
Silent Echoes, Distant Voices

After alien artifacts trigger worldwide disasters, only those who can hear the artifacts' whispers survive. A deaf scientist, using technology to simulate hearing, and a streetwise orphan with a mysterious ability to understand the aliens' intent, team up to prevent humanity's annihilation. Hi Everyone! Note from me: I want to thank everyone for reading this synopsis. This is my entry into the Writing Prompt Contest for April 2024. The theme is uncertain future where I choose the sub category of #survivalmutation. My current plan is to publish one chapter a day, so by the end of the Contest in March, I should have about 45 chapters published for the novel. Any feedback you can give about the novel would be appreciated as I am still a new writer in this space. Please send your votes and enjoy the novel!

Scott_Cheuvront_Jr · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

Night Market Fatale

Kai, known in the shadowed corners of New Cascadia as Stray, moved through the market under cover of night, her figure cloaked in the anonymity that darkness offered. The city around her pulsed with life, its rhythm underscored by the ceaseless pattern of rain on concrete and the flicker of neon signs casting an otherworldly glow on the wet streets. She found a semblance of home amidst the chaos and decay.

Her attire, a patchwork of necessity and survival, bore her trademarks. The tactical vest hugged her torso, pockets filled with tools of her clandestine trade, while her cargo pants whispered of swift and silent movements. A sapphire scarf, a splash of color in the monochrome night, shielded her face from prying eyes, though it did little to dampen the intensity of her gaze.

Passing an alley, Kai's instincts flared, sensing the presence of another. A hulking figure emerged, eyes glinting red in the dim light, his intent clear as the knife he wielded. But Kai was no easy prey.

With a fluid motion born of countless confrontations, she turned the assailant's momentum against him, sending him sprawling with a thud that echoed off the narrow walls.

"Screw you, Stray," the brute snarled, picking himself off the ground. "Run off to your owners."

"Not without taking some goodies first," Kai retorted, her voice muffled by the scarf but defiantly sharp. Her smirk, though hidden, was palpable in her tone. By the way, you owe me a coffee. I will collect it." Leaving the man to nurse his pride and bruises, she stepped into the heart of New Cascadia's black market.

The market was a labyrinth of illicit wares and whispered deals, where legality blurred with necessity. Kai navigated the stalls with a practiced eye, each step taking her deeper into the throng of chimerics and theriogens alike, united in their quest for profit or survival.

Her gaze was drawn to a bustling stall in the corner, where a Rat-like chimeric named Skeeves stood in command. His sharp, pointed nose twitched as he greeted customers with a sly smile and a tail flick. The scent of spices and smoke wafted from his booth, enticing passersby to stop and peruse his wares. With each sale, his small, beady eyes glittered with satisfaction.

Like a true master of his craft, in questionable artifacts, the array of items before him caught the dim light, casting shadows that seemed to dance with hidden secrets.

"My my, little girl, what good eyes you have there," Skeeves remarked, his tone dripping with false charm.

"Watch it, Skeeves," Kai shot back, her voice steady and cold. "I'll turn you inside out before you can yell 'mommy.'" Kai's hand lingered on the hilt of her knife, ready to draw at a moment's notice.

"My my, so touchy these days," the merchant sneered, though the contempt did little to mask the caution in his eyes.

Kai's gaze roved over the artifacts, each telling a story of distant worlds and forgotten times. She had always been drawn to these curiosities, their mysteries calling to her like a siren's song. But among the array of items before her, something caught her eye—a piece that resonated with a familiarity that tugged at the edges of her memory.

It was a small, ornate box with intricate designs carved into its wooden surface. Kai reached out to touch it, her fingers tracing the swirling patterns as if trying to unlock a hidden message. The box seemed to hum beneath her touch, emitting a warm energy that enveloped her.

"Found you..." she whispered, a thrill of discovery coursing through her.

"Skeeves," she said, barely containing her excitement. "Where did you get this?"

The rat-like chimeric grinned smugly. "Got it from some poor sucker who didn't know its true value. Of course, I'm willing to part with it for the right price."

The artifact in question was small and unassuming to the untrained eye, but Kai knew better. Its origins were not of this earth, its purpose known only to a few. This was what she had been searching for, a legitimate piece of alien technology amidst the fakes and forgeries.

Skeeves watched her, a calculating gleam in his eye. "Interested, are we? That piece comes with a hefty price, Stray."

Kai met his gaze, undeterred. "I'm not here to haggle over counterfeits, Skeeves." Her voice was a blend of confidence and caution, aware of the delicate dance of negotiation and threat that governed transactions in the underbelly of New Cascadia.

The tension between them was palpable, a silent battle of wills played out under the watchful eyes of the market's nocturnal denizens. As the rain continued to fall, washing the streets clean of the day's grime, Kai prepared to make her move.

"Tell you what, Stray. Why don't you go into ruins and find one yourself?" Skeeves spat back at her. Fury was palpable in his eyes. "What do you mean counterfeits? These are legitimate artifacts, and everyone here knows it!"

Kai gave Skeeves a dead-pan look; the fierceness of her eyes didn't once stop. Sparks could be felt between them as they were at a stalemate of intensity.

Skeeves broke eye contact first. With a hiss, he said, "400 Star Coins, final offer."

Kai took out 300 Star Coins and put the wooden box in her pocket. "You know it's not worth more than that; keep the change." She turned around, ignoring Skeeves's yelling and ranting about not being fair.

Kai took care of personal matters and now had to handle business. She walked through the rest of the black market, looking for various weapons, armor, items, and technology. Some she showed interest in, and some she haphazardly bought.

Though her pockets were much lighter now, her backpack was full of items.

'I've met the standard for about 60% success rate, I can go back now. Hopefully, that snake won't be there…' Kai thought to herself as she walked through the streets of New Cascadia. The city's neon lights that never shut the hell up felt like a prison. Kai pauses, her gaze lifting to the skyscrapers above, their sleek surfaces a stark contrast to the gritty street level where she thrives.

Her attention shifts as a drone buzzes past, a reminder of the ever-watchful eyes of the city. Kai smirks, a silent challenge to the forces seeking to control New Cascadia's chaos. She's a product of this environment, shaped by its contradictions, a survivor in a world that shows little mercy.

Kai heads through the streets and darkened allies to return to the group known as Neon Shadows.


20 Days to Calamity

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