

Auteur: IQjfjwefn
Video Games
Actuel · 125K Affichage
  • 8 Shc
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  • NO.200+

What is Skeksmwm

Lisez le roman Skeksmwm écrit par l'auteur IQjfjwefn publié sur WebNovel. ...


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spy detektif

tok tok terdengar suara pintu di ketok ,hey bung halmi bukakan pintu ucap seorang laki-laki dengan suara berat ,sambil melangkah dengan suara tegas siap bung jon ..krett pintu terbuka betapa terkejut nya bung hilmi dengan raut muka ketakutan melihat seorang pria tinggi besar terluka parah di bagian kepala , bung hilmi pun berkata , bung hilmi: hey pemuda ada apa gerangan enkau sampai terluka parah pemuda : aku hanya ingin melaporkan bahwa kasus hilangnya doktor watson di karenakan ulah orang partai banteng hitam( dengan suara terbata2) bung jon :apa kau tau dimana iya membawa dokter watson dan motif menculik doktor watson pemuda: tidak tahu tempat nya .motif nya karna doktor watson mempunyai bukti2 bahwa partai banteng hitam punya sampah busuk tersembunyi bung jon:apa itu pemuda pemuda :experimen manusia ini buktinya (pemuda itu membawa foto dan sebuah dokumen) mr jon pun terkehut dan membuat bulu kuduk nya merinding. pemuda :aku ke sini untuk melaporkan dan memberi kasus ini kepada kalin spy detektif .aku mohon mr jon :baik.tapi sebelumnya aku akan membawamu ke rumah sakit .. .... selang waktu kemudian bung john melihat beberapa daftar jurnal dokter john dengan seksama dan sangat teliti sampai2 mengeritkan wajah nya yang menyerupai orang2 persia ber kumis tebal berjanggut panjang ,mata besar dantajam separti burung hantu mengincar mangsa di malam hari,setiap lembar nya watson mencari dan terus mencari ..iapun memanggil asistant nya dengan suara lantang hey bung halmi .tinglah bantu aku bung john : aku bingung bung halmi bung halmi :tidak seperti biasa anda bingung seperti ini bung john: setelah aku membaca jurnal ini aku berpendapat bahwa jurnal ini mengandung kode yang sangat sulit,bisa terdiri dari bahasa rusia jerman dan pracis ,bukanya kmu tahu sedikit bahasa russia jerman dan prancis. bung halmi :iya sedit tau bahasa tadi.tolong sebutkan kode atau sandi di dalam jurnal tersebut bung john bung john : kata2nya seperti taureau ,le noir ,мембуат перкобаан манузия bung halmi:ternyata itu hanya dua bahasa bahasa prancis, rusia ,taureau ,le noir .yang artiya banteng hitam ,мембуат перкобаан манузия yang artinya percobaan manusia bung jon :Ternyata benar bahwa doktor watson mempunyai bukti atau pun petujuk bahwa partai benteng hitam menyimpan sampah busuk di dalam partai

ade_sansafika · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


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  • Qualité de l’écriture
  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial

I have a hobby of writing which I satisfy through writing novels on this app! I love interacting with my readers and any of your reviews or comments will be noticed! Please continue to support me! My writing quality is top tier among the other novels on this site, and any small mistakes I make can be pointed out through the comments. I will fix them quickly! My updating stability will be a little erratic due to me being busy with school and sports, but I am hoping to publish three chapters a week. But for now, it will be one chapter a week. The story will develop slowly so that I can put as much detail as possible into my words, allowing you all to connect to my novel. I am trying to give all of my characters realistic yet unique personalities, which is difficult since not many unique personalities in anime are realistic ones. The world background is heavily influenced by Pokemon, but I will be changing it in big ways to make it more realistic and fitting towards the plot I am looking for.


I need to be honest here so... this is my review. Your writing quality surpasses many so no need to question. 5 stars. You're uploading frequently so 5 stars.(atleast until chap 5 latest chapter) I don't know about the future but I hope you don't drop like many other authors after chapter 10 lol. Character Design is abit tricky. Your mc is a boxer and a coach in his last life with a wife and some kids. when he reincarnated in Pokemon. How does he know who nurse joy is? I know who said nurse joy looks like a game character blah blah but like... can you describe it little bit more vivid? Also how MC said he will tell the parents later that he is a grown man inside their kid's body? Don't. Bad idea. Even if it's not me, when your fanfic becomes bigger and bigger more audience will be attracted and I doubt they'll be like "Yay mc is telling his past lives' memories to his parents. Such a new and refreshing logical idea, author san!". I didn't want to give it 3 stars. That's too harsh. But you're not getting 5 for this. SO 4 stars for character design. World background is not even needed. It's Pokemon world and since the fanfic is in the embryo stage, original background has not been established so Stars- N/A I look forward to seeing your success.


Apareate con las pokemons Cojete a las pokemons Coje a las pokemons Jodete a las pikemons Ten sexo con las pokemons Has el amor con las pokemons Enamora a las pokemons Atrapalas a todas Roba a las pokemons y chicas de otros hombres/entrenadores Amor a las pokemons y pokegirls


Hey mate, what's wrong with your title? Did you abandon it? No....... Anyway, if you go hiatus or something, don't delete chapter... Leave it... Maybe, it will inspire you to write again next few month or years... We can wait..


Big Harem?


the reasoning behind my rating is that if you go with the grey one you get more orange ones which means more parmasean meat to eat. thank you very much for reading this comment I'm really bored


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Did you drop the story?? 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑


It has a lot of potential and I hope that it will fulfill it. I would like to thank the author for his hard work so far and his future work. 👍👍👍👍👍


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General Audiencesmature rating