
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime et bandes dessinées
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235 Chs

Chaptee 58.

E/N : Wassup people! Hope you all been doing good. I'm really happy today as I finally get to withdraw the money I was making through patréon.

It might not mean much and maybe is just chump change to them but to me, the whole amount was what I earn after doing a job for a month.

I'm really humbled to have these people supporting me.

Shoutout to these people for being my patreon once again.

---Adam Dreyer.


---Bryan Morales.


---Dan Parry.

---Evan Rodgers.

---Kukaracha Pokelais.

---Rick Villarreal.


---Huboor Abdulla.

Thank you all. I really appreciate it. I mean it.

Your Allfather Author - PrimorDious. Peace Out✌.



Chapter 58.

If Wang Feng could use the 'Slow World' state freely, he would have the advantage of entering it right from the start of the battle. This would enable him to anticipate Zhao Wuji's soul skill combinations and avoid getting slapped in the back. With more practice, Wang Feng was gaining experience and could enter the 'Slow World' state quickly during critical moments. He believed that with time, he could master this ability completely.

However, [Reversal] which was temporarily achieved through close combat soul abilities, presented a unique challenge to him right now. Wang Feng speculated that if he could reverse long-ranged soul abilities and counter attack his opponents, he would have better control over this power and can help him immensely.

The battle had yielded significant gains for Wang Feng. Apart from gaining experience, his physical fitness had notably improved. Unbeknownst to him, he had gradually filled the holes in the square during his contemplations.

By this time, night had fallen and Dai Mubai had already arranged accommodations in the dormitory. Shrek Academy was quiet at night, with only a few students present due to the recent admissions.

Meanwhile, Zhao Wuji was alone in his office, reflecting on the day's events and lamenting on his embarrassing defeat at the hands of the new students.

"Tang San is a little monster and this Wang Feng is a monster among monsters." Zhao Wuji mused, grinning lightly. He couldn't help but marvel at Wang Feng's strength, noting his incredible physical fitness, the age of his soul rings, his dual-form mysterious martial soul and the remarkable power of his [Deification] soul ability.

He continued to dissect Wang Feng's abilities, including his evasion of his own soul skill combos, the enigmatic technique of[Reveral] and his second soul ability, which seemed to provide an endless supply of soul power. Zhao Wuji couldn't help but be baffled by the inexplicable strength and soul power Wang Feng possessed. He considered that Wang Feng's soul power was far from a typical 30th-level Soul Grandmaster, possibly surpassing even those at level 40 or maybe even 50.

Zhao Wuji contrasted Wang Feng's cleverness with Tang San's more straightforward approach. While Tang San's hidden weapons had proven effective, Wang Feng's strategic fighting style impressed him.

"In the future, I'll need to train these little guys well" Zhao Wuji thought, clenching his fist with a smile. The prospect of them under his wings made him smile and as their future is truly limitless.

However, as he contemplated his students' potential, a deep voice suddenly broke the silence, sending shivers down his spine.

"Zhao Wuji..."

In an instant, Zhao Wuji was in shock. As a Soul Saint, his soul power formed a unique domain around him that should make him aware of anything in his vicinity. Yet, this voice had appeared without warning.

"Who's there?" 

Zhao Wuji demanded, standing up.

"Show yourself!" 

He yelled, and the doors as the windows flew open, letting in a chilling wind that disrupted the room's tranquility.

Without hesitation, Zhao Wuji leaped out of the window, following the source of the voice. He exited Shrek Academy's grounds and swiftly traversed through the forest.

After a short while, Zhao Wuji halted near a large tree, his seven spirit rings slowly illuminating.

"Come out, I know you're here!" he declared.

A figure clad in black stepped out from behind the tree, his specific appearance hidden by the dark attire.

"Who are you?" Zhao Wuji aura intensified and his eyes locked onto the figure with cold authority.

The mysterious figure disregarded Zhao Wuji's tone and spoke calmly, "No one in particular. I simply want to spar with you and have some fun in the process."

With a raised palm, a massive purple hammer suddenly materialized and nine soul rings gradually rose from his feet—two yellow, two purple, four black and one red.

Upon seeing these soul rings, Zhao Wuji was rendered speechless as he swallowed hard and started sweating. His once cold demeanor nearly vanished, replaced by trembling uncertainty. 

"Titled…Douluo..?" he stammered.

The black-clad figure advanced toward Zhao Wuji step by step.

"Senior, you jest." Zhao Wuji hastily retreated and pleaded, "How could I, a mere Soul Saint, be worthy of sparring with you? Don't mock me."

"Oh?" The figure responded, "But didn't you have some fun bullying those kids earlier today? I'd like to experience that feeling too. Any objections?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji realized his previous arrogance and muttered to himself, "Why did I have to act so smug?"

The little hedgehog had left me feeling uncomfortable, poisoned all over and I wasn't even able to touch that little monster. But Zhao Wuji couldn't dare to utter these words aloud.

Suddenly, a figure also rapidly emerged from the distant forest, soaring through the air and landing gracefully on the ground. It was none other than Flender, with seven soul rings gleaming on his body, similar to Zhao Wuji.

Flender quickly spoke up, addressing the mysterious visitor, "Your majesty Haotian, why have you graced our humble Shrek Academy with your presence? I'm unaware of any offense committed by Zhao Wuji, but I, Flender, am here to offer my apologies on his behalf. Would you be willing to spare us some leniency?"

The mention of the "Haotian" left Zhao Wuji gasping. He couldn't comprehend why the one of the most powerful figure on the continent had made an appearance here and why he seems to be angry at him.

But the man in black dismissed Flender words, saying, "Enough with the talk, Flender of the Golden Triangle. I know who you are. Step aside or I'll deal with both of you together."

Flenders expression darkened and Zhao Wuji desperately looked to him for help. Flender, in a hushed tone, inquired, "Your majesty Haotian, could you please clarify the reason behind this?"


The man in black paused before responding lightly, "When the young one gets hit, the old one steps in to ensure fairness... Perfect timing, let's get on with it."

Hearing this, realization dawned upon both Zhao Wuji and Flender as they connected the dots. Zhao Wuji face turned ashen as he quickly protested, "Your Grace, I've been unjustly treated! You must have witnessed what happened during the day. Although I got into a few scuffles, it was nothing serious. I was the one who got beaten twice. Please, reconsider! I've suffered enough todaay..."

Zhao Wuji's desperate and pitiful words were an attempt at survival.

Flender and the man in black fell into speechlessness.

Unbearable silence.

Both Flender and the man in black were well aware of the events that had transpired during the day, especially the extraordinary abilities of Wang Feng. Despite the several altercations, Wang Feng had remained unscathed.

Finally, he broke the silence, saying, "Capital sins may be forgiven but living with one's guilt is a fate worse than death." 

He then continued, "I'll also give you one incense stick worth of time. If you can withstand my attack under that timeframe, you'll be spared. If not, you must do something for me."

With those words, the man in black swiftly closed the distance between himself and Zhao Wuji.


A scream echoed through the forest. Even though Zhao Wuji is a gigachad, he was no match for an even more of a gigachad person and an angry father.

Wang Feng, who had left the square earlier, gazed in the direction of the commotion. He saw an elderly man in the distance and heard the agonizing screams emanating from that direction.

He shook his head, realizing, "I thought I'd given teacher Zhao a good thrashing, And uncle Hao might let him off the hook. It seems fate had other plans in store."

He muttered, "Teacher Zhao, you might not be able to evade this calamity."

Early the next morning, Wang Feng slowly opened his eyes after his meditation practice. His soul power was in a state of almost full saturation. Unlike normal soul masters who couldn't cultivate past level 30, Wang Feng had compressed and purified his soul power to reach level 30, leaving some room for further compression and purification. However, after yesterday's battle, he felt that his 30th-level soul power was nearly at its limit.

At that moment, a crisp voice sounded in his mind, a voice he hadn't heard since arriving at Shrek Academy.

"Shrek Academy sign-in successful. Congratulations on obtaining the special mysterious weapon martial soul... the host possesses a ten-thousand-year soul ring and receives additional rewards. One of the soul ring limit can be increased to two thousand years. Please choose between the option, Resplendent Golden Thunder Leopard soul ring or the Ice Emperor soul ring..."

Wang Feng was taken aback. He hadn't heard the system's voice sinc forever and now it coincided with his nearly saturated 30th-level soul power. The ten-thousand-year soul ring reward seemed like an additional bonus.

"The increased soul ring age limit... Resplendent Golden Thunder Leopard soul ring is it! Two thousand years... that's quite an enhancement and it's just an extra reward!"

After making his choice, Wang Feng felt that the purple soul ring surrounding a green lotus in his body darkened more.

"I wonder what kind of improvement the increased soul ring limit will bring to the [Deification] skill?" Wang Feng wondered.

He also sensed a warm current flowing through his body, first entering in the heart where Meteoric Tears ressided. After compression and purification, it became soul power, fully saturating his 30th-level soul power even more.

Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a bit helpless. For regular soul masters, the two-thousand-year soul ring boost would significantly increase their soul power. However, for him, who compressed and purified his soul power, the improvement was limited.

"But the [Deification] soul ability should see some improvement. The first soul ring is now eight thousand years old!" Wang Feng felt a surge of excitement. This increase in the soul ring upper limit was a surprise, especially when combined with his already robust physical fitness. It was like icing on the cake.

"It seems the system didn't anticipate me using compressed and purified soul power. Otherwise, the two-thousand-year limit increase would have been much more significant!"

Suddenly, Wang Feng's curiosity piqued. He wondered about the mysterious weapon martial soul he had obtained.


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