
So Evidently I'm The Overweight Son of The Now Dead Sorcerer King

Elias, a timid and overweight young man, is thrust into a tumultuous world of power and conflict following the sudden death of his father, KIng Yuriel of Vallamore.. Struggling with insecurities and anxiety, Elias feels ill-prepared to take on the responsibilities of ruling a nation torn apart by internal strife. Guided by his wise, All be it stone faced and strict mentor, Albert, Elias embarks on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Through rigorous training and the unlocking magical abilities, Elias begins to shed his doubts and fears, emerging as a formidable force to be reckoned with. With Friends at his back Elias Charges into a World Unknown, too End the conflict in the Kingdom that's become his birth right. (This Story Can Also Be Found on Royal Road) But as Elias grows stronger, so too do the forces arrayed against him. Betrayal and intrigue threaten to derail his quest for peace and stability. With the fate of his kingdom hanging in the balance, Elias must confront his inner demons and harness the full extent of his newfound powers to bring an end to the conflict and forge a brighter future for Vallamore. (This story Will also be posted to Royal Road)

CharlatanFae · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
6 Chs



A bright light poured out through the rend in a mirage of color, ribboning throughout the rotting, mildewed cellar. Not a sound could be heard aside from the hum radiating from the tear in space. 

 Two figures emerged from the mysterious rip, a man and a woman cloaked in royal blue capotes lined in silver. Their polished black boots met the cold, muddy ground with a splash. Silver eyes peered from beneath their hoods, shifting left to right, hands resting on the hilts of their swords. The area was clear, with nothing there but them, the rip, the smell of rotting mildewed barrels, and the mud beneath their feet. 

 They relaxed, and the woman nodded to the man, who nodded back, entering back into the portal and returning with an older, gentleman dressed in fine blue and gold silks lined with fur. His weary and tired eyes swirled in an ever-changing aurora of faded hues, his long white hair flowing back in a wispy motion as he shambled through the portal. 

 "My Lord, we must make haste. They will no doubt catch up to us at this rate," the woman said. 

 The old man sighed, looking to his guard. "I am sorry, I am not the man I used to be, Belvia. These old weary bones creak at the slightest movement." 

 Albert's eyes softened, and he sighed, seeing his king in such a state was not something he relished. "I can carry you." 

 However, the king waved off this suggestion. "No, you need your strength should the enemy make an appearance." 

"He's right," came the soft, gentle chime of the woman. "Having you preoccupied with carrying him diminishes our defense." 

 Albert looked at the state of his king, whose legs were shaking with every step. "Belvia, we won't get very far like this." 

 Belvia growled, "Where is there to go, Albert? Other than to the next hideout, there's nowhere! We hide out, we get found, we run. Rinse and repeat! I'm sick of this shit!" Gritting her teeth, she kicked a nearby crate. The wood crumbling against the force of her attack. 

 Albert knew Belvia was getting frustrated with their situation but wasn't sure how to remedy the problem. She would typically take a situation like this in stride, but after several months traveling like a band of criminals, a reaction like this seemed pretty deserved. 

 Belvia pulled back her hood, revealing her fine features, a thin face pale as porcelain with brown hair flowing behind her like a veil. "Just mend up the rend, I'll keep a lookout." Belvia then made her way through the cellar's dark and gloomy halls, leaving Albert to his work. 

 With a sigh, Albert pulled back his hood. His features were sharp and well-defined, like that of a crow's. The aesthetic was only complemented more by his shining black hair and beady eyes. His eyes tracked Belvia's movements. He went to open his mouth to say something of comfort but thought better of it. Sighing once more, he turned his attention back to their king. Moving over towards him, Albert guided his Majesty over to an overturned barrel. "Sit here, Your Grace, please. I'm sorry for the less-than-savory accommodations for the time being." 

 The king groaned as he moved to sit, his knees popping as he adjusted himself, using Albert's steadfast arm for support. "Pay no heed to where we are, Albert. I fear I am not long for this world anyhow." 

 "Don't say that. You still have another hundred years left." 

 The king laughed at Albert's optimism, a gentle smile creasing over his lips. "Oh Albert... I appreciate your enthusiasm. But... No... I think not." 

 Albert didn't like his king talking this way, or the cold emptiness which seemed to creep through his veins at the king's words. Albert didn't say any more on the matter, instead walking over to the tear. He began to mend the rend from which they entered, the ribbons of light that poured through swirled around and crossed about the hole. Layer after layer, the ribbons knotted and tied along the rip before it was eventually closed, like a wound sewn up by a surgeon. Albert stared blankly at the stone wall, silently contemplating their situation. 

 "Albert, there's something I-" the king began. 

 "WE HAVE TO GO!!!" Belvia's voice echoed through the cellar as she ran. Albert drew his blade as he turned to see Belvia dashing around the corner, a red glow racing after her down the hall. Belvia rolled out of the way, dodging the funnel of flames that burst forth from the direction she was running from with a mighty roar. 

 "Your Majesty!" Albert turned to his king, who nodded knowingly as he rose to his feet. 

 Belvia turned around, her right hand ablaze with white energy which she flung towards the ceiling of the hall she came from, caving in the passageway to block whoever was coming towards them. 

 "WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Before she could even make her way to regroup with her companions, a portion of the ceiling came crashing down between her and them. "ALBERT!!!" Belvia called towards her partner, panic rushing through her veins. 

 A warm, despitated voice came from the dust cloud formed in the crash. "Leaving so soon? After all the effort it took to get here? What a rude bunch of Galvantry you are..." A shadowy figure formed within the smoke, clearing the way through the cloud with just a swing of its hand. It revealed a man clad in green silky robes with a yellow dragon embroidered up the front length of the cloth, reminiscent of traditional Chinese clothing. His short white hair accented his suave regal attire. 

 "Geldion C.Torment..." Belvia readied herself, her sword guarding her front towards her opponent. 

 "Belvia Vix... You're looking well... you know, as well as a desolate cow can look anyway," Geldion sneered. 

 Belvia didn't waste time with pleasantries. A circle of light rotated around her feet, and with a single step, she was on top of him in the blink of an eye. Her blade swung down towards his head. 


However, Geldion didn't flinch. In fact, he smiled, blocking her attack with a flick of his finger. "Always in such a hurry," Geldion taunted as their weapons sparked with every clash. The sound of steel clashing against steel thundered throughout the cellar. Geldion soon tired of their game, side-stepping a slash and grabbing hold of Belvia's wrist. With a swift motion, he dismembered her arm, her ligaments snapping in a grotesque, meaty rip as blood poured onto the floor. 

 A moment passed, as her hand instinctively placed itself upon her wound before falling to her knees. Belvia was lost in a silent scream as her brain tried to register what had happened. Blood spewed from the nub where her arm once was, covering her hand and the floor below her. Time seemed to have stopped as she stared at the puddle forming underneath her. Her breath was deep and ragged as she struggled to keep her vision straight... and then, all at once, it hit her. It felt like fire burned through every nerve in her body. Her screams roared through the cellar as she wailed like a mournful Banshee, tears reflexively forming in her silvery eyes. 

 Meanwhile, Geldion watched on with mild amusement before turning his attention to her severed arm, still within his grasp. He mused over the limb while listening to Belvia's pain, as though it were a symphony. Humming along with the tune as though he had heard its melody hundreds of times before. He even started dancing, skipping, and twirling towards her field of view, enjoying himself for the moment. Until suddenly, Belvia's screaming ceased as she hunched over her stub, vomiting onto the floor. 

"Y... You won't get away with this... Weh... We'll make sure you pay," Belvia managed to utter weakly. 

Geldion let out an exasperated sigh, as though he had heard this speech more times than he would have cared to. "This tune again... It's so unoriginal, uninspired, a cliche. I swear, you Galvantry just can't...." He hammered Belvia's face with her own severed arm. "Take a hint!" He hit her repeatedly as he rambled on, his anger escalating with each strike. "You play such lovely music!" Blood splattered over his fine clothing. "And then go and ruin it all with your pointless, ineffective vows of revenge!" He hit her harder and harder. "Do you think I'm scared of you?! Of any of you! You all are just annoying little piss ants, unworthy to even be standing near me! Do you understand?! YOU'RE NOTHING!" He shouted out as he continued to furiously bash Belvia's body with her own severed arm. 

Eventually Geldion stopped, catching his breath, before he threw the arm down at Belvia's shivering frame. Her body curled up defensively in a ball, lying a puddle of her own vomit and blood. 

"Nothing but a pathetic bug," Geldion said, placing the heel of his boot to her skull. "Who should feel grateful to be put out of her misery by my boot." 

 "That's quite enough, Geldion," the old weary voice of the king drew close as he phased through the rubble, a smile on his saggy features. 

Geldion grinned, his eyes flashing red. "Is that so, old man? Well, far be it for me to disobey the king." Geldion's fingertips began to glow as he took a deep breath. Small weaves of energy poured in through his pores. "As if I'd ever bow down again to the likes of you!" He released that energy in a tidal wave of fire. "YOUR MAJESTY!" 

 The flames lit the room aglow, and in a matter of seconds, the roaring tidal wave of fire was upon Yuriel but he did not flinch. His arms motioned in a large circle before clasping his hands together. A funnel of water spouted from between his hands and umbrellaed out like a shield. steaming upon contact with the fire and leaving the room in a thick misty fog. Splashes of water and crackling flame could be heard as the two of them moved through the muggy veil, unable to see each other clearly. 

 Fire and water clashed violently, colliding in bursts of energy whenever they met. Geldion found himself on the defensive, while Yurial transformed his water into icy spears and launched them towards his opponet. However, Geldion countered with walls of intense fire, melting away the deadly attacks. Each exchange wore on Geldion's nerves, until he could bear it no longer. 

 "ENOUGH!" Geldion shouted, creating a powerful vortex of air that dispersed the fog and revealed a younger-looking Yurial. Yurial's veins glowed with magical aether as he deflected the resulting force, crashing it into the wall behind him and shattering the brittle wood. Yurial readied himself for the next move. 

 Geldion took a moment to catch his breath, still adjusting to the strain of prolonged magic use. With his sword in hand, he approached Yurial with venomous sarcasm dripping from his words. "Now, my dearest 'king,' I think it's time we put you down like the old mutt you are." 

 The king remained silent, his palms softly glowing as he maintained his stance, ready for whatever Geldion had in store. 

 "Silence will bring you no mercy, you impertinent royal sow!" Geldion charged forward, swinging his sword with furious skill. However, Yurial easily deflected each blow with his protected palms. 

 "You know what they say about weak people, dear Geldion. They're often the ones who talk incessantly," Yurial remarked, deflecting the blade again with one hand before delivering a powerful punch to Geldion's sternum, resulting in a loud crack. 

 Geldion hissed in frustration and pain as he was flung back by the force of the king's assault. He slid backward, coming to a stop. Geldion didn't want to risk depleting all his magical energy. Though he had his last resort, his Incarnate magic, using it would drain him completely. His only option was his blade, but he was clearly losing. Geldion glared at the king, who maintained his stance, prepared for the next on coming assault 

Clicking his tongue, Geldion realized that the man he was facing was not only powerful but also intelligent enough to maneuver through rubble. However, that wouldn't prevent help from arriving, and soon he would be outnumbered. Time was running out and he knew it. His gaze fell upon the helpless Belvia, still lying in a pool of her own fluids. A sinister smile creased his face as a sadistic pleasure flashed through his eyes. 

 Yurial's eyes widened with realization and worry just before Geldion hurled his sword toward Belvia. "If I'm going down, I'm taking one of you with me!" The blade gained speed as Geldion's wind tunnel propelled it forward. Acting swiftly, Yuriel stepped in front of Belvia, attempting to shield her from the incoming blade. Blood splashed forth from his chest as the sword pierced his body. 

 A cruel laugh echoed through the cellar as Geldion believed himself triumphant. Lost in his victory, he failed to notice the ball of fire until it was too late. His triumphant laughs turned into agonized screams as his face was engulfed in blazing fire. Rolling back and forth, Geldion desperately tried to extinguish the flames with the wet mud from the ground. "AGHRHAA!!!! YOU!!" he roared in rage and fury, directing his anger towards Albert. "I'LL KILL YOU! EVEN IF ITS THE LAST THING I'LL DO!" His face still ablaze from the spell Alberthad unleashed, Geldion declared his oath of vengeance before fading into smoke and teleporting away. 

 "What a cliché," remarked Albert before running over to his king, "My King," he said, sliding to a stop beside his lord, his hands glowing with green energy as he tried to heal the wound. However, it became apparent that the wound was fatal and beyond healing. 

 "A... Albert, did I save her?" the king asked wearily, his young body withering into old age as the mana within him slowly faded. 

Albert looked into Belvia's now lifeless eyes, her jaw dislocated and her face bruised and bloodied. Her severed arm lay just out of reach, blood dripping from it. "Yes, M'lord," Albert lied, trying to offer a sliver of hope. "I... I'm sure she is just unconscious from the beating..." 

 In truth, Belvia had lost too much blood from her severed arm, and her soul had departed from her body. 

 Yurial's vision blurred, but he thought he could see Belvia breathing faintly. "Good... This is good. Albert, you must listen to me..." 

 Albert leaned closer, still hopeful. "You're going to survive this. I can heal you." 

 "Albert, it is a futile effort," Yurial whispered weakly. "I can feel Geldion's blade sucking the mana out of my body." 

 Albert reached for the sword, but the handle prickled with hot thorns, rejecting anyone's touch except its true master. 

 "You..." the king wheezed. "You must find my son, Albert." 

 "Majesty, your heirs have all been hunted down. You know this," Albert replied with a heavy heart. 

 The king shook his head. "There is another... hidden in Mideria, the Human Realm. Promise to protect and teach him, Albert. Promise me." 

 Albert's eyes widened, holding the king close. "I promise, M'Lord... I swear on the Aether." 

 Yurial smiled gently, a white light slowly consuming his vision. "Thank you... Sweet Albert." 

 As the king breathed his last breath in Albert's arms, tears streamed down Albert's pale cheeks, matching the rain pouring outside. He had lost his father figure. the noble king, his best friend, and mentor was gone 

 Albert held the lifeless body of his king, grief weighing heavy upon his heart. He couldn't help but feel the weight of the world crashing down on him as he realized the magnitude of the loss. 

 With a heavy sigh, Albert closed the king's eyes and gently laid him on the ground, offering a silent prayer for his departed soul. He then turned his attention to Belvia, her broken and battered form a tragic testament to the brutality they had endured. 

 Gently, Albert cradled her in his arms, careful not to disturb her lifeless limbs. He brushed a strand of hair away from her face, revealing the full extent of her injuries. The sight was heart-wrenching, and he could no longer deny the truth. Belvia was beyond saving. 

 Tears continued to flow down Albert's face as he whispered softly, his voice choked with sorrow. "I'm so sorry, Belvia. I couldn't protect you... I couldn't save either of you." His words were a lament, a painful acknowledgment of his failure. 

 The weight of the king's final words echoed in Albert's mind. He had been entrusted with a grave responsibility, to find the hidden son in Mideria and protect him. The task seemed daunting, especially in the midst of such grief, but Albert knew he had to honor his promise. He owed it to the king, to Belvia, and to himself. 

 In that cellar, surrounded by darkness and loss, Albert Mourned the loss of his friend and mentor…

Hey guys, im just going to posting this on a chapter by chapter baises, this is the prolouge i have no idea how long it will take me to get the other chapters out, but I hope you enjoy this, sorry for the spelling errors and horrid grammer. Tell me your thoughts down bellow

CharlatanFaecreators' thoughts