
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime et bandes dessinées
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171 Chs


"Shido-sama, I believe that this much is enough." Utahime said with a frown but I merely waved her concerns off.

"Not yet, I feel like I'm close to a breakthrough." I said as I concentrated on the current of cursed energy going through my arm, letting out small sparks every few seconds.

I wondered how Anko would have reacted if I used cursed energy during the test and shocked her nerve system with my attribute. Likely in an amusing way before trying to ship my ass off to interrogation about me being able to do something like that. The closest thing these people had to my cursed energy attribute was Raikage's lightning armor after all.

Though what I was trying to do was not simply limited to my cursed energy, but to the powers I possessed through Indra template; my Magecraft.

Admittedly, Indra's knowledge on Magecraft was somewhat lacking due to the fact that he had no need for it as a head deity; but he still knew of the bare basics. Basics like Reinforcement, which filled metaphysical gaps of objects with magical energy in order to make them conceptually better. Which was what I was trying to do to my cursed energy.

Needless to say, I wasn't having much of a progress.

Alas poor me, unable to combine two power systems into one through conceptual powers and left only with three power systems that all could physically boost me to superhuman levels.

"Shido-sama, I believe that your time would be better spent on other subjects rather than experiments such as this." Utahime said with a mild glare on her face. "Like what we should do in order to raise Sakura-san's level to an acceptable ceiling."

"Pummel her until she learns how to not suck? That's pretty much the perfect way to speed run her training." I said with a shrug. "We don't exactly have much of a time till the chūnin exams but training her like that, when coupled with my Education Talent, should get her to an acceptable level."

"Simply beating her up could lead to her getting better at taijutsu." Utahime nodded. "But simply 'throwing hands' is not enough, having her get better at different skills would be better."

"Then try to teach her how to use a sword." I said with a shrug. "If we can reverse engineer Tsunade's chakra strength technique an teach it to her, she could cleave through anything as long as her sword is durable enough." I continued as more and more ideas started to enter my head.

"I honestly would like her to learn medical ninjutsu but neither of us can do anything about that. We kind of do need a healer since neither of us can use reverse cursed technique."

"And you still haven't figured out what you innate technique is." Utahime said and I glared at the air, my inability to figure out my cursed technique was something of a sore subject for me. Especially since I couldn't move onto the pinnacle of jujutsu that was Domains without finding my technique.

"Let's go, Anko sensei said something about the training being special today." Utahime said with a smile, likely wanting to get rid of my less than pleasant mood.

"Sure." I said with a shrug and walked with her towards training field, wondering what exactly did Anko mean by 'special'.


"We're having co-team training!" The purple haired jōnin exclaimed and Natsumi had to hold her ears in order to protect them from the squealing sound her dumb brother made.

Honestly, she loved her brother but... no way to say this nicely, Naruto was an obnoxious idiot who could not get a clue and dealing with him more than a certain dose was like drinking poison. So the fact that she was on the same team with him was not the most pleasant situation. At least she had Satsuki too, though that meant she had to deal with Naruto try and fail to flirt with the Uchiha heiress.

At least today they would have the other rookie teams for company.

"Hi, Naruto-kun." Though that also meant Hyuuga heiress was here too, trying to get close to her brother who could not see the girl's interest in him. Standing beside her were Aburame Shino and Inuzuka Kiba, with the Inuzuka girl glaring at Natsumi; likely still sore about the fact that she was ranked lower in the academy. Though that did bring up the question why she wasn't hostile towards Hinata as well.

"How troublesome." And then there was Team 10, this generation's Ino-Shika-Cho, with the heir of the Nara clan already laying down on the grass with his hands being used as a pillow behind his head.

"Shikamaru, don't sleep!" And Ino who was once again trying to stop the Nara heir from being lazy, 'mission impossible' is what Natsumi would call that.

And finally the last team...

"What will we be doing first?" The team of Sakura, Utahime and... Shido.

Simply looking at the black haired boy made Satsuma's gut clench with an uncomfortable feeling, especially since she knew how he suffered because of her.

She could still clearly remember the day when her parents had explained to her about her and Naruto's status as jinchūrikis, it was also the day she had learned about Tennōji Shido. The boy that was thought to be the jinchūriki in order to protect her and Naruto from foreign enemies. It was something she could understand, unlike Naruto, their position as those who had tailed beasts sealed in them meant that they were considered to be a significant part of Konoha's power and there would be those who would target them for it. So having someone to take the heat off of them made sense.

Those were her thoughts until the day she actually met Tennōji Shido and saw the way the other villagers were treating him. Like he was some sort of ticking time bomb, ready to unleash disasters upon them; the very incarnation of the monster that had almost destroyed their village. Learning how a jinchūriki was normally treated by others had been a terrifying experience for her. Not only due to the kind of treatment she and Naruto had narrowly avoided, but because of someone who had nothing to do with it who suffered this treatment for them.

It made her feel disgusted with herself for the small relief she felt about other people not knowing that she was a jinchūriki, every time she saw Shido. It made her want to just crawl up somewhere and disappear from his sight.

"We'll be sparring of course." The purple haired jōnin declared with a smile. "How about opening with a small match between Shido and Natsumi-chan?"

Yet that did not seem to be an option.