
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Long Way to Go

Main Room

James and Natasha

James was not the type to get nervous. Particularly in terms of impending conversations with those he cares about. In this case, with Violet's imminent rage and the memories of seeing her so soft and needy as she held onto him like a lifeline, the nervousness was warranted. How should he approach this? Should he remain the same as always, stoic and silent while Natasha went about her usual way? Should he take the lead like Natasha gave him the go ahead to do while she took his normal part of the stoic and silent backer?

He wasn't sure what the best thing to do is. It might be time for a change since their tactics have only driven Violet further away and caused her to have a nightmare. Granted, the nightmare was both a blessing and a curse for the Alphas. Blessing because they got to experience the soft interior, they knew their darling still possessed. No matter how much of a tough exterior she puts up to protect it, it was there. Curse because of the sheer pain she went through, pain James and Natasha quickly planned to rectify by hunting the ones responsible down and giving them what they deserve. Their original tactics might have given them something bittersweet to ponder, it was time for a change.

James just couldn't decide the best way to go about this was, particularly with what they needed to discuss with her today.

Natasha rubbed a soothing hand up and down his right shoulder, grabbing his attention and keeping it there with a joyful smile.

"Wanda just sent a message, they're on their way."

James grunted in response, unsure of what to say, and nodded to his lover.

"I must admit, I doubted we would get to this moment. What with the five-year absence, the near captures, her surprising escapes, death on her doorstep," Natasha shook her head, "and yet here we are. Our chosen finally in our grasp and on her way home. Can you believe it?"

James smirked, "yes." He turned to face Natasha, his metal fingers reaching up to trace the line of her jaw, "she's meant for us."

"She is," Natasha grinned, grasping the metal and kissing the palm of it, "and we're meant for her too."

It was the one thing the pair of them believed in amongst everything else. The one thing that gave them hope during these dark and confusing times. The one thing that gave them the strength to do what needed to be done.

The sound of a door opening down the long, expansive hallway alerted the Alphas to the Omegas near arrival. Natasha was in front of James in a flash, fixing his jacket and messing with his hair so it looked the right amount of unkempt, and then standing beside in their unified manner. James took a breath, reaching out and squeezing Natasha's hand gently.

A few minutes later, Wanda walked through the hallway with their very angry, very reluctant Omega trailing behind her with a stiff, distrustful look on her face.

She wore the clothes Natasha picked out for her. James didn't have to look to know how elated his lover was at the sight of Violet. He also knew that she too sensed the distrust, discomfort, and dismay their Omega was going through as those sky-blue eyes (not starry yet, but they would be soon) glanced about the hallway with disinterest. The blue jacket complimented Violet's complexion particularly well, though she was still too pale and thin for their liking. One of the few things they intended to fix.

Wanda gestured towards the lounge area where James and Natasha awaited Violet. Their chosen stepped over the threshold of the entrance into the room before looking to see who was inside. Instantly, the moment her eyes landed on the Alphas, the blue darkened and shooting god sparks were revealed once more. Her jaw and general demeanor tensed up as well. Her foot subconsciously stepping back to leave the room.

Wanda stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on Violet's shoulder before she could follow through with her instinctual plan.

"Just hear them out. All they're going to do is talk. You don't have to say anything or respond to them, just listen to what they need to say. Please?"

Violet glared at her friend for a good moment. James could easily see her booking it right then and there. She was a fighter, unafraid of risk, but she was also smart and fiercely loyal. She has enough sense to see how precarious her situation is, how trying and futile any attempt at an escape would be at this point in time. She also didn't know where Peter was, and for everything James has learned about his chosen, he knew her loyalty would always outweigh her sense.

She wouldn't leave a friend behind.

Like he predicted, Violet ended up rolling her eyes and firmly stepping away from the entrance and into the lounge where James and Natasha were waiting. She didn't go near them, opting to head towards the black leather couches and falling down into them face first, groaning in discomfort due to her still healing gunshot wound. If she kept aggravating it James feared it would never truly heal. But if this is what Violet needed to do to feel some semblance of control than he would reluctantly go along with it.

For now.

Upon her arrival, both James and Natasha followed their darling's movements with their own, unafraid and unashamed of their obvious interest in their Omega. The moment she purposefully collapsed headfirst onto the leather couch; James stood in front of her fallen form with an amused smile. "Enjoying the smell? I've heard it's quite odorous to say the least."

"Especially with the amount of times we've fucked or caught the rest of the team fucking in that very spot," Natasha added on with a smirk from behind Violet, blatantly ogling their darling's ass.

Violet growled, using her arms to push her torso up slightly to glare up at James, the starry eyes affecting him deeply in many, many ways. "I once hid out in the sewer system for three days tracking down an Alpha who butchered a friend of mine. Even if I could smell what you're referring to, it's not going to gross me out. The only thing that consistently disgusts me is the scent of an Alpha. Now tell me what you need to say before I decide opting out might be the better option for me than listening to your bullshit."

James lost his smirk. Natasha stopped ogling. The two stared at her, appraising her threat.

She rolled her eyes, "what, no come back?" She pushed off the couch, standing resolutely in between them, cruel amusement. "No witty retort laced with sexual assault. No table flipping or any other forceful reaction to put me in place. Nothing? Really?" Violet taunted, sauntering away from the Alphas as she mocked them.

"Violet," Wanda chimed in from the entrance, having not left the room yet. "Please give them a chance."

"I did, and they decided to tease me with sex smells before going mute on me."

"Violet-" Wanda attempted to calm her friend, but Violet's had enough.

She stepped on the leather cushions and gingerly jumped over the back of the couch, heading straight for the entrance door. "I'm going to hide in my fancy prison cell, making no noise and pretending I don't exist. Would've worked for Harry if Dobby hadn't shown up and messed with the Dursley's evening. Think I'll make it to Hogwarts if I succeed?" Violet gave Wanda a shit-eating grin before abruptly pushing past her.

"If you stay, we'll teach you how to fight," James spoke abruptly, eyes intense on Violet's retreating form.

James ignored the sharp look Natasha gave him. His undivided attention was solely on the way Violet instantly stopped moving at his statement. He could see the thoughts whirling around in her mind, debating on whether to trust his words or if it was simply another manipulation. It wasn't. James quickly and quietly followed Violet's path to the entrance where she stood like a statue, confusion and distrust on her face. Natasha followed alongside him.

"Violet," James whispered once they were a few feet behind her, "we asked you what you wanted yesterday, and this was your request."

"Right as she was feeling me up and you forced me into the bed," Violet shot back in a small voice.

"Which I stopped doing once you asked me too," Natasha cut in, her tone matching James and Violet's.

"You didn't the other times," Violet growled, her head briefly twitching towards the assassin before turning away.

"You're right, I didn't. I didn't stop the other times because everyone needs to know that you are not some battered Omega ripe for the taking, you are one of the Avengers chosen and not to be trifled with-"

"I am not your fucking Chosen!" Violet turned violently towards Natasha, the gold streaks in her eyes aflame like comets, "and how dare you use that bullshit Alpha superiority filled excuse! You think you were actually protecting me?!"

"How many Alphas bothered you the moment someone saw us courting you?" Natasha shot back, stepping forward slightly. James stopped her advance with a firm look.

"Kilgrave and his goons you dumb bitch!" Violet shouted, "I almost died because of that motherfucker, and more importantly Peter could have been seriously hurt! He was in heat for Christ's sake!"

"Our courting of you," James interrupted, stepping firmly between the women with his hands held out in a nonthreatening gesture, "has put many people at risk. You, your friends, innocent bystanders, and many others."

"No shit Sherlock," Violet interrupted, her voice slightly calmer than before, "do you need Dr. Watson to point out any more obvious facts for you?"

James smirked, "how many pop culture references are you planning on making today?"

"However many comes to mind," Violet responded bluntly, tone deadpan.

James grunted in amusement before continuing, "the point is, no matter how we got to this point, this is where we're at." James stopped briefly, glancing at Natasha who gave him an encouraging nod before continuing, "we have a lot to make up for, a long road to go if we're to ever earn each other's trust, and if you're amenable, I'd like to start with this."

James nodded to Wanda, who brushed past Violet and moved towards a nearby dresser. Violet watched her friend carefully while glancing back repeatedly to Alphas intense red stares. Wanda gently pulled open the top drawer, dug inside for a moment, and pulled out a blue box tied with a gold ribbon. Closing the drawer behind her, Wanda briskly moved until she was in front of Violet and held out the box for her to take.

Violet glared at the box. Blue and gold room? Blue and gold box? Do these people have hang-ups on specific color choices? Weirdos on top of murderers. A great combination.

"It's okay," Wanda whispered, assuring her friend, "you'll like it."

James hoped she would.

With a defeated sigh, Violet relented and took the box from Wanda's shaky grasp. She pulled off the gold ribbon, handing it to Wanda who immediately started wrapping it through her wavy mane of red hair, tying it in a delicate bow. Violet rolled her eyes at that, murmuring, "okay Belle," under her breath while lifting the lid on the box.

James smiled at the way Violet's eyes widened in surprise at the gift inside. He watched her in awe as she grabbed the gift and dropped the box to the floor. Her eyes were glued to it, holding it gently with a loose grip.

"It's a Ka-bar combat knife. The most reliable weapon in any fighter's arsenal. It's issued to every soldier going into battle." James briefly explained, smiling at Natasha when she started rubbing his human shoulder in assurance. "Frank wanted to give that to you before he left, but he was unable too." James took a deep breath, "that was your Dad's."

For the first since they've met, Violet's gaze met James without any malice. No signs of distrust, reluctance, anger, nothing. Only shock, a desperate unspoken plea willing him to speak the truth to her. James wasn't prepared for that, or for his reaction to that wonderful look in those suddenly innocent eyes. It was like he was comforting her all over again amid her terrible nightmare. Her lower lip trembled slightly, and suddenly he was moving towards her.

"This isn't a manipulation," he started, forcing himself to stop five feet from her so he didn't get to far into her personal space. "It's not a ploy to win you over or a terrible trick meant to hurt you. We're giving this to you because your Father would want you to have it."

"No, he wouldn't," Violet whispered, shaking her head slightly, "he wouldn't want a killer for a daughter."

"Weapons only go where the owner decides. They only murder and maim when the owner commands it so. Are you going to choose to kill another person? Or are you going to use it to defend yourself?"

Those starry eyes began to fill with tears, "what's the difference?"

James heart began to break, "we'll teach you," he bowed his head slightly, "if you'll trust us to do it."

Violet looked down at the blade. It was old, hadn't been polished or clean in years, but it's certainly been sharpened and well used thanks to Frank. The black handle was worn. Brea was eloquently engraved in the blade; Violet was scratched in beneath it.

"Why would Frank trust you?" Violet asked shakily.

"We served together, trusted one another. When we make a promise, we keep it. I've never broken my word to him, and he's never broken his word to me."

"What promise did you make, exactly?"

"I promised that you will be safe with us, and this," he gestured to the knife in her hands, "will help us keep that promise."

"You do realize that whatever you teach me I can use against you too, right?"

"We know," Natasha spoke up, "which is where the rules start to come into play."

Violet stiffened back up, blinking away the unshed tears. Her grip tightening on the blade. "What's the price?"

Natasha glanced at James, squeezing his human arm gently before walking ahead to stand face to face with Violet. Their wonderful, fierce chosen refused to back down. She straightened her back defiantly, and boldly stared back.

Natasha smiled, "the price is simple, and not at all invasive. First, the skills we teach you cannot be used on us except in circumstances where you feel we are in danger of breaking our promise to Frank. You cannot outright attack us in an effort to escape or act out against us. Self-defense only."

"What if it's to protect someone else?"

Natasha paused, "should that situation arise, we'll use our best judgement. The results of how we handle that situation will determine the answer to that question. Fair?"

Violet's jaw tensed, "surprisingly yes."

"Good," Natasha nodded, "we'll go into how the lessons will fold out when James and I return."

Violet's eyes popped open at that, glancing at the pair of them, "wait, you're leaving?"

"Unfortunately, yes." James cut in, walking forward to stand next to Natasha, "we have some business that needs to be handled quickly before it gets out of hand. Most of us will be gone but FRIDAY and Jarvis will keep an eye on you and the rest in our absence."

"Which brings us to our final point," Natasha's burnt sienna gaze hardened considerably, stance tensing uncomfortably. "We're not sure how long we'll be gone. Could be hours, could be days, could be an inordinate amount of time that is out of our control. During our absence, I ask that you remain here with Peter, and the rest of the chosens that are due to arrive soon. If you do, then you will find life at the tower most agreeable. If you refuse, and attempt to escape, then life will not be as kind to you. Do you understand?"

Violet glared at the assassin, jaw tensing painfully. The alphas waited with bated breath. James saw Wanda pleading with tear-stricken eyes towards Violet, who wasn't so much as glancing at her. Her gaze refused to leave Natasha's.

Violet suddenly stepped forward, so close their bodies almost touched, affecting James in an inappropriate way.

"Crystal," Violet responded, reaffirming her grip on her father's knife hanging surely in her right hand at her side.