
Snake Valor another death another rebirth

life and death a cycle that causes nothing but misery and strife yet once a kind soul is broken from that cycle a raw emotion locked within everyone's soul wrath/anger remove all mental limitations and you have a unstoppable beast. Once a regular kid now having to keep his guard up in the physical and mental plane will he be able to make up for a person's own sacrifice so they may live again or will he let his rage consume him and all those around him leaving nothing but a black spot in history.

hunter_holtmyer · Livres et littérature
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12 Chs

So apparently I was Isekaied into this hellhole.

A few hours passed as a guard unlocked the door to his cell another behind the guard carried a few more pairs of chains and other restraints "we have brought him". In front of me stood 13.. no 15 people all of the different ages only two of them being adults Chiron and Mr. D being them. They glared at me but only one stood in the back looking at me reading me with their eyes. I spoke "you're all wondering why I asked you all to be here." One of them a short kid covered in grease and with a knee brace spoke "yeah what the hell do you want I was in the middle of upgrading my machine!" He looked at them letting out a deep sigh "what I'm about to show you is to be hidden swear upon the river Styx that you will not show anyone what you're about to see." They all looked at him with rage-filled eyes "and the devil is that." they said through their clenched teeth. He looked down at the ground waving his hand conjuring a spell "my past and most importantly what we are about to face..." In the next instant, they all started shouting then one of them the Ares cabins leader felt a cold sweat coming down his neck "your not joking are you..." the other all looked at the person before him each of them seeing the deep groves and scares on his face and neck the long cold and empty feeling in his eyes they wondered how long and what he did to get here the battles he fought the people he lost. "How long.." one of them started to ask. He said again "do you swear upon the river Styx to keep what you're about to see a secret till I say otherwise or till your graves?" They all fell silent then one by one they promised the oath on the river as he continued to wave an image passed through all of their minds as it became clearer the entity known as Snake passed out a figure of pure white appeared in the image narrating "This is the homeworld of the entity that you call "snake" before them laid a barren world full of warring tribes over the last bits of resources humanity ultimately falls to this path every time but these "snakes" are the only ones who seem to get past the deities of each world and the lies that they spew but at a great cost many of each of his kind tribes or species get sacrificed.." before the figure could explain further it went black around them a figure stepped forth it was the one they saw last night "I am the one he calls "Abaskantos" for many moons I've been inside him this.." he waved his hand "is what I was born of.." in their minds they saw the hardships Abaskantos... no the "snakes" of their world had to face. The monsters in both human and the more traditional sense got worse and worse as time drew on. There is one more of us their name is "Junren" both me and .. let's call him Pity, for now, are his keepers..." The science shifts again showing a crowd outside a farmhouse out in some rural area in the midwest the crops are close to harvest a figure stands out on a hastily constructed platform they hold up a book high and proud "my brothers and sisters we have found him! The one who will lead humanity to salvation!" The crowed cheered some prayed in old tungs long forgotten even to the gods. In the house in the living room laid a boy battered and broken blood dripping from his head. Nearby two figures stood keeping eye on him one taller more muscular the other shorter but skinny easily a runner. "Are you sure he won't get up any time soon? he asked his taller half "whatever power he has he could kill us in an instant.. the killing intent even when he's knocked out is close to unbearable." The second one laughed "he's out cold watch" he moved closer kicking the boy into the wall his chest slowly breathing still. "see what did I tell you don't worry about it soon well be out of this stupid ass city and into the big leagues. In the boy's mind, he stood amongst a field of dark flowers on one side but a field of white lotus on the other suddenly in front of him stood one... no two figures they reach out their hands covering their faces with veils "oh boy of this world who is destined to destroy it in hellfire and anger do you seek to change your fate?" He stood there in silence still trying to come to term with his families deaths. "Will I get to see my family again?" he asked them. They answered, "no not in this timeline but another maybe.. you must choose quickly before they detect us." He breathed in a big gust of air then let it out slowly but smoothly putting a hand in each of their reach-out ones. "I accept your offers." They looked at him and nodded the one of the left spoke "I am the goddess Hera queen of the Olympians to you I gift a soul who is not of this world but who will serve to protect you from the regular dangers while your mind heals." The figure on the right spoke next "I am the goddess Eris of Madness and chaos but to you, I gift a soul of another realm they shall be your first and last line of defense against the raging storm of fire within your heart." Outside the mental plain, a 3rd Figure approached the guards not noticing.. no not even realizing another was nearby the figure looked down at the young boy "hmm this one will do" they spoke reaching out a hand pushing out some sort of darkness that went from his shadow to the kids "I am but a server of the Primordial chaos and you shall now serve both her and me you will be granted.. no cursed with the sin of wrath once awoken you will never know peace at any cost... For what it is worth I truly am sorry but your fate was never yours to control." As he finished speaking the boy's body rose a dragon-shaped image forming on the young boy's arm he screamed out in pain a type of lighting not of this world bounce.. no leaving his body in the mental world the figures transferred the soul of another world and the demon who will be the one to fight through the darkness in the boy's heart and mind till he finds his peace. The two guards looked at him "what the fuck!" the tall one screamed the short one looked at him and said "did you know I was thinking about retiring after tonight?" the tall one looked back a tear falling down his face "aye I always knew was actually on planning on joining you.." before he finished his sentence a blast of energy enveloped them the house and the gathering outside the buildings were left untouched the only ones killed were the people who were the threats." As the spell begin to finish they looked at the figure in front of them truly with both fear and sadness. What happened next changed the camp and those in it forever.