

"It would appear that your bones have been plated in some sort of bio-engineered Metal, it appears to be Silver in quality, your blood also seems to have replaced its iron levels with more silver..." Came a gravely voice from an older man in a labcoat.

"So what does this mean Dr. Zimmerman?" Asked the bald man.

Dr. Zimmerman responded with a shrug before saying, "Whatever experiments were done to him have changed him. His blood is showing some highly adaptive qualities as well, the potential for this are extraordinary!" Ending in a near shout.

"A-and what of m-my b-b-back?" Andreas asked.

"Our machines had detected a computer like existance...but it was smashed to bits. We did remove as many of the shards as we could find, but otherwise he seems to be normal. I believe whatever Dr. Blue had done to the child has in some way started to convert his excessive blood pools into silver that...well it's not hindering his movement so maybe there's something that's keeping it flexible?" Replied Dr. Zimmerman.

"Hmmm...It's not the strangest of his former experiments...but if he has done what you say...it'll be his most successful experiment." Said the bald man.

Andreas had begun to zone out as the 2 continued to chat. Off in a far corner of the room, past the Dr. and the Bald man's heads was a slight glint. It appeared almost red. Andreas wanted it to be bigger so he could see it clearer. It grew bigger. He wanted it to look like a cup. The boy was quite thirsty. The red glob formed into a simple cup. Andreas didn't like its color. He wanted it to be more black. The cup became overcome in more of the red glop before it all dissipated, leaving behind only a Black cup.

"Andreas! Are you paying attention?" Shouted the bald man at the child.

The boy snapped out of it and went to reply, but a loud crash came from the corner of the room where he was just focused. Everyone jerked their heads in the direction of the sound to be greeted by the small black cup and a small crater where it had landed.

"Was that 'E'?!?" Shouted Dr. Zimmerman.

"I don't believe 'E' has these kinds of capabilities sir." Replied the bald man.

The bald man crouched down and tried to lift the cup, but it wouldn't budge.

"If it wasn't 'E', then which one was it? 'I'?" Asked Zimmerman.

The bald man had given up on picking up the cup and was now chatting with the Doctor.

Andreas was fixated on the cup. "Did I really make this?" He thought to himself as he crouched down and picked it up, effortlessly.

"Can you g-get me something to drink?" Andreas asked the bald man as he handed him the cup, which he was now able to pickup for some reason.

"In just a minute." He replied while moving the cup to in front of himself.

Zimmerman stopped wide eyed and just stared at the cup.

The baldman looked down to see what had Surprised the doctor, and to his surprise he was holding the very cup he couldnt even get to budge moments ago. His jaw nearly dropped as he connected the dots between the cup and the child.

"Where did you get this cup?!?" The bald man asked.

The child Replied, "I made it."

"With what? How? When?" The bald man asked.

Andreas responded by pointing at the same corner of the room and saying, "With that red glop."

The bald man asked, "Can you make another one?"

Dr. Zimmerman watched as the child created another cup. He watched the child like a Hawk.

Gallons of the red glop began to exit one of Andreas' recently surgery wounds. "It must be his blood, but how?" thought Dr. Zimmerman.

He watched as the blood gathered together in the air, mashed around, and formed an almost identical black cup. He grabbed the cup, gave it a heavy sniff, tapped it a few times with a pen, and then placed it, gently, on the counter.

"It appears to be some sort of highly compressed silver...and it appears to be completely stable in its condition..." Replied Dr. Zimmerman.