
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Omega Night: Part 1

Avengers Floor

6:30 P.M.


Violet did not know what to expect when it came to the other "chosens". More than likely it was somewhere along the lines of mindless puppets who had their brains transplanted with meeker, lobotomized ones that left them helpless and vulnerable. Boy was she wrong about that assumption, truly feeling like an ass when she met the warm, smiling face of Dr. Betty Banner. When she walked through the elevator doors Violet could feel the posh and professional feel the Omega exuded.

The tall, statuesque and beautiful woman standing before her and Peter appeared all powerful and nearly invulnerable. The fact that she was very, very pregnant only added to the powerful feel. She also had a strong, almost overbearing mom vibe going for her. The model-like face shifting from austere to soft concern the moment she laid eyes on Violet and Peter holding hands. Stressing over the state of Violet and immediately asking if she could get the Omegas anything. Juice. A snack. Five course meal prepared by the best chefs in Manhattan. Violet declined for each one, emphasizing that she could do that for herself if needed. Instead she got both Betty and Peter some orange juice from the nearby fridge.

Peter already knew Betty, thanks to the University and acing her courses long before Bruce became his advisor. They focused on each other for a good minute before Betty returned her focus to Violet, the mother's glow pouring through her warm brown eyes. It looked like she wanted to talk to Violet, but the brash Omega was not in the mood to be manipulated, even by someone who looked as kind and motherly as she.

Things were even stranger when Darcy Lewis, a whirlwind of dry jokes and sarcastic wit, embraced Violet the moment she stepped off the elevator, screaming in Violet's ear, "thank god! I was worried the assassins would mate with some robot or white supremacist, forcing me to make nice with them for the rest of my days! And here I thought they had no taste!" But then once the brief greetings were out of the way Darcy became utterly transfixed by her phone as she raced about the room in a sort of routine while rambling on and on about this and that. "This movie sucked, worst 5 bucks I've spent! Even worse than that hotdog from the baseball game Steve took me to. Or that 5 second blowjob we paid for Javier to have so he would shut up about never getting laid! Remember?!"

Violet did remember. The poor dude they conned into doing it was not prepared for size of Javier. He wasn't called jackhammer for nothing.

Betty kind of nodded along as Darcy ranted on and on through a whole list of things, but her eyes remained on Violet's. It was creeping Violet out and worrying Peter as well. The pseudo siblings glanced at each other, gauging their reactions to the Doctor. They both shrugged, unsure of what to make of Dr. Betty's consistent stares. Ultimately, Violet walked off, opting to ignore it and do something else with her time in captivity.

Apparently, that entailed making pancakes.

Violet had no idea how it happened, but after meeting Dr. Betty Banner and running into the hectic mess that was Darcy Lewis, Violet found herself making pancakes while Peter and Betty conversed at the marble countertop and Darcy loosely hovering around her attempting to help wherever she could. No matter how many times Violet waved her off, Darcy refused to listen and continued her incessant hovering while babbling on about her life and how great it was to be an Avengers chosen. Violet tuned her out as best as she could, but Darcy's sharp voice broke through easily.

"I'm Steve's," she boasted, making Violet sick to her stomach with how seemingly happy Darcy seemed, "have you met him yet?"

"Grab the chocolate chips?" Violet asked whilst stirring her Dad's pancake mixture, "and is he the same boyfriend you've been complaining about for the past few years?"

"Yes," Darcy shrugged, "but every couple goes through a few rough patches and we've certainly been through ours. Thanks for helping me work through it," Darcy smiled at Violet, bumping hips with Violet in a playful manner.

Violet rolled her eyes, "all I did was get drunk, dance around, and break shit. Not the markers of a helpful person."

"Yeah, but you did those things because I needed you too. I needed to forget about my drama for a while, have fun and be free. You did that for me, no questions asked. Then, when I was sufficiently wasted and hungover at the same time, you put a stop to it and told me what I needed to hear."

Violet scoffed, "what? Get your shit together and stop trying to get us arrested?"

Darcy shrugged, "pretty much, but it was a lot funnier at the time." She moved in close, whispering in Violet's ear, "and sexy too."

Violet rolled her eyes, "still a flirt I see."

"Always with you and that tight ass," Darcy whispered once more before promptly smacking her on the ass. "It's almost as good as Steve's."

Violet elbowed Darcy in the ribs, "and still handsy." She gestured towards the cabinet with the mixing spoon, "now go get the chips."

Darcy laughed, "I'm not going to apologize for appreciating your . . . assets." The shrewd Omega winked at Violet before making her way towards the cabinet.

"How about for holding up dinner? Are you going to apologize for that?" Violet glanced at the Omegas sitting patiently at the island, elbows resting on the white marble counter topping it.

Peter glared at Darcy, and Dr. Betty shook her head slightly annoyance, rubbing her bulging belly.

Darcy shrugged, "they'll live. It's been forever since we've talked! I want to catch up!"

"We can catch up after I feed the brain trust and I make myself a Long Island."

Darcy gasped, clapping her hands in excitement, "do I sense a drinking night?"

Violet rolled her eyes, "no shit, Sherlock. I'm going to need twenty drinks just to forget I'm in a poorly disguised prison, and twenty more to actually enjoy myself tonight. Of course, I'm going to fucking drink."

"Yay!" Darcy jumped, a broad smile on her happy face, "will your little friend be joining us?"

Violet glanced at Peter, surprised to find him giving her a firm nod, "he's my brother, and yeah he'll be joining us."

"Great! I'll start looking through the alcohol cabinet!" With that Darcy rushed off out of the kitchen and disappearing through the halls.

Violet groaned, sharing a look with Peter. Peter was not happy to say the least, but his anger softened somewhat when he gave Violet an appreciative smile. Violet winked, putting down the mixing bowl and heading towards storage cabinet in search of the chocolate chips. Once they were added to the pancake mixture, Violet placed some butter on the flat iron pan and turned on the burner. Within a solid ten minutes both Peter and Betty had their own stacks of 4 pancakes each. They gobbled them down in minutes, all the while talking science jargon that Violet couldn't make sense of. She grabbed a glass and drank some water from the tap, watching the pair with disinterest.

Her stomach rumbled, she ignored it.

Eventually she walked away from the pair, focusing even more on tuning them out when she passed by them and left the zealously expensive and ornate kitchen as she made her way back towards the equally expensive living area. She didn't pay attention to the couches, the tables, or the high-end technology that could be at her fingertips in a moment's notice. Her focus was completely and utterly on the glass wall that revealed what had to be the best view of the New York Skyline that Violet had ever seen.

For all the faults of being held captive here, this wasn't one of them. It was the one place on the entire floor that gave her a sense of peace amongst the vulnerability and blatant exposure due to the plethora of cameras and speakers. The one place where she didn't feel trapped or isolated. The one place where she could see the skies and watch the planes soar from the distance. She hoped for a chance to see the stars. Perhaps at this height the lights from the city wouldn't blur them into a dirty mass of smoke and clouds. She knew better than to hope for such a useless thing, but at that moment she dared to do so. Let me see the stars, she thought to herself, if Life is intent on treating me this way, then give me this one thing to keep going through the pain so that Life may continue its work.

It was something she always wanted, more than anything else in this world. A simple desire compared to many others. She just wanted to see the stars. Her Dad used to say the stars resembled the souls of people who lived their lives with hope in their hearts and performed good deeds every day. Not for selfish desires, but for the needs of others. She used to ask him why they couldn't see the stars, and his response simple. "When you live in a place full of dark intentions, you're blinded by what they want you to see. It's up to those with goodness in their hearts, people like us, to see through the fog and find what's real."

Violet has never been able to do so. For the longest time she believed it was because she was bad too, but thanks to Peter and his genius intelligence she was soon relieved of that burden. Still, it didn't take away the hurt. The loss of seeing the stars in their entirety for the first time. After a while she resolved to never seeing them, but like the dreamer she is, hope remained.

After a while, Darcy finally returned with not one, not two, but three filled to the brim boxes of alcohol and mixtures for the three of them to drink. Her eyes sparkled, smile big and wide, body wiggling in excitement.

"Let's get drunk!" She pronounced, shouting at the top of her lungs and carting the boxes towards the white marble countertop on the center island in the kitchen. Betty quickly vacated and aimed for the couches in the living area while Peter took their cleared plates with a severe frown on his face. Violet quickly joined, and the three of them together officially start what Darcy would eventually coin, "Omega Night."

It was going to be a very long night, though nobody realized it just yet.


Washington D.C.

James and Natasha

How did they not see this? How the fuck could they have missed this? After five years of searching through every park, every building, every nook and cranny of the goddamn city, how could they not have realized that Steve's chosen knew their chosen?! How did they miss that?!

James wanted to puke; Natasha wanted to rip Darcy's head off but that was over the ass slapping situation more than anything. Steve was embarrassed, recalling the moments when Darcy would finally come home after disappearing for three days, fawning over some girl she refused to name who gave her the best few days of her life, knowing it would make her Alpha jealous as she went on and on about her. Steve never pushed to find out who the girl was because he didn't want to put a face to his jealousy, and he didn't want to give Darcy the satisfaction. Steve was the only Alpha on the team who didn't keep a tight leash on his Omega. He didn't need to. Darcy would always come running back to him with a pitiful look about her and a submissive hunch to her shoulders. Where his Omega was concerned, leaving her room to roam was a better cage than holding her close and monitoring her every move.

Until now.

The mission was no longer a priority for The Alphas. The only one who was paying any attention to the mission at hand was FRIDAY, though Bruce did keep an ear out. Tony was up in arms standing next to the cockpit, Clint was laughing his ass off on the bench next to the table of dismantled and cleaned weapons, James was seething next to him with his eyes glued to the surveillance cameras, Natasha was pacing all throughout the ship with a pondering expression, and Steve and Bruce stood next to each other watching everything unfold.

"James, what are they doing?" Natasha grunted, turning on her heel abruptly to walk towards him.

"Making Moscow Mules," James responded in his quiet, gravely tone, "and making plans to hide from Jarvis and Wanda."

"They're not trying to escape?" Bruce cut in, confusion coloring his expression.

James shrugged, "Violet hasn't mentioned it, but we can't rule it out."

"I'm afraid you're right, Mr. Barnes," FRIDAY cut in through the speakers, causing everyone's heads to turn in her direction. "Shortly before Ms. Lewis and Dr. Betty Banner arrived on the floor, Violet and Peter were exchanging notes with one another, only this time I was able to see what they were writing."

"What did the notes say?" Natasha urged, giving the A.I. her undivided attention.

"It started with Peter. He wrote, what's going on? Violet responded with; Darcy knows how to get out of here! She can help us escape!"

Tony groaned, rubbing his face in frustration, "Goddammit!"

"Tony, calm down." Steve tried consoling to no avail.

"I can't!" Tony shouted, turning on his team and glaring at the lot of them, "I can't calm down! My darling is going to try to run away from me and he's going to get himself doing it! Violet is a loose cannon with Pintel and Ragetti at the helm!" He gestured to James and Natasha, pointing at Natasha in particular, "and you pushed Clint into wearing Frank's face and scaring the bejeezus out of my darling! Why?"

"Because Frank was the only person in the tower Peter would willfully open the door for other than Violet. Frank was someone Violet trusted and would be able to sneak in and out without anyone knowing. We didn't know he and Peter had a . . . trying relationship with one another, but looking back now with that fact in mind, it was still the right call."

"Right call for what exactly?"

"Using Peter to convince Violet to stay. He's the only person she trusts implicitly, and if he can convince her for even a little while, then the whole process will move along more smoothly."

"And you didn't think to tell me about this?" Tony seethed, unflinching when James stood from the bench and moved in right behind Natasha, backing his lover should she need him.

"You were indisposed at the time, and I sent you not only an email but multiple text messages and two voicemails before Clint and I enacted the plan."

"She's telling the truth boss," FRIDAY responded through the speakers.

Tony's head snapped up in shock, "seriously?"

"Yes boss. I can play the voicemails and show you the messages if you'd like?"

Tony sighed, shoulders losing some of the tension they gained during his rant, "no, that won't be necessary." He rubbed his face once more, straightening his spine and looking the assassin in the eyes, "I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose him."

"I'm sorry too. I should have made more time to speak with you in person about this, but I was desperate for the very same reason."

Tony took a deep breath, shifting his gaze to James, "I know you don't want to force this on her, but it needs to happen soon."

James' eyes darkened considerably, "We are not mating her against her will, she's been through too much in her life to lose her purity in such a heinous way."

"Barnes, I understand where you're coming from, I do. I know your reasons but think about what's happening to the team because you're treating her with kids' gloves." Tony quickly held up his hands in response to James suddenly lunging at him, but Natasha held him back before he had the chance to reach Tony. "Easy there. I'm not trying to be a hypocrite here. I'm doing the same with Peter because I don't want his first sexual experience to be me forcing myself on him before he's even ready. Believe me, I understand."

James growled, but otherwise gave no response when Natasha took over.

"We're going to mate with her when she's ready. In the meantime, once everything's set, we'll be taking her to our safe house to train her and mold her into the best person she can be."

"And when will that be?" Bruce cut in.

"Once she's fully healed and the roads are cleared. Hopefully no more than a week."

"Until then we'll keep the pair separated and based on how tonight goes, we might consider adding Darcy to the list." James added with a firm grunt.

The team started the simmer down. The earlier tension and palpable anger ebbed away like steam rising towards the sky. That was until Clint guffawed and started laughing hysterically once more.

"What's gotten into you?" Steve asked at the same time Natasha quipped, "care to share with the class?"

"FRIDAY! Show them what I'm seeing! I can't breathe!" Clint cackled while slumping into the cushioned seat.

FRIDAY indeed showed the Avengers what made Clint lose his ever present cool. In the middle of the cockpit window the surveillance video was playing. Their three Omegas were on the screen, laughing at one another while Peter sat in his seat drinking from his cup, Darcy twirled around like Stevie Nicks during a Fleetwood Mac concert, and Violet was sitting on the countertop with no shirt on.

That's right. From her midriff and up, Violet only wore her black sports bra and white bandages covering her healing bullet wound. Natasha's eyes widened at the sight of her, mouth watering at the naked skin, a zing of arousal between her legs. James too found his beautiful darling quite arousing, but what made James melt was the sight of her smile as she stared at Darcy twirling around in circles and messing up Peter's hair. She looked happy, relaxed.

God, he wanted to hold her and never let go.

Then the unthinkable happened. Darcy stopped twirling, eyeing Violet with hungry eyes and wiggling her finger in a come-hither movement. Violet rolled her eyes, clinking glasses with Peter as she stepped down from the countertop and move in close to Darcy. She curious, confident, and more than a little tipsy. In the blink of an eye, once Violet was close enough, Darcy reach around a tight handful of Violet's ass while the other grabbed the back of Violet's neck and pulled her closer.

Darcy then kissed Violet, and the tension that had previously disappeared from the Quinjet reappeared in an instant. Tony and Bruce's mouths dropped open, Clint remained in hysterics, Steve's jaw snapped shut so hard it sounded like he broken all his teeth, James clenched his fists and Natasha crossed her arms. Hatred filled their hearts towards the careless Omega daring to put her hands on Violet's body in any way.

Steve reached into his pocket and quickly dialed Darcy's phone. Anger lead to confusion in a split second, "what the-" he mumbled.

"What's going on?" Tony asked in a worried tone.

"We're supposed to get reception on here, right?"

"Yeah," Tony responded slowly, beginning to question Steve's sanity.

"It's not letting me connect to her."

Odd. Tony pulled out his phone and tried calling Peter. No connection. With a shrug he dialed the number to a local pizzeria, and immediately heard the rings connecting to the receiver. He hung up.

"I couldn't connect to Peter, but I was able to call a local pizzeria." He turned abruptly to face the cockpit. "FRIDAY call Peter Parker please?"

"Will do sir," FRIDAY responded promptly. A few seconds later, she came bac on the speakers with an ominous, "I cannot get a hold of them. Something or someone is jamming my communication center in the tower."

Tony flinched, "what do-" he started saying but was unable to finish.

A loud boom occurred from beneath them, sending their bodies flying throughout the inside compartment. Then, they were falling through the sky. The wind howling with glee as the living weapon known as the Avengers plummeted towards the earth