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Chapter 3: Death (1)

"Are you ready to die, commoner?" The kid said in a condescending tone. His eyes showed arrogance that the gods couldn't compare to, and his overbearing posture that contradicted his small physique made him look like a rodent trying to threaten an enemy.

Ender didn't respond to the kid's words, his glare being more than enough to show his pure anger. His glare intimidated the kid, and it gave the kid a feeling of dread and terror. The kid subconsciously took a step back, but when he realized what he just did he felt embarrassed and hateful.

The kid thought about how his father was a huge figure in the underworld, and the large backing that came with being the son of such a man gave him the courage to face Ender's glare.

"Are you a mute or something? You should be grateful that I am blessing you with my words you poor trash!" The kid said to Ender in disdain, showing that his arrogant young master demeanor had returned.

To the kid's irritation, Ender continued his silent glare. His short temper exploded, and he remembered a few bits of information that he had found after researching Ender.

"You dumb fucking commoner, are you a mute just like your whore mother? Ha, she was a prostitute, right? Didn't she die from a drug overdose? Don't worry, her death helped clean the world of trash! If only she could have brought you along with her!" The kid yelled at Ender with a haughty tone.

Ender's body visibly shook, and his eyes were filled with rage. Sadly for the kid, the referee's shout took his attention away from Ender's current look. Otherwise, he would have pissed his pants and ran out of the ring the second he was met with Ender's gaze.

"Fight!" The referee shouted from outside the ring, a sudden announcement that they used to surprise the fighters and hopefully allow the one who recovered first to land a big shot that would entertain the crowd.

Ender was an experienced fighter with dozens of matches under his belt. He had already been prepared for the sudden start of the second match because he had already been anticipating the abrupt shout of the referee. He had initially been anticipating the sudden start of the referee as a habit, but the kid's words about his mother infuriated him. His thoughts had instantly been filled with anger, and the only desire he had was to completely destroy the kid who dared to talk to him like that.

Surprised by the sudden start, the kid froze for a second. This time period could have been used by Ender to knock the kid to the floor, but at this point in time, he was still stuck in his own thoughts of fury.

The kid ran towards Ender with his fist raised and his body in a similar posture to when he had thrown a punch making use of his entire body weight. It seemed the kid felt that his previous punch that was backed with his full power had been a good idea, so he was doing it again.

But when the kid looked up at Ender's face, he was filled with hesitation. What the kid saw was rage in its purest form, anger akin to the anger of a man seeing his entire family die.

This anger gave the kid a bad feeling about the fight, which was further amplified by Ender getting into a fighting position and cocking up his punch as if he was really going to fight in this round.

Sadly for the kid, no matter how much his mind screamed at him to stop, he couldn't stop his attack.

The kid's punch was heading for Ender's chin, and despite the kid's lean upper body strength it still packed a decent amount of power due to the punch using all of the kid's energy.

Of course, this meant that if the punch didn't connect the kid was screwed, and the kid's lack of speed and balance only made dodging the punch easier.

Ender propelled himself off of his right foot which shuffled him to the left. The kid's fist went past his head and over his shoulder, and his body smacked into Ender's chest because of his acceleration not allowing him to stop.

This put Ender in a perfect position, while the kid was in the worst position.

Ender twisted his body and brought out as much power as he can, as he loaded up a huge shot. The kid noticed this and quickly tried to step back to get away from Ender, but he was tripped by Ender's foot at the same time that Ender had loaded his punch.

The kid fell back, his expression twisted in shock and horror as Ender's hook looked to be on a perfect trajectory with his left cheek.

The kid's eyes instinctively closed as Ender's fist collided with his cheek, causing the kid's brain to shake around in his skull. His brain immediately shut down, which made the kid's body slump over like a ragdoll, signaling his unconsciousness.

But Ender wasn't done. His fiery rage was still burning, and it was as hot as a volcano.

Shifting his body, he threw an uppercut to the kid's chin which halted his fall for a split second. Then Ender slid one hand to the back of the kid's head to keep him from falling to the floor. After all, if he fell and the round ended, how could he satiate his rage?

With one hand supporting the kid from falling, Ender raised his other fist and started to punch the kid's face as hard as he could. He threw consecutive hooks using his maximum amount of power, with every punch manipulating the air around it with pure kinetic force.

This went on for half a minute until Ender finally felt that his anger at having his greatness insulted and his mother disrespected had been satiated. His boxing gloves were covered in fresh blood that splattered onto his body, blood that didn't belong to him, and he finally dropped the kid to the floor.

His body fell to the floor like a doll, causing an audible thud followed by a pained grunt. His pretty boy face that he used to have was now completely warped, covered in blood and snot. His nose and jaw were broken with his mouth opened wide-- showing his missing and cracked teeth.

The brutal beatdown caused deafening roars to fill the arena, caused by a bloodthirsty and sadistic audience.

The VIPs also had a good show, as they looked towards a certain VIP who had put his son in the ring to fight King. They had been told that the match had been rigged for the son to win, but judging by the outcome of the match, their information must've been wrong-- a delightful event that let the VIPs see something rare.

What they got to see was a fellow powerhouse trembling in his seat. His eyebrows were as sharp as swords and his glare was burning like the sun. It was easy for the VIPs to tell that he was furious and full of rage, and it even seemed like steam was emanating from his head. The VIPs got a good chuckle out of his furious appearance, and the referee finally ran into the ring to stop the fight.

The referee ran up to the kid and started checking on his condition. He put his ear to the kid's chest and heard his heartbeat, he checked the kid's pulse, and he put a finger in front of his nose and mouth to check if he was breathing.

When the referee checked and made sure the kid was still alive and not so well, he breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed Ender by the glove, and pulled his hand up to the air, before announcing the winner.

"Your winner for today's fight is the King, Ender!"

Following the announcement, cheers rang out throughout the crowd. The sheer volume was enough to cause people to go deaf, and the noise only got louder as people started getting up from their seats and making as much noise as they could.

Fluids splashed out of the audience's bottles as they jumped around, and the wide mouths that the crowd used to cheer caused a few of the audience members to inform those surrounding them of their bad breath.

Everybody was celebrating, and some people were even crying tears of joy. A majority of the crowd had bet their money on Ender, and some had even betted large amounts of their own savings. They had almost pissed themselves when they saw Ender getting his ass beat in the first round, but they were the ones who cheered loudest when he started giving the kid a beating.

Ender and the referee basked in the spotlight for a while, until the shouts started to die down and the crowd got ahold of themselves. The referee dropped Ender's hand and picked the kid up, and carried him to the medical staff while Ender walked to his own corner where he knew an inevitable yelling waited for him.

As he expected, his coach was there waiting for him at his corner, and he immediately gave him an earful of insults and curses.

"You fucking idiot, why did you do that! We could have gotten so much money! We could have escaped from this damn hell hole!"

"You stupid little shit, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Fucking moron, we were so close to getting the biggest payday of our lives! How could you do that!"

If it was anybody else insulting Ender like this, he would have long ago beaten them to a pulp. After all, a man with the ego of Ender wouldn't take these curses lying down!

But this wasn't any man. This was the man who picked him up from the streets, this was the man who fed and cared for him, this was the man who treated him like family, and this was the man who trained him into a great fighter. Ender respected this man the most out of anybody he has ever met before, and he looked up to him as a sort of father figure.

Ender looked ashamed, a rare scene that would never be seen again, and said: "I am sorry coach, at first I could handle his words but when he started to insult my mom I lost it."

Hearing those words only made his coach even more furious, and he shouted; "Ha, he insulted your dead mom?! Oh really?! Well let me tell you something kid, my wife is also about to be a mother, and I was planning on leaving this shit hole with the money from this match so that I could give my kids a good life@!

Fuck! Why am I even worrying about the future when I won't survive the present! Do you even realize what you've done? You gave an underworld powerhouse's son permanent injuries, and unless he gets vengeance his reputation will sour! The first thing he is going to do is kill you. He will kill you slowly and torture you for days, letting your screams set an example to those who were thinking of going against him in the future.

After that, he will kill me! My death will probably be a bit faster because while you permanently injured his son I only went against our business deal. Maybe he will give me a beating before putting a bullet in my brain!

Finally, he will kill my family! My parents will be put in graves and my siblings mercilessly murdered, and my wife might suffer an even worse fate!"

The coach closed his eyes and rubbed his temples in irritation, before sighing.

"My suggestion to you kid? Run. Run far, far away, because I guarantee that he is already getting ready to kill you. I doubt you will listen, but I don't care, because I can't worry about you right now. I need to worry about myself and my family. Good luck kid, try not to die."

Those were the coach's final words before he turned around and walked out of the arena, as he got his phone out to presumably start his getaway.

Ender stared at his back and sighed. The fight had made him extremely tired, and the only thing that he wanted to do was to go home and rest. The idea of being hunted down flew out of his head under his exhausted state, and he walked out of the ring when he felt a gaze on his back.

He turned around and looked up to the stands, and spotted the culprit. It was a man with an expression of fury and rage, his body trembling and his fists clenched. He glared into Ender's eyes and lifted his hand up to his neck to make a throat-cutting gesture, which should have signaled to Ender about his current situation.

But Ender didn't even respond to the gesture. He processed it as an empty threat and turned back around, before walking back home and going to sleep.