

Become the greatest hero or villain that the world has ever known! Balance the challenges of leading a normal life, while attempting to defeat evil... or wreak havoc on the world.

Gellius_Helder · Fantaisie
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21 Chs


The captain nods as you say this, and you get the feeling that she appreciates your professional attitude toward the situation.

She then pulls out a piece of paper from her back pocket, though it appears that she knows everything on it already. "His real name is Carl Jackson, a homeless person. From what we know he isn't really a bad character, and hasn't killed anybody so far. However, since he got his powers he has been involved in a number of supermarket robberies around the state. Mostly, he just takes a little bit of money and food, and appears to still be living rough, which is why we haven't been able to locate him. But, this time he was stupid enough to try to rob a supermarket that is only around the block from a police station. Classification: yon-kyu. Known powers: shape-shifting into human insectoid form, enhanced strength and endurance, thick skin that can absorb low-grade bullet damage, insect wings that allow him to fly short distances. This shouldn't pose too much difficulty for you, right?"

It would appear that it is not only Black Cockroach's profile that the captain knows by heart, and the look in her eyes seems to indicate that she has a good understanding of the level of your powers and capabilities. In any case, this Black Cockroach is indeed a yon-kyu, as you first suspected. You feel a lot more relaxed about the entire situation, and from the captain's description it should be relatively easy to handle him.