
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

I Love You Kid

Next Morning


The room Violet woke up in was not the same one she fell asleep. She remembered the cold, barren emptiness in the metallic, stylish, and elegant scheme of the Med Bay. This, however, was vastly different.

The first thing Violet noticed was the bed. It was bigger, comfier, like moving from a lumpy futon to an expansive cloud made of marshmallow fluff and snow that never melted. The pillows her head was resting on held the same fluffy state. Her limbs were no longer bound, moving about freely as she stretched out from the fetal position she slept in, and sighed in relief as her spine popped in multiple places.

The next thing she noticed was the lack of clothing she had on her. She distinctly remembered wearing sweats and hoody that were far too big on her, rolled and bunched up in random places as she moved in her sleep. Now, there was nothing there. Just exposed skin feeling the smooth cotton of the sheets she was wrapped up in from her feet to her face.

She opened her eyes, nervous as can be.

She was wrapped up in blue. A dark blue comforter with gold stars, blue sheets, blue pillowcases, fluffy gold pillows on either end of the bed. She lifted the fabric and cringed. The clothes Peter found for her in the Med Bay were gone, but at least she still had her underwear and sports on leaving her some semblance of dignity. The bandages on her left side were new, redressed during the night. Her body stiffened as the cool air touched her skin.

"It's all right," a calm voice spoke.

Violet looked up anxiously, unprepared for anyone to see her in this vulnerable state, then she relaxed.

It was Wanda.

She looked better. Relaxed, almost glowing whilst sitting in the red leather chair at the foot of Violet's bed. The near permanent bags under her eyes were almost gone. Dark hair fluffy and shiny, hanging past her shoulders in waves, the same way she does it when she goes out on dates. Her skin looked fresh; stress free. She wore an oversized cream-colored sweater over black leggings. Nails on her hands and feet painted scarlet red. Her smile was warm, bright eyes melting with joy as she stared at Violet's increasingly confused form.

What was going on here?

Violet looked around the room. It was big and spacious, the walls a cool blue that complimented stark darkness of the blue in her bed. It made her think of night and day. There were four doors, dark mahogany in color, throughout the room. Two were interconnected directly in front of the bed, which led Violet to assume the closet was behind it. The doorway to the far-right side of the room was slightly ajar, allowing Violet to see the black marble floors and white marble countertops beneath the dimly lit mirror. That was the bathroom. Which left the last door on the wall Violet's back was too and to the right of her was the she believed to be the exit.

Violet instantly moved towards it, but Wanda waved her off, standing to her feet as she did.

"Don't worry, you are completely safe." Wanda smiled, rubbing her hands together eagerly. "Besides, you don't want to go running around in just your underwear. Let me get you some clothes."

"Where am I, exactly?" Violet could help but ask, already knowing at least part of the answer.

"You're still in the tower," Wanda answered calmly, turning away and heading towards the foot of the bed, "I had you moved from the Med Bay last night."

"Why?" Violet grated, shaking her head slightly, "and why are you here? Peter told me they released everyone."

Wanda stilled, biting her lip, "You had another nightmare last night. I moved you here in order to help you sleep better. It worked." She grabbed a dark bundle and tossed it to Violet. "Put those on, they should fit you."

Violet didn't respond, catching the bundle with ease before slowly moving out of the starry bed. The mahogany floors matched the dark wood of the doors, and cool to the touch. A shiver went down her spine just as started unraveling the bundle on the bed.

She grimaced at the choices. The plain white cotton t-shirt was fine, even though it looked just about her size (she liked baggy, not fit), same with the navy blue zip up hoody, but the short as fuck black biker shorts that definitely look to fit her body like a glove was far past her comfort zone. She didn't want to show off her body. Blame it on all the perverts over the past five years who considered it an invitation when she wore a simple pair of shorts or wore a shirt that revealed just a hint of cleavage. She hated showing off her body, and now it seemed like those fucking Alphas were going to force her to do so.

Just when she was about to start screaming and break shit, Wanda pulled out another bundle.

"The shorts go underneath these," she quickly tossed it to Violet, "the heater's going full blast, but the tower is still drafty. It's to help keep you warm, not show off your ass." Wanda reassured her, knowing Violet only too well.

Violet breathed a sigh of relief when she unrolled the second bundle to find a pair of charcoal grey sweatpants. Sadly, not oversized, but it was far better than being forced to walk around in tight shorts that did nothing but accentuate her ass. Before she could overthink the situation, Violet quickly got dressed, starting with the t-shirt.

Less than 30 seconds later, Violet zipped up the hoody and turned to face Wanda. She smiled at her fellow Omega encouragingly, nodding towards the bathroom door.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth. I have something I need to give you before we take a tour of the floor."

"Why would I want a tour of the floor? Shouldn't we be trying to, I don't know, escape this place and run for our lives?" Violet shrugged, looking at Wanda incredulously, questioning her sanity.

Wanda sighed, "Violet, it's the Avengers. There's no escaping and running away from them. The best thing to do right now is hunker down and go with the flow."

Violet knew Wanda really meant endure with her statement, but Violet didn't take it as such.

"Give up? That's you're grand plan? Give up and let them treat us as submissive slaves and broken pets? That the best you have to offer?"

"They are not going to treat us that way." Wanda responded vehemently.

"How can you possibly know that?"

"Because if that was their true intention all our friends, including myself, would have been treated as such already. We wouldn't have been released, we wouldn't have been reimbursed for our captivity, and most importantly, you and Peter would be wearing collars and chained inside of a kennel waiting for your master to fill your water bowl instead of waking up in the equivalent of a five star hotel with a dear friend explaining the situation to you." Wanda answered in an increasing cold, pained tone.

Violet wanted to step forward, yell at Wanda for foolishly believing they were safe when they clearly weren't, but she didn't. Wanda, no matter how put together and relaxed she appeared, was like all others who have experienced trauma in their lives. She's lived the nightmare Violet so callously mentioned. She was treated like a broken household pet who couldn't be trained, forced into a submissive position by her former Alpha and raped repeatedly over the stupidest reasons. "The saltshakers are in the wrong spot!" "You took too long getting my beer!" "You sneezed in front of my guest!" "You gave me the wrong beer!" etc.

In truth, Wanda knew the cruelty of Alphas more than Violet ever could.

"I'm sorry I mentioned it, I wasn't thinking." Violet backed down, lowering her head slightly.

Wanda backed down as well, "you're scared. For Peter, for me, for yourself. It's understandable to expect those things when you've seen the aftermath on so many, heard the stories from many more, and experienced a fair few of those traumas yourself. I know you're just looking out for us, and I will always be grateful to you for that." Wanda moved towards Violet until she stood directly in front of her, resting her small hands on Violet's stuff shoulders. "But I think it's time you let us look after you, especially after what happened last night."

Violet's expression colored with confusion, "what do you mean? What happened last night?"

"You had a nightmare-" Wanda started until Violet quickly interrupted.

"I'm well aware of the nightmare. It's one of the few that just won't leave me alone, probably because it feeds off my screams or some shit. What else happened?"

Wanda took a breath, "well, to calm you down, I brought in some whiskey and soaked a rag in it and . . ." Wanda trailed off, grimacing in embarrassment.

It didn't immediately click to Violet. What could Wanda be embarrassed about witnessing? Then, with a combination of Wanda's expression and the comforting appearance of her dad along with Wanda's mention of whiskey, Violet realized what Wanda was talking about. Her head back with a loud pop in her upper spine, hands instinctually moving up to cover her face as she groaned.

"Oh God," Violet's nails dug into her scalp, "please tell me this is a joke."

"When have I ever lied to you?" Wanda smiled, rubbing Violet's shoulders soothingly.

"Oh God," Violet repeated, squeezing her eyes shut so tightly she thought they might burst.

Brea came out, and Wanda saw it. If Wanda saw it, who else did?

"What did I say?" Violet grated, trying to avoid going down the mental blackhole that was making way for her as she spoke.

"Just more of the same. How much you missed your dad, how you don't want to be alone anymore."

"Was anyone else there?" Violet wheezed, fighting to keep her breath under control.

If she wasn't careful, she would dive headfirst into a panic attack. Something she really couldn't afford to happen right now.

"Do you really think I'd allow anyone near you other than Pietro while you were experiencing a nightmare?" Wanda answered, giving Violet the stank eye.

Violet shrugged, feeling slightly foolish for letting the distrustful though worm it's way to her mouth. "Sorry."

"You're forgiven," Wanda squeezed her shoulders once more, "now go wash your face and brush your teeth. We have plenty to do today."

Violet sighed, but halfhearted saluted to Wanda as she walked towards the open bathroom door and did as instructed.

Wanda stayed behind in the expansive bedroom, feeling both terrible and relieved. She hated lying to her friend. Violet was a true sister and guardian to Wanda during her darkest times. Always willing to help her even with the strangest of requests. Ranging from grocery shopping to oiling up her back and giving her a delightful massage when Wanda felt like her heat was on its way. There wasn't a thing Violet wouldn't do for her and the rest of their friends if any of them were selfish enough to ask. It was a shame that Violet believed they wouldn't do the same for her.

Wanda wanted to help her, and this was the best way how.

An Omega with two scent glands, two marks to be mated and bound to two separate Alphas, needed just that if they were to live happy, long lives. Wanda has heard Violet go through her heats in the past, and it was only by the miracle of miracles that her dearest friend was still alive and well. The pain alone should have killed her long ago. No Omega should through a heat like that, and with two Alphas looking after Violet now, she no longer would.

Wanda has tried living without an Alpha to guide her, but it was only putting unnecessary pressure on both Pietro and Violet, her family. She would have no more of that. This whole experience has proved a fact that Wanda has long believed in. An Omega can't live without their Alpha, they're simply too weak or too chaotic to function without the steady, sure authority they provide them. Even with all the horrors Baron inflicted upon her, Wanda's mind has not changed.

And neither has Frank's.

He dropped in to see Violet in the wee hours of the morning after sleeping like the dead for nearly the entire day. The sight of her resting, seemingly innocent and taken care, assured Frank Castle's decision of leaving his surrogate daughter in the Alpha's care. It was with his help that Violet was taken from the Med Bay, carefully carrying her small, limp form in his sturdy arms and laying her down the wonderfully comfortable bed in what would be Violet's room at the Tower for now on.

Until her Alphas decided she was ready to stay with them, permanently.

Frank left Violet a note, imploring Wanda to give it to her once she woke up. It explained his reasons for leaving her here, along with a number he could reach her at should the Alphas abuse her like Baron did to Wanda. He'd stay and explain himself to her once she woke up, but the Avengers need help gathering intel on powerful people backing protester's who were Alpha superiority. Frank opted to help out as a special thanks for taking Violet's care so seriously, and because he owed them an unpayable debt.

He left with most of the Avengers hours ago. Mr. Barnes and Ms. Romanoff were still here to help explain the situation and lay down a few more rules to Violet before they left. Mr. Barnes thought it best to give Violet space after her nightmare. The space would allow her time to adjust and the Avengers time to find out about the tattoo along with who might be wearing it.

They were waiting on Wanda to deliver Violet to them, and as Violet emerged with a hand towel drying off her face, they wouldn't have to wait much longer.

"Okay, face rinsed and dried. Teeth minty fresh and tongue scrubbed down. Now what do you need to give me?"

Wanda sighed, not looking forward to Violet's reaction.

"You're not going to like this," Wanda warned, grabbing the letter left on the nightstand next to the bed.

Violet rolled her eyes, "I haven't liked anything since Peter beat me at the Game of Thrones drinking game."

"You mean when you let him win?" Wanda smirked, handing over the letter.

Violet snatched it from her grasp, "how dare you accuse me of being a quitter." Violet joked, winking at Wanda with a slight smile.

A smile that disappeared the moment she started reading the letter.


You're going to hate me after you're done with this letter, maybe even now. I'm going to keep this simple. I don't want you on the streets anymore. I don't want you getting yourself killed for someone else, even Peter. I've lost too many people, and I won't lose you. Buck and Natasha have my blessing. They're your Alphas now. I already told them what would happen if they abuse that power and I expect you to tell me if they do. I trust Buck. He's a man of his word. He promised they would both to take care of you and I believe him.

I love you kid. Hate me as much as you need too. I'll still love you all the same.


The phone number was listed right below that, but Violet didn't see it. Betrayed tears blurred her vision. Her lip trembled with grief. With anger. How dare he hand her over like she was some object to be coveted? How dare any of them treat her like she was anything but human. How dare Frank have the audacity to have Wanda hand Violet this note and deal with the backlash instead of being a man and facing it himself.

She wished she could blame it on some strange apparition, have proof that this wasn't Frank but another imposter. She didn't though because this had Frank all over it. It was his handwriting, his smokey and gun smelling scent wafted off the page his note was written, his terribly blunt wording. This was Frank, and Violet struggled with that cold, harsh fact.

"Violet?" Wanda asked shyly.

Violet took a breath, then crumpled up the page with a disgusted grimace and tossing it on the bed. "Alphas are scum and can't be trusted. First chance I get me, and Peter are getting out of here. If you don't want to then you don't have too, just don't try to stop us when we do." Violet growled, her back to Wanda in an attempt to hide her tears.

Wanda sighed in response, "Not all Alphas are bad, Violet. Just give them a chance."

Violet closed her eyes, hands clenching into fists, "I thought you wanted to give me a tour?"

"I do, and I will, but I need you to take a breath and keep an open mind about this place. Okay? It's not as bad as you believe it to be. I promise." Wanda walked around to face Violet, wiping away the unshed tears with her dainty fingers. "Now let's go wash your face again."

Violet rolled her eyes but nodded. Wanda wasn't going to get the brunt of her anger, Violet refused to do that to her friend, but there were a pair of Alphas she was certainly more than happy to give it too. A pair she somehow knew she was going to see before this "tour" was over and done with. For once, she was excited to see them. Her only regret was she didn't have a crowbar or a bat with her to show them how happy she was to greet them again.

If she were lucky, maybe she'll pass by a loose wrench or something on her way.

Wanda was unaware of Violet's thought process, her focus solely on getting Violet acclimated to this environment as soon as possible. Something she would be able to do without the help of one Peter Parker.