
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

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A Kiss, A Cry

watch Tony and see how he interacts with him, and then plan on how to keep him from Peter?" Violet finally spoke up, comprehension dawning on her.

"Correct," Wanda answered with a brilliant grin.

"Okay," Violet started, trying not to puke. "In theory, that's a great idea, but you're forgetting something kind of important that has the potential to completely ruin your plan and really piss off a Mafia boss."

Wanda's smile fell, "what?"

Violet blanched, pointing at her chest, "me, the Alpha hating delinquent who only finished high school on a dare." Jessica snorted at that.

"Vi, you have to be there."

"Why?" Violet whined, trying to hide how panicked she was at the thought of seeing the man who helped murder her brother. The cold, disgusted look on his face flashed before her eyes. She shivered. None of them know that the Avengers were the ones who killed Billy all those years ago. Not even Jessica and Karen. She didn't want them to know.

The less they knew the safer they were . . . right?

"Because both he and Peter asked for you specifically. If you don't do it, there's no meeting." Matt explained.

"No meeting, no chance of learning what we need to know to defeat him." Sam concluded, smiling sadly at Violet.

"But if you do go, you can always take one of us. Peter definitely wouldn't mind." Pietro interjected.

Pietro's words eased Violet slightly, but nothing could help her right now.

"But he could do the same to us. Watch our movements, our interactions with Peter, and use them to predict what we're going to do. Use them to turn Peter against us." Violet pointed out, her voice shaking, terrified at the thought of losing her best friend.

"It's a risk, but Peter is worth it." Wanda assured Violet, moving forward and grabbing Violet's hands. "We're going to protect him."

The only shot of helping Peter right now was to confront the man who was responsible for Billy's murder. Violet was not ready for this, and she doubted she ever could be. It took all the strength and courage she had to look into Wanda's eyes and nod with some semblance of confidence. This was their best option, the best they could do now without severely affecting Peter's life.

Worst case scenario, there was always Paraguay.