
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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297 Chs

Chapter 57.

E/N : Wassup people. Hope you all been doing good.

So here's today's chapter. Enjoy.

Your Allfather Author - PrimorDious. Peace Out✌.



As Wang Feng approached Tang San and the others, they were still taken aback by his nonchalant attitude and his comment about failing to beat Teacher Zhao. It seemed absurd to them that Wang Feng considered it a failure, especially given the extent of damage he had inflicted on Zhao Wuji.

Ning Rongrong, who had just regained consciousness, overheard Wang Feng's words and attempted to console him, reassuring him that even if he failed, teacher Zhao wouldn't expel him and there were other great Soul Master Academies available.

Wang Feng found himself at a loss for words, realizing that his earlier boast had backfired. The group's laughter at his expense made the situation even more embarrassing for him. Nonetheless, they appreciated his spirited attempt.

Zhu Zhuqing shook her head with a smile, while the others continued to chuckle.

Ning Rongrong, still puzzled by their reactions, asked why they were laughing. However, Zhao Wuji's appearance interrupted the laughter and she soon understood why.

Zhao Wuji, who looked worse for wear, couldn't help but let out a few curses at their laughter. Ning Rongrong, in her confusion, questioned why he seemed so miserable when Wang Feng had lost. Xiao Wu, amused by the situation, explained the details of the battle to her.

Upon learning the truth, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but giggle, finding the whole situation rather amusing. Zhao Wuji, injured but still in good condition, requested that Dai Mubai call Oscar to heal him, as he was both hungry and exhausted.

Everyone marveled at Wang Feng's incredible performance and considered him a true monster in the best possible way.

From the very beginning, Zhao Wuji had intended to engage Wang Feng in combat to force him to reveal his true abilities. As a 76th-level Soul Sage, he believed that he could easily overpower Wang Feng. However, Wang Feng surprised him with his agility and clever use of the [Reversal] technique to counter Zhao Wuji's soul skills. This forced Zhao Wuji to use his sixth soul ability twice, with the second use nearly resulting in the kid's demise.

Zhao Wuji realized that Wang Feng possessed great potential and that the battle had been both thrilling and unusual. Despite his initial anger, Zhao Wuji's admiration for Wang Feng's determination and resilience led him to feel less upset.

Wang Feng, too, reflected on the battle. He considered the factors that influenced his choices during the fight. He understood that he had several potent cards to play, such as his ultimate version of the Ice Flame Fury Lotus. However, he refrained from using them for various reasons. The ultimate version of the Ice Flame Fury Lotus was too destructive and he feared the consequences of unleashing it in a populated area. Additionally, he had chosen not to activate the Red Lotus Karma Fire, as it was uncontrollable and highly dangerous.

Another interesting aspect of Wang Feng's abilities was his temporary enhancement of soul power through Golden Lotus power. This power could temporarily increase his overall strength by one level per enhancement. At level 30, he could boost his soul power to level 33 temporarily. However, he couldn't use this ability yet, as it required reaching level 31 and obtaining a soul ring.

Lastly, Wang Feng's mysterious second martial soul, which had only appeared briefly when he absorbed his first soul ring, intrigued him. He hadn't been able to access its power since then.

However, Wang Feng was aware that in life-and-death situations or during extraordinary moments, this second martial soul would surely make an appearance.

If these hidden abilities were truly put to use, the outcome would remain uncertain. It's almost like playing with fire.

Before long, a surprised voice broke the silence.

"Whoa, are we redecorating the place? How did our training plaza end up like this?"

The voice was gentle and curious, unmistakably Oscar's.

"Xiao Ao, what brought you here all by yourself?" Dai Mubai exclaimed in astonishment. "Quick, don't waste time chatting. Quickly bring out sausages and grilled ones too."

One of the unique aspects of food-based martial soul is that they not only grant various abilities but can also satisfy hunger.

Dai Mubai was especially famished. The intense battle against Zhao Wuji and the taxing Vigorous Vajra Roar that their martial soul had to endure, had left them drained.

The battle had been an exhilarating rollercoaster ride and they were feeling both physically and mentally drained. The details were overwhelming and there was much room for improvement.

Oscar observed their exhausted state and grinned. "I knew it! I heard teacher Zhao's Vigorous Vajra Roar earlier and I knew you guys were in for a major fight. Don't worry, I came prepared!"

With that, Oscar placed a bundle of sausages and grilled sausages in front of everyone.

"It's five copper coins each, but you can pay me after you've ate them!"

Wang Feng couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Oscar's shrewdness. This guy was no pushover¸ he had a knack for business.

Little did they know that Dai Mubai would soon vouch for the peculiar spell. He downed two sausages and commented, "Despite his odd method and recitation, these sausages work wonders. They heal and fill you up. Want to give them a shot?"

Tang San shook his head quickly, still a bit overwhelmed. "I'm fine; you can ask others..."

However, Zhu Zhuqing didn't take a bite either and Dai Mubai also didn't want her to eat this.

Meanwhile, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were still chatting away and hadn't touched their food.

Wang Feng, on the other hand, wasn't one to stand on ceremony. He grabbed a piece of food and devoured it in a few big bites. It was clear he was running on empty tank and his growling stomach gave that away.

"Hey, these new schoolmates and sisters are quite the food critics, huh? I see you've got a hearty appetite," Oscar quipped as he glanced over at Wang Feng with a grin.

Wang Feng returned the smile. 

"Oscar, pass me two more. I'm still hungry."

Zhao Wuji chimed in, irritated, "Hey, don't forget about me! Bring me two as well, I'm starving."

His whole body still radiated heat and the contrasting sensations of warmth on one side and cold on the other were seriously uncomfortable. He had to use his soul power to fend off these conflicting sensations, which, while not life-threatening, were incredibly uncomfortable.

It was like experiencing both ice and fire at the same time!

Oscar walked over to Zhao Wuji and to his shock, exclaimed, "Mr. Zhao, is this a new fashion statement?"

Zhao wuji was so irked that he raised his hand, ready to give Oscar a light slap. Oscar quickly dodged with a chuckle and tossed the wrapped sausages to Zhao Wuji.

"Little rascal, you even dare to tease me!" Zhao Wuji muttered curses under his breath as he began to eat.

Oscar's sausages did help him recover quite a bit.

After devouring them, Zhao wuji's two-toned skin slowly returned to normal.

Oscar couldn't contain his curiosity and whispered to Dai Mubai, "Hey, Boss Dai, what's the deal with all this? It's too bizarre."

Dai Mubai cleared his throat and thought to himself that revealing the truth would be too embarrassing for teacher Zhao.

Fortunately, Wang Feng stepped in to defuse the situation gracefully. Dai Mubai thought, 'Wang Feng, you sly devil. You pretended to surrender, but it was a clever move.'

"It's nothing," Wang Feng smiled, "We newbies were a bit overconfident. We thought teacher Zhao could give us some pointers and we ended up getting a lesson the hard way. Right, Xiao San?"

Tang San, caught off guard, hastily agreed, "Yes, that's exactly what happened!"

He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking, 'Thank goodness for Feng'ge's quick thinking. Otherwise it'll be a little too embarrassing for teacher Zhao.'

The rest of the group exchanged looks.

Meanwhile, Zhao Wuji, who had been itching to stir up trouble, couldn't find a reason to do so anymore. His unease disappeared ever so slowly.

'This guy is a little bit too abnormal even for me.' Zhao Wuji thought, giving Wang Feng a stern look but secretly smiling.

"Is that so?" Oscar looked from the square and then toward Zhao wuji and Wang Feng, disbelief written all over his face.

"Xiao Ao, come see me tomorrow. I'll give you a personal practical lesson. Auxiliary system soul masters can't afford to be weak, right?" Zhao Wuji seeing Oscar's disbelieving expression said with a serious tone.

Oscar was left speechless.

After devouring two sausages, Zhao Wuji began to regain his composure. He glanced at the others and declared, "Alright, Mubai, you take care of these newcomers. Wang Feng, since you made that huge hole in the square, you're responsible for filling it up!"

As Zhao Wuji walked away, Wang Feng sighed internally. Filling that enormous hole was going to take hours.

"Brother Feng! You really gave teacher Zhao a run for his money earlier!" Xiao Wu, who had just finished chatting with Ning Rongrong, confronted him.

Ning Rongrong, wide-eyed, added, "You fooled us! You're not just an auxiliary system soul master!"

Little did Ning Rongrong know that after teacher Zhao's powerful Vigorou Vajra Roar, the real show was Wang Feng's extraordinary performance.

Wang Feng confessed, "Well, I am an auxiliary system soul master too. My support abilities are, in fact, stronger than my offensive ones in a one-on-one fight."

Golden Lotus auxiliary abilities were top-notch, aside from creating food, they covered a wide range of support skills.

In his memory, Wang Feng couldn't recall any auxiliary system martial soul in the Douluo Continent that could rival the incredible twelve-grade Golden Lotus in abilities.

Ning Rongrong, with her eyes shining brightly, questioned him, "So, what was that first soul ability you used before the battle started? You can trust me; I won't tell anyone easily."

An indescribable emotion filled her gaze. Today, Wang Feng had left an indelible impression on her. She couldn't help but think back to their first encounter on the street, where he had effortlessly defeated the two soul masters attempting to rob him. His power was truly awe-inspiring.

It wasn't just Ning Rongrong who was astounded. Even Tang San and Xiao Wu, who thought they knew Wang Feng well, were taken aback by his strength today. Wang Feng's strength had always been a mystery to them and now they were finally get to knew of his true power.

However, what Tang San and Xiao Wu witnessed was only a fraction of it.

As for Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, the shock in their hearts was beyond words. From Wang Feng's abnormal healing ability at the beginning to his battle with Zhao Wuji , Dai Mubai was overwhelmed with astonishment.

Zhu Zhuqing, typically reserved and silent, was equally shocked and intensely curious, although she kept her inquiries to herself.

"[Deification], in simple terms, enhances every attributes of the body, providing an all-around boost." Wang Feng explained with a smile as he noticed the curiosity on everyone's faces. "If I have the chance, I'll demonstrate it for you and then you'll understand better."

There were so many aspects of his battle that Dai Mubai and the others couldn't comprehend. Wang Feng's physical prowess far exceeded that of a 30th-level Soul Grandmaster and his [Deification] soul ability left Dai Mubai with only some understanding.

However, the 'Slow World', the [Reversal], the use of the Vajra Roar to push his body to the limit, the activation of Meteoric Tears for instant recovery and the second soul ability, Ice Flame Fury Lotus—these were all mysteries that eluded their understanding. Even Zhao Wuji couldn't fathom them.

"It's hard to put into words." Wang Feng admitted. "I'm exhausted today. Let's head to the dormitory first."

Dai Mubai nodded and led Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong away. Oscar handed Wang Feng two sausages before departing as well.

As he watched his friends leave, Wang Feng couldn't help but reflect. 

"A Soul Saint is still a Soul Saint after all."

Thoughts of today's battle replayed in his mind like a vivid 4K movie. Amid these memories, he contemplated, "The state of 'Slow World' is incredibly mysterious, but I still can't utilize it freely. It seems to burst forth spontaneously during moments of crisis."


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