
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Non Deficere: Part 2

Kilgrave's hideout

Violet and Peter

1 hour later

For all the ways Violet thought her rescue plan was going to end, being kidnapped by a douchebag Alpha she's only met once while threatening to shoot the Winter Soldier with a taser and Peter humping the leather seat of the bike she stole was not one of them. She completely forgot about this guy. Once she had his phone, he was kind of just a blip in her memory. Turns out even blips can come back to bite you in the ass.

In this guy's case, Violet feared that could actually happen.

Currently she and Peter were tied back to back with a metal pole between them compacting their spines. Violet stopped struggling a while ago, realizing it was hurting Peter more than it was helping her escape. His heat was only getting worse, and eventually it was going to be very painful for him if he didn't get somewhere safe and warm, soon. Peter's whimpers continued to escalate, and Violet could feel the clock as she searched for solutions.

Kilgrave and his henchman left them to freeze once they were sufficiently tied up. It was only by some miracle or shift in the universe that they didn't try to take advantage of Peter. If Violet could smell it, then everyone could smell it. But they didn't. They followed Kilgrave's orders, laughed when they kicked dust at Violet before leaving them alone in the very drafty room.

They were still on the ground floor, which felt like a dumb move to Violet considering the lack of obstacles she had to face to get out of here. Or for The Avengers to get in. Violet shuttered at the thought. The absolute last thing she wanted was to be saved by the people she's not only been running from and attempting to protect Peter from, but also the ones who kidnapped her friends, burned Peter's building down, and tortured her brother for kicks before crushing his throat. Unfortunately for Violet, they might be the best chance Peter has right now. If she was able to get Peter out of here, what could she do?

Snow fluttered in through the gargantuan cracks through the windows of the warehouse floor they were convened on, and after only 10 minutes the piles on the floor were getting suspiciously high. Now, after roughly an hour of being tied down, the piles were mountainous. Violet didn't want to think of how bad the outside was. Honks from the nearby streets dissipated long ago. The temperature was still dropping. Violet briefly wondered if this is what Jon Snow and the Night's Watch felt like while living at the wall.

Peter started crying. Violet held his hands, squeezing gently, wishing she could give him all her body heat.

"You . . . you . . ." Peter mumbled.

Now Violet started crying. "I know. I know, I really suck right now. You have every right to be mad at me." Tears fell down her face, voice breaking as she continued, "I'm really sorry, Peter. I was just trying to help you, to protect you from bad people and from bad stuff happening to you, and I completely failed."

"No," Peter responded forcefully, tightening his hold on her hand, "you . . . are amazing. You . . . did what . . . you thought was . . . right." He whimpered, panting and shivering in the same breath. "You promised . . . you would explain."

It took Violet a moment to understand what he was saying, floored that he wasn't trying to berate her. Then she realized what he was getting at. She sighed. "I was hoping to do that once we were out of immediate danger."

He laughed, "what else . . .are we going . . . to do?"

She bit her lip, trying to stop more tears falling. "It's not a happy story."

"It's not a happy situation," Peter responded, his voice full of assurance despite the chattering teeth. "But I got you, and you got me. That's all that matters."

Violet took a deep breath, "are you sure you want to hear this?"

"Yes," He squeezed her hand tighter, tremors rolling through his grip, "now quit stalling . . . I want to know."

Violet exhaled sharply, "Okay."

Then Violet told the story of a thirteen-year-old girl dressed up as a skeleton who only wanted to spend Halloween with her brother at the carnival and ended up watching him die. She told him about the drugged up Alpha woman who tried to mate that girl against her will and was saved by a beta who knew her pain. She told him about how the girl lived with the pain from that night, and all the nights she was faced with similar circumstances, for the last five years. She told him how Brea Abernathy became Violet Mason. She told him about the monsters that did this to her.

All the while, Peter held her hand and squeezed it gently whenever her voice broke.


The Avengers

Natasha and James were not the type of people who should be messed with. They didn't care for many, but for those lucky enough to earn their affection they swore to protect. Fiercely devoted, unbreakably loyal, and a tad obsessive with a dash of callousness for their actions towards their loved ones. They'd do anything for them, no questions asked. And now, knee deep in the blizzard shutting down all of New York, the pair stood watching the warehouse where the Omegas were kept against their will.

Natasha was embarrassed, and that was definitely not a good mood to catch her in. James was furious, an even worse mood to catch him in. Both of their negative states were focused on one man. Kilgrave. Natasha couldn't wait to enact all the wonderful little fantasies she had on the man, but Violet and Peter took center stage in her mind. James sole focus was on the ins and outs of the place and what to do with the Omegas once Kilgrave was taken care of.

They both knew that Peter was going to be the top priority based on two things. One, he was in heat and needed to be taken care of immediately. Two, Violet wouldn't leave him behind for anything. She stopped the haphazard rescue mission the moment she realized Peter was in heat which unfortunately led the Omegas into this situation. Their wonderful, selfless Omega would willingly hand herself over if it meant getting Peter somewhere safe.

That's what they counted on.

Tony was still at the tower. The storm had made it almost impossible for him and anyone inside to leave, so he opted to run coms and keep everyone in contact with one another while FRIDAY finished fortifying their systems. He too was pissed beyond imagining, but also extremely worried. James could hear the gnashing of his teeth as he spoke to everyone that was able to get to the warehouse.

Natasha and Steve, Happy and 5 of his best men, Sharon Carter, and Hawkeye met up with James and went to alternate parts of the building to ascertain best points of entry. The Snow made it impossible to see into the ground floor, but through the other buildings Hawkeye determined that the second floor contained approximately 5-8 men. Third floor held 2, and the fourth floor was clear. Each man had some type of weapon on them, nothing advanced though. Hired thugs with little to no experience in this kind of thing. Easy pickings.

No sign of Violet or Peter though.

Natasha was not pleased, "do we have schematics on the building?"

"Right here," Steve appeared, holding out his wrist. Through the holographic projector in his watch, the layout of the building appeared in a blue color scheme, just dark enough to see through the snow.

Natasha, Steve, and James studied it. Sharon stood nearby waiting for instructions, Happy and his men surrounded the building, and Hawkeye prepared to start shooting.

"There's no basement, no attic." James listed off.

"They wouldn't be stupid enough to put them on the roof," Steve mentioned off handedly.

"And based off looks I'd say it's still under construction, so they're not shoved in a closet somewhere." Natasha added.

"They have to be on the ground floor," James surmised.

"Which we can't see," Natasha concluded.

Sharon stepped up," we won't be able to storm the place, it'll put them in more danger."

"And we can't risk picking them off from the outside because we don't know how many are with them." Steve grated, waving away the hologram.

Hawkeye spoke through the coms, "Nat, do we still have that kit?"

Natasha thought on it, "yes, why?"

"I think it's our best bet right now."

The group nodded in agreement. The kit Clint was talking about had all the supplies one would need to be completely incognito. Masks, wigs, facial hair, all sorts of prosthetics ranging from beauty marks to scarring, make up sets, and pheromones emitting natural Alpha, Beta, or Omega scents. There were also a range of spare clothes stashed in the trunk of the car that was now partially buried in the snow.

Natasha pulled up a picture of Jessica Jones on her phone and showed it to Sharon.

"You're up. He's never seen you before, and you're a beta like her. We don't have time for spinning rims, just get the look down and come right back out."

Sharon nodded, "how long do I have?"

"Ten minutes," Natasha replied brusquely.

Sharon raced through the snow. Natasha turned back to the warehouse, anger seething through every pore.

When she met Kilgrave, she knew he was unpredictable yet useful. He was the type of off kilter personality they needed to infiltrate the club with the remaining Heads of the rival Mafia organization and get the intel to bring down the last functioning HYDRA trafficking ring. She knew it was bound to blow up in her face, which is why she received permission from Tony in the first place. Everyone knew the risks of employing Kilgrave for the job, but they underestimated the man.

And Natasha would never forgive that.

James reached out and grabbed her glove hand. They looked into each other's eyes, Crimson meeting Burnt Sienna. No guilt, no hatred, nothing but determination and fierce love burning in their eyes. Their grip was tight, their focus on the same person.

"Today's the day," Natasha smirked slightly. To the untrained observer, there was no change in her furious expression. James did though, and he smirked in return.

"No more running," James promised.

"I suppose we'll have to wait on our home for a bit?" She asked, glaring at the snowflakes falling onto their clothes.

James nodded, "just until the snows clear."

"Violet will be devastated leaving Peter, they both will." Natasha stared at the warehouse once more.

"We'll help them get through it." James squeezed her hand, "they need to learn to depend on us first, not each other."

"It won't be easy," Natasha smirked again, both Alphas glancing at each other in unison. "We might be there for months? Maybe a year?"

"If only we could be so lucky," James gave a slight smile, but it was gone in a second. "First we have to deal with him."

Natasha glared at the warehouse, "with pleasure."



Violet and Peter were both a mess, and for very different reasons.

Peter's heat was really getting to him. The slick he was producing covered the floor all around them, his scent emanating from the liquid in a very dangerous way. He needed to get somewhere safe, someplace warm where he'll be cared for. Tears stained his face, groin pushing painfully against the zipper in his pants, and the slick left his bottom very wet, and very cold. Emotionally, he was fine. Violet was with him, and he knew she always would be.

Violet was a wreck because she just explained her life story to her brother for all intents and purposes, and not once did he interrupt her or berate her for everything that's happened to her. He just held her hand and let her cry as she explained her reasons for her actions today. He didn't judge or vilify her. Didn't accuse her of lying or misconstruing things. He took her at her word and remained steady as she totally lost it. Emotionally, she was a mess, but Peter needed her. She stayed strong for him.

The cold was starting to get the them.

Neither Violet nor Peter could see out the windows anymore. Violet couldn't believe the snow had already gotten that high. It'd only been an hour at most. She was also surprised she hasn't seen her captors since they tied them to the pole. She wondered if they just left them freeze to death when they realized a storm was coming in. She wouldn't put it past them. Compared to some of the thugs she's had the displeasure of meeting over the last five years, these guys were amateurs with a capital A.

Who brings a knife to a gun fight? And a really dull one at that. Either he was dragged in off the street because he looked tough, or Kilgrave was dumb just as he was maniacal. Probably both.

Violet hated to admit it, but The Avengers could wipe these guys out in seconds, which didn't bode well for them or her wellbeing, but it did for Peter's, and that's all that mattered.

"Why . . ." Peter started before the shivers racked through him.

Violet took a deep, steadying breath, "Why what, Peter?"

"Why did you w-warn T-T-Tony?" Peter forced through his chattering teeth, "w-why h-help h-him after w-what they d-did?"

"Because they have our friends Peter," a single tear fell from Violet's eye, she fought to keep her voice even. "Jessica, Karen, Wanda and Pietro. They took them the night of the party."

"S-Sam? M-Matt?" Peter inquired. Violet felt him shift to try and look at her.

"Matt escaped, but I don't know about Sam. For all I know they have him too." She hoped. The alternative was not something she could think of right now. "With Madani infiltrating the tower and Frank's penchant for murdering those he believes deserve it, I thought that warning Tony would keep our friends safer than trusting a shady FBI agent."

Peter whimpered, shifting painfully, "it hurts Vi."

"I know," her lip quivered, "but it won't hurt forever. We're going to get out of here, go someplace warm where you can get through this in peace. Then we're going to go to Delmar's sandwich shop. The one near your Aunt and Uncle's place? Remember that?"

"Best sandwiches in Queens," she heard the smile in his voice.

Violet laughed, "Hell yeah. It's been so long since we've been there. I'd be surprised if Mr. Delmar actually remembered us."

"Of course, he will, never f-forgets a f-face."

"That sucks for you. Means he'll remember your ugly mug for the rest of his days."

"He'll also remember you cosplaying as the Mayor from Nightmare Before Christmas."

Violet smiled, "I forgot I did that. What was I? Sixteen?"

"Fifteen. You did it as belated birthday present."

"Because I felt stupid for not realizing we were the same age." Violet shook her head, grinning. "You looked amazing as Jack Skellington though."

"I did, didn't I?" He shivered, but she could hear the laugh in it. "You know, I was originally planning on going as Victor from the Corpse Bride this Halloween, but then the dinner party happened and . . . well you know." Peter trailed off.

"Peter, it's New York. If there isn't a Tim Burton Themed bar somewhere around here we can sneak into, then we'll just have to start one on our own." Peter laughed at that, "and even if we don't, there's always next Halloween."

There was a beat of silence before Peter answered, "if we make it."

Violet's heart broke, "we will," she responded with determination. "What's the Corpse Bride without Victor accidentally proposing to her?"

Peter laughed again, "you'd be my Corpse Bride?"

"Only if you played Victor."

"Sounds like a plan."

"One that will go accordingly," Violet smirked, squeezing his hand.

He squeezed back.

Just when everything seemed okay, despite the freezing cold and constant shivers, their captor finally decided to make his entrance. With a loud crash of steel door hitting the exposed steel in the walls, Violet flinched from the disturbance and Peter yelped in pain at the sharpness of the sound. The man called Kilgrave swaggered over to the pair surrounded by his half-witted thugs.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you two such peas in a pod. It's adorable, let me tell you." He grinned down at the pair, "but I'm afraid I'm going to have to split up this remarkable pairing because the Avengers are at my doorstep waiting to bust in and flay me alive, unless only one Omega is shown, and not the other."

"That's your plan?" Violet taunted, "you're going to use us to bargain with The Avengers?"

"Are you deaf? Yes, that's what I'm going to do!" Kilgrave rolled his eyes at Violet.

"In the middle of a storm that buried the streets around the building in snow." Violet stated flatly, an incredulous look in her eyes. "Meaning you are completely trapped and surrounded by enemies who, as you said yourself, are waiting to flay you alive. Enemies that don't have to look very far to find the missing Omega you're choosing not to bargain with. Not to mention the only help you have available to you are a bunch of amateur thugs that have never done anything this big in their lives. The same wannabes who are pissing their pants at the realization that they're about to head on into a gun fight with The Winter Soldier, who is a sniper, and The Black Widow, who is deadliest assassin known to man." Violet glanced at the thugs, pleased with their nervous reactions, "does that sound like a good idea to you?"

Kilgrave smiled at Violet, "untie them."

The thugs around him worked quickly, despite the nervous shaking in their hands. Once released from their bonds, two thugs grabbed Violet by the arms and forced her to stand in front of Kilgrave. She stared back defiantly as his smile turned into a grin.

"I knew I liked you," he complimented, leaning in to sniff her hair.

She tried kicking him, but the thugs stopped her before she could.

Kilgrave's grin grew, "Such a prize" he murmured before he sighed in defeat. "Unfortunately for you, I only have the patience to deal with one fighter, not two."

Quick as a flash, Kilgrave pulled out a gun, a silencer screwed into the tip, and pointed it at Violet's torso. Violet barely had time to move when he pulled the trigger.

There was a muffled bang, a scream of pain, a scream of terror, and cruel laughter before Violet fell to the cold ground.



James could have sworn he heard a scream. The wind was howling madly outside, so it was hard to tell, but if he had a stack of bibles, he'd swear on them right now that he heard a scream. There was no time to investigate though. Sharon was ready, the weather was getting worse, and they needed to move now.

He and Natasha led the team of Sharon, Steve, and Happy. Happy's men had spread out to cover the exits in case anyone tried to make a run for it. Steve and Happy flanked Sharon, each hand on her arms to make it look like she was being forced in against her will. They trudged through the snow and soon enough were back in the alley where Violet and Peter were taken. The stolen was still parked there.

James kicked the door in disgust. Just a few more minutes, and this would all be over. Violet would be in his arms, Peter would be well taken care of, and Kilgrave will burn alive. A scared man with tribal tattoos on his face opened the door and quickly backed away. James and Natasha quickly pushed past, squashing the urge to slit the thug's throat as they passed.

Immediately they saw Kilgrave wrestling with a very distraught Peter. His face was red from crying, sobbing horribly into the hand Kilgrave was using to gag the Omega. Natasha cocked out an eyebrow, shocked this man would blatantly show the Avengers his abusive treatment towards the Omega. It was a good thing Tony literally couldn't get here, or else Kilgrave would be dead before they could get Violet and Peter to safety.

Speaking of, where was Violet?

"Good of you to join us," Kilgrave grinned, eyes manic. "This lovely Omega here was just telling me about how much he loves the beaches in Santa Monica. And I can't help but agree. I love the beaches there. So, I told him if he was a good Omega, then he and his little friend can come and join me. What do you say? Think that Tony Stark would allow this lovely creature on a weekend getaway with a real Alpha?"

"We're here to trade," James ignored Kilgrave's jibes, "Your Beta for the two Omegas, per your request."

Kilgrave clicked his tongue, "Well see, there's going to be a slight problem with that."

Peter suddenly fought harder, brown eyes pleading to James, gesturing with bound hands towards a door behind him and Kilgrave and to the left. Kilgrave saw what he was doing, and reflexively moved his hand from his mouth to stop his hands from moving.

That was a mistake.

"He shot her! He shot-" Peter sobbed before the hand was placed back over his mouth.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the Omega needing their help, not the imminent dead man hurting the Omega. Not the thugs who suddenly stiffed and looked two seconds from running away, not the blizzard outside threatening to bury them beneath the snow, not the team that stood behind them backing them every step of the way. Nothing. Nothing mattered except Violet.

James heart dropped from his body; Natasha's was stuck in her throat. Neither moved. They doubted they could. Except for that door. They both already were.

Until Kilgrave pulled out a gun and put it to Peter's head.

"Now, now let's not get hasty. I still have an Omega to bargain with and based on the smell of him I'm sure Stark would love to have him back alive. Am I right?"

James and Natasha didn't say a word. If looks could kill, Kilgrave would be on fire already and burning for thousands of years.

Peter continued to sob, "Oh hush now, the girl had it coming. Too much spirit in her, far too much. If I didn't have Jessica, I would have loved to have taken the chance to tame the fire inside of her. Alas, I do have Jessica, so all I could do was simply snuff the fire out." He shook Peter gently, "don't you worry. I'm sure Stark will find you another lovely friend to banter with in no time." He winked at Natasha, who showed no emotion on her face. "Speaking of Jessica, come forth darling."

"Peter first," Steve commanded, stepping forward with Sharon who kept head down, allowing the black wig to cover her face.

"You already lost one Omega; do you really want to lose the other?" Kilgrave threatened, pressing the gun harder against Peter's temple. "Bring her over, now!"

Steve glanced at Happy, who shrugged. In unison, they moved forward with Sharon, nonchalantly glancing at James and Natasha as they passed.

This was bad.

In moments the three were a few feet in front of Kilgrave, who smiled like he just won the lottery instead of a one-way ticket to Hell.

"Let me see you," he urged, eyes filled with manic obsession. "Let me see your face."

In the span of 10 seconds, multiple things happened.

First, Sharon pulled off the wig and gave Kilgrave a cruel smile.

Second, Kilgrave reared back and started shouting.

Third, Peter bit into Kilgrave's hand and tried to run away, but Kilgrave held on.

Fourth, Steve and Happy each pulled out a gun, aiming it for Kilgrave. Natasha and James pulled out knives, ready to rip the man apart. Sharon stood at the ready in front of them, ready to grab Peter.

Fifth, a loud shot rang through the air, connecting with Kilgrave's left calf.

Sixth, Kilgrave released Peter and turned to face the one that shot him.

Seventh, Sharon grabbed Peter and pulled him away from the fight.

Eighth, Steve and Happy surged forward to apprehend Kilgrave.

Ninth, Natasha and James dropped their weapons and stared in shock.

And finally, Tenth, Violet emerged from the doorway Peter previously pointed too with a bloody hand pressed to her left side and a gun aiming at Kilgrave in the other.

"You have shitty aim," she quipped before falling unconscious to the floor