
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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Omega Night: Part 3

Avengers Tower


There was no time to ponder the seriousness of the situation. Violet quickly understood that. There was no time to panic, to rant, to do anything other than dealing with the most serious problem at hand. A mother to be in labor. Violet quickly took the reigns of the situation, her mind suddenly clearing as the adrenaline began pumping.

She grabbed Darcy's shoulder, turning her to face Violet, "go back to my room and free Wanda and Jarvis."

Darcy shook her head, "no way, they're going to be pissed-"

"It doesn't matter that they're pissed. What matters is that Wanda is a nurse and can help deliver a baby if it comes that, and Jarvis knows this building better than any of us. If there's a problem with FRIDAY, he might be able to find another way to communicate and get Betty the help she and the kid needs. Now go!" Violet pushed Darcy away towards the direction of her room, briefly watching her run in that direction before turning the next item on her agenda.

"Peter, did Tony ever say anything to you about a control room or something like that?"

Peter quickly shook his head, "I'm sorry, but no. He did take me to his lab though, there might be something in there that we can use to reach outside the tower."

Violet nodded, "is it on this floor?"

"No, it's a couple floors down."

Violet cursed, popping her knuckles, "we'll have to wait for Jarvis, and hopefully he'll help us. Once we're in the lab we'll see what we can find and figure things out from there. In the meantime," Violet turned to face Betty, "what do you need us to do?"

Betty leaned against the wall taking deep and slow breaths to steady her nerves, "wait with me until Darcy comes back with the others, I'll feel better once your nurse friend is here."

Violet nodded, moving in close and easing Betty into a nearby chair that was next to a pile of broken glass. Maybe this wasn't the best time to cause of destructive mess? Oh well, too late now.

In silence the three waited. Apart from the suppressed groans of pain from Betty and panicked whimpers from Peter, the only sound that was made came from the heater whirring away above them. It gave Violet a strange thought, one she happily pondered whilst Darcy hopefully made haste in her efforts to free Jarvis and Wanda from their bonds. Where there was heat, there was a ventilation shaft . . . perhaps not how the saying should go but Violet was not in the mood for technicalities. What mattered was if relying on Jarvis failed, then perhaps there was another way off the floor. Albeit a more dangerous one, but Violet was more than willing to take the risk.

She just hoped Peter wouldn't be as reckless she.


Safe House?

Snow fell from the dark night sky like the inside of a snow globe. Big, fluffy flakes landing on top of each other without even an inkling for melting. Three feet deep in a barren, open space of nothing at all. No buildings, no trees, no cars stuck on roads or highways. Only a simple one-story farmhouse with a two-story barn only yards away on it left, and a small, broken down shed on it's right. Tracks led to and from the barn to the house, and to the shed and back. Over and over the tracks were indented in the snow, drops of blood among the paths that were made.

The drops were nothing compared to the pools leaking from the wooden patio leading up to the open entryway. The body of a man was pinned to the wooden panels with a pitchfork through his neck. He wore black militaristic clothing bearing the symbol of HYDRA on his sleeve. He was young, slack jawed, brown eyes that once showed both kindness and cruelty completely and utterly void of life. Dead as a doornail and stuck to the boards in the same way.

More bodies lay scattered and maimed inside of the home. Heads separated from bodies. Arms hanging by sinews, bones protruding from legs that were nearly ripped off. Terrible bite marks in the men's necks, leaving blood splatter on nearly every inch of the living room area. A terrible sight to look at, even more terrible for the one who caused.

Dr. Bruce Banner sat on the couch in the next room, leaning forward with his head in his hands. Shame consumed him; guilt filled his heart while self-disgust ate at his already warped mind. Natasha watched on from the kitchen with a look of concern on her beautiful face. Bruce was the only one who had the toughest time dealing with their lifestyle and what they do for a living. He was a scientist who wants to stay in his lab and help the world, not turn into Hulk, a terrible mistake with self-experimentation, and rip people limb from limb. Yet whenever he was forced to come along for a mission, it rarely had to do with his intellect.

His mistake earned him a permanent spot with the team. The spot was already his for life, but now he was completely irreplaceable. All because he "played God" by attempting to replicate a "super soldier" serum that was administered to Steve and James when they served in the military together. Sadly, the original serum was destroyed in an explosion, along with most of the test subjects. Steve and James were the only ones left standing. Even with blood samples, Dr. Banner could never replicate it, and now he was this.

A true monster amongst other monsters with human qualities.

There was no talking to him now. His emotional state would only launch him back into the Hulk, and after his previous appearance no one wanted to greet him the same way HYDRA did. With a resigned sighed, Natasha turned away from the pitiful creature and focused on the activity in the kitchen area.

Tony was pacing back and forth, the house phone practically welded to his ear as he shouted and organized a plane ride home. Steve and James, the brothers in arms, were on the ancient and slow as fuck computer belonging to the owners of the house (who weren't at home) as they attempted to hack into the surveillance system of the tower. Unsurprisingly, they weren't getting anywhere on that front. Clint was resting on the kitchen counter with a pained gasp every now and again. He took a pretty good hit when the plane crash landed. If his reflexes had been a hair slower, his femur would have snapped in two. With how the weather was going and their lack of supplies and getaway vehicles, that would have meant goodbye leg. It was still broken, but at least it was savable.

Natasha watched from afar, assessing their situation and planning for what's to come next. HYDRA has somehow survived and managed to sneak attack them. They were currently infiltrating the tower with their chosens completely unaware. Their chosens who were getting drunk and playing games. Their chosens who were going to be in big trouble once she, James, and Steve make it home. Their chosen, their Violet who would die before letting Peter get hurt.


Natasha took a steadying breath. She was going to be okay. Violet was smart, resourceful, and even injured or inebriated she wasn't helpless. She'd figure out a way for all of them to make it out safely. She'd find a way. She found a way to escape Natasha all those years ago without even trying. She found a way to escape both her and James on multiple occasions. Though she didn't always succeed, she found a way to fight back against her Alphas as well. She would find a way.

Whether it ended in death or serious injury is what Natasha was really concerned about. Violet was strong and possessed an even stronger will, the type that couldn't truly be broken, but she had her weak spots just like everyone else. Her loyalty towards her friends was one thing, but Peter was more important than everyone. She would give up everything for him, including her life if it came down to that.

Natasha soon found it impossible to stay still, the mere thought of her darling permanently gone from this world was too much to bear, too much to handle. Such a depressing and disgusting thought. She didn't want to go back to life without Violet, and she knew James felt the same way. Neither were willing to do that. Popping her knuckles in agitation, she quickly checked on Clint before moving to see the status on the ancient computer and overhearing Tony's conversation as well.

"How much longer are you going to be!" He shouted; his free hand clenching dangerously hard as he raised up towards his head. "I don't care how bad the storm is! The team needs to get back to the tower! Now!" He tripped over the phone cord, kicking the wall and cursing with all his might, "Fucking hell! Just hurry up! Lives are in danger!"

With that he hung up the receiver, groaning in frustration as he pulled out his cellphone and attempted to get service once more. Based on his agitated expression and subsequent punch to the wall, he did not. Sadly, there was still no progress on the ancient device that somehow constituted a computer. Natasha looked to James, cocking an eyebrow at the way his hands gripped the computer desk, blatant indentions from his fingertips grasp in the faded wood. She ran a hand through his hair, relieved at the miniscule lessening of tension in his jaw.

"We'll get there before anything happens. We won't let her go that far." Natasha leaned down to whisper in his ear.

He relaxed a bit more, slightly moving closer to feel more of her touch. Steve caught Natasha's attention, concern bleeding from those balmy blues. They briefly reminded her of Violet's sky blue before they shifted into the wonderful night sky. Maybe they could take her camping someday? Eat smores by an open campfire, jump into the warm ocean for a midnight swim, sleep on the sandy beach and finding comfort in each other's embrace. If she were in a good mood, maybe mischievously ogle cute cabana boys to make James jealous and lead to a hot fuck session with lovely, pliant Violet in between them. Maybe?

"Computer's a dud, Tony can't get any service, and the plane is out of power and in complete buried in the snow. Anyone have any ideas how back to the tower quickly?" Steve took control, taking on the leadership role once more.

"Farmer's got a truck we can steal. Looks like it could handle the snows, but it'll take days to get that thing back to New York, let alone out of this damn storm," Clint responded fretfully.

Tony snapped his fingers, "but it can get us to a closer rendezvous point that the plane could easily land in. A place not overly affected by the storm!" Tony confirmed as he raced from the room and headed to the garage area.

Perhaps there was hope for monsters after all?


Avengers Tower

Apparently, Peter was just as reckless as Violet. She must be a bad influence or something. Together the two navigated a hand drawn map courtesy of Jarvis and crawled through the ventilation shaft of the building. Darcy came through and brought both Wanda and Jarvis to Betty. Wanda started things off by slapping Violet across the back of her head and scolding her for her terrible actions before turning her calmer attentions to Betty. Jarvis was quickly filled in on the situation and agreed that, given the situation, it was best for Violet and Peter to go through the vents to reach the control room where Tony ran FRIDAY.

He would later come to regret that decision.

They made their destination quicker than expected. With a harsh kick, the paneling for the shaft came crashing down the ground. Violet gracefully maneuvered out of the shaft and landed silently next to it. It took Peter slightly longer, and in the end, Violet reached and helped him to the ground because he was too clumsy and uncoordinated to do it himself. With brief smiles to one another, both turned to the massive tech that stood in front of them.

Even Violet felt in awe of the massive and some elegant technology that stood in front of them. Glowing and whirring with all sorts of robotic sounds from every corner of the room, apart from the entry way. Peter was in more awe than Violet could imagine, but there wasn't time for that. She grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him fiercely.


"Baby coming? No way to send or receive a message? Doors locked to any and everyone who decides to stop by the tower? Ringing any bells?"

Peter nodded sheepishly, rubbing the nape of his neck, "sorry. It's not every day you get to see the inner workings of a technological giant."

Violet shrugged, "I guess, but we have more important things to be concerned with right now. C'mon!" She gently hurried him along, fingers tangling and messing up hair.

Peter took a deep breath and headed over to what Violet hoped was the center console. With that, he cracked his knuckles and got to work.

For the next few minutes Peter typed away and did his thing while Violet inspected what appeared to be the main door. Something was glowing behind it, a bright blue color that put Frodo Baggins's eyes to shame. It throbbed slightly, peaking Violet's curiosity. What could be behind the door? Was it high volume drug stashes? Experimental weapons? High tech equipment like those face changing things Peter mentioned not too long ago? Organs? Money and jewels?

"Violet," Peter spoke up, voice small and meek.

Violet immediately turned to him, gauging him as she moved in close. He looked scared, almost petrified.

"What's going on?"

He pointed to the screen, his fingers trembling. Violet looked carefully, cursing to herself at what she was seeing. Floor by floor, men in black suits and wearing a strange, indistinguishable symbol on the sleeves, moved through the floors and up the service staircase with ease. The service stairs didn't reach up to their floor or else Peter and Violet would have taken the stairs instead of the elevator. It also didn't reach up the floor with the control room either. That was somewhat good news, but . . .

"Great. Not only are we getting invaded, but now it's too dangerous to unlock the doors unless we want them to find us and die gruesome deaths. Fucking perfect."

"That's not all Violet," Peter whispered shakily while grabbing her hand for support.

"What else is there?" Violet asked, softening her tone as cautiously took in the state of him. Sweaty palms, slight shake to his body, teeth digging into his bottom lip. She followed his line of sight, and instantly grabbed him by the back of the head and placed it on her chest. The tears started immediately, and she cautiously rubbed his back as he sobbed shamelessly into her exposed cleavage.

The sight that made her sweet, wonderful brother cry instantaneously was gruesome and terrible. The kind of sight you'd expect to see in an 80's horror flick or Rob Zombie movie. Truly the stuff of nightmares. A man hung by hooks digging into his back. A man who had no arms or legs, bits of skin missing all along the torso area, and who looked to missing his tongue with how often he opened his mouth on the camera. Blood covered every inch of him. That wasn't the worst part though. The worst was how both Peter and Violet recognized him.

The man was Kilgrave, the one who shot and almost killed Violet only a few short days ago