
Slime shock Hero - Symbiotic slime girl that gave me superpower

"Slimes? They're just weak starter monsters in fantasy games, right?" Wrong! Akira Nakamura was an average high school student, until he dove into a swamp to save a girl who he thought was about to commit suicide. But the girl he rescued turned out to be an overpowered alien symbiotic slime creature, who needed a host to survive.

rulaslovesmanga · Urbain
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chapter 2 - possessed?

Last night, I didn't get a single wink of sleep, but I don't feel tired. In fact, I feel more active than usual. Sure, I've been experiencing dizziness and migraines, but it doesn't bother me much. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me since I'm always alone (that kinda thing can happen, you know). So I decided to go to school for a change of scenery.

*I walked all the way to school and saw a poster for a meteor shower party that happened three days ago. And then, I saw a TV on display at an electronics store, reading a headline about geologists finding microbial life from a meteor rock from outer space, similar to bacteria.*

It looks like I'm not the only one experiencing some crazy things.

I made it to school and took my seat, and then someone patted me on the back,

saying "Yo yo yo, look who's early today, Aki bro. Have you seen our new seating arrangement? I get to sit next to my crush."

It was Arlo, an airheaded but nice person who's an easy target for bullies. I felt bad for him, so I didn't mind sitting next to him, but I can't be friends with him. If I draw attention to myself, I'll become the bully's next target. You can call me selfish, but it's like a survival instinct to stay hidden from your predators.

A voice in my head said, "Oh, you're free man are you scared?.

I looked around, but there was nobody there. The voice I heard was feminine.

Me: "Arlo, did you just hear someone? A girl?"

Arlo: "A girl?"

Me: "yes,a girl!"

*The voice in my head: "Wait, what girl?"*

Me: "That voice again..."

Arlo: "Are you okay, bro?"

Me: "I think I'm not."

Arlo: "If you're not feeling well, go to the infirmary. I'm sure they have some medicine there."

Me: "Ah, I guess I should go..."

I went towards the nurse's office, and while walking through the hallway on my way there, the voice in my head said,

*"Are you fine, my dear?"*

"That voice again? What do you want?" I said to myself.

*The voice in my head: "I want you, my dear."*

Me: "Want me?"

The voice: "Yes!"

Me: "Why?"

The voice: "Because you need me."

Me: "Who told you that?"

The voice: "You."

Me: "When?"

*the conversation movings back in forth like two minds in one but one in my control and the other is not.*

The voice: "I am in your mind. I know everything."

Me: "That's an invasion of my privacy."

The voice: "We are one. It doesn't matter."

Me: "We are one? What do you mean? What are you, a ghost?"

*The voice: "Not a ghost, I assume. I'm not from here, and I am still learning from your mind and surroundings. Seven million years floating in the complete void, with nothing.

But when I came here, it was so alive."*

" Wait, you're an alien, a parasite in my brain?"

*The voice: "Not a parasite, an alien, perhaps. Not in the brain, but your whole body. Now, I am one with you, your companion, your partner."*

Me: "When did you...?"

The voice: "Don't you remember our fated encounter? I was on the verge of losing my existence, what you humans call death. But just then, you came to my rescue, jumping in before me. ...The thing is, I can't survive on my own, especially in this planet's environment. Even in the void (space), I could barely move. But ever since I merged with you, I feel everything, the senses, these emotions, fear, joy, sorrow, ones that you feel. This feeling of being one with you, having a warm body, being able to move, and see things, the food we ate..."*

Me: "Wait...wait...it's too much, please. So that was you who brought me all the way back to my apartment. Does that mean you can control my body?"

The voice: "Well, yes..."

Me: "Then how were my clothes all dry?"

The voice: "Well, I can do many things."

Suddenly, a Glock comes out of my hand.

Me: "Wait...wait...wait...stop...stop...what is this? Please put it back. We are not in America."

The gun went back.

Me: "What was that?"

The voice: "Well, that one is part of my end of the deal. Now that I have a body and can survive, you are getting my abilities as part of the deal. When I said I was not a parasite, I meant it. I am not just going to feed off you. I am also giving up myself to you. You can have my powers like shape-shifting, matter manipulation, absorption, super strength, and more.

But the most interesting part of it all that you...are...an.. immortal now.....

Me: That's a lot to take in.

* An image, like a hologram, of the girl I tried to save appeared before me, smiling. "I'll be in your care, my love. You're not alone anymore.*

(and then she whispered ":But before all that, we need to calibrate.")

Calibrate? Why does that sound suspicious, and what does it mean?