
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Living Weapon

Xavier's School

Erik Lehnsherr

5 P.M.

Both Charles and Erik made a point to not see one another unless it was absolutely necessary. Anything ranked lower than Birthdays and other celebrations (including such events) warranted only phone calls and gifts through the mail. Not because they didn't enjoy one another's company, if anything they enjoyed it a bit too much, it just worked best for them this way. Each had their own plans, their own dreams and desires neither wanted the other to change. Charles had his vision of peace and prosperity. Erik had his own.

Charles' vision meant peace for all mankind. Peace where children could play outside without parents worrying for their safety. A life with dreams fulfilled and not a soul going hungry or suffering in the cold. A life where War was a bad dream and people conversed with their words, not with fists and weapons of mass destruction. A life where people are free and happy.

Erik's vision was similar to Charles. He too wanted peace in this world. For war to fade away, to banish hunger and misery from existence. The difference lies in who gets to experience his vision. Alphas and Omegas alone. In Erik's mind, Betas don't deserve to know peace when they haven't experienced the harsh expectations based on their second gender. That, and those who dare to believe Omegas are the bottom of the trash heap as everyone so callously treats them to be, and Alphas are superior cunts who deserve to be at the top of the world.

An Alphas top priority is to protect and care for their Omega with all their hearts and will. As long as their Omega is safe and cared for, they can live their lives as they please. They shouldn't be constrained to only being caretakers when they were human too. Omegas are not only breeders; they are arguably more human than the rest and should be allowed to live as such. This is what Erik saw, what he believes more than anything, and unlike Charles he wasn't afraid nor reluctant to violence when called for.

Their difference of opinion has caused the Alpha and Omega somewhat of a rift throughout the years. As such, they've decided to keep a safe difference from one another to ensure they don't fall into the temptation of changing the other's mind, or cause Charles anymore distress. Erik hated the thought of seeing his friend hurting so, especially because of him. So, the agreement was made. This resulted in them only seeing one another during rather important occasions, Charles heats in particular. Sadly, due to his spinal injury and increasing age, Erik's visits were becoming less frequent.

It affected Charles more deeply than he would ever admit, not that it ever fooled Erik. Charles was always good with people, looking past their facades and finding their true selves. His unique talent helped Charles with more than his fair share of distraught students over the years. Erik was even better where Charles was concerned, not so much with other people though. Makes sense considering the bond the two share for one another. Even with their time apart, it was unbreakable.

Charles was currently in his study, reading "The Once and Future King" by T.H. White, one of his absolute favorite books, while waiting for Erik's arrival. The sun was beginning to set, coloring the clear sky with its beautiful amber glow, shining on Charles kind, soft form as his gentle blue eyes zipped through the pages, taking in every word with tempered joy.

Erik waited by the door, a rare smile on his handsome face as he leaned against the wooden paneling, gazing at Charles and the way he thrived in his element. It's been nearly 3 months since he's last stepped foot in his Omega's prestigious school. 3 months since he was graced with the glow that inhabited Charles wherever he went. 3 months since he's felt whole. Erik wore a black knit sweater over grey slacks and matching black wing tip shoes. Black fedora and trench coat slung over his left arm almost completely forgotten.

"Teaching suits you," Erik spoke, dark blue eyes melting at Charles reaction.

Charles closed his eyes briefly, his kind smile growing considerably at the sound of Erik's voice. He closed his book gently, turning slightly in his chair to return the Alpha's gaze. "As does traveling for you."

Erik's smile grew, "hello old friend."

"It's good to see you, Erik." Charles pressed forward on the panel in his chair, taking him and his book to the nearby bookcase. "How was your journey? Comfortable, I hope?"

"It was quick, which seemed necessary after your phone call." Erik placed his coat and hat on a nearby chair before turning to face Charles, placing his hands inside his pockets.

"It is, and I thank you for your promptness," Charles responded, slotting his book back into its original spot.

"So," Erik started, crossing the short distance to lean against the bookcase next to his Omega, "what's this all about? What's the reason behind the urgency?"

"There are some photos on my desk," Charles smiled up at Erik, his tempered joy now unbridled, barely contained, "I'd like you to take a look at them."

Erik cocked his head, unsure of whether he should join in Charles happiness, or be weary. They often had differences of opinion and he didn't want to upset him, not when he looked so happy to begin with. That being said, with a sigh and a wink, Erik did as Charles bid. He walked towards the desk with slight apprehension, increased by the whirring motor in Charles wheelchair. Once there, he spared Charles one last glance before turning his attention to the plethora of photos spread in single file rows all along the mahogany desk.

At first glance, he could easily see all photos contained the same two people. Children in his eyes, no older than 16. The boy was happy and well taken care of. He didn't grasp Erik's attention. His focus was solely on the girl. She was certainly hard to miss with the curly mop of messy, short red hair flopping about. Even harder when the red was died an unflattering shade of blue. She got thinner and sicker as his eyes descended down the line of photos. He was more than a little surprised when her smile refused to fade, even when her eyes grew cold when she was in photos without the boy.

If Erik hadn't been paying attention, he'd say they were siblings based on the comradery between the pair. He was angry at how he thrived while she began to fade before everyone's eyes. Did anyone do anything to help her? Did this boy even notice? Surely, he had too? If he didn't then he was blind, if he did than he was selfish and heartless.

Or perhaps there was something else at play here.

Erik studied the girl's face. Took in the scars, the sick pallor of her skin, the thin and gangly nature of her body. The unblemished smile with the boy, the sardonic smirk when she was alone or with anyone else. The warmth in the sky-blue eyes versus the naturally cold demeanor he assumed they had become. The state of her hands which appeared bruised or covered with gauze in far too many of these photos.

How many times has this girl given everything only to have nothing granted in return?

It was when he was studying the girls face, he finally saw it. It was in a photo where she and the boy were at Central Park, sitting at the fountain and enjoying what had to be a lovely sunny day. She had a red guitar in hand, he had a laptop resting on his knees. It must have been summertime because it was one of the very few where she wasn't wearing that damn air force hoody that needed to go to the trash heap immediately. She wore baggy jeans that were ripped at the knees, black doc martens that have seen better days, a red and blue hued tie died sleeveless shirt that read, "Tomorrow Never Knows" in big, bold, black lettering. Her neck was completely bare, that awful blue hair mostly pulled back in a grey Air Force baseball cap, perfectly matching the damn hoody.

In that moment, Erik realized why Charles called him here. Why this was so important. Erik felt his body fall backward, quickly steadied his Omega's surprisingly sure grip. "I knew you would find it," Charles quietly rejoiced, gently guiding Erik to a nearby chair at the edge of his warm study.

Two scent glands. The girl, the Omega had two scent glands. Just like Charles.

The next moment, he sank into the cushioned chair, and Charles was in front of him holding his free hand.

"Do you realize what this means?" Charles whispered, squeezing Erik's hand gently.

"She has two," Erik responded, his voice dazed, "she's like you."

Charles nodded happily, "I'm not the only one. I can help her; we can help her. That is if she wants our help, of course. I wouldn't dream of forcing our presence on the poor girl. I'm sure her life hasn't been easy given she's more advanced than others who share our second nature. If it's anything like I experienced before we met, then we should certainly proceed with caution. Don't you agree?"

"Yes," Erik responded, returning Charles squeeze as his diverted to the Omega. "Charles, I know you're rather excited about this discovery, and such warrants the trip, but when you called your tone made the situation sound much more urgent than it appears to be right now. Is there more to this than you've told me?"

Charles smile dimmed considerably, a weariness colored his Omega's often expression and revealed his anxiety.

"There is something, and it is the reason why I needed you here quickly. I need your help, Alpha. Violet and Peter are in grave danger."

Erik laughed gently, leaning forwards slightly, "Charles, you're the most influential man in the world. No one can keep you at bay. All you need to do is ask one of your X-Men and they'll see it done. How can I possibly help in ways that they can't?"

"Because I don't think like you do, Erik. I have not experienced violence and warfare as you have." Charles breathed in a shaky breath, holding onto Erik like a lifeline, "and if these children are to survive, they need you at the helm of my X-Men. Not me."

Erik's brief amusement disappeared instantly, cold awareness slithering down his spine. "Violence? Warfare? What kind of trouble are these children involved in?"

Charles shook his head, "not what, Erik. Who?"

Erik dared to ask, "Who then?"

Charles answer didn't disappoint Erik, "The Avengers. Tony Stark is in the process of claiming Peter as his chosen. For Violet, both the Black Widow and the Winter Soldier have named her their chosen as well."

Erik Lehnsherr has only ever felt fear, true fear that incapacitates and leaves frozen to his core, three times in his life. First, when his mother died right in front of him fighting off the recruiters who came at his Father's behest to take him to an Alpha camp to be trained. Second when Charles went into heat while he was on business in Germany and ended up in the hospital, never to walk again. Third was today. This moment right now.

The Avengers used to do good, earning their name by taking out foreign enemies and stopping wars before they started. Now, to Erik and everyone he knows, they were nothing more than the deadliest and most terrifying living weapon in all of history. These Omegas, sweet Peter and unique Violet, were all but lost for good. Once the Avengers chose you, there's no going back. The only way is forward. Either into their inescapable embrace, or into a grave of your choosing. Nothing has ever changed that, and Erik doubted anyone ever could.

Erik looked into Charles warm, kind eyes. So many emotions filled him as he looked at his Omega. Thankful that Charles was never snatched up by those monsters and terrified it could still happen. Charles had a scent gland that's never been taken, if any of those things in that damn tower chose to fix that there was nothing Erik could do about it without getting himself killed or Charles hurt. He feared for the girl and the boy, and oddly enough hoped they would be the ones to change the unspoken rule of an Avengers chosen. Most of all Erik felt defeat.

Charles was going to do this, go on this suicide mission to save the two Omegas with or without Erik's help. Yet, he called Erik because he wanted his Alpha to have a say in his unspoken decision. Erik could always read Charles. It was right there in those wonderful eyes, pleading with his Alpha.

The top priority of any Alpha is to protect and care for his Omega. If Charles was so adamant about this, then Erik will be damned if he didn't go along with him. With a sigh, Erik straightened up, giving the picture back to his Omega, and nodded in assurance.

"If we're going against the Living Weapon that is the Avengers, then we're going to need living weapons ourselves."

"Mr. Wilson has already signed on," Charles stated quickly, his smile returning, "and the X-Men are fully onboard."

Erik nodded, "they'll be good to have, but you know who I'm really referring too. Don't you?"

Charles nodded, "I haven't been able to contact him. Logan isn't the type that likes to be tied down. He tends to check in once or twice a week though, and from my understanding he rarely strays more than a day's drive from the school in case there's an emergency."

"Is there anyone who can get ahold of him? I don't want us acting without the best fighters both available and loyal to the cause."

"One of my students might. I'll go talk to her as soon as we're done here." Charles squeezed Erik's hand once more, "thank you, Alpha."

Erik leaned forward without a thought, his free grasping his Omega's chin, gently enough so that he could move away if he wanted, "anything for you Charles, anything." Erik promised surely, confidently. Then he kissed his Omega with fear and passion, joy and anger, and was more than delighted when Charles kissed back.