
Mean Girls (2004)

Author's note: I now have a p-word as you all know, so if you feel like reading 5 advanced chapters for the measly price of $3, then do join. The link is in this book's bio, or you can just search 'Archonstine' followed by p-word on your browser.

Also, join my discord will ya? For movie and tv-show recommendations and character images. And also it's the one place where I ask you all for suggestions. The link is in this book's bio.

P.S, donate some power stones while you're at it. And maybe... write up a review?


30th September 1997 (Tuesday)

Charlize Theron (POV)

"Ok, you know your cue, you know your dialogues, you know what to do, now the camera will be on the table, capturing your little back and forth with a with both of you in the frame, and when Daryl says cut- and pay attention cause this is really important- you stay on your mark… got it? Don't nudge an inch, and while I dismantle the camera apparatus, the Steadicam operator will get in position to cover Ricky's exit and his dumb face, all the while you will be visible in the background, so DON'T- and I can't stress this enough, don't. Move… Got it?" Trent asked, in a slightly patronizing way as if I haven't done this before.

I was half-tempted to point it out, but decided otherwise considering the urgency of the situation.

"Understood." I nodded, "Now I need to prep for the scene, and this outfit is the definition of restricting so I've already got enough on my plate… mind getting out of my face?"

He doesn't deign to reply, rather choosing to ignore the statement and walking over to a staff member.

What a jackass.

He is a decent DoP I'm sure, Ricky is known for many things, but hiring an incompetent crew is not one of them.

But god, what a jackass! Still can't believe this 'guy', is the one who Ricky calls his 'brother from another mother'... Ugh. Americans.

At least I found a kindred soul in Missy, thank God Ricky had someone like her to counteract Trent's influence.

I look across the room to spot Ricky, getting some finishing touches done by the makeup artist- oh now she is ruffling his hair and pulling at the collar of his jacket.

I stifle a giggle as he tries to fight off her hands, insisting there's nothing wrong with his getup, all the while she's fussing over the most minute creases on his sleeves.

Daryl walks over behind the camera and yells, "READY? PERFECT- ON THE COUNT OF 3 THEN. 1, 2, 3, TAKE 2- ACTION!" He waves his hand down before tip-toeing away from the camera, as Rick- nope, as 'Andrew' walks up to the counter, a bundle of nerves, but steadfast nevertheless.

I smile vapidly at him as he starts, "Hey!"

"How are you?" I grin, displaying my teeth as I greet him.

"Good, how are you?"

"I am good, thanks."


"Uhm… the usual? You want like-" I begin to point out at the displayed food, right when he interrupts.

"Ah… no." He shrugged off with a casual wave, before adopting a slightly nervous demeanor. "Look, I don't really know- uh, I see you in here a lot, and I just think you're really pretty and- I was just wondering really- Would you want to go out with me ever?"

Aw… cute.

His facial expressions were spot on, he almost looks like he can't believe the words that came out of his mouth, and is instantly regretting opening it in the first place.

My lips curve upwards for a fraction of a second… before I press them slightly. "Please go away."

His eyes widened, as the statement hits him, his jaw dropping for a second as he spoke in a panic, "Oh my God, I'm so so sorry. I'm so sorry." He apologizes nearly pleading by the end, before attempting to make a hasty retreat.

Just as he turns back hurriedly I break my facade and let out a chuckle, "I am just messing with you! Oh, your face- you should've- I'm kidding ok? Just messing with you-"

"Oh God, Oh my god- What-"

"I'm so sorry!" I say, chuckling away, as his face breaks out into incredulity and then instantly transitions to relief, as he finally gives out a nervous smile, awkward sure, but cute.

"That's actually pretty mean." He remarked, still in shock from what transpired.

"That should've- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I improvised the line, feeling the flow of the conversation, and Ricky, bless his sweet little heart, carried on as if I didn't just extend the scene by a few seconds.

Nope, he was clearly deep in character, moving along with the tempo, as he 'struggled' to keep up with her 'teasing', "It's ok," He shrugged, "No big deal."

"What's your name?"

"Oh, I am Andrew."



"I am Nicole."

"Nice to meet you Nicole."

"Nice to meet you too." I say, the remnants of a chuckle still ghosting the line, but not truly breaking. "So you want to take me out?"

"I would… love to take you out."

Huh, he's keeping up just fine, but what if I improvise a reply out of him? Will he be able to keep up then? Or will he finally, just goof up really badly, failing miserably in his pursuit of-

He deserves it really… Still can't believe he chose drinks with Trent 4 days ago, over a night with me. He deserves it… right?"

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask, veering off-script spectacularly, as he raises his right eyebrow slightly in a questioning manner, ensuring the camera on his left doesn't capture the silent question.

"Pizza." He replies, slightly more confident this time.


"Yeah, I know this great pizza place downtown, my dad used to take me there all the time."

"Cool. Ok, well…" I pause, portraying a contemplating expression, all the while trying to climb my way out of the hole I dug myself. "I get off at 7 on Monday, what do you say…?"

"Ok… works for me."

Hmm… you know what? In for a penny, in for a pound.

"You want to meet here?"

"Ok, yeah. I will." He replied enthusiastically… still not breaking character as he effortlessly continued the little 'back and forth'.


"Ok… 7 o'clock?" He asks, lifting his eyebrows.



"On Monday."

"I'll meet you here."

"All right."



And he begins to turn in place, just as Daryl screams out, "CUT! STAY IN PLACE- TRENT DO YOUR THING!"

Ricky froze in place before turning back to face me, as I grin at him not backing away in the slightest.

"So… what was that?" He asked, an intrigued smile etched on his face as he raised an eyebrow again."

"Oh, you know me. I was just… too into the scene and I thought- let's try something new you know?"

His expression didn't change in the slightest as he paused for a second before replying, "My dear Sherry… you have to know that I know that's not it-"

Oh! Here he goes again with his godforsaken deductions! Always knowing everything, always aware of everything! WHY? Why does he not just- turn it off or something?

"Because I can't. And no, I didn't read your mind, but it was written all over your face as clear as day… for me." He continued in his stupidly serene voice-

"Ok, your little 'thingy', I am not about to touch that with a ten foot pole but the improv, I told you I was just trying something new-"

"Was the 'new thing' trying to catch me off guard as an act of revenge?"

A beat of silence followed as I stared at him in shock.

"No! You- I can't believe you would even imply something so-so-"

"So true?"

"... You always have to win don't you? Always have to be right about everything, oh here comes Ricky! He's the most objective person in the world, and can see the truth of any situation, no matter what! Well guess what? Sometimes, your deductions are not as helpful as you think they are okay? Sometimes, you have to 'see' less, and just hear more, so for god's sake just listen to me-"


"... I'm sorry, what?"

"I said ok, I'll listen. I can't ever just stop 'seeing', that's not how it works but-but- I can disregard it, and just hear you out… tonight works?"

"I- what?"

"Tonight it is, I'll swing by your place with a bottle of wine, and just… listen. And for the record, I'm sorry about ditching you for Trent. The thing is, it was the 20th anniversary of his father's death- I couldn't leave him alone and Missy was busy as hell so… I stepped up. I'm sorry for not informing beforehand, I really should have-"

"WE'RE READY! DARYL, WE'RE READY- LET'S GO!" Shouted Trent, as he made signals with his hand at the Steadicam operator who positioned himself behind Ricky… who never turned.

"Ricky get back to the mark-"

"I'm sorry my sherry-"

"We can do this later, ok? Just go to the mark-"

"Do you forgive me?" He asked, gazing into my eyes intensely, his own were whirlpools of emotions.

I took a deep breath, "... Yes, I forgive you, now go! Just go- we'll talk later."

He switched to a playful grin almost immediately, "I'm so lucky to have you-"

"Oh just shut up and go-"

And he stepped back that very instant into position, seamlessly slipping into character as half-turned towards the exit.


Rick- 'Andrew' grinned hopelessly as turned away from me, barely being able to contain his delight at 'my' acceptance as he slowly walked towards the exit, his walk containing a gleeful rhythm as he had to physically restrain his smile.

All the while the Steadicam operator walked ahead of him, keeping pace perfectly as 'Andrew' approached the door-

"CUT! And that's take 2. Ricky-"

And the set devolved into a cacophony of noise, as everyone moved about, either to get a coffee, or just gossip around, about what might have taken place between Ricky and me in our 'heated' little exchange.

Brainless buffoons the lot of them. Vapid idiots who spread rumors for their own amusement… too bad, they're all Ricky's got.

Ugh. Ricky-Ricky… I can't even be mad at him anymore! Otherwise I'll just sound petty, especially considering the 'Trent' thing- oh God. I can't believe I felt jealous about that- not that I can relate though, considering my father was… no. I'm not going there, not today, certainly not anytime soon… probably never.

But in regards to my sweet and handsome boyfriend… *Sigh*. He's making an effort at the very least.

I really hope the whole 'listening' bit was not just some comforting jargon, and that he actually meant it, otherwise he's in for a hell of a time… And not in a good way.

Ricky Stirling (POV)

"Okay… looks good. It'll work."

"You sure? You realize we have a minute worth of extra footage thanks to the little improv you two engaged in… What, marital disputes this early on? Tell me you got a prenup-"

"Shut up Daryl. We're just… Well she is just- going through something… don't worry, you know me. I'll sort it out tonight. Now the footage, send it to the lab, have Grover start work on color-grading, and talk to Missy, we finished a day early and just saved up $15k, make sure she's on top of that."

"Got it." He nodded, before straightening his newly bought glasses and heading off.

A pity he got a number in his eyes, he looked better without the glasses. And now combined with his beard he looks… old.

Eh. He'll figure it out.

"I hate you… truly, with all my heart and soul, I hate you kiddo." Al proclaimed, glaring near constantly in my direction, all the while massaging his smoothly bald scalp.

He looks kinda good actually, giving off absolutely terrifying vibes… Oh, he's gonna play this role to perfection.

"Looking good there Al! Ah man, it's gonna take you longer to wash your face isn't it?" I grin, as a couple of extras chuckle at my joke.

"What happened to your hair? Did you have a 'falling out'?" I ask, to more raucous laughter.

"Al, hey quick, what do you call a bald guy named Gary? Any takers?" I direct my question over to the extras.

One of them raises a hand, before shouting, "GARIBALDI!"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA-HA- Ah… bald jokes… they just crack me up.

Though not as much as seeing Al's face turning every single shade of red at once.

And then Missy decided to crash the party, "Hey! All of you! Get your asses to your mark, and prep! No one, I repeat- no one, is slacking on my watch! You hear me?! Get to your positions!" She barked mostly towards me, before walking towards Yash, who was here to get a couple of set photos in to be 'leaked' to the press.

… Marketing.

Truly a tiresome job.

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