

October 4th, 2XX2

A devoid look sat within the child's eyes. He wasn't even the slightest bit happy.

"Kid! we can't help you if you don't cooperate!" Shouted a man who, lack of a better description, appeared to be a generic body gaurd. Tall, black suit, sunglasses, messy black hair.

The boy quietly watched the man.

"What did he do to you in the last 3 years?!" Shouted the man.

"The boys obviously traumatized, Dante." The bald man said as he opened the interrogation cells door. "Would you like to go back to your room Andreas?" He asked.

The boy nodded his head.

The bald man pushed a wheelchair into the room and helped the boy into said wheelchair.

Andreas' legs worked fine, but the bald man had insisted.

The facility halls were the same bland brown. Everything was pretty much the same.

As they walked, they passed several facility workers. They overheard several conversations along the way, but the one that stuck with Andreas the most was between several female workers.

"Hey, wasn't he one of the lead nanotech researchers?" Asked a blonde lady.

"Yeah..." Replied a woman with cherry red hair.

"Why would he-" The conversation had gotten too far away for Andreas to hear, but he could figure out what they were talking about.

"You still bleed, yet the blood is unseen." A preteen girl in a flowery dress said with her head shifted to the side.

Andreas' eye shot open after hearing her. He understood that she was right. His blood wasn't cured, it wasn't slowed, but he wasn't bleeding.

His wounds weren't completely healed yet, but it was like all of the excess blood had been sucked dry, as if something was sucking the blood away.