
Snake's Survival Guide: From Noodle to Nightmare

Meet Sam—a socially awkward, noodle-obsessed NEET who never expected his greatest achievement to be... getting flattened by two trucks at once. But hey, if you're going to die, might as well go out in style, right? Instead of moving on to the afterlife, Sam finds himself reincarnated in a magical world. The catch? He’s not a hero, not a wizard, and certainly not some mighty warrior. Nope, he's a snake. A tiny, scaly, noodle of a snake with zero chill, a sarcastic attitude, and a hunger for survival. Armed with a status window, some basic skills, and an unnatural obsession with eating other monsters to gain their powers, Sam’s got one goal: to become the ultimate predator. Along the way, he’ll unlock new abilities, devour anything that crosses his path (seriously, no one's safe), and evolve into increasingly deadly—and ridiculous—forms. But it’s not all fun and slithers. Between dodging overzealous adventurers, evading ridiculously powerful monsters, and navigating ancient ruins with world-altering secrets, Sam’s got his hands—er, fangs—full. It’s survival of the sneakiest as Sam tries to climb his way up the food chain, one bite at a time. Can this former NEET-turned-snake survive the wilds, outsmart his enemies, and become the nightmare every adventurer fears? Find out in "Snake’s Survival Guide: From Noodle to Nightmare"—a tale of deadly evolution, sarcastic humor, and one very persistent predator!

Fourleaf_Clover_ · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

Chapter 16: Into the Forest

(Lina's POV)

I had a bad feeling about this from the start.

"You worry too much," Leon, our party leader, said with that stupid cocky grin. "We've handled stuff like this before. It's just an F-Rank beast. We'll be fine."

Leon always made it sound easy. He was a warrior, after all, and the highest-ranked of our little group—F-Rank, to be exact. In his mind, that meant he could take on anything the Adventurer's Guild threw at him. Unfortunately, his confidence didn't exactly match his skill. Sure, he could swing a sword, but that didn't make him invincible.

I, on the other hand, wasn't ranked. Neither were Marie and Derrick, the other two members of our party. Leon was the only one with any actual adventuring experience, but he somehow convinced us all to come along.

"This is my first real hunt," I mumbled, my hand gripping the bow slung over my shoulder. "Shouldn't we be more careful?"

Beside me, Marie, our resident mage, flicked her hair back and sighed. "Lina, we're not going to die. It's an F-Rank beast, not a dragon. We have Leon, and Derrick's got our defense covered. You'll be fine."

Derrick, our tank, gave me a reassuring smile. His broad, calm demeanor was comforting, but it didn't ease the sinking feeling I had in my gut. Maybe it was because Leon always treated this like a game, and Marie tended to follow his lead without question.

"I know, but..." I trailed off, glancing at the quest board.

The Adventurer's Guild was as lively as ever, with parties preparing for their hunts, gathering supplies, or reporting completed missions. Everyone seemed so confident, so sure of themselves.

Except me.

Leon clapped a hand on my shoulder, leaning in closer. "Look, I get it. You're new, unranked, and still finding your way. But this is the best way to level up. You'll learn more out in the field than in any training ground. Stick with us, and we'll handle the tough stuff."

"Right..." I muttered, though my hands were still shaking. Hanging back didn't mean I'd be safe. But it seemed like everyone else had already made up their minds.

Outside the Guild

We left the guild behind and ventured into the Duskwind Forest, where the trees towered over us like ancient sentinels. The sun was still setting, casting long shadows on the forest floor, making everything feel a little darker.

I pulled my cloak tighter around me. There was something about this place that made me uneasy, though I couldn't put my finger on it. Bad feeling or not, I was in this now. I just had to survive the day.

"Relax, Lina," Leon said over his shoulder, as if sensing my worry. "We've got this. Just think of it as practice. Your first kill will feel amazing."

I managed a half-hearted smile, but the knot in my stomach wasn't going anywhere. It just felt… wrong. Too quiet. Too still.

Marie, walking beside me, summoned a small flame to light our way. "You'll be fine. We've handled stuff like this before. Stick to the plan, and you'll come out unscathed."

I didn't reply. The deeper we ventured, the more out of place I felt. This wasn't the beginner zone where we trained. This was the real thing.

Derrick, ever calm, led the way beside Leon, using his shield to push through thick underbrush. He had found some tracks, which led us further into the forest. My nerves were practically buzzing by this point, and every snapped twig or rustling leaf made me flinch.

After what felt like hours, Derrick raised his hand, signaling us to stop. "We're close," he whispered, pointing to the ground. "The tracks lead this way."

I swallowed hard. My first real hunt. Why did it feel like my last?

"Alright, here's the plan," Leon said, all business now. "Derrick takes the front and blocks. Marie, you hit it with fire magic from a distance. I'll close in for the kill, and Lina—" he shot me a grin, "—you provide cover from behind with your bow. Got it?"

Marie and Derrick nodded confidently, while I forced myself to nod along, despite the pit growing in my stomach. My hand hovered over the bowstring, my fingers trembling slightly.

This was happening. Whether I was ready or not.

Deeper Into the Forest

We followed the tracks deeper into the woods, until we reached a small clearing. The sunlight barely filtered through the canopy, making everything look dark and foreboding.

"There," Derrick whispered, pointing to the other side of the clearing.

At first, I didn't see it. Then my eyes adjusted, and I caught sight of the F-Rank beast standing near the treeline. It was massive—far bigger than anything we had trained against. Its thick, scaly hide glistened in the fading light, and its claws dug into the dirt like it owned the forest.

"This is more than an F-Rank beast…" I muttered under my breath, my bow trembling in my hands.

Leon gave me a reassuring look. "Relax, Lina. We've got this."

"Stay back," he whispered, moving forward with his sword drawn. "We've got a plan."

But even with a plan, my unease only deepened. This thing looked far more dangerous than what I had expected from an F-Rank quest.

We moved into position, just like Leon had ordered. Derrick took the lead with his shield raised, while Marie stood behind him, gathering her magic. Leon was ready to charge in, sword at the ready.

And me? I hung back, not because I wanted to, but because I didn't know what else to do. I knocked an arrow, hoping my hands would stop shaking long enough to fire straight.

This was my first hunt. The first time I would take a life in this world. And I wasn't ready for it.