
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Films
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46 Chs

Bits And Pieces

Med Bay


"How do we get out of here?" Was the question of the day, one that both Peter and Violet were currently pondering.

They were no longer laid out on the hospital bed. After Peter released Violet from her bindings, they worked together to get her standing without ripping her stitches. Now, Violet was sitting at a nearby table while Peter scoured the room in search of some clothes that she can wear to protect herself from more unwanted attention. She breathed carefully, thoughts racing and heart beating fast. Her hand carefully went to her side, removing the gown and investigating the wound herself.

The fresh bandages were already spotted with fresh blood, but Violet didn't think it was enough to be concerned. She lowered the fabric, promising to check back in a few minutes to check the validity of her assessment. She idly watched Peter from the corner of her eye as he raced about the room while her thoughts contemplated all possible options to get them out of their current situation.

Violet didn't have to be a genius to figure out that she was in Avengers tower. The upscale technological feel of the Med Bay alone was evidence of that. The relaxed natures of the Alphas also gave credence to her assumption. Being in the tower meant they were surrounded, out manned and out gunned, and with no knowledge of the best routes to escape are. Peter might have a general layout of the floors he's visited, but it wasn't enough to be useful in their getaway.

That was the top priority in Violet's mind. Learn the layout, search for shortcuts and secret passages, passcodes and keys for locked doors. Anything that could help her, and Peter run from this place, from their captors and never look back.

"I found some pants!" Peter whispered excitedly, entering Violet's view and waving them proudly, "and a sweatshirt!"

"Awesome," Violet gave him a thumbs up, "help me get them on before they come back."

It took some work and very careful movements, but it wasn't long before Violet was freed from the hospital gown. Now she was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants that were way too bug for her. The waistline had to be rolled up and tightened more than once to keep them on. The sweatshirt suffered from the same problem, the arms far too long for Violet, but that wasn't the worst part. Violet was more than used to clothes being way too big for her, she preferred them that way.

The worst part was the big blue A on her chest, the insignia of the Avengers.

Violet gritted her teeth at the thought of wearing anything tied to her captors, fighting the urge to just rip off the offending fabric and freeze in the Med Bay wearing just the black sports bra, a bra that wasn't the same she had when she was shot. Part of her focus went into not focusing on that fact.

After Violet was dressed in more secure clothes, Peter gently pushed her to the floor while he raced about the room to grab pencil and paper. He returned with colored pencils and stacks of paper. She looked at him curiously. He responded with a shrug. Violet inwardly flinched at the thought of kids being around here, of the pour sap who had been trapped and held captive by these assholes just like they were.

Peter slunk to the ground next to Violet, splitting the stack of paper in half and handing it to her while she opened the box of colored pencils and emptied the contents on the floor. She grabbed the blue one, he grabbed orange. Peter placed a blank piece of paper from his stack onto the floor and feverishly started writing with his free hand covering his message like a little kid who didn't want his anyone to know what he was writing.

Violet smirked at him. It was nice to know they were on the same page. The Avengers might not be physically in the room, but with FRIDAY they may as well be. There were cameras at every corner, leaving no blind spots to any potential intruders. There were also speakers and microphones in all areas of the room, making it impossible to a spoken conversation without it being played back to their captors. Hence the makeshift pow wow beneath the table and writing secret notes with colored pencils.

Peter shoved the paper at her, she quickly took it.

Any ideas?

Violet shrugged, getting a good grip on her pencil.

Die Hard?

Peter glared at her for that.

That's a last resort maneuver. You're better than that. Try again.

Violet rolled her eyes.


Peter glanced at her, expression questioning her sanity.

How much oxygen did you lose again?

Violet slapped his shoulder playfully.

Teamwork! The Goonies worked together to get themselves out of dangerous situations while on their treasure hunt. That's what we need to be doing.

Peter frowned at that, guilty brown eyes glancing shamefully up at her. "Sorry" he mouthed, not making a sound. She patted his back in understanding.

What about Aliens?

Violet pondered it, then shook her head.

We might be able to find a gun or something to blow a hole in the wall, but there's no space gravity mojo that would suck them away from us and into a frozen wasteland where they'd die in seconds. Unless you were referring to the alien baby eating their way out of someone's stomach?

Violet smirked, ignoring Peter's head shake as he started writing, she suddenly pulled the piece of paper away from him.

I got it! Witches!

She looked at him excitedly. It took him a second, confusion prevalent on his face his head jerked up to look at her with equal excitement.

The one with Morticia Addams?

Violet rolled her eyes, silently laughing at him.

Originally known as Angelica Huston, but yes! That one!

What about that one?

Simple. Drug their food. Put in enough sleeping drugs to knock out a whole herd of Clydesdale and sneak away while they're passed out.

Just like with Sally and Dr. Finkelstein?


Great! Except when would we be able to do it?

Violet was stumped, all answers coming to her brain were useless.

I got nothing.

Back burner?

Violet nodded to him, scratching her scalp.

Let's get away from movies and think more realistically.

Violet gave him a thumbs up, approving the comment. Neither wrote anything for a solid minute. Then, in the midst of remembering the old "Clockstoppers" movie where there was a watch that gave you super speed and slowed everything down around the person holding the watch, Violet thought of something.

Do you think we can find something to communicate out of the tower without the A.I. stopping us?

Peter bit his lip, mulling over her suggestion.

Maybe? It'd have to be old tech though, or something that goes off a different frequency than FRIDAY.

Old like Morse Code?

That might be our best bet.

He stopped writing, giving Violet a strange look.

You know Morse Code?

Violet, shrugging nonchalantly.

Billy and Frank taught me after I watched Taken. It was the only thing they could do to calm me down.

You mean that two-week stint where we went through all sorts escape scenarios in case we got kidnapped?

Violet nodded, then shared a look of disbelief with Peter.

How come we can't remember any of those scenarios right now when we actually need them?!

Peter smiled to himself, trying not to laugh.

Because in all those scenarios we weren't stuck in a building ran by an ultra-powerful and all-knowing A.I.

And we were never surrounded by Ultra Assassins who want to rape and violate instead of killing us . . . yippee.

Peter patted Violet's shoulder encouragingly.

All in all, even if we happen upon some equipment and send out a message, there's no guarantee that the right person will receive that message. Did you have someone in mind?

Violet sighed in defeat.

I do, and that person knows just the person we need right now.

Who is it?

Who he is isn't important right now.

Violet pointed above them, and Peter nodded in understanding. They couldn't risk revealing names on the off chance that FRIDAY might have found a way to see what they're writing.

So, what does mystery person do?

Penelope Garcia, only less bubbly, more manic and depressed.

Peter's eyebrows flew up his face, staring at Violet with hope and shock. He adjusted his position, hunched in on himself, and started moving the fingers of his right hand to spell out the word "hacker". Violet smiled, sticking out her hand for a high five. He gave it excitedly.

You know one?

I know of one. I've only met him once and we barely talked, but apparently, he's really good at what he does.

Peter nodded enthusiastically.

I might be able to reach out to Ned. He's dabbled in this stuff but he's no where near the point of helping us that way.

But he could contact the guy that can if Morse Code fails?

Yeah, but my phone is in my room. I left it there when fake Frank pulled me up here. I won't be able to get ahold of him until then.

Violet took a deep breath. She and Peter looked at each reaching the same conclusion in the same breath.

Even if you had your phone, it wouldn't help us right now.

What can we do right now? What is there to do?

Violet sighed, rubbing her face in frustration. This reminded her of the meeting with the Omega Protection Agency when they were discussing all the options to protect Peter. The only options they could come up with were run and hide. Now, there were plenty of options, but none were applicable for this reason or that.

They were stuck. For the foreseeable future, there was no getting out of here. Peter and Violet mice caught in a trap and there was no avoiding it. All they could was wait and hope that the cats didn't come to eat them before they had a chance to say goodbye to one another.

Just when all hope seemed lost. When everything seemed bleak and gloomy, Violet had a strange thought. When they were stuck on the two options of run away and/or hide, Wanda offered a solution. Granted, the solution led them to this moment, but that solution might be the only thing the Omegas could do at this point.


Peter cocked an eyebrow at her. Violet elaborated. Whittling down Wanda's explanation from what was only last week, at most two weeks ago.

Study our opponents. Their actions, reactions, habits, routines, everything that we can catalog and use against them. Study them, then fight back.

Like Littlefinger and Varys?

Violet grinned at that.

Who would have thought those two would be helping us right now?

Still not a fan of them.

Same here.

Violet winked at Peter, and he grinned back before writing on the paper.

So, until we can get ahold of someone on the outside or think of a better plan, we're doing recon?

In theory, it's not the worst plan I've ever had.

Way better than the zoo fiasco last year when you tried to free the sick gorillas from their pens and almost got adopted by the herd.

Violet laughed at the memory, soft but loud enough to be heard.

What can I say? Animals like me.

You should be a veterinarian.

I'd rather be a paramedic.

Like Violet beforehand, Peter didn't bother hiding his laughter.

And how many times did you fall asleep in health class?

Twice, and you would have too if you had Mr. Bruner and his dead, monotone voice drawling throughout his explanations. Droning on and on about Alpha superiority and an Omega's submission and all that bullshit. Ridiculous.

She paused for a moment, a thought occurring to her.

How many scent glands do you have?

Peter looked at her curiously.

One, why do you ask?

Is it the norm for an Omega to only have one?

Peter nodded, staring at her with confused eyes.

I have two. What does that mean?

Peter's eyes went wide. Moving back and forth between her words faster and faster than before. He suddenly looked up, fear prevalent in his eyes, then he was writing furiously once more.

Why didn't you tell me?!

I thought it was normal! And we never talked about that stuff. Why are you freaking out?

Because Omegas with two scent glands physically can't live without a mate for a prolonged period of time! The oldest reported unmated Omega with two scent glands lived until her heat killed her at the age of 25! That was with constant care and supervision from hospitals and their family. Omegas with two scents glands automatically have shorter life spans because of the intensity of their heats!


Violet had a lot of trouble comprehending that sentence. She felt her body rear back slightly, her mouth going slack, eyebrow furrowing in confusion. No way. There was no way Violet was this unlucky. And yet Life really has been a bitch to her lately. Was this another jab at Violet for merely existing? Some horrible joke Life could laugh about with her other deities and such?

Whatever the reason, nothing could stop Violet from turning to face Peter and stare at him with a horrified expression as she finally spoke, nearly shouting at the top of her lungs.


Outside of Med Bay

Natasha and James

Natasha and James watched their Omega with a mixture of worry and amusement. Worry over the state of her health where her wound was concerned, and what she was planning with Peter underneath the table out of camera shot from FRIDAY. Amusement because of how she and Peter looked trying to hide from their gaze and keep their plans to themselves. They admittedly did a good job, but the Alphas already knew where Violet's focus would be. Exits, shortcuts, secret doors, ventilation system, anywhere cameras could follow that she could use to her advantage.

Tony and FRIDAY already had them covered.

Natasha smirked at Violet, eyeing the exposed ankle her fingers touching only ten minutes ago. The pheromones pouring from Violet that screamed how terrified she was, but it was overshadowed by the urgency and anger bubbling beneath the surface. The combination of the two primal emotions merging intoxicated Natasha, bringing forth a range of thoughts and fantasies she's been holding back since Violet finally appeared.

Dirty thoughts and lustful fantasies.

Natasha could see it now. Lovely Violet naked as a babe with her hands tied together and attached to the hook protruding from the ceiling, suspending just enough that her toes just touched the ground. Ankles cuffed together with the thick, unbreakable leather straps from her very own box of toys she couldn't wait to use on Violet. A red ball gag firmly strapped to her mouth, teeth biting into it just like James would. The way she would struggle, those starry eyes slowly consumed with her fear, the realization hitting her there was no way out of what was to come, only through it.

She imagined rubbing her hands up and down that soft, untouched body. Her fingers following her soft curves, rubbing into the crease of her ass and massaging her quivering hole. Her fingernails grazing down her neck, between her breasts, past her navel until finally reaching the oh so precious target between her legs. Taking the hands that have killed hundreds of people, slit so many throats and pulled many triggers, forcing her fingers between Violet's bound legs to thrust her fingers into the warm heat of her pussy. Thumb rubbing her clit while middle and ring finger went on a journey inside her darling's body.

What Natasha loved most of all was sight of what she imagined Violet to be. Fighting and struggling from the invasion, the frightened look and reluctant nature, only to go lax in the pleasure slowly taking her over. Imagining her losing all sense of self and begin humping to meet the thrusts of Natasha's hands. All the while the unsure gleam in those starry eyes looking up at Natasha to check with her, see if what she was doing was right. Natasha would assure her or fix her to more pleasing positions for her chosen.

When it comes to her outlook of the world, Violet was no innocent little girl anymore, but Natasha knew from the moment she saw that grainy picture cleared up to reveal her brilliant face that there was innocence still left in her. An innocence everyone has until they partake in one of the first physical pleasures life has to offer. Her Violet was a virgin, and no matter how hard Violet fought, that bit of doubt about her performance will be there in her eyes, and Natasha couldn't wait to see it in firsthand.

James on the other hand was more worried than amused. He watched his Violet hide under the table, risking more damage to her wound. Writing furiously back and forth between Peter on the cold ground. James loved watching her face shift into a smile. He hoped one day she would smile for him. A smile he would earn.

He wanted to hold her. Chase away her nightmares like she's unknowingly done for him so many times. Protect her from those that would hurt her, feel her embrace amid his own. Wake up from a deep sleep with her head on his chest and strands of her hair pressed against his nose. Feel her pulse through the intertwined hands as they in bed, naked and satiated. To kiss those kind, soft lips once more. A real kiss, not the cruel, forceful one he placed on her not long ago. That should never have been their first kiss.

He hopes he can make up for that one day.

His fantasies often circled around laying in bed together. Waking up from a deep sleep, hands searching for her warm, lithe body only to find a wave of arousal rolling through him. The arousal being the reason he woke up. Hands moving down his body to meet his throbbing dick only to feel bobbing head, slowly working his dick like the world's best popsicle stick. The rare graze of teeth stimulating his cock in wonderful ways.

Metal fingers tangling in those soft, blue locks while his human hand would gently caress her throat and jaw. He would push her head down, picking up her pace slightly and pushing her down more and more until her lips met the root of his cock and the rest was firmly lodged in her throat. Those starry eyes staring up at him as he continued to caress her face with such gentle care while the other held her still in an unbreakable hold.

He imagined finding his release that way, firmly placed in her throat like it belonged there. He imagined laying her out on the bed, smiling beneath him as he settled between in her and pounded into her. He could almost feel her nails digging into his back, hear her moans as he brought her pleasure in ways no one ever has, watch as she lost herself completely and be consumed by what he gave her.

The best part was finally, after so many years of being unable to do so, knotting inside of her and working it away for hours and hours until it was gone. He could see how tired and exhausted she would be afterwards, and he would bring her close wrap her up in his embrace as he washed her off in the shower, blessing her with little kisses every chance he could. He could also see how eager she was to continue, and how enthusiastic he would be.

Neither James nor Natasha thought about what a threesome would be like between the three. They wanted it more than anything in the world, but if they allowed themselves to think about those dirty thoughts on top of the dirty thoughts filtering through their minds already, they'd both go into a rut so fast that world burn in seconds.

Far, far too soon, Clint returned from physically checking on Frank while exchanging jackets to keep Frank's Alpha scent fresh, interrupting both James and Natasha crude fantasies of Violet.

"Out like a light, just like FRIDAY said." Clint started, tossing down a gasmask, "how are the Omegas fairing?"

"Reasonably well, no doubt discussing escape tactics," Natasha retorted, smirking at the screen.

"Well, everything's locked down tight. No way anyone without Tony and FRIDAY's permission is getting in or out of here."

"Good, then all that's left is to get Violet back in her bed, and Peter back to his room." James stated, turning away from the monitor and heading towards the Med Bay once. Natasha and Clint quickly turned to follow him.

They had just left the control room when Violet suddenly said "What?!" in a loud, blunt tone. It was such a change from the silent conversation the two were sharing that James instantly knew something was up, especially when Peter's insistent shushing quickly followed it. No more words followed the pair, and the Alphas picked up their pace in return.

A few minutes later, James and Natasha walked back into the Med Bay, greeted by Violet's angry, water gaze and Peter's forlorn, panicked expression as he gently hugged her to his chest.