


    My brother was the same as usual kind and calm. I get sad when I think about how it was my fault he couldn't go on to fulfill his dream. He gives me some bacon and eggs and i eat my fill. I then go to school and I listened to my playlist of all sorts of oldies. I was enjoying this until I suddenly get hit in the head. I turn to look and of course it was Dillan. Dillan was the school bully but he would beat up any who tell so people just look away as someone is beaten to a pulp. His recent target was me just because I like this one guy Marcus. He saw me talking to Marcus one day and saw me blushing so he asked if i like him. I said yeah why does he care. He threatened me my saying if I don't become his toy he will beat up Marcus.

Every morning he pulls me to the side and gives me a beating with his friends. I try to fight back hit a few of them but there is to many of them so i lose. It hurts like hell but i just endure. 

"Your getting boring maybe i should play with marcus" Dillan taunts in a rude tone. 

"Just leave him alone," I say.

 "Oh! Look whos over there" he says pointing at Marcus. 

He starts to walk over there but I grab him "LEAVE HIM ALONE" I say firmly. 

He looks at me angry. "Did you just tell me what to do" he says as he kick me one more time "Fine but bring me 20 dollars every day" he smirks then walks away. 

I get to school late again and get sent to the nurse as soon as the teachers see my injuries. 

"Boy why do you always come in with fresh cuts." she says pleading "I can help just me ". 

I give her a blank stare and say "I feel" I knew that if I told he would get mad and might hurt Marcus. She looks sadly at me and puts an ice pack on my swollen cheek. I take it and head to my class but stop and look at this flyer on the wall. "A music club? Sounds cool guess I'll check it out on friday." I think and continue on to class.