
Slime Summoning: The Skill I use to get Girls

[Slime Summoning] Qing lives in a village in the North. Cursed with the trash skill Slime Summoning he must prove his worth as a hero and find purpose in a purposeless world. _____ I don't have much time to work on this, but I will try to update once a week.

baibye777 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


Qing's heart thumped against his chest as he combed the area outside the tent, desperately calling out for Grandpa Bai. But the silent night was his only companion, leaving him with a knot of worry in his stomach.

"Where could he have vanished?"

"We all ate together just a while ago,"

Qing panicked as he ravaged the campsite for traces of Grandpa Bai's presence.

Meanwhile, within the cozy confines of the tent, Anya, Ning, and Qing's mother exchanged lively banter, oblivious to the mounting concern that plagued Qing's thoughts.

"Grandpa Bai is gone,"

Driven by his awareness and determination of the situation, Qing made the quick decision to venture into the forest. The uneasiest had casted an enchanting spell over the surrounding trees and bushes. Every whisper of the wind rustling through the leaves sent a shiver down Qing's spine, rushing and urging him to proceed forward.

Qing's steps were cautious as he moved through the dense forest, the darkness enveloping him like a thick blanket. The only sound was the rustling of leaves under his feet and the distant hoot of an owl.


His mind raced with thoughts and concerns. What if Grandpa Bai had wandered too far and gotten lost? What if he had encountered some danger? Qing pushed these worries aside, determined to find Anya's grandfather.

The moonlight filtered through the canopy above, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. Qing's eyes scanned the surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of Grandpa Bai's figure among the trees.


The owls hooting was sounding like a taunt telling him to cease his hopeless quest.

The dense foliage had formed a natural labyrinth, concealing all paths and giving rise to ominous shadows that seemed to dance with a life of their own. But Qing pressed forward.

"Maybe he's back at the camp?"

What if I'm the only one lost?"

"Should I just give up?"

As Qing continued his determined trek through the labyrinthine forest, his eyes suddenly caught a glimmer amidst the darkness. It was a faint flicker of light, like sparks dancing on a blacksmith's anvil.

"He must be there,"

As Qing ventured deeper into the labyrinthine forest, following the mesmerizing sparks, the haunting howls of wolves echoed through the night. The intensity of the battle grew with each step, mingling with the rhythmic clash of steel against fangs.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Qing's veins as he hurried toward the source of the commotion. His heart pounded with a mixture of fear and determination.

Emerging from the thick undergrowth, Qing's eyes widened in disbelief at the scene before him. Grandpa Bai stood tall, his weathered face etched with concentration, as he fought off a pack of menacing undead wolves. Their icy blue eyes glowed with malice, their snarls reverberating through the night.

Qing's heart raced in his chest as he witnessed the extraordinary sight unfolding before him. The menacing undead wolves lunged at Grandpa Bai with feral aggression, but he met their assault head-on. With his eyes aglow in a fiery red hue, he wielded the black blade with unparalleled skill and precision.

As the first wolf charged, Grandpa Bai swiftly moved into action, his every movement a testament to his honed instincts and combat prowess. The black blade, bathed in an ethereal aura, sliced through the air with a mesmerizing swiftness, effortlessly intercepting the wolf's attack.

In a breathtaking display, Grandpa Bai drew the blade closer to his eyes, revealing the redness that mirrored the fiery glow of his pupils. The blade served as a shield against the relentless assault, blocking the wolf's jaws from sinking into his flesh. The impact sent sparks flying, illuminating the night with a shower of radiant embers.

The wolves snarled and snapped, their icy blue eyes filled with malice, but Grandpa Bai's movements remained fluid and unwavering. He countered their every move with calculated precision, the black blade arcing through the air like a streak of darkness, severing limbs and silencing their savage howls.

Each swing of his weapon was executed with precision and fluidity, his movements a deadly dance that defied the laws of nature.

Qing watched in awe as Grandpa Bai's blade weaved through the air, leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. The wolves, though relentless, were no match for his skill and experience. His strikes were swift and calculated, finding their mark with unerring accuracy.

The air crackled with energy as the clash between Grandpa Bai and the undead wolves intensified. Qing could feel the raw power emanating from Bai, a testament to his unwavering resolve and the depths of his martial prowess.

Grandpa Bai was a blacksmith not a warrior. These movements were not movements that could be simply made by hammering steel all day. Grandpa Bai had trained in the sword and had possibly touched the realm of a master.


Grandpa Bai launched a twig toward the hoot.

The twig sailed through the air and landed near the owl, catching its attention. The owl hooted once more before taking flight, its wings beating gracefully as it soared above the treetops. Qing watched as the owl disappeared into the night, carrying with it a sense of mysterious guidance.

As the owl disappeared into the night, a sense of relief washed over Qing. The undead wolves, sensing their leader's departure, began retreating into the depths of the forest. Their malicious snarls faded into the distance, leaving behind a newfound calmness.

As the forest fell silent once again, Qing approached Grandpa Bai cautiously, his eyes filled with a mixture of awe and concern. "Grandpa Bai, I've been looking for you. What happened here? How did you...?"

Grandpa Bai lowered his blade, the glow of the enchantment fading slowly. He turned to Qing with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting both weariness and satisfaction. "Ah, my young Qing. I apologize for the worry I caused you. These undead wolves had strayed too close to our camp, and I couldn't allow them to pose a threat to Anya's safety."

Qing's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, "Grandpa Bai, I had no idea you were skilled in the ways of the sword. I've only seen you as a blacksmith."

"You need to be a warrior before you are a true blacksmith,"