
Silent Echoes, Distant Voices

After alien artifacts trigger worldwide disasters, only those who can hear the artifacts' whispers survive. A deaf scientist, using technology to simulate hearing, and a streetwise orphan with a mysterious ability to understand the aliens' intent, team up to prevent humanity's annihilation. Hi Everyone! Note from me: I want to thank everyone for reading this synopsis. This is my entry into the Writing Prompt Contest for April 2024. The theme is uncertain future where I choose the sub category of #survivalmutation. My current plan is to publish one chapter a day, so by the end of the Contest in March, I should have about 45 chapters published for the novel. Any feedback you can give about the novel would be appreciated as I am still a new writer in this space. Please send your votes and enjoy the novel!

Scott_Cheuvront_Jr · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

Rainy Night Run

Kai's boots splashed through the deluge, the rhythmic pounding of raindrops against the cityscape a steady backdrop to her swift strides. New Cascadia's neon lights fractured in the waterlogged streets, mirroring the chaos within her. She navigated the labyrinth of narrow alleys and broad avenues with the precision of a ghost, her presence as fleeting as the shadows cast by the flickering streetlamps.

The clammy embrace of her drenched clothing was an afterthought, a trivial nuisance compared to the gravity of her mission. Her fingers brushed against the knife at her side, reassurance in the form of cold metal. As she neared the innocuous noodle shop, its sign sputtering in the downpour, Kai's jaw set, tension coiling in her like a spring.

No patrons sought late-night sustenance here; none dared brave this corner of the city where even the law hesitated to tread. Kai veered off the main thoroughfare, her steps sure and silent as she moved to the building's rear.

There, hidden from the prying eyes of passersby and satellites alike, was the descent into the Neon Shadows' lair. Each step down the sodden staircase felt like a descent into the belly of a slumbering beast, one she had to both revere and defy. The secured door loomed before her, its surface unremarkable, but for Kai, it was a portal to a world laced with danger and deceit.

Her hand moved to the panel beside it, fingers dancing over the keys with habitual ease. There was no hesitation; there couldn't be. The lock disengaged with a soft click, a sound swallowed whole by the relentless symphony of the storm. Pushing the door open, Kai stepped across the threshold, leaving the chaos of the rain-swept city behind for the treachery that awaited within. The door closed with a finality that weighed on her shoulders, sealing her fate to whatever lay ahead.

Kai's eyes adjusted to the dim light, the cacophony of the storm outside replaced by the hum of machinery and low moans. The air was thick with smog; a pungent cocktail of tobacco smoke and spilled spirits wrapped around her like a second skin. She maneuvered through the haze, her gaze sweeping over the dismal tableau. Chimerics, their features a patchwork of spliced genetics, lay sprawled across stained recliners. Theriogens, more human than beast, twitched as needles pumped Ultimgem-B007 into their veins.

The space was cramped, the walls closing in, adorned with peeling paint and posters that had faded from years of exposure to vice and neglect. Each recliner held a story, a body broken by the relentless pursuit of stability in a form that nature never intended. The low hum of machinery mingled with the groans of discomfort and the occasional sharp cry as the drug took hold. It offered a temporary reprieve from the genetic decay eating away at their very essence.

Kai navigated the room with practiced ease, her steps deliberate, avoiding the tangle of tubes and the occasional outstretched limb. Her presence went largely unnoticed, just another shadow among many, yet her heart beat a steady rhythm of shared suffering and muted rage against the injustice of it all.

In one corner, a group of theriogens huddled together, their whispers a susurrus of secrets and shared fears. Their eyes, so similar to those of humans yet tinged with the wildness of their animal counterparts, followed Kai's movement with a mixture of curiosity and resignation. They were the lucky ones, they knew, to retain so much of their humanity, yet the Ultimgem-B007 held them in a grip just as tight as it did their more altered brethren.

Viper's lackeys moved through the space with casual brutality, their laughs jagged edges in the soft fabric of the drugged stupor that enveloped the room. They checked connections, ensuring the flow of Ultimgem-B007 remained constant. Their indifference to the suffering around them was a testament to the desensitization wrought by too many nights spent in the underbelly of New Cascadia.

The drug snaked through tubes from bulky canisters, its contents a swirl of promise and poison. Kai knew the game—the Neon Shadows peddled hope to the desperate, ensuring their return with chains of chemical bonds. She noticed the flicker in a chimeric's eyes, the quiet plea for salvation or end—she couldn't tell. With each step deeper into the den, the weight of their silent suffering pressed against her conscience.

A floorboard creaked, signaling a presence that sent ripples of unease through the charged air.

From the shadowed recesses, Viper appeared. His lithe form moved with serpentine grace, a predator among the stricken. Eyes like shards of ice fixed on Kai, and she braced for the inevitable collision of wills.

"Kai," his voice oozed, slick as oil on water. He closed the distance between them, and her instincts screamed for distance, for escape.

"Viper," she acknowledged, her tone sharp as a blade, an attempt to cut through the layers of his anticipated guile.

But he was upon her now, a coil of tension and malice. His arms slipped around her, an embrace that carried the chill of possession. "I've been waiting for you," he murmured, the words a dark melody that danced with insinuation.

Kai steeled herself, every fiber of her being rejecting the closeness. Her jaw tightened, a silent vow that she would not be ensnared. She had come here on a mission, her resolve an armor against the darkness that sought to claim her. But even as she stood surrounded by the vices of the Neon Shadows, Kai understood that the real danger came from the man who held her—a viper by name and nature.

Kai's muscles tensed, a coiled spring ready to release. She twisted in Viper's embrace, the slickness of her rain-drenched clothing aiding her struggle for freedom. His arms, however, were like steel bands, his grip unyielding as he pulled her closer into the shadows that clung to the edges of the Neon Shadows' lair.

"Let go," she hissed a sharp whisper that cut through the hum of illicit activity around them.

Viper's low and mocking laughter scratched at Kai's resolve. With a swift motion, he snatched the backpack from her shoulder, his fingers brushing against hers with deliberate provocation. "Not so fast," he said, his eyes gleaming with avarice as he assessed the contents of her bag. You're not leaving until we've settled our business."

"Settled?" Kai spat the word out, her defiance pushing back against his overbearing presence. "I've done my part. I earned that payoff."

"Your part?" Viper smirked, vilely twisting his lips. "You think you're indispensable? The Neon Shadows thrived long before your little escapades, and we'll continue to do so."

The weight of his statement hung heavy in the air between them. Kai felt the burn of indignation flare in her chest. The truth of his words stung; she knew she was just another pawn in Viper's strategic game, yet she couldn't let him diminish her role without a fight. Her contributions had been vital, even if he refused to acknowledge them.

"Without me, you'd still be fumbling in the dark," she retorted, her gaze unwavering, challenging him to deny her impact.

"Careful, Kai." Viper's voice dripped venom now. "Your arrogance is unbecoming. Remember who provides the Ultimgem-B007 that keeps your mom functional."

His threat was clear, and Kai's blood ran cold. Dependency on the drug was a chain she despised but one she could not afford to break. Not yet. She needed it as much as the chimerics and theriogens who languished in their chemically induced purgatory.

"Fine," Kai conceded, her shoulders squaring as she reclaimed a measure of control. "Take what you want, but remember this: I am not yours to command."

Viper chuckled, flipping her backpack carelessly back onto her shoulder. "We'll see about that, Kai.

We'll see." His dismissive gesture stung, a stark reminder of the tenuous balance of power that defined their relationship.

"But first…" Viper sang menacingly.


20 Days to Calamity

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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