open since it's rarely, or never, used but it'll get us inside. The only problem with the service way is that it doesn't lead to our floor, it leads to the cafeteria." He sighed, running a hand across his face, "which will lead us right to the HYDRA scum who think they can get away with infiltrating our tower."

"Cool, target practice," Clint grunted, tone pained while his smile was mischievous.

"I'd call it anger management," Natasha smirked, blowing a kiss towards Clint.

Tony waved them off, "yes, yes, you can do whatever you want to them, but we're still facing another problem right now."

"Violet and Peter still haven't shown up on the cameras," James cut in, crystal blue eyes staring daggers into the failing laptop screen. Natasha's smirk fell, brow furrowing in anger.

"They're going to be our top priority once we arrive," Steve added on, clapping his brother on the shoulder, "which means no killing until we find them and they're back on the floor safe and sound."

Clint groaned in annoyance, but Natasha nodded in agreement.

"If they were somehow able to apprehend our chosens, we need all of them alive to face retribution. We can't risk this getting out." Natasha added, glancing at Steve while running her fingers through James' hair.

"Our enemies know what we do to those bold enough to step into our territory, but HYDRA is the only one who's not afraid to use our tactics against us," James spoke in a dark tone, mouth curling in disgust, "tactics they won't hesitate to use on Violet and Peter."

Silence. Harsh and deafening silence followed his ominous statement. No one moved. No one breathed as they pondered his dark words.

Tony turned abruptly towards Rhodey, Colonel James Rhodes nickname, "how much longer?!"

Avengers Tower


Peter clicked away on the keyboards, studiously and determinedly ignoring the terrible sight on the surveillance cameras while searching for a way to contact Tony. Violet on the other hand couldn't seem to stop staring at the once menacing man hanging helpless on the surveillance camera. Her heart caved in her chest, leaving nothing but an aching chasm of desolation and pain. Hands clenched in tight, unbreakable fists, nails digging into her palms. Arms wound tightly against her torso to keep herself from falling apart.

After 5 years the Avengers had only increased their levels of cruelty, their bloodlust at its most dangerous. Would Peter meet the same fate? Would Wanda and the rest of her friends? Violet mentally started preparing for inevitable end because surely this was where she was headed. What else could their reason be for keeping her around? She didn't buy that "I want to be with you" bullshit for a second. There had to be another reason. Violet was sure of it.

Kilgrave moaned desperately, howling from his terrible perch in the agony he was now consumed in. This was worse than what happened to Billy, and Violet thought nothing could ever beat his "punishment". What did Kilgrave do to deserve this? Spill coffee on their shirts? She could imagine them being petty like that. Using any excuse to delve into their bottomless depths of depravity and rip the skin away from the flesh of their victims, getting off and laughing as screams filled the air.

Violet wondered how long it would take before she ended up in Kilgrave's position. How quickly would she break? Would she be strong enough to withstand it until death came to relieve her from their horribly grotesque grasp? Was tonight her only chance to escape that fate?

Despite what they've seen of the Avengers handywork, Peter insisted on contacting Tony. Violet strongly protested but backed off after Peter used logic to explain his decision. Bad guys are invading the tower, Betty was in labor, and everyone on the Avengers floor were defenseless apart from the barricaded doors. Peter and Violet had a chance of escaping from the tower, but that would mean not only leaving Wanda behind but also a newborn child as well. A child that has never done anything wrong to anyone. The only innocence to ever grace the tower, one that has yet to be, and would be, corrupted by the darkness of the Avengers if Peter and Violet didn't do something to stop it.

Peter believed the Avengers were their best chance of survival which is why he was working on getting communications back online. If anyone could figure out how to fix FRIDAY, it was the guy that created her. From that point of view, it made total sense. Violet's point of view was slightly different.

Her take was that helping their kidnappers back inside the tower just so they could and/or mutilate more people didn't seem like the best good idea. These guys might be dangerous and quite possibly ruthless if they truly came from HYDRA, but even they didn't deserve the same fates of Billy, Kilgrave, and countless others. Violet wanted to gain intel on the invaders, perhaps use the control room to tap into their communications and see what they were planning. That way it could explain what they're after and use it against them. Knowledge is power and all that bullshit.

Peter admitted that she had a point.

Eventually, they reached a compromise. Peter would work on communications and reach out to Tony while simultaneously tapping into the invader's com links to discern what they were aiming for. Thus far, thirty minutes later, he has made little head way into either of their goals, hence why Violet continuously stared at the mangled body of Kilgrave. Violet was great with piano keys but keys on a keyboard and general coding were not her strong suit. Peter was better with technical stuff while Violet excelled in more applicable things like mechanics, music, and cooking.

She was so bad that Peter cut her off with, "I got it, keep an eye on the cameras," just as she thought about asking if he needed any help. She wasn't hurt by it. In fact, she was partially relieved. She'd feel terrible if she accidentally fucked everything up because she pressed the wrong key. Better to let the tech genius do his thing.

Violet couldn't keep staring at Kilgrave. The sight of him was already going to give her nightmares for weeks on end, now it was purely disrespectful and invasive. He didn't need that on top of everything else. Violet sighed, straightening her back slightly, jaw tensing in resolution. Kilgrave might have shot her in cold blood and left her for dead, but that's not who she is. She wasn't going to have the strength to kill him, but maybe she could do something else?

It was a fool's errand what she was planning on doing, but she was going to do it regardless.

"Where are you on coms?" She asked gently, firmly turning away from the haunting image on the surveillance camera.

Peter groaned, "nowhere. FRIDAY is no joke. She must be the most elegant and high-grade technology I've ever seen. Tony wasn't joking around when he created her."

Violet cursed under her breath, "yeah I'll give him that. If security were any tighter, we'd be the Great Wall of China."

Peter smirked, "before or after it was reworked?"

Violet winked at him, "both."

Peter chuckled to himself, unable to keep his worried frown at bay, "I don't think I'm going to crack it. It's too advanced for me."

Violet cocked an eyebrow, "coming from the guy who hacked the bank of Iceland on a dare."

"Okay, first off you shouldn't have dared me to do that," Peter chastised, fully turning away from the illustrious computers, "and secondly, there's no comparison. It's like pitting Darth Vader against Jar Jar Binks. Completely out of line."

Violet snorted, "I'm sorry, which one is which?"

Peter crossed his arms in annoyance, "don't get smart with me, we're in a serious situation right now."

Violet shrugged, mumbling a quick sorry for Peter's benefit before focusing on the problem at hand. Jarvis, Darcy, Betty, and Wanda were all upstairs tending (at least in theory) to Betty's needs. The bottom floor is slowly filling up with more HYDRA operatives, starting at a team of six and now at approximately 35 military clad soldiers. The invaders were making their way up, there's no way for all the people upstairs to safely come down through the ventilation shaft, and to Violet's knowledge, none of them knew how to properly wield a weapon.

The only way to protect them is to get them help from the outside, and the only ones who could possibly know what's going on and get here in time are the Avengers. Surely, with the standards Tony implemented in the A.I., he would have put in a safeguard for situations like this. A safeguard that would alert him to intruders in the tower or a possible hacker in the system, or both. If that were the case, then that means they'd be on their way back now. It wouldn't do any good because the entrance is being guarded by HYDRA agents who weren't budging an inch from their particularly uncomfortable stances. So how else can they get inside?

Violet gnawed on her lip, assessing the situation. "How about the helicopter deck?"

"What do you mean?" Peter questioned, his tone small and confused.

"The door to the helicopter deck. Can we open that one?"

Peter hesitated, thinking about his response, "more than likely, but why are you asking?"

She gestured to the computers, "it's like you just said. Tony wasn't kidding around when he created this A.I. which means he put in safety measures should anything happen to it."

Peter's eyes widened, "so he would be notified if someone were to tamper with it!"

"Or invade the tower," Violet finished, "more than likely he also put in extra security measures should stuff like this happen. The locked doors, no com links-" Violet stopped, happening upon a sudden realization, "that might be the reason you're not able to bypass it."

"Because they're not the invaders doing, they're FRIDAY's!" Peter's hands flew into his hair, "oh my god I've been going about this all wrong."

"We both have," Violet assured, gently squeezing his shoulder, "let's start anew. Instead of connecting with Tony or accessing the soldier's com links, let's focus on getting in contact with FRIDAY."

"But we've been trying to talk to her for half an hour, and she hasn't responded."

"Yeah, because we've been trying to talk to her instead of talking to her," she gestured towards the computers, "right now we need to speak her language if we're going to get anywhere with this mess."

"Right," Peter nodded, turning back towards the expansive computers and holographic screens. "I'll try to bypass the safety measures and get her back so she can fix whatever's going on."

"Good, I'll be back soon." Violet stated with a nod, quickly heading to the open ventilation shaft in the ceiling.

"Whoa! Hold on! What are you doing?" Peter shouted in panic, eyes bulging out of his skull.

"We need to find out what they're planning. If our com links are down, then so are theirs. Someone needs to listen in and report back on what they're doing, and since we're the only ones off the prison floor, it's up to us to do so. You're busy worming your way into FRIDAY's inner workings and I'm sitting on my ass looking at what used to be the terrible man who tried to kill me. Ergo, time for me to ante up." Violet shrugged before climbing onto a nearby desk.

She was readying herself to jump up to the open hole in the ceiling when Peter spoke up once more, "and how exactly are you going to do that?"

"I'm going to follow the ventilation system until I get to the-" she stopped, pulling out the hand drawn map Jarvis gave them from the side of her sweaty biker shorts, "cafeteria floor. My god, I'm trapped in a work building. This is a nightmare."

"What's so great about the cafeteria floor?"

"It's the closest floor I can reach where FRIDAY's safety measures aren't as strict. From there I'll be able to track down the goons and hopefully listen into their plans. Until then, open up the helicopter deck doors and try to fix FRIDAY."

With that, Violet jumped from the table, grasped the edges of the holes and hoisted her body out of sight, leaving Peter a worried mess of emotions behind her.


Tower Roof

10 minutes later

Rhodey was a God among men. Approximately 40 minutes after the Avengers had their brief conversation, Rhodey got them to the tower in nearly half the time he originally suggested. Tony praised him and doubled his salary on the spot.

The plane hadn't fully touched ground when James, Natasha, and Steve jumped onto the pavement and raced through the terrible blizzard and icy roofing towards the main door. Once the camera spotted them, the doors opened quickly enough. None of them thought about what it could mean for they didn't know everything that was going on inside of the tower. However, they were perplexed when they reached the elevator and the buttons wouldn't even light up.

"What the hell?" Natasha wondered, checking the rest of the room to see if anything else was amiss. Steve pressed the button once more, pondering the situation. James slipped his hands through the cracks in the metal doors and started prying them open, wasting no time to think about what was happening. Violet was missing and HYDRA was in the tower. There was no time for anything.

"Mr. Barnes! Wait!" Shouted a voice from up above.

Three heads zoomed up in shock at the voice coming from the speaker. It was Peter.

"Peter?" Steve asked in shock.

"Hi Mr. Rogers! Oh! Sorry, I meant Steve. Hi Mr. Steve!" Peter responded quickly and exasperatedly. "Thank God you guys are here! Even though I kind of don't want to see you right now. Shit, I shouldn't have said that."

James blinked in shock while Natasha stepped towards the speaker, "Peter, what's going on? Where's Violet?"

"Violet's busy being Violet, Dr. Betty is having a baby in Violet's bathtub, and there's a bunch of military dudes trying to get to our floor, but we don't know why. Violet's trying to find out."

Steve asked, "Betty's in labor?!" just as Bucky asked, "What do you mean Violet's trying to find out? What is Violet doing?"

Peter didn't have time to answer when Tony suddenly appeared, expression confused as can be at the three Alphas standing around. "What are you three doing? Who are you talking to?"

Natasha pointed to the speaker, "Peter."

Tony's eyes widened astronomically, "Peter?" Turning abruptly, he shifted his gaze to the ceiling, "Oh my God, Peter are you okay?!"

". . . fine," he answered brusquely, non-committal.

Tony was unfazed, "sweetie, where are you? What's going on?"

"Ask them," he answered harshly, then nothing but silence.

This time Tony flinched, confusion coloring her face, "what?"

"I already told them, and I'm not saying it again."

Babbling nonsensically, Tony turned to Steve who did not disappoint.

"HYDRA's in the tower, Violet's gone rogue, and Betty's in labor." Steve answered bluntly before turning back to the speaker, "Peter, what's the status of Betty and where is Violet right now?"

"Betty's doing okay, I hope. I only know the basics of childbirth but Wanda's not freaking out so that's a good sign. I think Darcy is trying to drink herself to death though."

Steve shook his head, "she's not. She's drinking until she feels numb. She's not good in a crisis." He sighed, "I'll put her to bed as soon as everything's handled. Now where is Violet?"

". . . I don't want to tell you." Peter words rushed out, fear prevalent in his voice.

The Alphas flinched. "Excuse me?" Steve questioned, jaw tensing slightly.

"I don't want to tell you," he repeated, this time slower and more confident.

Tony stepped forward, "Peter you have to tell us."

"No, I don't actually. Just like I don't have to let you guys in if it wasn't necessary."

The lights on the elevator suddenly came on, accompanied by the whirring sound of the machines behind the metal doors. The four Alphas glanced in that direction before appraising one another. This was bad.

"Peter, are you in the control room?" Natasha spoke up, turning towards the camera above the elevator.

There was a long, heavy moment of silence before Peter shyly answered, "yeah." It was quickly followed by a breathless, drawn out explanation about how FRIDAY locked them in and turned off communications when HYDRA invaded the tower. How he and Violet surmised that it was part of her security measures which lead Peter to weave his way through her protocols so he could open the door on the helicopter deck and manually talk to them through the speaker.

"I'm trying to get FRIDAY back online, but I don't know how." Peter finished with a slight whimper.

"I do," Tony assured him, "but I need you to get me to control room."

"No way, I don't want to talk to you!" Peter spoke adamantly, on the verge of shouting. "I wouldn't be talking to any of you if Betty didn't need help."

Tony reared back in shock, "Peter what has gotten into you?"

"I saw Kilgrave," Peter shouted, "Violet and I both did!"

The alphas froze. They didn't- they couldn't have gone to that floor; it was deep underground. There was no way they could have seen Kilgrave. Unless FRIDAY had surveillance on him. Peter was in the control room, access to nearly everything in the building. Only three rooms required specific access that was closed off to everyone except for Tony, Bruce, and James, and even they didn't have complete access. Two rooms in the lab were meant specifically for Tony and Bruce, one for each of them that no one could enter. James had one on the weapons floor right above the basement where they torture and main their prisoners, then hold them for research. Both the lab and the weapons floor could only be opened by one of the Avengers, which means Violet and Peter saw him from the control room.

If they saw Kilgrave, what else did they see?

"Peter," Tony started, fighting to keep his tone gentle, "that's something we'll talk about later-"

"No, we won't!" Peter shouted, "I'm taking you all to your floor so you can protect Betty, Wanda, Darcy, and Mr. Jarvis, then I'm going to find Violet and get the hell out of here while we still have a chance."

"You two aren't going anywhere," James growled softly, "not with HYDRA infesting the building from the ground floor up."

"I can see where they are," Peter countered, "I can tell where they're going to be."

"As long as you're in the control room," Natasha interrupted Peter, "but the moment you leave the both of you will be in the wind. Completely defenseless with no idea where you're going or how you'll escape the building."

"I've got an idea," Peter returned confidently, "and no doubt Violet will figure out something too."

"Yes, I'm sure she will," Natasha nodded in agreement, "she's strong, resourceful, and more than capable to protect herself. She's also all alone, completely outnumbered and surrounded by those who would gladly do worse than what we did to Kilgrave." She sighed, hands clenching into fists, "think about all the things she's been through, more than just with us. How much pain she's endured at the behest of people who thought they could get away with it. All those Omegas she helped care for with Wanda and Pietro. The stories she carried with her every day. Think about how she was burdened with all their pain, all their suffering on top of her own."

Peter's short, shaky breaths could be heard over the speaker. Tony wasn't happy, but he urged Natasha to continue. She didn't though. She looked to James, reaching out and grasping his metal hand. He reciprocated with a gentle squeeze, then looked up at the cameras.

"Peter, if we don't find Violet before they do, everything she's been through will pale in comparison to what they will put her through."

It took Peter a solid moment to respond, his voice shaking, "how do I know you won't do the same?"

The question hurt, but it was to be expected. James didn't blame Peter for posing the question. He was already preparing himself for Violet to force it on him the first chance she got. They still didn't understand. Kilgrave, Billy, and all the others who dare cross the Avengers over the years, that would never be their fates. Never. A chosen was an Avenger's lifeline, the tether holding them back from going completely off the brink of humanity, the one to reign them in and ground them. A chosen keeps the Avengers human, and anyone who dares lay a hand on them was on the blacklist for life.

That includes the Avengers themselves.

James straightened up, glaring up at the camera where he knew Peter was watching, "She's our Chosen, Peter," he spoke in a solemn voice, gesturing to Natasha at his side, "she's in no danger of us, and neither are you. You have my word."

Peter sniffled, he must be crying, "how do you even know this stuff about HYDRA? Did they used work with you guys?"

"Never!" Tony interrupted, seething next to Steve, "we'd never allow those scumbags into our corporation."

"Kid," Steve cut in soothingly, gesturing to Tony to calm down, "how do you think Bucky lost his arm?"

Silence. "HYDRA did that?" Peter asked softly.

James nodded jerkily, "and they'll do worse if they find her." James took a breath, "How many times has Violet looked out for you? For all your friends and family? How many times did you or they look out for her? Protect her when she needed it most?"

Peter didn't respond. For a solid minute there was nothing but the sound of the whirring motors from inside the elevator. It should be here soon. James and Natasha refused to stop staring at the camera, Tony as well. Steve checked back to the plane where Rhodes was in the process of helping Clint off the plane with a severely distraught Bruce helping the pair along. He had the thought of going to help them when the elevator finally dinged, and the doors opened with a soft click.

"Cafeteria," Peter spoke, voice breaking all over the place. "She went to the cafeteria floor."

"How?" James leaned forward, chest tightening ever so slightly.

"The vents," Peter sniffled, "it's how we were able to find our way here. Jarvis drew us a map."

"How long ago?" Natasha inquired, squeezing James' hand even tighter.

"Fifteen minutes, maybe?"

Natasha and James looked at one another, then turned to face Tony. "We'll take the service entrance."

"I'm coming with you," Steve insisted.

"Good luck," Tony nodded to the pair before heading into the elevator, "Peter, wait for the rest to board get us to the Avengers floor. Afterwards take me to Floor C. I'll be able to fix FRIDAY from there."

"Okay," Peter responded meekly, defeated.

With that, everyone took off in their intended directions. Tony's thoughts consumed with both fixing FRIDAY and comforting his Omega. James and Natasha's focused on finding their darling and protecting her from harm. Steve thought about military tactics to use against HYDRA. Clint thought about making a burrito once this was all done. Rhodes hoped to God Bruce wouldn't rip his head off. Bruce thought about the faces of the men he was forced to slaughter, and when he could see Betty.

Betty, who was currently in the worst pain of her life because she had to give birth without any anesthetics. An unplanned natural birth in a bathtub being helped by an incredibly nervous and panicked nurse who was on the verge of passing out every two seconds. A nurse who was beaten bloody multiple times and went through multiple miscarriages because her Alpha didn't want a child. A small fact she never told anyone about because they already treated her like she was a bubble that hasn't popped yet.

A bubble that was going to pop if Violet didn't get back soon.


Not the Cafeteria Floor

This had to be the worst idea Violet has ever had.

She had originally intended to go to the cafeteria floor, but it occurred to her along the way that the evil goons hadn't made it that far yet and decided to keep going to the next floor below it. At the time it didn't seem like a bad idea, hence why she went through with it, and she was quite pleased when she happened upon some very interesting items along the way. The name on the map stated it was the administrative floor, but what she found deemed it much more than files of paperwork.

She landed in a room that could only be classified as storage. Weapons, clothes, necessities, and all sorts of random, yet useful bits organized accordingly in plastic bins, zip lock bags, or hung on hangers and hooks on the wall. The first thing she saw were the shoes lined up at beneath the hanging clothes by size. She was still only wearing her biker shorts and sports bra. It made climbing around in the vents extremely hard with the sweaty mess she was. Why the hell was she sweating so much? She was starting to feel really dizzy too and she couldn't figure out. There wasn't any time too.

She quickly rifled through the line, pulling out a standard pair of combat boots. She looked through the clothes as well, keeping in mind her excessively warm state. Eventually she found a cropped black shirt and a durable black and army green jacket that didn't put her with pungent scents. They both smelled slightly familiar, snow and red wine with fresh bread and orange slices. It was nice, a wonderful fluttering in her chest as she took in the scent, along with a zing between her legs.

Strange, she's never reacted that way to someone's scent before. Well, except for the giant overcoat a few rungs away from the jacket she chose. Whiskey and cinnamon apples, smoke from a fireplace burning amid morning dew and freshly fallen rain. It took made react the same. It disturbed her. Thanks to her consistent nosebleed along with the number of times she's broken her nose over the past few years, it's extremely hard for her to smell anything unless it's shoved up her nose. Even then it still had to be particularly strong. The only times she can smell as well as anyone else was nearing or during her heat.

It wasn't possible, she just went through it last week thanks to those bastards drugging her. But once the thought entered her mind it suddenly made sense. The sweat, the dizziness, the zing of arousal, heightened emotions, and her rare ability to smell again. It all made sense. But how and why was this happening?

Violet had shaken her head, ridding those thoughts and opting to deal with them later. She pulled on the clothes and searched the storage area for anything non-lethal she could use. After a good minute, she found multiple things. Two stun batons, walkie talkies, ear buds that would be great if FRIDAY were working (she grabbed them anyway), some Kevlar zip ties in case she luckily caught one of the douchebags and could bind them to a pipe or something. She also found a hat, a newsie hat she thought it was called, that she quickly tucked her hair into before cataloguing the rest of her items.

The biggest score she found were tracking devices. Even though FRIDAY wasn't working now, these could still be tracked should one of the goons' escape. She grabbed a handful of them and shoved them into one of the jacket pockets. Afterwards, she exited the storage area and went searching the floor for bad guys to eavesdrop on.

This is where the idea got bad.

Not even two minutes into her search she happened upon them shouting and screaming at the door that led to the service stairwell, or at least that's what Jarvis hand drawn map stated anyway. It got bad because she wasn't expecting to find them so soon and almost completely blew it by being sighted by one of the goons. Thankfully she wasn't due to surprisingly fast reflexes by jumping and plastering herself behind a wall, but that led to the next reason of why it was so bad.

None of them spoke English.

Based solely on their accents, her best guess was Russian. Hardcore, raised on a farm before becoming absolute douchebag mafia assholes and only in the U.S. for a couple of days, Russian. Violet knew a fair amount of Spanish to hold a brief conversation, but that's it. English, a small amount of Spanish, and the numbers one through ten in French were all the languages she knew. Add it all up and she not only wasted her time, she also put herself in some extreme danger. Danger that could have been avoided if she had just gone to the damn cafeteria.

Suddenly, one of the Russian dudes spoke a word that sounded an awful like Omega, followed by a loud sniffing sound. It was quickly followed by grunts of agreement, more sniffing sounds, and multiple repeats of the word. Well, thanks to them and her idiotic brain, she now knew one word in Russian.

"Омега!" An angry, gruff voice shouted. Violet dared a glance.

Multiple sets of eyes landed on her, one man pointing at her and advancing towards her. Violet then did the only sensible thing she could do in a dire situation like this. She readied her stun batons and ran back towards the multitude of desks she passed during her search