
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

Laying in my bed with my Best Boi, Tom, while watching funny cat videos on my phone, I chuckled. Tom, my giant Maine Coon, was sprawled out beside me. He was now 3 feet long and weighed at least 10 kg. As if hearing my thoughts, he meowed in protest, seemingly saying, "I'm not fat."

"Are you psychic?" I asked him. He responded with a purr.

"So, is that a yes or no?" I mused aloud, scratching his ears. Tom just looked at me with his big, expressive eyes, as if to say, "Figure it out yourself."





In the training room, there was this nagging feeling that I was using my lightning manipulation limitly. So I tried to brainstorm what more I could do. Then it hit me: if I could I coat myself with lightning, can I potentially travel through circuits? And could I possibly sense electrical waves?

I started by focusing on the faint hum of electricity around me. There were countless devices and circuits in the Watchtower, each one pulsing with energy. I stood still, closed my eyes, and tried to tune into that electrical hum, pushing my senses beyond the usual physical boundaries.

At first, it was overwhelming. The sheer volume of electrical signals bombarding my mind was like standing in the middle of a crowded concert hall. But I forced myself to focus, to sift through the noise and find the patterns.

Slowly, the chaos began to resolve into something more coherent. I could sense the currents running through the walls, the steady pulses of power from the various systems. It was like developing a sixth sense, one that allowed me to perceive the world in a completely new way.

"Let's see if this works," I muttered. I focused on a spot a few meters away, where a small power outlet was embedded in the wall. I extended my awareness, feeling the energy coursing through the wires. As I concentrated, I could detect the subtle variations in the electrical field around it, like ripples in a pond.

"Okay, now for the next step." I focused on an area behind me, where I knew a security camera was mounted. I extended my senses again, this time trying to detect the faint electric signals it emitted. It took a few moments, but I began to sense the camera's presence, the tiny fluctuations in its power usage.

"Holy crap," I breathed, exhilarated. "It worked."

I spent the next few hours refining this new ability, experimenting with my newfound sense of electrical waves. I tried detecting devices and power sources throughout the Watchtower, honing my ability to distinguish between different types of signals. I even managed to sense the presence of other people, picking up on the subtle electrical impulses of their nervous systems.

Next, I decided to test if I could actually travel through electrical circuits. I found a secure, isolated system to practice on, just in case something went wrong. Coating myself in lightning, I focused on the electrical current and visualized myself becoming part of it. The sensation was strange and disorienting at first, like being pulled through a tight tube at high speed. But I emerged on the other side of the circuit, a little frazzled but unharmed.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted but thrilled. The limits of my lightning manipulation had just expanded dramatically. Tom greeted me with a lazy meow as I returned to my quarters, collapsing onto the bed with a satisfied grin. This mission was turning out to be more interesting than I had ever imagined.





Three weeks passed, marking my fifth month in this crazy but entertaining job.

While I mastered my "electrical sense," I can't say the same for my "electric travel." It was still a work in progress, but I was making headway.

One thing to note was my lightning manipulation also trasformed into electric manipulation, making it more versatile. I could potentially summon weather clouds but decided against it; it'd be a hassle and might draw too much attention.

Last week, Queen Slime spawned. We dealt with her quite easily. The hallow in that populated area was thoroughly eradicated, but a new hallow spawned in Antarctica two weeks ago. The League decided to leave it since it was in a desolate area. Most of the African countries were now corrupted, a growing concern. We were debriefed about this situation this morning.





Debriefing Room, Watchtower

The usual suspects were present: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, and Green Lantern, along with a few other key members. I leaned back in my chair, arms crossed, listening as Batman outlined the current situation.

"The corruption in Africa is spreading at an alarming rate," Batman stated, pulling up a holographic map highlighting the affected regions. "Our priority is to contain and, if possible, reverse it. Katsuo, your abilities and experience in dealing with these biomes are crucial."

I nodded. "No problem. Just point me in the right direction."

Wonder Woman leaned forward. "We also need to discuss the new hallow in Antarctica. Even though it's in a desolate area, its presence could pose a threat if left unchecked."

Superman chimed in, "It's too remote for any immediate danger, but we can't ignore it indefinitely."

"Why don't we just build a tourist attraction there?" I joked. "Come see the mystical ice hallow, only $19.99 per person."

Flash snickered. "I'll bring the popcorn."

Batman shot us a look that could freeze the sun. "Focus."

I raised my hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. So, we have two fronts: Africa and Antarctica. Where do you need me first?"

"Your priority will be Africa," Batman said. "We need someone with your skill set to handle the corruption spreading there. We'll send a team to monitor Antarctica for any signs of increased activity."

"Got it. Just one question—can I bring my cat?" I grinned.

Superman chuckled. "I think Tom would prefer to stay here."

As the meeting wrapped up, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. This mission was escalating in complexity, but I was ready for whatever came next.

Just reached Divine II Let's goooo

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