
Ch.213: Breaking the Standstill; A Well-Timed Gift

Suddenly, a light suddenly turned on in his head. Xie Lian put Yin Yu down, rising to his feet.

"…The cursed shackle. He took the cursed shackle!"

If that thing was unimportant, then Jun Wu wouldn't have taken it. Yet he went out of his way to remove the cursed shackled sucked full of Yin Yu's blood and took it with him; perhaps, not only did that thing suck away Yin Yu's blood, it also imprisoned his soul!

Having thought of this, Xie Lian left the beaten and bruised Quan Yizhen behind and dashed out to the back of the Palace of Qi Ying. However, Jun Wu was no longer there. He then turned around and charged out.

Upon the great avenue of the Heavenly Capital, it was completely cold and deserted, and there was not a soul. There were only the expressionless guards watching over the palaces that used to be bustling and lively with all the great gods, and none of those guards cared for him. Xie Lian didn't care for them either, and ran straight for the Great Martial Hall.

Sure enough, Jun Wu had returned here. He was seated upon the throne, still gazing at that cursed shackle. The moment Xie Lian charged in he heard a weird gurgling noise, and when he looked up, that fetus spirit was hanging off the glamorous ceiling with all four of its limbs. It was crawling upside-down rapidly like some cold-blooded creature, incredibly creepy.

Even a wicked creature such as this could enter the Great Martial Hall; it really made one wonder how the heavenly officials who struggled for centuries to step into this hall would think if they should see this.

Xie Lian marched over with his arms open wide, and Jun Wu asked, "What do you want?"

Without another word, Xie Lian thrust out his hand and snatched for that cursed shackle, but of course Jun Wu would not let him have his way. This went on for a good while and Xie Lian still couldn't manage to steal the thing.


However, Jun Wu said, "Who says it's of no use? Seeing how angry you are over it, doesn't this prove it's very useful?"

He was like an adult who had placed a bowl of fruits on the table just out of reach of his child, and was smiling cheerfully on the side watching the child tipping his toes trying to grab for it but not being able to no matter what; enjoying that he was both angry and desperate, wailing loudly.

Xie Lian was going to go mad from fury. "ARE YOU MENTAL?"?"

"Xie Lian, that tone you took is rather disrespectful," Jun Wu said.

Xie Lian had been enduring this, but he couldn't hold back any longer and cussed. "I'LL SHOW YOU SOME FREAKING RESPECT…"

All of his curses in this life were probably all directed to this man. Yet unexpectedly, before he could finish his curse, his throat suddenly constricted, and he suffocated!

Xie Lian's vision went black. His hands clutched at his own throat, his knees buckled, and he dropped to kneel. Jun Wu sat before him, petting that fetus spirit calmly and composedly, brushing through its hairs, caressing that smooth and round head while black auras permeated from its palms. That fetus spirit seemed to be enjoying itself, cooing in weird cheer.

Listening to Xie Lian burst into a series of violent coughs, his face swelling and flustered, Jun Wu said, "Xianle, I suggest you behave like before; a little more obedient, a little more respectful. Only then will I not be angered. Don't forget, you're wearing this thing on your person too, and you're wearing two of them."

"Cough cough cough…cough cough…YOU…!"

Xie Lian shot up to his feet, his eyes brimming with red as he glared at him.

Jun Wu said, "I what? I'm sly? Xianle, don't forget, you were the one who asked for them."

What a joke; how could he have known what this bloody thing was back then?!

Could it be? At that time, when Guoshi saw him, when his face dropped and came strangling at his neck, he wasn't trying to kill Xie Lian but was instead trying to remove this thing?

It was a good while before that cursed shackle on Xie Lian's neck gradually loosened, and he could finally breathe normally again. He was gasping harshly, subconsciously covering his own neck and feeling that cursed shackle. Another touch, and other than the cursed shackle, Xie Lian also felt something else.

It was a very thin silver chain. It used to be cold, but because he'd worn it for so long, his body had already warmed it through. Hanging on the silver chain was a crystal-clear ring.

After having felt it, Xie Lian's shoulders immediately stiffened, and he gripped that ring tight. For some reason, his heart was pounding faster and faster, as if he had learned an incredible secret.

Right then, Jun Wu spoke from behind him. "It's me. What is it?"

It's him what? What did he mean?

Xie Lian stuffed that silver chain back into his robes and turned around with a frown. Only when he did so did he find that what Jun Wu said just now wasn't directed at him.

Jun Wu had two fingers raised and pressed against his temple. This posture; he was communicating with someone! While he didn't allow for any other heavenly officials in the Heavenly Capital to communicate spiritually, he himself had none of those restrictions and could do as he willed.

After a pause, Jun Wu continued, "Nothing much. Because of the case with the impersonated Earth Master recently, many other spies and false personalities within the Heavenly Capital were also unearthed, one after the other. Seeing as how it's been a season of incidents recently, there must not be any careless mistakes. All heavenly officials are currently being investigated, which is why the entire Heavenly Capital has been locked down. It's currently not open to the outside, nor is spiritual communication to the outside permitted, so of course you aren't able to connect with anyone."

Xie Lian panted lightly and held his breath.

It sounded as if the one communicating with Jun Wu at the moment didn't know what the situation was in the Heavenly Capital, so Jun Wu was also nonchalantly lying to the other party. And, the excuse he used was intricately appropriate; with the case of Black Water's impersonation surfacing, the waves it caused were atrocious, worthy of attention, so it was reasonable for the entire court to be locked down.

Even if Xie Lian screamed and yelled, the person on the other end wouldn't be able to hear him, so he decided to just observe calmly and act accordingly. It was a good while before there was an unnoticeable, miniscule change in his expression.

He replied warmly, "Oh? You wish to come to the Heavenly Capital? Of course you can. The case this time is indeed not a small one, so since you have the heart to come help, you are of course most welcome."

The other party actually volunteered to come help out in the Heavenly Capital?!

If they had volunteered several hours earlier then it would have been more than helpful, since they were definitely in need of aid. But, this timing? The entire Heavenly Capital had already fallen and became the lair of demons, so this was no different than jumping into a fire-pit!

On the side, Jun Wu said a few more simple words and ended the communication.

Xie Lian immediately questioned, "Who's coming?"

That fetus spirit seemed to know that it was not a creature of light, and quietly crawled into the shadows and hid. Jun Wu on the other hand, only gave a small smile.

"What's the rush? You'll see soon enough."

This was out of his expectations. Xie Lian wondered incredulously, "You're gonna let me see? Didn't you tell the other party that the entire Heavenly Capital is in lockdown and every heavenly official is being investigated?

"Of course," Jun Wu replied. "But I should at least have trustworthy left and right hands."

Ling Wen was technically still on the run, so naturally she couldn't play the role of Jun Wu's left or right hand; thus this task fell on Xie Lian's head.

Just as he was contemplating, Jun Wu studied him for a moment and said warmly, "Xianle, just be good and cooperate. Don't bother with any silly tricks, I know you too well, I know everything on your mind."


Jun Wu played with that blood-filled cursed shackle in his hand absentmindedly, and added, "You said it yourself; to me, Yin Yu was completely insignificant. Actually, it should be said that all heavenly officials in the Heavenly Court, big or small, are insignificant in my eyes. If you expose anything, you understand what will happen."


"So, don't give anything away. Tidy yourself up, they'll be here soon."

Xie Lian didn't speak but he did indeed crawl up from the floor, dusted himself off, and really did tidy himself up. He walked over to stand in the position he had always stood, next to Jun Wu's side.

Jun Wu approved, "Just like that."

While Jun Wu's threat was very effective, Xie Lian also discovered something—he didn't seem to want whoever was coming to realize the truth of how the Heavenly Capital had fallen. This made him want to know even more just who exactly was coming!

Two incense time later, before the Great Martial Hall, several figures finally appeared. They saw a lady cultivator in verdant robes riding a burly black ox, a sacred sword hanging on her waist, approaching languidly with several farmers following behind, each varying in sizes.

It was actually the Rain Master who had come!

Xie Lian was slightly surprised. Based on how Jun Wu acted—the way he acted after he was exposed—he'd kill whoever would block his way, and should've locked up anyone who approached. So why was he wary of the Rain Master?

Naturally, nothing could be learned right now. The moment she entered the Great Martial Hall, the Rain Master inclined her head slightly towards the two.

"Your Royal Highness, My Lord, how do you do."

Xie Lian pretended nothing was the matter and also returned the greeting, "Lord Rain Master."

He appeared polite and unfazed but his mind was spinning. Just what could he do to tell the Rain Master the real situation here at the Heavenly Capital?

Jun Wu spoke, "It has been a long time since Rain Master last came to the Heavenly Court."

The Rain Master, however, gave an irrelevant answer. "This lockdown at the Heavenly Capital is rigorous."

Her words sounded as if she was puzzled, and Jun Wu responded, "It couldn't be helped. With the Black Water case thus, the Middle Court has already plucked out over fifty-some fake heavenly officials. It's deeply concerning if there are other pawns planted in the Upper Court."

"I see," the Rain Master said.

The three of them chatted simply for a bit, and only then did Xie Lian realize that when Jun Wu spoke, whether it was truth or lie, his bases were always perfectly covered without any flaws, exceedingly amazing. He had the mind to warn, but first, he was afraid Jun Wu would notice and take it out on the other heavenly officials; second, he was also afraid to involve the Rain Master who didn't know what was going on, so his hands were tied.

The Rain Master didn't seem to notice anything unusual, and only inquired if there was anything that required her help.

Jun Wu replied, "Not at the moment. However, once the investigation is complete, I'm sure there will be plenty of need for your assistance."

"Then, I will remain in the Heavenly Capital for now, and await for summoning," the Rain Master said.

Jun Wu maintained his smile. His thoughts couldn't be read, but even when they'd reached this point, he still hadn't shed all pretenses. "Sounds good. You've been absent from the capital for years, so it's good to take this chance to refamiliarize yourself. Your Rain Master Residence has been empty for many years now."

The Rain Master nodded and slowly stood down. Xie Lian knew that the moment she left she would be monitored, and felt slightly anxious.

Suddenly, the Rain Master turned back around and spoke, "Your Highness."

Xie Lian's heart skipped. "Does Lord Rain Master have guidance to impart?"

Could she have finally noticed something wrong?

However, the Rain Master said, "Nothing to impart. I've been away from the Heavenly Capital for many years, so I've brought some souvenirs. I thought I'd gift you some. Would you be willing to receive them?"

Xie Lian hadn't expected it to be something like this, and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Huh? Ah…thank you."

Jun Wu, of course, never took gifts, and smiled as he allowed the Rain Master's escorts to enter. "Xianle, Lord Rain Master is to gift you presents, why don't you accept quickly?"


The way he said it made Xie Lian out to be a young child in need of discipline; guests came to make a visit, brought a gift for the child, and the elder would make the child come out to receive it before having the child utter thanks. Xie Lian had no choice, and a farmer approached, presenting with both hands a package of something very tightly wrapped. Xie Lian uttered his thanks casually, taking the package distractedly. Suddenly, his face changed, like he discovered something unusual.

His back was facing Jun Wu, and Jun Wu shouldn't have been able to see his expression, but still he inquired, "What kind of gift is this?"

When the Rain Master saw he had taken the gift, she raised her hands in courtesy and smiled. "Nothing valuable, just some local specialties, grown from the earth. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave."

"Please," Jun Wu said.

Thus, the Rain Master tugged at that black ox, took her escorts, and slowly moved towards that Rain Master Residence that had been abandoned for many years. Xie Lian was still holding that present in his arms and was just about to leave when Jun Wu called out.

"Hold it."

Xie Lian indeed stopped, as if his feet were nailed to the ground.

Jun Wu then said, "Come here."

Xie Lian went back into the Great Martial Hall and turned around to look at him. Jun Wu stepped off of the throne and took the package that was tightly gripped in his hold before he said, "Now you may go."

He certainly was a distrustful one, and directly took away the gift the Rain Master had given. Xie Lian glanced at him, and wordlessly returned to his Palace of Xianle.

Once he returned to the Palace of Xianle, Xie Lian was restless, so he paced back and forth within the hall. An unknown amount of time had passed when suddenly, he heard a bright and clear voice.

"Your Highness?"

Xie Lian whipped around, and saw a raggedly-clothed young man with a headscarf wrapped around his head had somehow unnoticeably hopped onto the windowsill. He was just perching atop it, grinning playfully at him!

Xie Lian was overjoyed and dashed out for two steps before he suddenly remembered this youth had called him "Your Highness" just now, and Xie Lian stopped in his step.

He asked, a little uncertainly, "Are you…San Lang?"

That youth laughed heartily, hopped down from the window, and yanked off the headscarf. Black hair flowed down but was immediately tied up high, revealing under the hair a handsome and pale face that was completely different. It was a face Xie Lian was infinitely familiar with.

Hua Cheng twirled that headscarf leisurely and sighed. "Gege, my dear gege, this time, wanting to see you is as hard as ascending to the heavens."

Earlier, at the Great Martial Hall, the moment Xie Lian received the Rain Master's gift, he did indeed notice something unusual. However, what was unusual wasn't the gift itself, but the person who was delivering the gift.

When he took the package, he felt the other party hold his hand and squeeze.

It had to be said, this gesture was frivolous, and if it was done to a lady, then it'd be intentionally flirty. At the time, Xie Lian had only blinked but didn't express anything, and gazed over without sounding any alarm. The one who was standing before him was a tall youth.

While that youth was dressed the part of a farmer, wearing patched, muddy clothes with a headscarf wrapped around his head, still his face was handsome and delicate, the light in his eyes twinkling.

However, that light only twinkled in that instant when the two met eyes, and when Xie Lian blinked again to see, that youth had returned to his shy and naïve disposition and stood down with bowed head.

Since Hua Cheng had come seeking him at the Palace of Xianle, then naturally all the monitoring eyes in the surrounding area had been taken care of. The moment Xie Lian saw him, he felt him to be incomparably dependable, and there was nothing left to worry about!