
Snake Valor another death another rebirth

life and death a cycle that causes nothing but misery and strife yet once a kind soul is broken from that cycle a raw emotion locked within everyone's soul wrath/anger remove all mental limitations and you have a unstoppable beast. Once a regular kid now having to keep his guard up in the physical and mental plane will he be able to make up for a person's own sacrifice so they may live again or will he let his rage consume him and all those around him leaving nothing but a black spot in history.

hunter_holtmyer · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

oh god its the moon

Chiron tilted his head "the what?" the blond girl stepped forward "Christian "mythology" in a sense humanity has 7 deadly sins that each person is primarily drawn towards be it wrath, lust, greed, sloth, gluttony, pride, and envy." A kid from the Ares cabin shot up yelling out "nerdddd!!" before sitting back down. A kid of Athena's spoke up "huh didn't think that they existed in a physical sense..." Hunter looked at her "what is your name?" She took off her helm revealing her blond hair looking at him with the stormy blue eyes Athena's kids are known for "names Maura and that's all you need to know.." he could feel her eyes looking at him for weakness and strengths. He put up his hand "so got any plans tonight?" Chiron rubbed his throat coughing "well we were about to announce capture the flag and well have you join Maura's team this round as a defender of the flag do try to not kill any campers will you?" Hunter nodded "sorry about that long time ago I witnessed something that I couldn't just not just setback and watch happen ever since then I've made a bargain that I am damned to forever follow till otherwise said." The soda god spoke up "ok who is the attackers this time Ares right?" he asked in a questioning tone looking directly at Hunter with disappointed but intrigued eyes. Chiron replied "teams are Athena, Apollo, Hades, and Demeter, Hephaestus, and Dionysus Attackers are Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Poseidon, Artemis's Hunters, Aphrodite. A horn blew in the distance "come now to the area of the game." Chiron called trotting towards the flag area. As the campers followed him they whispered about what happened Maura looked at Hunter asking him "aren't you worried? You scared them I think.." He shrugged "fear makes people think with their heads makes them understand how much power they truly have you understand this yourself do you not?" As they neared the area Chiron pulled Hunter aside "please do hold yourself ba.." he was cut off "don't worry I have no intention of doing harm ill keep your kids out of harm." The horn blew again Maura handed him a simple short sword and shield "you'll be on defense the rest of us will go after the enemy team got it?" He nodded "got it." As the other headed up he could sense the other team close by "ok come out you bastards I can smell you." As the other team cleared out of the woods Maura watched from the shadows thinking "is he the one?" The kid he put fear in "well well well if it ant the fuckers who think he's so badass" at his grip a flaming sword in one hand and a golden shield in another. Hunter yawned "there a point to this sit its been a really really long week for me alight can y'all just grab the flag and go fuck off?" When he finished he looked down seeing a hole in his chest "oh you dumb..." before he could finish another blade cut through his throat he fell over his life gone. "Ha serves the dumbass right now lets grab this flag and go back to picking on th.." he looked at Hunters neck spotting something shiny "oh some loot fuck yeah!" as he grabbed the shiny thing he looked at closer seeing it to be a locket "is this real gold?" as he looked at it behind him Hunter rose the darkness surrounding him. His vision went blank the next time he woke up he was in chains in some sort of cell he sniffed the air smelling the mold the object from the night before a pendent now covered in blood. "what happened.." he asked weakly. A voice spoke "great that's up.." a face appeared behind the wall facing him "you tell us what happened! Ten campers are missing and more are in the ICU for that stunt you pulled what the hell was that!" He looked at the ground "I will only tell that to Chiron, Mr. D and the Leaders of all the cabins." He whispered. The figure spoke spitting at the ground "fine it'll be a few hours however and we aren't removing your chains." He looked at the figure with cold eyes "better double them and make them limit my powers."