
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
Pas assez d’évaluations
46 Chs

Non Deficere

Hargrove University

12:00 p.m.

No one realized it, but this was the day that was going to change everything . . . again.

Madani and the crew at the safe house were still preparing for the siege at the tower. Curtis was looking over the best escape routes that lead to the nearby airport where there was a helicopter stashed away. Curtis and Lewis were going to take Violet and Peter to it, then fly them over the river to where another car was stashed in New Jersey. From there the Contact from Africa would take the Omegas to a safe place until they can be transported to the haven. Frank and Lewis were doing inventory and cleaning the weapons, sharpening knives, and checking on ammo. David was running through certain scenarios and preparing himself for the technological fight of a lifetime against Tony Stark's A.I. FRIDAY.

The Avengers were in a similar mode, only for something completely different. Steve, Natasha, Clint, Lang, and Tony were all preparing for infiltration of the last HYDRA trafficking ring. They were able to retrieve the intel from elsewhere thanks to Sharon's cousin Peggy in MI6, who used to be good friends with Steve before his departure to the criminal underworld. She only helped because HYDRA was a far more unpredictable enemy than the Avengers, and because she owed Sharon a favor. She was unaware of Sharon's involvement with the Avengers, and Sharon wanted to keep it that way. Phil supplied much needed men for the operation, James kept an eye on things at the tower with Thor and Loki's help. Bruce was at the college keeping a keener eye on the Omega today considering his upcoming Heat.

Meanwhile, Peter was reading a book on how to fly a plane, one of those "for dummies" books because it was all he could find on short notice. He was too afraid to look it up on the computer in fear that FRIDAY or someone else will tattle to Tony on him. He had no idea what Violet had planned and was very afraid to find out. First a motorcycle, now an airplane, what's next? A rocket ship? Knowing Violet, it wasn't too far out of the realm for her. If she thought flying to the moon was their best bet, Peter would be looking up books on how to survive in space . . . and more than likely it would be another "for dummies" book.

Violet was ready to run. She had a pack of disposable phones, all the necessities one would need for a road trip, a change of clothes for both her and Peter, a wallet full of cash with stolen credit cards, and all of it shoved into her trusty duffel bag she hid near the hanger where the Helicopter was stashed away, apart from one disposable phone and wallet. Now she was sitting on an old Harley Sprint she stole from somehow outside of a bar last night shortly after the meeting ended. She snuck out through the window. Thankfully the bike had two helmets, one black and the other green. The black one said "kiss my ass" on the back, the green one said "lick my p****" on the back as well. Violet laughed at the thought of Peter wearing the green one, but she threw it in the river before the idea got to her head.

There were a fair number of things each party were completely unaware of yet needed to know soon.

Firstly, the crew at the safehouse were unaware that Violet had gone rogue and was purposefully getting Peter much earlier than anticipated so they couldn't stop her or put her friends lives in danger. Except for Frank. Frank handed her a taser and said, "Don't get killed, and don't give up David and Curtis," when he caught her slipping out of the window. Secondly, The Avengers were both unaware of Violet and the safehouse crews' plan for a rescue mission, and the African Contacts' planned infiltration of the tower. Thirdly, Peter had no idea he was supposed to be looking up how to fly a helicopter or where Violet planned on taking them. Fourthly, Violet had absolutely no idea Peter was due to start his heat at any moment.

Fifthly, no one had considered how bad the weather was today, or how bad it was going to be. It was overcast, windy, and the high was only 30 degrees today. With the wind chill, it felt like 14 degrees. And there was a blizzard coming.

Currently, Peter was walking towards the main sign of the campus earlier than he should, not wanting to be late even though there was plenty of time to keep researching. He wasn't sure about all of this. Tony and the rest of his friends, Alpha and Beta alike, have all been very kind and courteous since they've met him. Even more so since his building burned down. But he trusted Violet, and if she wanted the pair of them to get out of town, then so be it. He just hoped his heat wouldn't start before they had the chance to do what she had planned.

He had just arrived at the grandiose sign, arms wrapped tightly around his torso to deal with the cold, wintry air when he heard someone calling behind him.

"Peter!" He turned and saw Dr. Banner waving at him, trudging forward through the cold wind. "What are you doing out here?! It's freezing!" He rubbed up and down his arms at a furious pace while walking up to Peter. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Well . . . yeah, I just needed to get some air. Been feeling a little . . . um . . . hot, yeah hot today. Kind of sweaty, you know. I just came outside to breathe, and um walk around for a bit to c-cool down." Peter stuttered, the cold wind suddenly biting into his neck.

Dr. Banner gave him a worried look, "well, I think you've had enough of the cold for today." He reached out to Peter, "c'mon, let's get you back inside where it's nice and warm."

"No!" Peter shouted, cringing at the sound, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout, or anything. It's just I feel g-great. I don't really f-feel like g-going inside yet. I'd re-really like to st-st-stay out here for a b-b-bit longer." Peter started shivering, teeth chattering to the point where he almost bit his tongue forcing the words out.

Dr. Banner's worry intensified, "Peter, you're shivering. If you don't get inside soon, you're going to get sick." Dr. Banner placed a firm hand on Peter's shoulder.

"No, I'm p-p-perfectly fine out h-h-here D-D-Doctor B-B-Banner. I s-s-swear," Peter was attempting to say but Dr. Banner had already pulled him into his side and started marching him back to the main buildings.

They barely got a few steps when the loud sound of a roaring engine suddenly came at them. An old, black and silver Harley Sprint appeared in front of them. The rider wore a decorative beanie fashioned after the British Flag, a plain red shirt that was far too big for her naturally tiny frame, same with the thick black jacket, but the grey jeans appeared to fit nicely though, and her shoes were the same black boots she wore to the Halloween party last week. Blue hair peaked out from the beanie.

It was Violet!

The motorcycle had just stopped when she pulled something from the black jacket.

A taser.

She aimed it at Dr. Banner and fired.

The reaction was instantaneous. Dr. Banner started writhing on the ground, Peter jumped away from and towards Violet, who immediately pulled Peter in for a hug.

"Violet, what's going on?"

"I'm getting us out of here. If we stay any longer The Avengers are going lock us in their tower and turn us into their own personal sex dolls. That or rip us apart and feed us to their other slaves like this one is about to do," she pointed to Dr. Banner.

Peter turned and nearly fainted.

The man standing before him, the man that used to be his beloved mentor, was now taller, broader, and veins popping from his skin in every direction. Eyes now an electric green, he ripped off his glasses and roared at the Omegas.

"Get on!" Violet ordered and Peter didn't need to be told twice.

He quickly straddled the empty area on the bike behind Violet, wrapped his arms around her, and held on for dear life as she drove past the charging monster that used to be his mentor and into the busy street, racing far away from his school.

Once they were a few streets away, Violet reached into her back pocket and pulled out a phone, slowing down bike as she did.

"Peter, grab the helmet on the seat behind you, and put it on." She started dialing, glancing up repeatedly to watch the road.

Peter didn't need to be told twice. He carefully, fearfully reached behind him to grab a black helmet. There was writing on the back, but he didn't care to read it. Placing it on his head and pulling the straps tight around his face, he latched back onto Violet.

"Talk to Tony," she ordered, handing the phone to Peter as she revved the accelerator and weaved through the slow-moving traffic.

"Where did you learn how to drive like this?" Peter inquired, grabbing the phone from her in a rush.

"Billy, Frank fine-tuned it though." Violet shot over her shoulder, leaning to take an uncomfortably sharp turn into a busy street. Cars honked as they passed.

"Billy? Your brother? The one they found in the river?"

Violet nodded vehemently, "talk to Tony, and repeat after me."

Peter pressed the phone to his ear, unable to hear anything over the roar of the engine.

"Violet, it's too loud! I can't hear anything."

Violet cursed, braking abruptly and turning into the nearest alley she could find. Once she safely parked it behind a very smelly dumpster, she turned off the engine. "Okay, talk to him."

Peter pressed the phone to his ear. Thankfully, it was still ringing. He updated Violet on that fact, and she nodded, wrapping her jacket tighter around her torso. The wind was brutal, even in the alley they were hiding in.

The call went to voicemail.

"He didn't answer."

"Fuck," Violet growled, "will you call him from yours?"

Peter nodded, handing hers back and pulling his out from his pocket.

* * * * * * *

Meanwhile, back at Avengers Tower, Tony was far too busy imagining some particularly lustful thoughts where it concerned Peter and his upcoming heat. He was in the middle of picturing an exceptionally salacious scenario when FRIDAY's voice came through the speakers.

"Boss, Mr. Parker is calling you."

Tony grinned in satisfaction; the time has come for him to see his darling in his most vulnerable state. "Thank you, FRIDAY. Go ahead and answer please."

He was expecting Peter to sound a bit scared; heats normally were for the fragile Omegas. However, the fear in Peter's well overcame the dread and reluctance due to heats, he sounded positively panicked. And cold.

"Tony! It's P-Peter! P-Peter P-Parker!" He shivered out. The wind coming through the speakers was outrageous.

"Peter, where are you?"

"Listen to me!" Peter shouted, "d-don't ask q-questions. Just listen." His darling forced out. Tony could hear his chattering over the wind.

"Okay," Tony replied uneasily, standing and pacing in his office, "tell me what's going on."

There was some static, muffling of voices, then a new voice entered the fray. "Okay asshole you need to listen to me if you don't want FRIDAY tampered with."

Tony reared back, confused, shocked, and disbelieving. "Violet?"

"An Agent Madani from the FBI and some foreign contact in Africa are teaming up to infiltrate your tower and steal whatever you have in there. The contact brought in a hacker and they're going to take down your entire system at 2:30 today."

Tony's eyes widened, "how do you know this?"

"After I ran away from you and your assassin fucks, I bumped into Madani and she helped me escape. It wasn't long before they started selling me bullshit on saving my friends that you kidnapped and are holding hostage, but then they let it slip about their real mission, which is why I'm telling you now." Violet grated out smoothly, unaffected by the cold.

Tony looked up to the speakers, "FRIDAY, did you get that?"

"Yes boss, already preparing for attack."

Tony nodded, "Violet-"

"This was a courtesy call on behalf of my friends. I'm helping them, not you. Sayonara you bastard." She growled, and with that she hung up.

"FRIDAY?" Tony pleaded.

"They're still in New York, a few streets from Hargrove University."

"Can you keep tracking them?" He pulled on his jacket, racing towards the door.

"The phone has just been turned off."

"How about security cameras in the area?"

"Already on it. Would you like me to notify Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Barnes, sir?"

"Don't tell Natasha until she gets back from the mission, I'll tell Barnes myself."

"He's in the kitchen making Peter's favorite cookies per your request, sir."

"Thanks FRI," he burst through the office door and raced towards the kitchen area.

* * * * * * *

Back in the alley, Peter was looking at Violet in shock.

"What is going on!" He demanded, attempting to step off the motorcycle and face his friend. She responded by abruptly turning on the engine, turning back to look at him. Her eyes were scared.

"It's a long story Peter and I don't have time to go into it right now. What you need to know is that bad people are after us and will hurt us if we give them the chance. I promise to tell you everything once I get us somewhere safe." She breathed deeply, a tremor rolling through her body at the cold. "Do you trust me?"

Peter glared at her, "I wouldn't have been reading "How to fly a plane for Dummies" since last night if I didn't."

She laughed at that, "your genius brain must hate you for that."

"No, but only because I had a good reason for doing it."

She smiled, "Hold on tight," she ordered before revving the throttle. He grabbed onto her, and away they went.

* * * * * * *

5 Minutes Later

Tony's feet pounded the marble floors as he raced through the team floor of the tower and towards the kitchen. James was just putting the second batch of Peanut and chocolate cookies into the oven when Tony came whirling into the kitchen. He looked at his entrance in surprise, then went on full alert once he saw the urgency in Tony's expression.

"What happened?"

"An FBI agent has the balls to try to infiltrate the tower with a foreign contact." Tony seethed, angry beyond measure, "and even worse, tried to recruit your chosen to help."

James' hands clenched dangerously fast; the metal hand breaking whatever he had in his grip. He didn't care to see what it was.

"Violet?" Eyes scanning Tony's face as he surged forward, "how did you hear about this?"

"From Violet. She and Peter called just a few minutes ago."

"Where are they?" James growled, moving quickly towards the nearby table to grab his jacket.

"FRIDAY tracked them to Jacobs Street a few blocks away from the university, but they've moved since then. FRIDAY's using security cameras to track them. Apparently, Violet knows how to drive a motorcycle?"

James smirked at that, "wouldn't surprise me." He nearly tore his jacket from pulling it on so fast. "Anyone available?"

"Happy and his men will back you up, Sharon as well. I'm going to call Phil and have him track down this Agent Madani and run things from here."

"The rest still on mission?"

"Yeah, we haven't heard back from them just yet."

"And they won't know about this until they do?" James surmised, checking his weapons on his person while walking to the elevator.

"Correct," Tony confirmed, pressing the elevator button and reaching into his pocket. "Here, take these."

James opened his hand and reached out to him. Tony dropped a pair of keys into his open palm. "I finished your motorcycle last night. Couldn't sleep after Peter gave me the news. Now you can fight fire with fire and all that jazz."

James nodded, "I'll find them Tony."

"I know."

With that, James went down to the parking garage, and Tony called on Pepper.

* * * * * * *

20 minutes later

In the safehouse, things were chaotic. Frank, Curtis, and David were completely against the plan to infiltrate the tower. David was good at what he did, but not to the extent of going one on one with Tony Stark's infamous A.I. FRIDAY. The guy knew he had a few screws loose considering his best friend was the Punisher, and he knew was a many great things that were often criticized. Suicidal is not one of them.

Curtis didn't want to get involved with anything resembling espionage. All he wanted to do was protect Violet, her friend Peter, and all their friends that were being held captive by the Avengers. All this extra stuff with foreign contacts, gathering intel, secret havens that were probably bullshit, he wanted nothing to do with any of it. Personally, once he landed the helicopter in New Jersey, his plan was to take them to his mom's house and cook them her famous chili and cornbread. He had a feeling his mom would love Violet on principle, and because she wouldn't stand down from a fight. His mom was just like that.

Frank didn't really care what was going on so long as Violet and Peter were away when the shooting started. It's why he let her leave when she did. He trusted David, and if he said this was a stupid plan and he wasn't at level to accomplish it, then he sided with him, especially when Curtis backed him.

Madani was not happy about this, neither was Lewis. Lewis didn't care at all, he just wanted to get back into the fight somehow. The army kicked him out because he wasn't stable, and he couldn't find a decent job anywhere for the same reason. The fight was the only thing Lewis knew, and Madani was offering it to him on a silver platter. So, he sided with her.

Now the group was at a standstill, until Madani received a call from the hanger that the Avengers were onto them and they needed to leave now.


* * * * * * *

10 minutes later

Violet hasn't driven a motorcycle in years, but to her it feels like just yesterday when she was on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere straddling the bike and Billy was next to her teaching her about the controls and how inevitably she was going to fall.

"Make sure you lean with your turns. Don't turn the bars like you would with a car, you'll end up throwing yourself off the bike and into an early grave if you pull shit like that." She remembered him telling her, and the way he leaned in and pointed down the road like it was straight out of the Wizard of Oz. "And remember, the first one to the bottom without cheating, gets to choose dinner tonight."

She laughed at the memory, the sound of the engine and honks from the cars she raced past drowned it out. Peter's continuous whimpers and chattering teeth in her ear were quite prevalent though.

"I got you Peter," she would encourage him, and he would squeeze her waist in return.

The clouds were getting darker, the wind blowing harder. Violet knew they couldn't keep this up for much longer, but the hanger where the Helicopter was kept was just too far away. The plane was the only hope of escape now.

If only they could just reach it.

"Violet!" Peter shouted in her ear.

"What is it?" She swerved past a barrage of parked cars, earning a yelp from Peter.

"I think someone's following us!"

Violet's eyes went wide. She fought the urge to look behind her. She was going to fast, she needed all her focus on the road. There was a turn at the intersection coming up, if she was going to look it would have to be then.

"Hold on!" She shouted, feeling Peter impossibly tighten his grasp.

With adrenaline coursing through her veins and blind courage focusing her mind, revved the throttle and sped out into the intersection, turning as she did. She risked a glance as cars swerved out of her way. What she saw made her blood turn cold.

The Winter Soldier was right behind her with a motorcycle of his own, and he looked pissed.

Violet realized three things right before she oriented herself and continued speeding through the streets like a madwoman. First, she and Peter were not going to get out of this, not by flying anyway. The Hangar was too far away to begin with and now, with The Fucking Winter Soldier right on their tail, it was a pipedream and she needed to regroup. Secondly, Tony's A.I. must have found another way to track her and Peter down, probably through surveillance cameras at stop lights and such. Thirdly, her ass felt wet, and Peter was whimpering an awful lot in her ear.

"Peter, are you alright?"

Peter just whimpered; she risked a glance to see that he was crying.

"Oh god, are you okay? Did you get hit? Did I scare you?"

Peter just shook his head, resting it on her shoulder in shame.

"Then what is it? I can't help if you don't tell me what's happening!" She swerved into the next street, picking up speed at a dangerous pace.

"I'm so sorry," Peter cried into her shoulder.

"Peter what's going on?!"

"I'm going . . ." Peter sobbed, fighting to catch his breath, "I'm . . . I'm going into heat."

Violet's heart dropped in her chest.

The whimpering, the wet seat, how cold he got so quickly even though he had more layers than she did. It all came together, and Violet felt like the biggest dick in the universe. She let out a sigh of defeat. She couldn't keep going, not with Peter in such a sensitive state. But she couldn't just stop either. She took them to possibly the worst neighborhood in the city to get to the Hangar, and The Winter Soldier was right behind them. She remembered with perfect clarity what happened last time she and the soldier were in the same room with one another.

But which is the worse idea? Keep going and risk Peter's health or stop and hope the Winter Soldier is lenient and doesn't straight up kill her.

As she thought of that, the kiss he gave her zoomed through her mind, along with the "I love you" that followed soon after spitting in his face. Okay, maybe he wouldn't kill her, but she sure as hell was not going to let that man in the same room as Peter while he was in heat. She might be scrappy, but she couldn't stop him from knocking her out and having his way with her best friend.

Peter whimpered once more in her ear, and it made her decision.

* * * * * * *

James was in awe of his chosen. The smooth turns, the control she wielded, it was both astounding and arousing to watch. Natasha would not be pleased to have missed this. James made a note to have them do this again sometime under more controlled circumstances.

That being said, he was very unhappy at the situation. Not at Violet of course, he doubted he could ever truly be mad at her, but the fact that people had her in their "care" while she was in heat. All sorts of scenarios ran through his mind as he fought the traffic to catch up with his chosen. He could smell whiffs of her scent through the wind. It wasn't tainted, the same sweet, intoxicating mixture as always, but he it didn't temper his anger.

Or his worry.

It was getting colder by the second, and snow was starting to fall in big fluffs from the darkened sky. He needed to get them soon. The roads would become undriveable in enough time. She picked up speed, and he mimicked her actions. She was good, but he was better. No what she did, he stayed right on her tail. Before long, he was right behind her. There was a big turn ahead, and he instinctually knew she was going to take it.

Then she looked at him.

Those sky-blue eyes turning to starry night never failed to amaze the Alpha. So sweet she was, so loyal. The confusion turning to fear hurt to see, but it was better than not seeing her at all. The image of her lips on his flew through his mind, the warmth blooming inside his chest in that moment made him determined to feel it again.

After another few seconds of swerving through traffic and turning from street to street, Violet suddenly braked and veered into a nearby alleyway. He followed diligently. He pulled up just in time to see his darling jump off her bike and point a gun at his head.

Correction, a taser.

She was positively radiant as she stared the Alpha down. Stance was good, a little bit of shaking but James attributed it to the cold, eyes steady and focused. James had to hold back his smirk. He raised his hands.

"Turn off the bike," she ordered, adjusting her finger on the trigger.

He lowered his human hand and did as she asked.

"Now get up, and back away," those starry eyes alight with determination. James could refuse if he tried.

"I'm not here to hurt you," he spoke softly, carefully standing from the seat and dismounting the bike.

"Just like you weren't there to drug me? Force me into an early heat and mate with me against my will!" She shot back at him, fury in her eyes making her hands shake.

"The drug we gave you was the same one we-" he was saying when he saw Peter hunched on the bike, subtly humping the wet looking seat.

Then he smelled it.

Peter was in heat.

"Violet-" James tried to speak, but she cut him off.

"I know," she changed position, so she stood protectively in front of Peter, blocking him from James' sight. "You need to go."

"I'm not leaving you and Peter here," he growled, moving forward unintentionally.

She backed up just as quickly, "One more step and I'll fucking tase you."

"The weather will only get worse, there's no one in this neighborhood that will help you or Peter right now. They'll leave you both out in the cold-"

"I wouldn't say that exactly," a brash voice with a British accent interrupted.

James looked down the alleyway, then surged forward.

But he wasn't quick enough.

Kilgrave stepped out of the shadows, grabbed Violet by the back of her jacket and pulled her into his arms before James could stop him. Before Violet could fight out of his grasp, he placed a gun to her temple. Her eyes went wide when she realized what was happening. James heard her curse under his breath.

"Remember me?" He taunted, licking the side of her face.

James was going to rip his tongue out for that.

"Drop the weapon, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself," Kilgrave laughed, staring down James.

"Oh yeah, what a shame that would be," Violet retorted, though some of the punch of the taunt was lost due to the fear in her voice.

"Ooh I'm going to have fun with you," Kilgrave tightened his grip on Violet, "boys, grab the Omega humping the motorcycle. Turns out we have two Omegas to bargain with today."

Violet gasped, instantly fighting to save her friend, but Kilgrave moved the gun to place it under her jaw, silencing her.

"Now, relay this back to your Avengers, Winter Soldier." Kilgrave smiled while his men maneuvered from the shadows and grabbed hold of a now panicking Peter, moving him into the shadows while Violet watched in horror and struggled against Kilgrave's hold. "I not only have the intel you expertly employed me to get, but now I have two Omegas you seem to have a fondness for. You want the intel and your Omegas back untarnished? Then give me what I want in return."

James didn't speak, thoughts focusing on how to get Violet and Peter safely, and then all the delightful ways he, Natasha, and Tony were going to rip him apart.

"Jessica Jones, along with safe passage from New York to wherever I want to go, along with a pardon from your leader for my actions today. Understand?"

James stared back into the other Alphas eyes with cold malice, not bothering to hide the vicious intent he had for the man once his hands were off of his Omega, and both she and Peter were at the tower once more. "Perfectly."

Kilgrave grinned at him, pulling Violet away with him, "Glad we're in agreement." I waved the gun around carelessly, "I suggest the sooner the better, I'm looking forward seeing sandy beaches instead of this snowy landscape, how ghastly." He complained, pulling Violet with him as he meandered back inside.

James stared into Violet's starry eyes, "You'll be out of there soon," He promised, never taking his eyes off her until she disappeared.

He pulled out his phone and immediately started dialing Natasha's