
Silent Echoes, Distant Voices

After alien artifacts trigger worldwide disasters, only those who can hear the artifacts' whispers survive. A deaf scientist, using technology to simulate hearing, and a streetwise orphan with a mysterious ability to understand the aliens' intent, team up to prevent humanity's annihilation. Hi Everyone! Note from me: I want to thank everyone for reading this synopsis. This is my entry into the Writing Prompt Contest for April 2024. The theme is uncertain future where I choose the sub category of #survivalmutation. My current plan is to publish one chapter a day, so by the end of the Contest in March, I should have about 45 chapters published for the novel. Any feedback you can give about the novel would be appreciated as I am still a new writer in this space. Please send your votes and enjoy the novel!

Scott_Cheuvront_Jr · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

Blood Tainted

Blood seeped through the bandage, tainting it crimson as Dr. Burrow's hands moved with practiced urgency. Kai shifted her weight from one foot to another, watching the rebel doctor's every move.

She tried to look unfazed, but the bystander's soft moans of pain carved grooves of guilt deep into her conscience.

"Violence is a dubious ally, Kai," Dr. Burrow said without looking up, his voice steady as he stitched flesh to flesh. "It reverberates further than the immediate chaos you see."

"Sometimes it's necessary," Kai replied, her tone defensive, her gaze fixed on the wounded.

"Is it?" the doctor questioned, tying off a suture. "Your choices ripple outwards, touching lives you never intended to harm. Look around you. This is the cost paid in blood and fear."

As she was forced to wait, an unaccustomed stillness settled over her. The sterile smell of antiseptic mingled with the coppery scent of blood, and in that quiet, the faces of those she had hurt flashed before her eyes, a silent parade of unintended consequences. She remembered fighting for the Neon Shadows, the rush of adrenaline, the clarity of purpose. But now, amidst the suffering she had partly caused, doubts crept in like unwelcome shadows at dusk.

"Kai, we could use your help here," Dr. Burrow's voice pulled her back from the brink of her reverie.

"You've cared for your mother; you have the hands of a healer, even if they've been used to destroy."

She hesitated, torn between the path of needing to run for Neon Shadows she had walked so long and the unexpected offer of redemption. Her heart raced at the thought of abandoning her mission. Yet, the possibility of helping, truly helping, sparked something within her—a warmth she hadn't felt since the last time she had held her mother's hand, administering the medicine that kept her pain at bay.

"Alright," she said finally, her decision ringing clear and irrevocable in the clinic's tense air. I'll do it."

Dr. Burrow nodded, gesturing to a tray of medical instruments. "Start by cleaning these. And while you're at it, clean your conscience, too."

Kai picked up a scalpel, its edge glinting under the harsh lights. As she began to scrub away the stains, she considered the price of the Ultimgem-B007 her mother needed to survive. It was a currency of service she had never thought to pay, but something shifted inside her as she worked beside the doctor. There was more to life than the relentless pursuit of money. She could be part of mending what she had helped to break.

"Thank you," whispered the bystander, their voice weak but laced with genuine gratitude.

"Thank you for getting better," Kai responded, her voice softer than she expected, reflecting her subtle transformation.

The clinic's door whispered shut behind Kai, the soft click marking her departure from a night of unexpected penance. She inhaled the crisp pre-dawn air of New Cascadia, its chill seeping into her lungs, cleansing the lingering scent of antiseptics and blood. The streets, usually thrumming with the pulse of the neon-lit city, lay dormant, hushed by the veil of twilight. Her boots echoed against the empty pavement, a stark reminder of her solitude.

Kai paused at an intersection, and the red stoplight above was unnecessary without traffic. The stillness allowed her thoughts to unfurl unbidden. For so long, her life had been a series of calculated moves for the Neon Shadows, each etching away pieces of her humanity. But tonight, she had mended flesh instead of spilling it, comforted souls rather than extracting fear.

"Is this what making a difference feels like?" she murmured, her voice dissipating into the void around her.

She resumed her walk, each step measured and deliberate. The truth settled on her like the inevitable arrival of daybreak: her path had been narrow, blinded by the unimaginative mind. The Neon Shadows helped, yet their methods left deep scars upon the city she could no longer ignore.

The realization coiled tightly within her chest, demanding reassessment. If she could wield destruction, could she not also wield healing? Maybe there was a place for her between the darkness and the light, a balance that could satisfy her need for justice without tearing apart the world she was part of.

With resolve mounting, Kai ascended the stairwell of a nearby high-rise, the structure a silent sentinel amidst New Cascadia's slumbering giants. At the summit, she stood alone, the panorama of the awakening city sprawling before her. Skyscrapers reached for the softening sky, their glass facades catching the first rays of sunlight, reflecting back a spectrum of hope and remorse.

"Okay, Kai," she whispered, "time to find a new way."

Her gaze traced the arteries of the city, the roads and bridges connecting lives and dreams. She imagined herself as a healer, not a harbinger, a protector, not a predator. This vision was fragile as morning mist, but it anchored her with newfound determination.

She took a deep breath, ready to descend and chart her course toward redemption, when the skies betrayed her quiet revelation. The whir of drones sliced through the calm, a discordant symphony heralding her capture. Kai turned sharply as several robots, emissaries of the law she had dodged for too long, descended from above. Their metallic bodies gleamed under the streetlights, equipped with blinking sensors and gripping mechanisms for high-risk apprehensions. These weren't just patrollers but the advanced enforcers from the Central Enforcement Division, notorious for their efficiency and lack of empathy.

"Kai Argent, you are under arrest for Possession of Contraband Goods , Attempted Homicide, and Use of Explosives to Commit a Felony," intoned a robotic voice, its tone cold and mechanical, reverberating off the surrounding buildings.

Hands raised, Kai could not suppress the irony of her epiphany colliding with the consequences of her past. As the drones encircled her and the sound of heavy, synchronized footsteps approached, she understood that her journey toward change would now be forged behind the cold bars of the VR Coliseum Prison.

Her heart pounded as the elite police force, a squad of heavily armored officers, approached with deliberate steps. Their visors down, eyes unseen behind the reflective shields, they formed an impenetrable wall of authority. Kai's eyes darted around, seeking any possible escape route, but the officers were methodical and thorough, trained to prevent such attempts.

"Please, you don't understand. I need to get home; my mother is sick!" Kai shouted, her voice raw with desperation. The plea hung heavy in the air, met only with the unyielding grip of law enforcement.

She threw her hands down in a sudden, desperate bid for freedom, trying to barrel through the advancing line of chimeric and thermogenic. Her movements were frantic, fueled by panic and the overwhelming need to return to her mother. She attempted to leap over the railing, her mind racing with scenarios of escape and return.

But the police were quicker and more coordinated. From behind, strong hands grabbed Kai, pinning her to the cold, wet concrete. "Get off of me! Who will take care of my mom? She's dying!" Kai's voice cracked, her plea echoing off the uncaring facades of the city's high-rises.

No one seemed to care as they restrained her, her screams and protests drowned out by the rain and the indifferent buzz of city life. Bystanders nearby paused momentarily, their expressions a mix of curiosity and discomfort, before moving on, leaving Kai to her fate.

As the shackles clamped cold and tight around Kai's wrists, a silent vow hardened within her. In the tumultuous moments of her capture, under the relentless gaze of New Cascadia's drizzling twilight, Kai's mind raced—not with fear, but with fierce determination. She thought of her mother, weakened and waiting, depending on promises now caught in circumstance.

With the metallic bite at her wrists, her head was not bowed in resignation but angled in strategy, eyes narrowing as she plotted her next, inevitable move. It wasn't over yet…


15 Days to Calamity

Please leave a powerstone on the way through and leave a golden ticket.

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